Semester Definition and 256 Threads

An academic term (or simply term) is a portion of an academic year, the time during which an educational institution holds classes. The schedules adopted vary widely.
In most countries, the academic year begins in late summer or early autumn and ends during the following spring or summer. In Northern Hemisphere countries, this means that the academic year lasts from August, September, or October to May, June, or July. In Southern Hemisphere countries, the academic year aligns with the calendar year, lasting from February or March to November or December. The summer may or may not be part of the term system.

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  1. W

    Admissions Taking 3 courses per semester and graduate admission

    Hello forum, I will be an undergrad senior majoring in mathematics. Instead of taking the ordinary 5-course workload, I am thinking of doing 3 courses per semester and postpone graduation by an year. But I am wondering if by doing so my graduate application is going to be affected negatively. I...
  2. R

    Math in Moscow: Number of students per semester

    I'm looking into the Math in Moscow and have a very simple question which I can't seem to find answered online: Roughly how many students participate in the Math in Moscow program in a given semester?
  3. I

    Admissions Applying to the Summer or Winter semester in Europe?

    I was wondering if applying to the summer or winter semesters in European countries (esp. France and Germany) would affect my chances of being accepted in the physics fields.
  4. E

    Is a B in Differential Equations a Cause for Concern?

    Feels pretty good guys. Is it bad to get a B in Diff eq? Anyway, how was everyone's semester if applicable and what was your favorite thing to learn?
  5. jbrussell93

    Does course load matter in final semester?

    I am wondering whether graduate schools really care about final semester course load. I am a senior physics major, applying to graduate schools in geophysics. Currently I am enrolled in the normal 16hr course load but am considering dropping down to 12 hours for my final semester. I've never...
  6. ASZarathustra

    Considering a Busy Course Load for Next Semester: A Student's Dilemma

    So I recently signed up for classes this semester, and have everything down except one class. This semester, I'm taking modern physics, electricity and magnetism, differential equations, intro to advanced math (essentially an intro to proof class, along with a little basic set theory), and...
  7. B

    One Physics MS semester left - what courses to take?

    Hello all, I've got one more semester before I earn my physics MS, and I have space for one or two extra courses. I am going into oceanography, and I would like to have a strong foundation in math in order to understand the theory I'll encounter as well as possible. Lots of physical...
  8. M

    How did you cope with your hardest semester?

    I was not sure whether to put this in general discussion or academic guidance. In any case, I am curious to hear about how you managed your hardest semester in college. Whether it was a very tough schedule, and jobs, or both! Or any other combination of things.
  9. D

    How to manage time during semester to study something extra you love

    Hello :) The semestre has started and I'm taking some classes, analysis mostly. However, I want to study some topics in algebra to learn more about it. I mean I would like to try learning some gradute topics in algebra. So, without failing at semestre classes, how can I study an extra topic...
  10. Q

    How many Advanced Engineering courses in semester?

    I want to get done by 2017 or before...I started college in 2012 and switched major to Electrical Engineering , double major Philosphy :D come next summer I'll have the core engineering classes remaining and 7 philosophy courses to get that degree. My question is how many advanced...
  11. Mogarrr

    Schools 1st semester grad school class choices

    Hi there, fellow physics forums members & guests. I'm starting the 1st semester of grad school, and I'm faced with a tough choice between two different classes. I could take Intermediate Analysis 1 or Applied Linear Algebra. The only course I've taken involving proofs is Discrete Math...
  12. P

    First semester course load advice

    What's up PF! I'm about to enter my first semester of college, and I've come to ask for some advice in course load. So here are what I am taking this coming fall: PHY 151: Physics II MAT 272: Calculus III MAT 275: Modern Differential Equations CSE 110: Intro to Programming with Java PHI...
  13. B

    18 units too much in one semester?

    How do you guys feel about taking 18 units in a semester? I know its relative to how difficult the courses are (eg humanities vs technical classes). Right now I am planning on taking Calculus 2 (4 units) Physics 1 +Lab (Mechanics) (3+1 units) A computer engineering class digital logic (3...
  14. K

    Final Undergraduate Semester Guidance

    Hello all, I have a bit of a dilemma. I have two free electives to take and I am considering taking two "advanced" math classes and get a math minor or two semi-good classes from whatever. If I take two math classes and I get A's, it would be lovely. But, If I get low grades, my GPA will...
  15. J

    Calc 1, Chem 1, Physics 1 in one semester

    So I am attending Northeastern University as a Physics major and this fall will be my first semester. This year in high school I took AP Calculus AB, AP Chem, and physics honors. Unfortunately a month and a half before the AP exams I had a family issue that required me to miss A LOT of class...
  16. M

    Calculus 2 and Real Analysis in one semester?

    I am in my first semester of university and currently taking Linear Algebra. I was planning on majoring in EECS but I lost interest in EE and engineering in general (except software) and gained a lot of interest in maths (especially statistics and financial mathematics) so I will double major in...
  17. J

    What do you think about my class choice for next semester?

    I registered for Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Design I, and Vibrations in Mechanical design. I'm not sure if this is going to be too rough or not. Vibrations is an elective and I think it is important. Another option would be FEA. I'm in thermodynamics now and I enjoy it. I'm...
  18. S

    Proof Laden Semester - Should I?

    Proof Laden Semester -- Should I? Hello all, I am trying decide whether or not I should take an intro to proof writing, linear algebra, and an advanced INTRO physics course of which I'm told the latter two have an appreciable emphasis on proofs (at least where I'm at). For someone who...
  19. sheldonrocks97

    Is This a Good 1st Semester Engineering Schedule?

    I am a high school senior that is transferring to a tech school in the Fall to study electrical engineering. I also have most of my general ed finished so I need to make a schedule for the fall based on the classes I haven't taken yet. I already finished most of my humanities/social science and...
  20. C

    I didn't do well in my first semester.

    In short, I got a C and have to take a class again. I suppose was a combination of underpreparedness, pride, and just plain bad luck. I also think the class wasn't taught well but I guess I'm wrong since I'm the only person who didn't pass. The worst part is I thought I was doing fine. Anyway...
  21. Hercuflea

    Can you assess my course load this semester?

    Hi guys this semester I am graduating this semester with a math degree and I am for sure taking these four classes: 1. Real Analysis 1 2. Numerical analysis 2 (differential equations/pde's, more advanced methods than numerical methods 1) 3. Electrodynamics (griffiths) 4. Spanish...
  22. E

    Using student loans for one semester - necessarily a bad decision?

    I asked this in the career thread so before ti gets pointed out I would like to note I realized this, but since this forum may have a different set of respondents who read these forums, i figured I would ask it here too. So more about my situation: I am now in the process of completing a...
  23. cryora

    Would like some advice on class schedule next semester (Chem vs CS)

    I am a community college student with one semester worth of classes away from transferring to a 4-year university as a Physics major. Currently, I'm enrolled in all the classes I need for transfer: Differential Equations - 5 units General Physics (Modern Physics) last of a 4 class series -...
  24. X

    Exchange Semester: Worth the Delay or Graduate Early?

    Hi guys, I'm looking for advice... I study physics and math (7th semester in a 9 semester program) and it's very likely that I get the chance to study abroad. The thing is it would mean at least an extra semester for me... Do you think it's worth the delay? Or I should graduate earlier and...
  25. M

    First semester physics: overwhelmed

    Disclaimer: I wasted a lot of time reading the forums here and elsewhere, instead of actually studying. Mathwonk, in his wisdom, once told me to "stop dancing around the fire". Now, I'm pressed for time and I need to do everything quickly, and will have to use the holidays to really study...
  26. A

    Pre Calculus online with 2nd semester Algebra 2

    Hi, I am wondering if it would be better to do Pre-Calculus online with the 2nd semester Algebra 2. Or take college algebra online with 2nd semester Algebra 2. If I go the Pre-Calculus online with 2nd semester Algebra 2, my senior year I will be taking Calculus AB 1st semester and Calculus BC...
  27. D

    How Do Students Fund the Budapest Semester in Math Program?

    Hopefully some of you have heard of this program and have participated in it yourself. Here's the website if you haven't heard of it before: I'm thinking about applying to this program for either the summer 2014 or fall 2014. It looks really awesome. They...
  28. S

    [Linux] Last Semester of College Which distro?

    So i will start my last semester of college in few days... I am taking few clases that require me to use linux, specially a android programming class (i know i can use windows, but to much ram limitations) i been using on and off ubuntu/debian for about 5 years, but never really felt really...
  29. T

    Is 19 Semester Units Too Much for a First-Year College Student?

    Hello there, I am a first year community college student and I currently have a schedule that is 19 units (the max allowed here unless you want to petition for more). I have no idea if it will be doable for me, as I am new to the college scene and I did not have good study habits in high school...
  30. F

    Schools Should I go ahead and take Calc lll in my first semester of College

    I'm attending TAMU this fall and have new student conference early next week. I'm having a difficult time deciding if I should go ahead and take calc 3 during my first semester. I'm majoring in Petroleum Engineering. In high school calculus AB/BC I was pretty solid I think. I got basically...
  31. J

    Take fall semester off to study for PGRE?

    So the way my schedule is looking, I will be finished after a fall semester. Now I want to do an REU during that summer leading into the fall, so I won't really be studying then, which is from what I understand, when most people do their studying for the PGRE. Would it be best to postpone my...
  32. QuantumCurt

    How many upper level math/physics courses per semester are typical?

    Hey everyone, I've been wondering about this lately. I'm double majoring in physics and math, and I'm looking ahead to the upper level major courses that I'm going to need. How many upper level math/physics courses would be typical/manageable within one semester/quarter? Looking ahead, it...
  33. M

    Suggest Classes for Fall Semester Electrical Engineering Degree

    I'm working on my bachelors in Electrical Engineering and for Fall Semester I'll be taking first semester circuits, linear algebra, and third semester university physics. Can someone recommend another class that would benefit me in electrical engineering. These are the classes I'm looking at...
  34. S

    How many hard science courses can you handle per semester?

    Our math program requires only three math courses per semester so I can elect to take less intesive courses like music or french but our physics program requires four to five physics and math courses per semester. Because of this, I thought of taking three courses per semester and stay a bit...
  35. T

    2 semester graduate courses vs 1 semester

    I've looked at different schools degree requirements and noticed some schools require 2 semesters of quantum mechanics and electromagnetic theory, while others just have one. Could the difference in out comes be huge? If you do a masters in a school that requires one would it be harder to get...
  36. M

    Calc I, Physics I and Chem I; All in the same semester?

    Keep in mind that I have never been exposed to any physics or Cal before. However, I've enough knowledge about the chemistry. The physics and the Chemistry both come with labs. Is this too rigorous of a schedule? I've been advised to hold of the physics until I've taken the cal1 first but...
  37. V

    I need a bit of a pep talk. I'm having a rough semester so far.

    So a quick bit of back ground. I'm a 28 year old returning to school after a very long haitus (I only graduated 5th grade because my parents were religious wingnuts that insisted the end was nigh, and so took me out of school and made me study the bible instead.) I worked as a construction...
  38. T

    Should I drop a course this semester (3rd year, Canada)

    Hey everyone, This semester I felt like I would be overwhelmed with my courses so I ended up taking a "bird" course as one of the five courses... but ironically it is currently my lowest mark. I am debating dropping it (last day to drop without penalty is in 2 days) but before I do that I...
  39. T

    Schools Grad school on only ONE semester of quantum and e&m?

    For personal reasons beyond my control I have not been able to do as much studying at home as I needed, and I totally burned out. I finished honors quantum I with an A and honors e&m I with a B+ last semester. But I had to drop the second quantum and second e&m very early in this semester...
  40. B

    What classes should I take for the spring semester?

    Hello all, For the spring semester, I was considering taking Calculus III, Math Statistical Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, and Physics II. Before I sign up for this classes, I thought it most prudent to seek the advice of others. So, does anyone have any opinions that they'd like to share? I...
  41. B

    So, i need quick guidance before next semester.

    Okay, so I am in a community college going for an Electrical/Electronics A.A.S. I currently work on a 1 MW generator powered by a diesel engine converted to run on landfill gas. I want to pursue a path that I can use my 5 years of experience doing what I do now to get a good career. Now I was...
  42. B

    How best to prepare for QM next semester.

    Greetings everyone, This is my first post although I have referenced this site numerous times. It's a great resource, so many thanks to the admin and participants. A little background: I am in my junior year of a physics/mathematics double major at an unremarkable state university. The...
  43. S

    Taking Numerical Analysis next semester. How should I prepare?

    Hi. I'm a math major but this semester I couldn't take any math class except for a stats course. I already took introductory linear algebra and calc III, which were the prereqs for the numerical analysis. However, I'm on academic probation and really need to get stellar grades next semester...
  44. M

    Who should I choose for organic chemistry next semester?

    I am taking organic chemistry, and I will be choosing who to take next semester for the 2nd half of the class. I am taking it with someone (I've made a previous post about it) that I am not too fond of his personality. However, I cannot deny that he is an expert in the field with accolades etc...
  45. L

    Taking Calc 2, Physics 1 and Chem 1 in same semester?

    Hello, I am a student at a CC currently taking Calculus I and Intro to Chem (never had chem in high school). I have high A's in both. I would like to major in Mechanical Engineering. I was hoping to get some advice from people who have tried this schedule: Calculus II Physics I (Calculus...
  46. Z

    Have you heard of the Budapest Mathematics Semester?

    Hi all, I came across the Budapest Math Semester and was wondering what people think of it? One of my profs has heard good things from faculty, but neither of us have been able to locate a student from our university to talk to. The idea of doing a summer session sounds awesome as well. I...
  47. D

    I choosing an extra class for next semester.

    I am a Freshman EE/CS major. So far, the classes I have chosen so far are: Calc 3 (4 hours) Linear Algebra (3 Hours) Basic Concepts Of Math ( Mathematical proofs, set theory, mathematical induction and recursion, binary relations, functions, definition and development of some common...
  48. M

    Plan to take 'engineering physics' next semester, how much Calculus will I need?

    New to Physics Forums, been browsing a while! I'm a student trying to get into a Mechanical Engineering program, currently in Calculus I. I plan next semester to enroll in 'Engineering Physics' which, as far as I have heard, is general physics taught with Calculus instead of relying solely on...
  49. F

    Is this too much for a semester?

    Starting my third and final year of university next week, and these are the courses I plan to take: Quantum Mechanics II (Perturbation theory, Scattering theory, Variational principle, etc. Basically second half of Griffiths) Nuclear and Particle Physics Mathematical Methods in...
  50. D

    One semester of undergrad left: What class MUST I take before leaving

    Hi all, (sorry for the length) I am an Applied Physics major in her senior year (yay!) at a liberal arts college. I have a double minor in Mathematics and Computational Physical Sciences (aka Programming, but not Comp Sci.) Because of the way the sciences are set up at my college, it's...