Hi everyone, I'm having an issue trying to make the abstract form of the schrodinger equation:
i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left|\psi\right\rangle = H\left|\psi\right\rangle
be consistent with the form that operates on wavefunctions in the position representation...
Assume the potential in question is
V = \left\{
\infty, \qquad x<0 \\
-V_0, \qquad 0\leq x \leq a \\
0, \qquad x>a
where V_0 is positive.
if we need to find the bound state, we consider the energy is less than the potential. But the...
Homework Statement
Please see attached image .
Homework Equations
Schrödinger Equation
The Attempt at a Solution
For part a ) |\psi|^{2} = A
For Part b) V(x) = 0
For Part c) Just need a hint
Homework Statement
Please see attached image .
Homework Equations
Schrödinger Equation
The Attempt at a Solution
For part a ) |\psi|^{2} = A
For Part b) V(x) = 0
For Part c) Just need a hint
Homework Statement
i want to find a pure geometric interpretation of wave function in quantum mechanics
Homework Equations
i want to solve schrodinger's equation as a second order partial differential equation with a pure mathmatic way to find its geometric analogous
The solution of the one dimensional Schrödinger equation for a particle in a one dimensional box is Asin \frac{n \pi x}{a}. But how about if the box is 2D or 3D?
Hi liboff proble 5.28 says
time dependent schrodinger equation permits the identity such as E = i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial x} (E is operator)
But i don't understand E( is operator in this problem) can be thought energy operator
Is energy operator only H, Hamiltonian?
If E is energy...
I have a conceptual question about Schrodinger Equation.
In the textbook, it says that "Schrodinger Equation contains all the dynamical information that can be known about the wave function", but what exactly is "all dynamical information about the wave function"?
Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone,
I have been studying Quantum mechanics course for one month and our subject for now is Time-independent Schrödinger Equation. What I couldn't figure out is whether \Psi(x,\,0) = \Psi(x), since \Psi(x,\,0) doesn't contain any time dependence and \Psi(x) as well. Can someone explain...
The intense laser-atom physics becomes hot today. There is a famous interesting phenomenon: High-order harmonic generation (HHG).
Lots of works are on the single atom response in the strong field approximation. Some of them obtain the spectrum by solving the Schrödinger equation. Then they say...
Homework Statement
Show that the time dependent Schrodinger equation preserves the normalization of the wavefunction
2. The attempt at a solution
I don't need help showing this, I'm just not too sure what the question is asking. Do I just show that if a normalized wave-function \psi is a...
Hi there!
I'm looking for the solutions of the stationary Schrödinger equation for a potential of the type
V = |x|
I know that the Airy functions are the solutions to the SE where V \sim x but for the above mentioned potential ... I can't find it -- neither in books nor on the net. Do...
bounded solutions of a system of coupled liniar Schrodinger equations
I study the following system of four coupled liniar Schrodinger equations:
i\delta \left(\begin{array}{c}f&h&g&q \end{array}\right) =
Hello all,
How do you prove that, for the normalization of the Schrödinger equation, you can plug in the initial condition of psi(x,t-naught) that will satisfy normalization?
I'm a bit embarrased to ask this (thats why I'm asking here and not asking one of my professors), as a grad student in Physics I've had a good deal of quantum mechanics, but one thing I haven't fully understood yet is the mechanism in the Schrodinger Equation that forces eigenvalue quantization...
Suppose for some specific problem (symmetric potential well) the Schroedinger equation is expected to give certain discrete bound states and corresponding eigenfunctions. Now I am trying to obtain the eigenfunctions by numerically solving the equation and plotting the solutions by randomly...
Suppose I have Schroedinger equation in the form:
The potential is such that as |x| -> Infinity, V(x) reaches a constant positive value. In this case can we have bound state/plane wave solutions for u(x) with E > 0 ?
I wish to graph a couple of the waveforms of a harmonic oscillator. I have consulted several resources and have found two that I like but the final equation differs even though they are both labeled normalized harmonic oscillator wavefunction.
The first reference explains how the harmonic...
The problem is the picture below. The thing I don't understand, since I also have the solution, is the fact that the "radial wavefunction is normalized to 1". And all the constants before it aswell. Why can't I move out the constants in front of the integral, normalize it and then get a...
A massless particle situated in a 1D infinite square well with momentum only in the direction of quantum confinement (the x direction):
E_t \psi (x) = \hbar \omega \psi (x) = i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \psi (x)
p(x) \psi(x) = \hbar k_x \psi (x) = -i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial x}...
I have looked at several derivations of the Schrodinger equation but the one I like the best is from Piravonu Mathews and K. Venkatesan in their book ‘A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics’. I follow their logic and algebra up until the last step were they arrive at the Schrodinger equation for one...
I have a simple question but can't find the answer:
What happens in the Potential Step (the Schrodinger Equation aplication) case when E = V0 ?
I only seem to find the cases when E>V0 or E<V0.
Thanks in advance!
What is the relationship between the "matter waves" described by de Broglie, the probability amplitude function and Schrödinger's wave equation?
I've read the following:
"The wavelengths postulated by de Broglie to be associated with the motions of particles are in reality the wavelengths...
When examining the Schrodinger equation for a particle in a square well there is a lower case “i” that shows up in the equations that never gets defined. I have checked several sources and its usage is somewhat uniform and yet not defined.
Can someone define the “i” ?
One source I am...
Homework Statement
Stationary Schrodinger equation for a particle moving in a potential well has two solutions
psi1(x)=e^-ax^2 with energy E1 and
psi2(x)xe^-ax^2 with energy E2
At t=o, the particle is in the state psi(x)=psi1(x)+psi2(x)
Calculate the probability distribution as a...
Homework Statement
I'm just wondering how you get the energy levels from the Schrodinger equation. I've got the equation in the form H(psi) = E(psi) with all the H expanded out, I just don't know how to calculate the energy levels from it. Its probably something I did once know how to do, but...
In the potential well example we are considering the potential in the well to be zero and infinite outside the boundary, does this mean that the electron can move freely such that there is no opposition or restoring energy acting on it.
And also the probability of finding the electron is...
I hope I'm not offending anyone here by posting a request for some help here. We are in need of a knowledgeable physicist who can interpret an anomoly in a Schrodinger equation graph. This is for an online alternate reality game ("ARG") called Find the Lost Ring.
The graph can be found here...
Homework Statement
A particle of mass m and energy E, where E >V1 >V2 travels to the right in a potential defined as
V(x) = V1 for - b < x < 0
V(x) = 0 for 0 < x < a
V(x) = V2 for a < x < b
(a) Write down the time-independent Schrodinger eq. and its general solution...
Considering a step potential of V(x) = o when x<o and V(x) = Vo when x>o so step occurring at origin of x axis.
Write down in words the strategy for solving it.
Solve the time-independent schrodinger equation for V=o when x<o and find the solution for the free particle wave function...
I have a project to work on that's due by mid March.
I would need to write a computer program, to show how a wave packet reflect off a barrier? How much of the wave reflects off a wall of finite height and thickness, and how much tunnels through?
I remember doing something similar in my...
Hi I am new to quantum physics and i have been asked to find the dimensionless schrodinger EQ for a wave function it says sub in t = (2/ohm)*tor and x = sqrt(h-bar/m*ohm)z now do i just put in these values and diffreinchiate threw ? or is it more complex ?
thank you for your time Ross Taylor
[SOLVED] angular equation (schrodinger)
I don't now how to pass from the form1 to Associated legendre fuction (form2) in the attache file .doc
Someone can help me?
Thanks :)
[SOLVED] Calculate time evolution of Schrodinger wave equation
Homework Statement
At time t=0 particle is in state:
where \phi_{n}(x) are eigenfunctions of 1-D infinite potential well.
a) Normalize...
Neither in Sam Treiman's http://books.google.de/books?id=e7fmufgvE-kC" I was able to find the Schrödinger equation for a photon, i.e. a particle without rest mass. The Schrödinger equation straight from Treiman's book (typos are mine, if any)
-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\Delta\Psi + V\Psi =...
I have a problem on the basis of quantum mechanics and it's so simple that I'm almost too afraid to ask. Anyway:
1.) Schrödingers differential equation is used for time indepent and time depent problems. The solution is a wave function or the linear combination of the resulting wave...
Homework Statement
The wave function of a particle satisfies the time-independent schrodinger equation.
If the potential is symmetric and has the form
V(x) = \inf |x|>1.0
V(x) = \frac{\hbar^2V_0}{2m} |x|<0.2
V(x) = 0 Elsewhere
Using the shooting method, I need to find the...
Homework Statement
Is this logic correct:
begin logic;
1) The Schrodinger equation must hold for all x:
2) The Schrodinger equation contains a second derivative
3) A derivative is only defined on a continuous function.
1, 2, and 3 imply that the first derivative of any...
Homework Statement
Im doing an A-level project on the Schrödinger equation and am unsure on the mathematics used to obtain the following results:
The Schrödinger for a particle in no potential field (=0) has the solution:
psi(x)=e^ikx. i is defined below, I haven't really a clue as to...
Homework Statement
Show that \Psi(x,t) = Ae^{i(kx-\omega t)} is a solution to the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for a free particle [ U(x) = U_0 = constant ] but that \Psi(x,t) = Acos(kx-\omega t) and \Psi(x,t) = Asin(kx-\omega t) are not.
Homework Equations
- \frac{h^2}{4\pi...
I have read the following claim (where is not important):
...the Schrodinger equation provides no rational basis for the phenomenon of spin, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, or Hund's Rule...
Is such a claim true ? If so, what does it matter ?
For the well shown below (Attachment or Link belew) solve the time independent one dimensional Schrodinger equation for energies less than V0. You may (and should) leave your answer in terms of a single transcendental equation for the allowed wave numbers.
\frac{-\hbar^2}{2m} ...
Homework Statement
Consider a particle of charge e and mass m in crossed E and B fields, given by E = (0,0, E), B = (0,B, 0), r = (x, y, z).
Write the Schrodinger equation.
Homework Equations
Schrodinger's equation: \left[ -\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m} \nabla^{2} + V(r,t) \right] \Psi(r,t)...
Hi all.
What do it mean by "slow variables" in NLS?
I am reading a derivation of the NLS in the context of hydrodynamics, by R.S.John in his book "A modern introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Water Waves".
In the book, slow variables are zeta = epsilon * (x-ct) and T = epsilon * t...
For a free particle, show that the time-independent Schrodinger equation can be written in dimensionless form as
d^2\psi(z)/dz^2 = -\psi(z) .
I do not see how you would get rid of the m (with units mass) in front of the del in the SE (or the other constants for that matter)...