Today, as I guess, there are good indications that black-holes are a reality.
But let us go back in time and pretend we are physicists in 1916 or a few years later.
Schwarzschild lectures us about its static and spherical solution to the Einstein's equation.
The consequence is striking: any...
Dear all,
I would like to know about a possible plane Schwarzschild geometry.
This would be the analog of a uniform and infinite gravitational field, or a uniform acceleration.
I would like to compare it with the solution of the uniformly accelerated motion in SR.
My Java applet gravity simulator
draws beautiful orbits, however the GR simulation is very badly broken as one can tell when comparing it with Newton at long distances. The source code is at...
Hi. I've got a quick question on Penrose diagrams for the Schwarzschild space-time that I'd appreciate some comments on. In standard (t,r,\theta,\phi) coordinates the Schwarzschild metric is
ds^2 = -\left(1-\frac{2M}{r}\right)dt^2 + \left(1-\frac{2M}{r}\right)^{-1}dr^2 + r^2 d\Omega^2.
I posted a thread in the Homework section on my attempt to find the Schwarzschild solution using Cartan's method instead of the orthodox Christoffel symbol method. Unfortunately I wasn't getting any help :redface:
Then I was asked to move the thread to this section because I may get more...
Im having some trouble coming up with my six independent connection 1-forms.
I have been given a metric:
g = -H_0(r)^2dt\otimes dt + H_1(r)^2 dr\otimes dr + r^2 d\theta\otimes d\theta + r^2\sin^2\theta d\phi \otimes d\phi.
I need to find H_0(r) and H_1(r), which are functions of r and...
Hello everybody, I've been working on a problem about circular orbits in schwarschild spacetime. Recently a infrared flare has been detected from SgrA*m and the lightcurve during the flare has shown some quasiperiodic oscillations with a period of about 17 minutes. Some astronomers interpreted...
Hello everybody,
I was studying the lecture notes about the schwarzschild solution for general relativity. In a particular example they calculate the equations of motion of a particle falling straight into a black hole. But there are some things about the calculation I really don't get...
I searched the net for the Ricci scalar for the Schwarzschild metric but in vain. Can anyone tell me what's the Ricci scalar?
Are there any standard list or tables that records down the properties of any metric for GR?
I know that it's possible to calculate the rate at which time flows when in the gravitational field of a single spherical mass.
But how do you calculate the rate when there are two masses or more? How do they add together?
If my twin were to be in a Schwarzschild black hole, and have passed the event horizon, I would see him as passing the horizon in infinite time. But, what would he see? How would I appear to him? Would my twin ever know that he is in a black hole?
If my twin shines a torchlight towards me...
Hey folks,
working problems in Hartle's GR book and having trouble with this one. Chapter 9 discusses the simplest physically relavent curved geometry, that of Mr. Swarzschild
ds^s = -(1 - \frac{2 G M}{r}) dt^2
+ (1 - \frac{2 M}{r})^{-1} dr^2
+r^2(d\theta^2 + sin^2\theta d\phi^2)
In this...
In a recent paper Ashtekar and Bojowald:
gave details (page's 25-26) of the backwards quantum evolution of a specific process of Space-time "leaping".
Quote from page 25: " For our quantum Einstein’s equation (55), this coefficient is given by p|τ − 2δ|...
Hello, I've enjoyed reading these forums for a while now as they have lots of great insight! Today I decided to register so I can ask a question that's been bothering me for a few days now. (By the way, I'm moving onto my senior year as a physics major)
So yea, to the question. I have been...
Attached is a word document where I am setting out the Ricci tensor components to solve for the terms in the line element equation and get to the Schwarzschild solution. I am overlooking something as I have a sign off in the Ricci components in comparison to the many texts and literature I have...
Consider a model in which we let a body fall (radially) into a star, being the simplest example of the schwarzschild solution, in which the angular parts of the solution may be ignored, so that we consider:
ds^2 = -(1- GM/r) dt^2 + (1- GM/r)^{-1}dr^2.
I have been told that this may be...
Light rays in the schwarzschild metric satisfy the differential equation
\frac {d^2u} {d\phi^2}+u=3Mu^2
I want to show that there is closed orbits with constant radius and also calculate the radius of the orbits as a function of the Schwarzschild radius.
Can anyone help...
Well, I think I finally figured out how to get good values for the local values of the Christoffel symbols (aka local gravitational accelerations) in the Schwarzschild metric. Some of the results are moderately interesting, though there is one point that still makes me wonder a bit.
If we...
What evidence is there that the schwarzschild metric is valid inside a black hole (as opposed to outside the Sun where evidence comes in the form of mercury's perihelion)?
Also, if a black hole is made from photons, would it be massless and move at
the speed of light?
The Schwarzschild Metric is only valid for R>2M, What are the units used here? Obviously R and M should have incompatible how can any comparison of this type be made?
I have seen a derivation of the dependence of the speed of light inside a Schwarzschild space-time: c depends on the radial position (r), but a light ray which moves radially has a different dependence on r as a light ray which moves tangentially. My question is whether such an effect may be...
i'm toying around with the schwarzschild metric using it to find distances from a star in sphereical coordinates.
the metric is:
g** =
1/(1-2M/r) 0 0 0
0 r^2 0 0
0 0 r^2sin(theta)^2 0
0 0 0 -(1-2M/r)...