Rolling Definition and 1000 Threads

Rolling is a type of motion that combines rotation (commonly, of an axially symmetric object) and translation of that object with respect to a surface (either one or the other moves), such that, if ideal conditions exist, the two are in contact with each other without sliding.
Rolling where there is no sliding is referred to as pure rolling. By definition, there is no sliding when there is a frame of reference in which all points of contact on the rolling object have the same velocity as their counterparts on the surface on which the object rolls; in particular, for a frame of reference in which the rolling plane is at rest (see animation), the instantaneous velocity of all the points of contact (e.g., a generating line segment of a cylinder) of the rolling object is zero.
In practice, due to small deformations near the contact area, some sliding and energy dissipation occurs. Nevertheless, the resulting rolling resistance is much lower than sliding friction, and thus, rolling objects, typically require much less energy to be moved than sliding ones. As a result, such objects will more easily move, if they experience a force with a component along the surface, for instance gravity on a tilted surface, wind, pushing, pulling, or torque from an engine. Unlike cylindrical axially symmetric objects, the rolling motion of a cone is such that while rolling on a flat surface, its center of gravity performs a circular motion, rather than a linear motion. Rolling objects are not necessarily axially-symmetrical. Two well known non-axially-symmetrical rollers are the Reuleaux triangle and the Meissner bodies. The oloid and the sphericon are members of a special family of developable rollers that develop their entire surface when rolling down a flat plane. Objects with corners, such as dice, roll by successive rotations about the edge or corner which is in contact with the surface. The construction of a specific surface allows even a perfect square wheel to roll with its centroid at constant height above a reference plane.

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  1. L

    Angular momentum with cylinders rolling

    Homework Statement A think cylindrical shell and a solid cylinder have the same mass and radius. The two are released side by side and roll down, w/o slipping, from the top of an inclined plane that is 4.9m above the ground. When the first object reaches the bottom, what is the height above...
  2. N

    Calculating Time for a Ball Rolling Down an Inclined Plane

    Q: A ball is at rest on an inclined plane. It begins to roll down with an acceleration of 2 m/s^2. How long does it take the ball to roll 50 m? This is my work: find time using, s = ut + 1/2 a t^2 t = sqrt(2s/a) Plug in the s = 50 and a = 2 Am I right? Thanks a lot.
  3. I

    Mechanics: Cylinder rolling up a step without slipping

    Homework Statement A uniform cylinder of radius R, length L and density \delta is rolling without slipping along a horizontal surface with constant centre of mass speed u at A. It then meets a step of height b. We wish to find the conditions under which the cylinder is able to continue past...
  4. G

    Why does friction create rolling?

    Consider a round object given a push at the middle. The push generates linear velocity, and If there wasn't any friction, the object would start sliding; but the friction in the contact point with the ground causes the object to start rolling. Intuitively I can explain it: the friction causes...
  5. M

    2 bowls rolling on an irregular surface

    Homework Statement 2 identical bowls are rolling on 2 different routes. The first one has a convexity and the second one has a concavity in their middle parts. The convexity fits perfectly the concavity. Both bowls had the same initial velocities. Bowls are rolling without slipping and...
  6. I

    Check my math for rolling friction please

    Hello, I was wondering if someone could check math that determines rolling friction please. Basically I have been into Wikipedia doing a bit of research and put the following math together. The output of the function looks about OK against some test drives in my car, rolling a bottle across...
  7. I

    Rolling Friction: How Does it Affect the Velocity of a Sphere?

    Hello, I am writing a simple programme and need a function for friction acting on a rolling sphere and I am not sure how to go about it so can you help please. The environment will be a sphere rolling across a horizontal surface of friction f at a velocity of.v and I wish to compute the...
  8. N

    Solving Rolling Disk Homework: Find V, ω, KE Rot & Trans

    Homework Statement A solid uniform disk of radius 0.250 m and mass 55.0 kg rolls down an incline that makes an angle of 15 degrees with the horizontal. The disk starts from rest from the top of the ramp. Find the speed of the disk's center of mass when it reaches the bottom of the ramp(linear...
  9. S

    Calculating Rotational & Transitional KE of Rolling Cylinder

    My textbook is not helping me on this, so I'd love some help. A cylinder is rolling down a ramp, without slipping. I have the total kinetic energy, but now need to know the rotational kinetic energy and transitional kinetic energy at the bottom of the ramp. I have the mass, radius...
  10. B

    Finding b for a Ball with Non-Uniform Density on a Circular Loop

    [/B]Homework Statement Hello: Can someone help with the following? A ball of mass M and radius R rolls smoothly from rest down a ramp and onto a circular loop of radius 0.48m. The initial height of the ball is h = 0.36m. At the loop bottom, the magnitude of the normal force on the ball...
  11. D

    Calculating Time for Ball to Start Rolling on Horizontal Surface

    Homework Statement Ball starts to slide with initial speed v0 = 6.5 m/s on horizontal surface. After what time will ball start to roll? Kinetic friction between the ball and the surface is 0.3. v0 = 6.5 m/s \mu = 0.3 I = 1/2 mr^2 Homework Equations I have solved this problem but I'm not...
  12. P

    Probability of rolling a sum of 20

    Homework Statement If you roll a fair die 5 times, what is the probability that the sum of the five rolls is 20? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know the sample space is all possible permutations of 1 to 6 taken five at a time with repetition, which is 6^5 = 7776...
  13. M

    What Is the Angle When an Object Loses Contact with a Sphere?

    Object rolling off a sphere... Homework Statement A small object begins at the top of a frictionless solid sphere. Its initial speed is negligibly small. The sphere is stationary at all times. The small object then slides down the surface of the sphere. At one point the small object loses...
  14. L

    How Do You Calculate the Acceleration of a Weight and Tension in a Yo-Yo System?

    Homework Statement a 16lb yo-yo is resting on a horizontal table and is free to roll. The dimensions are r = 4in and R = 12in and the radius of gyration about the CM is 6in. A cord is wrapped around the inner radius, the passes over a perfect pulley, and is attached to a 8lb block. Find...
  15. L

    What Is the Acceleration of the 8lb Block in a Yo-Yo Pulley System?

    Homework Statement a 16lb yo-yo is resting on a horizontal table and is free to roll. The dimensions are r = 4in and R = 12in and the radius of gyration about the CM is 6in. A cord is wrapped around the inner radius, the passes over a perfect pulley, and is attached to a 8lb block. Find...
  16. K

    How Does Friction Affect a Rolling Object That Begins to Skid?

    [SOLVED] Rolling object and friction Homework Statement I want to find an expression for the coefficient of friction when this object starts to skid when we pull it with a force F The Attempt at a Solution Ff = (mju)*Mg I found that I can put...
  17. P

    Probability Rolling Sums BEFORE another sum

    The question is: Rolling a sum of 8 and a sum of 6 BEFORE rolling two sums of 7 Experimental Probability: 55% Theoretical Probability: 54.5% How did they do this? I understand that to get a sum of 8: 13.888% 6: 13.888% 7: 16.666% 6/8: 27.777% but I don't understand how they figured...
  18. D

    Sphere rolling down an incline

    Homework Statement A hollow spherical shell with mass 2.50 kg rolls without slipping down a slope that makes an angle of 32.0 degrees with the horizontal. a. Find the magnitude of the acceleration a_c of the center of mass of the spherical shell. b. Find the magnitude of the frictional...
  19. M

    Rolling cylinder on cylindrical plane

    Homework Statement See attached Homework Equations K.E (rotational) = .5*I*omega^2 K.E (translational) = .5*m*v^2 The Attempt at a Solution v(of rod and translational vel of cylinder) = L * (dαlpha/dt) Is the angular velocity of the cylinder the same as the angular velocity of...
  20. A

    Searching for Rolling Friction Coefficient for UHMW Polymer Rollers

    Does anybody have a table of rolling friction coefficients? I can't find the one I'm looking for. I have a vertical door opening (similar to a garage door) where there are UHMW polymer rollers rolling in a track. I read somewhere that the coeff of rolling frict would be close to teflon on...
  21. B

    Does a relativistic rolling ball wobble?

    A spherical ball rolls without slipping along a surface, with uniform velocity v/c (close to 1) with respect to the lab frame. It is thus seen to contract by a factor of \gamma, forming a grape-like shape. Why doesn't it wobble as it rolls, like a rolling grape? One can certainly argue...
  22. N

    Rolling Forces: Solved [SOLVED] Rolling Forces

    [SOLVED] Rolling Forces Homework Statement A bowler throws a bowling ball of radius R = 11 cm down a lane. The ball slides on the lane with initial speed vcom,0 = 6.0 m/s and initial angular speed 0 = 0. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the ball and the lane is 0.19. The...
  23. M

    Investigating Contact Stress in HighSpeed Pipe Rolling

    Contact Stress? I have a "High Spin" rolling system that spins pipe to compact cement lining. We are using tandem 7-14.5LT D/8 bias-ply tires on each end of the axles with the pipe riding in the saddle between two sets of tires. The tires are running approx. 70 MPH for just over a min. The...
  24. L

    Rolling Solid Disk: Angular Speed, Energy Loss, & Distance

    I have attempted to solve this question and I got stuck at the last part. Here you go. A uniform solid disk is set into rotation with an angular speed X about an axis through its center. While still rotating at this speed, the disk is placed into contact with a horizontal surface and...
  25. T

    Tension and Rolling a sphere(Very Detailed, though)

    1. How much tension exists in each of two cables used to lower a 10m 500 kg gang plank to horizontal if the cables originate 2 meters above the planks hinges on the ship Relevant equations Moment of Inertia (Does it apply?) Torque Equilibrium (I'm so lost that I don't even know if torques...
  26. C

    Fairly simple rolling and slipping ball problem.

    Homework Statement A ball radius r mass m starts rolling without slipping up a ramp inclinced at an angle phi to the horizontal, and reaches a maximum hight, h. Derive an expression for the angular velocity, omega, that the ball has at the base of the ramp (ignore rolling friction throughout...
  27. L

    Solve Rolling Ball Problem: Find Speed & Normal Force

    Hey there. I have a problem about rolling ball and it's from my homework. 1. Homework Statement A ball rolls down the surface of a rough fixed sphere of radius r, starting rest at the top. What's its speed when the line between the two centres makes an angle alpha with the upward...
  28. V

    Rolling Motion w/Static Friction

    Hey guys, I need help understanding why it is static friction that is involved in pure rolling motion? From what I remember in translational motion, when the maximum static friction force is overcome, then the given object/particle/body will start accelerating. Otherwise, the...
  29. R

    Velocity of a rolling body down an inclined plane

    Can anyone tell me the formula of calculating the velocity of a rolling body down an inclined plane?Please state the quantities as well.
  30. G

    How can the time it takes for a hoop to roll up an incline be calculated?

    Homework Statement A hollow cylinder (hoop) is rolling on a horizontal surface at speed v = 3.8 m/s when it reaches a 14^\circ incline. how far up the incline will it go Homework Equations mgH = .5mv^2 + .5Iw^2 v=sqrt(10/7 *g * H) The Attempt at a Solution i need to solve for...
  31. A

    Rolling Motion without slipping Problem

    Homework Statement A small rubber wheel is used to drive a large pottery wheel, and they are mounted so that their circular edges touch. The small wheel has a radius of 2.0cm and accelerates at a rate of , and it is in contact with pottery wheel (radius 25.0 cm)without slipping. Calculate (a)...
  32. A

    Conservation of Mechanical Energy for a Rolling Sphere

    I have one last question due on my physics homework that is due in a few and no one seems to understand how to do it. Please help :) A solid sphere of mass 0.595 kg rolls without slipping along a horizontal surface with a translational speed of 5.16 m/s. It comes to an incline that makes an...
  33. T

    Optimizing Cart Delivery: Solving Issues with Incline and Caster Placement

    Having a problem with a gravity cart delivery system. The cart has (4) casters, (2) rigid & (2) swivel. They load the cart in with the swivel casters leading. The rack slopes down say 10-15 degrees (don't know the angle yet, will check today). The problem is the cart rubs on the side guide...
  34. I

    Ball rolling down an inclined plane

    I have this math problem for school that I need help with A ball is rolling down an inclined plane. The equation I have is y = .165x^2 + .997x + .845 where y is the distance traveled and x is the time taken I want to predict the distance it has rolled in 2 days, which I can do but what...
  35. I

    Rolling ball distance Math problem

    I have this math problem for school that I need help with A ball is rolling down an inclined plane. The equation I have is y = .165x^2 + .997x + .845 where y is the distance traveled and x is the time taken I want to predict the distance it has rolled in 2 days, which I can do but what...
  36. P

    Acceleration of a rolling sphere up a ramp

    Homework Statement "A bowling ball rolls without slipping up a ramp that sloped upward at an angle B to the horizontal. Treat the ball as a uniform, sold spehere, ignoring the finger holes. a) explain why the friction force must be directed uphill. b) what is the acceleration of the center of...
  37. X

    Rolling motion including torque and acceleration

    Homework Statement A constant horizontal force \vec{F} is applied to a lawn roller in the form of a uniform solid cylinder of radius R and mass M. If the roller rolls without slipping on the horizontal surface, show that (a) the acceleration of the center of mass is \frac{2\vec{F}}{3M} and (b)...
  38. A

    Find the size of the force due to wind and rolling friction

    [SOLVED] Force Problem The total mass is 2300kg (weight = 5072lbs). Find the size of the force due to wind and rolling friction when the van speed is 42.17mph (1mph= 0.447m/s). This is the graph:" F = ma...
  39. B

    Classical mechanics: ball rolling in a hollow sphere

    [SOLVED] Classical mechanics: ball rolling in a hollow sphere Homework Statement This problem is from Gregory: A uniform ball of radius a and centre G can roll without slipping on the inside surface of a fixed hollow sphere of (inner) radius b and centre O. The ball undergoes planar...
  40. Loren Booda

    Path between two points in rolling terrain

    Show that there exists at least one trajectory connecting any two points on a frictionless, smooth (albeit curved) terrain.
  41. J

    Uniform acceleration of rolling cart

    We did a lab, where a cart was rolled down a ramp and a tickertape was attached to the cart as it rolled down. When the cart finished the course of rolling down, a line was drawn across the tape through every sixth dot to show that it is an interval of 0.10s. Then we had to make 3 graphs...
  42. I

    Ball rolling with varying deceleration

    I'd like to see an example of a formula describing the position of a rolling ball over time. It has been given one impuls at the start, after which air resistance and friction decelerates it (the ground is flat). At high speed the ball might be sliding, until it decelerates to some treshold...
  43. H

    How far will a ball travel when rolled off a ramp?

    Homework Statement Given the following variables find how far the ball will land away from the point it leaves the ramp to the point it hits the ground. Vertical: Delta X= 1m Velocity Final= ? Velocity Initial= ? Acceleration= -10 m/s^2 t= ? Horizontal: Delta X= ? <- Objective...
  44. M

    Rolling Cone - (Rotating Coordinate systems)

    Homework Statement A cone rolls on a flat surface. The instantaneous axis of rotation lies parallel to the point where the cone touches the surface and the angular velocity OMEGA. The motion of the center of mass (Vcm) plus a rotation OMEGAcm about the center if mass. Describe this motion by...
  45. S

    Quantum Mechanics of Rolling Balls: Learn More

    I'll appreciate references about quantum mechanics of the rolling ball.
  46. J

    How Does Green Speed Affect Golf Ball Roll and Slope Stopping Points?

    Hello to all. I am a golf course designer and am researching information on the slope and the roll of a golf ball on different greens speed. I am attempting to determine a golf ball rolling on "X" slope will not stop on "Y" surfaces(friction coefficient) My interest is in a golf ball...
  47. A

    Sphere/disk rolling down an incline HELP

    Sphere/disk rolling down an incline HELP! Homework Statement a ball, or sphere with a radius of R and mass Mis rolling down an incline with a height of H and an angle of \Theta how long does it take to get to the bottom Homework Equations Conservation of mechanical energy Kf +...
  48. R

    Rotational Motion Problems: Tilting Pole, a Yo-Yo, and a rolling hoop

    Okay, 3 problems I can't seem to get the right answer for.. 1. A 2.30-m-long pole is balanced vertically on its tip. It starts to fall and its lower end does not slip. What will be the speed of the upper end of the pole just before it hits the ground? [Hint: Use conservation of energy.] GPE...
  49. B

    Rolling Motion, a Contradiction

    For a wheel in pure roll, or smooth rolling motion, with constant angular velocity, \omega, the velocity of the point on the top of the wheel is 2v_{com}, and the velocity of the point at the bottom of the wheel is 0. (all relative to the ground) However, since centripetal acceleration is...
  50. E

    Probability of Rolling a 5 or 7

    [SOLVED] Probability of Rolling a 5 or 7 Homework Statement A pair of dice is rolled until a sum of either 5 or 7 appears. Find the probability that a 5 occurs first. Homework Equations Axioms and basic theorems of probability. The Attempt at a Solution There are 36 possible outcomes...