Satellites Definition and 176 Threads

  1. M

    Analyzing Relativistic Effects on Low-Flying Satellites

    Homework Statement [/B] A low flying Earth satellite travels at about 8000m/s. For the satellite, the relativistic factor $$\gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\beta^2}}$$ where $$\beta = \frac{v}{c}$$ is close to 1 because v<<c. Estimate by how much gamma actually deviates from 1 by expanding gamma in...
  2. J-dizzal

    Planets and satellites, law of periods circular orbit.

    Homework Statement A 15 kg satellite has a circular orbit with a period of 4.4 h and a radius of 3.5 × 106 m around a planet of unknown mass. If the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration on the surface of the planet is 1.2 m/s2, what is the radius of the planet? Homework EquationsThe...
  3. D

    Question regarding artificial satellites

    Hey guys, I just had a question regarding artificial satellites: From what I understand, satellites are able to enter into a lower orbit by reducing their velocity, which makes sense because of V=2*pi*r/T However, decreasing radius should also increase Fg and thus acceleration and thus...
  4. Bucho

    Orbit of Geostationary Satellites

    Hi all, I feel like I have the answer, or am at least in the ballpark, but I'm not confident in this area and so I also feel like there should be a more concise, or "beautiful" way to express it. Am I missing something? 1. Homework Statement Explain why the orbit of a geostationary satellite...
  5. J

    How do GPS Satellites work exactly?

    How do GPS Satellites work exactly, with emphasis on exactly. I know that GPS satellites use electromagnetic waves to send out a signal of their current location and time for GPS devices to pick up. Using at least 3 GPS satellites, GPS devices can pin point their location by knowing the...
  6. P

    Saturn's Rings: Part of the Planet or Satellites?

    Homework Statement There is a ring outside of Saturn. In order to distinguish if the ring is actually a part of Saturn or is instead part of the satellites of Saturn, we need to know the relation between the velocity v of each layer in the ring and the distance R of the layer to the center of...
  7. starchaser2020

    Calculating Delta V for Orbit Change

    A satellite changes its orbit inclined 66° at 260.0 km altitude to a polar orbit at the same altitude. What Delta V was required? ... I am stuck. do I figure it out using: DeltaV1 = |V_transfer at orbit 1 - V_orbit 1| and DeltaV2 = |V_transfer at orbit 2 - V_orbit 2| or is there another...
  8. H

    Circular motion in planets and satellites

    Homework Statement A spaceship in outerspace has a donut shaped with a 500 m outer radius. The inhabitants stand with their heads towards the center and their feet on an outside rim. Over what time interval with the spaceship have to complete one rotation on its axis to make a bathroom scale...
  9. Bassa

    Altitude of Satellites above the Surface of the Earth

    Homework Statement A) Suppose you are on Earth's equator and observe a satellite passing directly overhead and moving from west to east in the sky. Exactly 12.0 hours later, you again observe this satellite to be directly overhead. How far above the Earth's surface is the satellite's orbit...
  10. N

    Did Arthur C Clarke invent Geostationary orbit of satellites ?

    I have been told that the discovery of the Geostationary orbit of satellites was attributed to Arthur C Clarke the well known writer of Science Fiction stories. Is it possible that he also made a serious study of this subject and were there any formulas involved which he might have published...
  11. V

    Gravitational pull of manmade satellites

    Hi there, to answer some people believing in astrology, I wanted to know what was the order of magnitude of the difference of the gravitational pull between famous stars & the man-made satellites... I have no knowledge in math or so I have no idea... I just thought that I would find it...
  12. C

    Suggestions on research paper on artificial satellites

    Hi PF community! I'm currently doing a research paper on artificial satellites, and I've made a list of things that I'm going to explain in it, but I'm worried that it won't be enough. So, I was wondering if you guys could help me to add more topics to my list and how to approach more widely to...
  13. PhysicsStudnt

    About satellite launching and satellites in orbits

    Dear Experts, When we launch a satellite, we launch it from Earth which is spinning, so the tangential velocity component of the point on the surface where the rocket is launched from will be acquired by it. Is that the only horizontal velocity or is the rocket accelerated at an angle upward...
  14. J

    What is the force of tension in a string connecting two revolving satellites?

    Homework Statement Two satellites connected by a string revolve in concentric circular orbits of radius r and 2r Two satellites of equal masses m revolve around the planet of mass M. The satellites have extremely small mass compared to the planet, m≪M. The radii of the orbits of the...
  15. G

    Thermal management in satellites

    How effective are the thermal management techniques in satellites? What kind thermal loads can they support? And I take it that while conduction can be used to transfer heat from one area of the satellite to another, that the ultimate limiting factor is the amount that it can dissipate as radiation?
  16. DocZaius

    Satellite phones' signal to satellites

    I can see how the satellite has enough power to broadcast to the phone, but it's perplexing to me how the phone has enough power to broadcast to the satellite, especially when it comes to these small modern satellite phones. They don't seem to even be aiming the signal. Just from my...
  17. S

    Centripetal Force of satellites

    Homework Statement One of Saturn's satellites travels in a circular orbit at a velocity of 19481 m/s. Saturn's mass is 5.69x10^26 kg. What is the radius of the satellites orbit? Homework Equations Fg = (G * m1 * m2) / (r^2) Fc = (m*v^2)/(r) The Attempt at a Solution The...
  18. O

    Satellites in various orbits above the earth exploded?

    1) What would happen if artificial satellites in various orbits above the Earth exploded? Where would the fragments go? 2) How do constituents of asteroid belts stay in their orbit? Why don't they change orbits? Why that particular distance? Thanks
  19. T

    Deteriorating Orbits of Satellites and Objects

    Assuming that an object in orbit has no means of propulsion (dead satellites, NEOs, etc.) and it remains aloft long enough, will it tend to specific areas of orbit or inclination? Do these unnatended objects tend to the poles? to the equator? etc. (I understand that it can be dependent on...
  20. A

    Ap physics gravitational force on satellites. Any help appreciated

    1. Homework Statement A 450 kg satellite orbits at a distance from the Earth's center of about 6.5 Earth radii. What gravitational force does the Earth exert on the satellite? 2. Homework Equations Gravitational force= G* ((mMe)/(r^2)) 3. The Attempt at a Solution G times mass...
  21. Q

    Why do geosynchronous satellites have to orbit above the Equator?

    I get that they have to be at the same position relative to the earth but why is it that they have to be specifically above the equator? thats the sense I get from the textbooks, they all seem to emphasize the satellite being above the Equator can't you have a geosynchronous satellite...
  22. R

    How are the satellites that detect water vapor made?

    How are the satellites that detect water vapor made? What goes into them that allow companies such as NOAA to create those water vapor images?
  23. L

    Two Satellites in Parallel Orbits

    Homework Statement Two Earth satellites are in parallel orbits with radii 6700 km and 6701 km. One day they pass each other, 1 km apart, along a line radially outward from the earth. How long will it be until they are again 1 km apart? Homework Equations s=r*θ The Attempt at a...
  24. totallyclone

    Low altitude satellites orbiting around planet with twice radius

    Homework Statement Two remote planets consist of identical material, but one has a radius twice as large as the other. IF the shortest possible period for a low altitude satellite orbiting the smaller planet is 40 minutes, what is the shortest possible period for a similar low altitude...
  25. H

    Exploring the Mystery of Satellites' Momentum Wheels

    Dears, I would like to know a basic thing, why does the Satellite doesn't rotate with the spinning wheel momentum wheel inside it?
  26. M

    How do balloon-launched satellites even reach outer space?

    I recently saw an Elon Musk talk on YouTube where he commented on how if Earth's gravity were just a little stronger, then it would have been impossible to generate enough thrust to get into space. He cited that as the reason why only a handful of national governments have successfully reached...
  27. V

    Satellites in Orbit: Mass vs Velocity

    Homework Statement You can determine the velocity of a satellite in uniform circular orbit by applying Newton's second law, Newton's law of gravity, and the centripetal acceleration due to gravity. Which of the following is not correct? a) The orbital radius r and the speed v cannot be...
  28. A

    Geosychoronous Satellites and their KE/Orbitals

    Homework Statement Prove that the product of the kinetic energy and orbital radius of a geosynchronous satellite is constant. Homework Equations Not sure on the orbital radius part KE=KE = ½mGM/R The Attempt at a Solution I'm lost on where to begin. How exactly would I 'prove' it?
  29. Biosyn

    Programming language for satellites?

    Hello, What programming languages are used in the majority of satellites? I was thinking it would be C,C++, and Ada because these languages are close to the processor. I'm sure ASM is also used too. Am I correct? I don't think any satellite uses Java but I could be wrong.
  30. P

    Minimum distance between two satellites

    A space base has traced stallites A and B at a particular moment at: A0 = (a1,0,a3) B0 = (0,b2,b3) whereas the base itself is located at the origin (0,0,0) and the satellites move at constant velocities with respect to the base: Va = (Va,0,0) Vb = (Vb,Vb,0) The minimum distance...
  31. S

    Is Retro-Rocket Still a Relevant Term for Slowing Down Satellites?

    How can decelerating force would be applied to satellite in order to slow it down?
  32. DaveC426913

    Can Satellite Watching Become an Addictive Hobby?

    Does anyone else regularly observe them? I started off slowly, using the Heavens Above website. But everyone knows it's a gateway site. Now I have the app on my phone. I can get alerts in time to run outside in my socks to see them, or drag my entire family outside to show them. That's...
  33. R

    3 GPS Satellites & Receiver Clock Synchronization

    Please help me in removing my mistake, since i see 3 satellite required to locate an place on Earth and synchronization of receiver clock with gps satellite. [ I have assumed at any moment a place on Earth will see certain satellite at a certain distance from it in the sky. That is a...
  34. T

    Need method for trilateration of 3 GPS satellites

    Can someone please shed some light on the exact method for finding the two points at which the spheres created by the GPS signals from 3 different satellites intersect? I have been working on a uni project for 4 days now and still can't get this relatively simple part of my MATLAB code to work...
  35. S

    Satellite Explosion: Debris Travel & Causes of Slowing Down

    If a satellite orbiting the Earth exploded and the debris went hurtling into space at 1000mph how far would the debris travel before it ran out of momentum also, what would cause it to slow down.
  36. J

    Help with satellites and planets orbital motion

    A Martian civilization is attempting to develp the capabilities for space travel. They have built a prototype satellite with a mass of 578kg that they plan to put in orbit Mars a distance of 602km above the surface of mars. A) Using the data provided, calculate the orbital velocity of the...
  37. wukunlin

    Can Astronomical Objects Orbit Around Satellites?

    so planets orbit around a star and satellites orbit around a planet, is there any physical limitations that disallow astronomical objects rotating around satellites? or does just looks to be the case because we live in a relatively simple system?
  38. haael

    Could GPS satellites be used to detect gravitational waves?

    To detect gravitational waves, we set up some probe masses in laboratories far from each other and measure distance between them. Why not use GPS satellites for that? I mean: they have precise atomic clocks, they constantly measure their position relative to each other and they are as far away...
  39. S

    Centripetal forces and satellites

    Hi I am kind of new to the forum nice to be here! here is my question. Homework Statement A satellite is kept in a circular orbit 300km above the surface of the Earth by the force of gravity. At this altitude the acceleration due to gravity is 8.9 m/s. The radius of the Earth is 6.4*10^6m...
  40. T

    Communications satellites in geosynchronous orbit

    Homework Statement Communications satellites are placed in a circular orbit where they stay directly over a fixed point on the equator as the Earth rotates. These are called geosynchronous orbits. The altitude of a geosynchronous orbit is 3.58*10^7 m. What is the apparent weight of a 2000...
  41. M

    Questions About Satellites Orbiting Earth

    Homework Statement I have a satellite with a mass of 250 kg, which I'm launching from Earth. This neglects air resistance/rotation of the planet etc. a. How much energy is needed to put the satellite in orbit at an altitude of 4.0 x 106 m? b. What would be the period of the satellite at that...
  42. H

    Satellite Collision: Effects of Inelastic Collisions on Orbiting Satellites

    when two identical satellites of same cicular orbit around the Earth but in opposite direction. assuming that an inelastic collision takes place what happens to the wreckage.
  43. M

    Two satellites in orbit around Jupiter

    Homework Statement Two satellites are in circular orbits around Jupiter. One, with orbital radius r, makes one revolution every 16 h. The other satellite has orbital radius 4.0r. How long does the second satellite take to make one revolution around Jupiter? A. 130 hours B. 120 h C. 140 h D...
  44. A

    Can Satellites Really be Made from Iron Salvaged from Old Warships?

    Recently I heard on Eggheads that companies making satellites use iron from the German fleet scuppered at Scapa Flow in 1919 after WW1. The reason given for this was that the metal was made before the nuclear age and is thus uncontaminated with radiaoctive atoms. I find this hard to believe for...
  45. A

    Why hasnt been artificial satellites torn apart?

    Do you think that the artificial satellites of Earth revolve inside the Roche limit? If inside, why are they not breaking apart? Are there any specific reasons? Sorry if am asking sill doubts but pls answer me as am really a Beginner :)
  46. D

    Is space an insulator? Why do satellites stay warm?

    I have heard it said that although the temperature of space (NEO) is very cold, the vacuum is actually an insulator and therefore satellites have problems overheating. This is the reason given that spy satellites cannot be painted black, and therefore be made harder to see. However, in the...
  47. P

    What Causes the Discrepancy in Doppler Shift for Satellites in Orbit?

    At page" is discussed Doppler shift at various ham radio frequencies. I calculated for this Doppler shift relative velocity of their satellite as 6720 m/s. Their satellite in height of 800 km above ground and at circular orbit should have velocity of 7453...
  48. B

    Calculating Orbital Period of Satellites

    How do you calculate the orbital period of an object, eg. a satellite, if the only known values are the radius of the orbit and the mass of the central object?
  49. M

    String of satellites transits moon?

    I was out observing tonight with my Orion Skyquest 8" Dobsonian. I was observing the moon, when I happened to notice a string of satellites transiting the moon. It is not abnormal for me to observe satellites in Earth orbit that transit the moon with my scope but it is usually one at a time. I...
  50. r.vittalkiran

    Navigating Space: Avoiding Satellites and Collisions

    How will the space vehicles avoid satellites and those kind of things, when they are on a journey? I haven't seen any shuttle hitting a satellite/ even satellite(not geostationary) colliding on each other? What's the reason of it not happening?