Hello! (Smile)
If we want to show that the sets:
$$A=\{ 3X^2| X \in \mathbb{Z}_p \}\ \ \text{ and } \ \ B=\{ 7-5Y^2| Y \in \mathbb{Z}_p\}$$
have the same cardinality, could we take the bijective function $f$ such that $f(x)=\frac{7-5x}{3}$ ? Or am I wrong? (Thinking)
Homework Statement
Hello, I'm not sure if it's the right place to post this exercise, but I'm learning it in a calculus course.
I need to prove that:
a) The complement of an open set is a closed.
b) An open interval is a open set, a closed interval is a closed set.
Homework Equations
I have...
Hi! (Mmm)
$$\subseteq_{\mathcal{P}A}=\{ <X,Y> \in (\mathcal{P}A)^2: X \subset Y\}$$
is a partial order of the power sets $\mathcal{P}A$.
But, we have to take attention to the following fact:
We cannot define an order over all the sets because if $R=\{ <X,Y>: X \subset Y \}$ is a set...
Homework Statement
Let ##O## be a proper open subset of ##\mathbb{R}^d## (i.e.## O## is open, nonempty, and is not equal to ##\mathbb{R}^d##). For each ##n\in \mathbb{N}## let
##O_n=\big\{x\in O : d(x,O^c)>1/n\big\}##
Prove that:
(a) ##O_n## is open and ##O_n\subset O## for all ##n\in...
Hey everyone I just had a quick thought that was bothering me. For a set to be a basis it must be linearly independent and span the vector space. I've seen cases however of only two vectors forming a basis for R4 I don't see how two vectors could span 4 space or am I missing something.
Hi! (Smile)
We are given two sets $S_1$ and $S_2$.
We consider that $S_1$ is implemented, using a sorted list, and $S_2$ is implemented, using a pre-order sorted tree.
I have to write a pseudocode, that implements the operation Merge() of the sets $S_1$ and $S_2$.
The time complexity of the...
Hello! (Wave)
I want to prove the following sentences:
$A \subset B \wedge B \subset C \rightarrow A \subset C$
$A \subset B \wedge B \subset A \rightarrow A=B$
$\varnothing \subset A$
$\varnothing=\{ x: x \neq x \}$
That's what I have tried:
$A \subset B \leftrightarrow \forall x(x...
Hello! (Smile)
Notice that in $\mathbb{C}[X,Y,Z]$:
$$V(Y-X^2,Z-X^3)=\{ (t,t^2,t^3)/ t \in \mathbb{C}\}$$
In addition, show that:
Finally, prove that the ideal $<Y-X^2,Z-X^3>$ is a prime ideal of $\mathbb{C}[X,Y,Z]$. Conclude that the algebraic set...
I am trying to understand the definition of compact sets (as given by Rudin) and am having a hard time with one issue. If a finite collection of open sets "covers" a set, then the set is said to be compact. The set of all reals is not compact. But we have for example:
C1 = (-∞, 0)
C2 = (0, +∞)...
Hi. I have a question about numbers of basis in quamutum mechanics space.
Hamiltonian of harmonic oscillator is observable and have countably infinite sets |En>s
Together with position or momentum basis identity equation is,
Hello! (Wave)
There is the following sentence in my notes:
Let $A$ be a set. We define the set $I_A=\{ <a,a>, a \in A \}$.
$$A \times A=\{ <a_1,a_2>: a_1 \in A \wedge a_2 \in A \}$$
Then $I_A$ is a relation, but does not come from a cartesian product of sets.
Could you explain me the last...
Hello fine.
I'm studying logic and great difficulties to understand its principles, and should prove some theories involving the laws of identity of sets of mathematics using the method of natural deduction, they are:
a) A ∪ ∅ = A
b) A ∩ ∅ = ∅
I am trying as follows, but I can not solve...
I am kind of curious what topics to read to understand this concept more.
Suppose I want to find a function f: A \rightarrow B, where if you look at the pre-image of any point b \in B, the size of the pre-image of b will be quite large. Essentially, I want to find functions that map from very...
I am reading An Introduction to Rings and Modules With K-Theory in View by A.J. Berrick and M.E. Keating (B&K).
In Chapter2: Direct Sums and Short Exact Sequences in Sections 2.1.14 and 2.1.15 B&K deal with ordered index sets in the context of direct sums and products of modules.
Although it...
Hey! (Wave)
Theorem (Russell's paradox is not a paradox in axiomatic set theory)
The set of all sets does not exist.
We suppose that the set of all sets exist, let $V$. So, for each set $x$, $x \in V$.
We define the type $\phi: \text{ a set does not belong to itself, so } x \notin x$...
Hello! (Wave)
Let $U$ be a set and $A,B$ subsets of $U$.
I want to prove the following identities:
$A \cap A^c= \varnothing, A \cup A^c=U$
$(A \cap B)^c=A^c \cup B^c$
$(A \cup B)^c=A^c \cap B^c$
$A \setminus B=A \cap B^c$
That's what I have tried:
Let $x \in A \cap...
I'm taking Multivariable Calculus at Rice. This is for fun, I'm not required to take it and I'm not a science major.
Problem sets take me a really long time, I wonder if it's normal. We are using Vector Calculus by Marsden. The problems sets are like about 15 problems due every week. They take...
Hello! (Wave)
Could you give me a hint how I can show that the sets:
$$\{ \varnothing, \{ \varnothing \} \} , \ \ \ \{ \varnothing, \{ \varnothing, \{ \varnothing \} \} \}, \ \ \ \{ \{ \varnothing \}, \{ \varnothing, \{ \varnothing \} \} \}$$
are pairwise disjoint=are not equal ? :confused:
Let a, b, c, and d be real numbers with a < b < c < d. Express the set [a, b]U[c, d] as the difference of two sets.
I know that [a,b]U[c,d] is a union and what a difference of two sets is, but I don't quite understand this question.
Could someone please explain how the image of a set A' ⊆ A is the set: f(A') = {b | b = f(a) for some a ∈ A'}. And how can the complement of A be a subset of A? Forgive my ignorance here, I'm a beginning student of set theory.
Edit: Maybe I should rephrase my question: Could you explain what...
Hi ,
Can anyone please give me an idea to disprove the following with counter example:
A , B & C be sets. If A X C = B X C , the A = B .
I tried giving random numbers in venn diagram but didn't work. And, using subset way to prove equal but still couldn't solve it.
How are you supposed to go about putting together the power set of a set of sets such as
X = {{1},{1,2}}
What is the power set of X then? And what's the rule for calculating cardinality for the power set of a set that consists of elements which are sets such as the above? Because the set X...
What exactly prevents us from ruling out a uniform distribution on infinite sets? To be more precise, why are distributions and limits like
\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}dx\,\lim_{\sigma\to\infty}f_{\mu,\sigma}(x) = 1
\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}dx\,\lim_{\Lambda\to\infty}\frac{1}{\Lambda} \chi_{[a,a+L]}...
Homework Statement
Suppose R is a relation on A, and define a relation S on P (A) as follows:
S = {(X, Y ) ∈ P (A) × P (A) | ∀x ∈ X∃y ∈ Y (xRy)}.
For each part, give either a proof or a counterexample to justify your
(a) If R is reflexive, must S be reflexive?
(b) If R is symmetric...
Ok. I don't understand sets within sets. No one has been able to explain it to me simply.
So you can have sets inside of sets. That I get. But what happens when you get to something tricky like the empty set? For example, I know that ø ε {ø} is true. I don't understand how. How do I read...
Homework Statement
I am struggling with what seems like a very simple problem from Terrence Tao's Introduction to Measure Theory book (which is available for free online by the way). What I am trying to prove is the following:
Give an alternate proof of Lemma 1.1.2(ii) by showing that any two...
Homework Statement
Suppose A is a set, and for every family of sets F, if ∪F = A then
A ∈ F.
Prove that A has exactly one element. (Hint: For both the existence
and uniqueness parts of the proof, try proof by contradiction.)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Let A be...
To prove that two sets are in fact the same, do I actually have to prove that the two are subsets of each other; or could I prove that they are equivalent by some other means, such as invoking the definitions of the sets?
For instance, the I am trying to show that the binary set operator...
Hello all, I was wondering how to make that nice looking Complex 'C' when writing a set in Latex. For example,
$$\{k\in C\mid k>0\}$$ looks okay but can be better.
Homework Statement .
Let ##X## be a nonempty set and let ##x_0 \in X##.
(a) ##\{U \in \mathcal P(X) : x_0 \in U\} \cup \{\emptyset\}## is a topology on ##X##.
(b) ##\{U \in \mathcal P(X) : x_0 \not \in U\} \cup \{X\}## is a topology on ##X##.
Describe the interior, the closure and the...
I am reading Chapter 2: Vector Spaces over \mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{R} \text{ and } \mathbb{C} of Anthony W. Knapp's book, Basic Algebra.
I need some help with some issues regarding infinite direct sums and products and indexed families of sets ... ...
On page 62, Knapp introduces direct...
On a post involving the proof of the Fourth Isomorphism Theorem for vector spaces (in which I was immeasurably helped by Deveno) I have become aware that my knowledge of sets and functions was not all it should be when it comes to things like inverse images, left and right inverses and the like...
Consider the sets ##X:= \{x\in\mathbb R^2: \enspace ||x-(-1,0)||_2 \leq 1\}## (a ball) and ##Y:=co\{(0,-1), (0,1), (1,0)\}## (a triangle).
Both ##X## and ##Y## are compact and convex, but they aren't disjoint: ##X\cap Y = \{(0,0)\}##. Since they aren't disjoint, the most common separating...
Hello, my problem is the following:
A lasers gives out a bunch of data points which are reflected off a metal surface and recorded by a camera attached to the side of the laser. The image the camera receives is however distorted.
In order to calibrate the camera I need to find a function...
Homework Statement
A study was done to determine the efficacy of three different drugs – A, B, and C – in relieving headache pain. Over the period covered by the study, 50 subjects were given the chance to use all three drugs. The following results were obtained:
21 reported relief from drug...
Let X be an arbitrary set and P(X) the set of all its subsets, prove that if ∀ A,B ∈ P(X) the sets A∩B,A∪B are also ∈ P(X).
I really don't know how to get started on this proof but I tried to start with something like this:
∀ m,n ∈ A,B ⇒
m,n ∈ X ⇒
Is this the right way to start on this proof...
Homework Statement
Let A be the 4x2 matrix
|1/2 -1/2|
|1/2 -1/2|
|1/2 1/2|
|1/2 1/2|
Find the projection matrix P that projects vectors in R4 onto R(A)
Homework Equations
projSx = (x * u)u where S is a vector subspace and x is a vectorThe Attempt at a Solution
v1 = (1/2, 1/2...
Homework Statement
A \times (B \cap C) = (A \times B) \cap (A \times C)
The Attempt at a Solution
Let x \in A and y \in B \cap C \rightarrow y \in B \wedge y \in C
now \exists (x,y) \in A \times (B \cap C)
so (x,y) \in A \times B \wedge (x,y) \in A \times C
I want to show that there exists a well ordering for every finite set.
(I know if you add axiom of choice you can prove this theorem for infinite sets too but I think the finite sets do not need axiom of choice to become well ordered)
I think this looks like a homework problem, so I'll just put it here.
Homework Statement
Demonstrate that, for any index category ##\mathscr{J}## and any diagram ##\mathcal{F}:\mathscr{J}\to\mathbf{Sets}##,
$$\varprojlim_{\mathscr{J}}A_j=\left\{a\in \prod_{j\in \operatorname{obj}(...
Homework Statement
Let ##X## be a topological space. Let ##A_1 \supseteq A_2 \supseteq A_3...## be a sequence of closed subsets of ##X##. Suppose that ##a_i \in Ai## for all ##i## and that ##a_i \rightarrow b##. Prove that ##b \in \cap A_i##.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution...
Homework Statement
Show that for a set A\subsetN, which is numerically equivalent to N=Z+, and the set B = A \cup{0}, it holds that A and B are numerically equivalent, i.e., that A \approxB
Hint: Recall the definition of A≈B and use the fact that A is numerically equivalent to N. Note...
Homework Statement
I'm trying to understand what compact sets are but I am having some trouble because I am having trouble understanding what open covers are. If someone could reword the following definitions to make them more understandable that would be great.
Homework Equations...
Set Theory -- Uncountable Sets
Homework Statement
Prove or disprove.
There is no set A such that ##2^A## is denumberable.
The Attempt at a Solution
A set is denumerable if ##|A| = |N|##
My book shows that the statement is true.
If A is denumerable, then since ##|2^A| > |A|, 2^A ##...
Homework Statement
Explain why ## (0,1 ) ## and ## (0,2)##
I have proved that a function ## f: (0,1 ) -> (0,2) ##defined by f(x) =2x is bijective.Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I could state that due to the sets relationship being bijective they have the same cardinality, but...
My question is just to ask whether the operations like:-
AUB is a relation or not?
in our book it is written that the relations of two sets should be subset of the cartesian product of two sets but i think that relations are those which connects two sets and that can be AUB(A union B)...
show that in a set of any 5 consecutive numbers there is at least one number that is co-prime to all the rest 4 (for example (2,3,4,5,6- 5 is co-prime to 2,3,4,6)