Ship Definition and 247 Threads

A ship is a large watercraft that travels the world's oceans and other sufficiently deep waterways, carrying goods or passengers, or in support of specialized missions, such as defense, research, and fishing. Ships are generally distinguished from boats, based on size, shape, load capacity, and tradition. In the Age of Sail a "ship" was a sailing vessel defined by its sail plan of at least three square rigged masts and a full bowsprit.
Ships have supported exploration, trade, warfare, migration, colonization, and science. After the 15th century, new crops that had come from and to the Americas via the European seafarers significantly contributed to the world population growth. Ship transport is responsible for the largest portion of world commerce.
As of 2016, there were more than 49,000 merchant ships, totaling almost 1.8 billion dead weight tons. Of these 28% were oil tankers, 43% were bulk carriers, and 13% were container ships.

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  1. J

    Determining the Size of a Ship's Hole with 700gpm Flow and 33.66ft Water Depth

    please help my sinking ship! Homework Statement - I have a hole in the bottom of a ship and i need to know the size of the hole. I cannot get at the hole but i kn ow the flow through it is 700gpm and the depth of the sea water to the hole is 33.66 feet (15.03 psi) Homework Equations...
  2. I

    Compass is installed on an iron ship

    when a compass is installed on an iron ship, why must there be small correcting magnets installed near the compass? Is it because the iron is itself magnetized somehow?
  3. S

    Rocket Ship Question: How Much Gas for 2000 MPH?

    We are having a debate here at work and we need an answer from some smart folks (that's you). If you have a rocket ship in space that takes 1 gallon of gas to reach 1000 mph then, negating friction, would it take less, more or the same amount to go from 1000 mph to 2000 mph. Thanks, Sub.
  4. P

    Twin Paradox: Why Twin On Ship Ages Slower?

    The way the twin paradox is explained, the twin on the ship ages slower than the twin on Earth because he is moving at velocity with respect to the twin on earth. This makes sense from the twin on Earth's reference frame, but wouldn't the twin on the ship see it the opposite. From his...
  5. R

    Ship Adrift: 500 m from Reef, Can It Escape?

    An oil tanker's engines have broken down, and the wind is blowing the tanker straight toward a reef at a constant speed of 1.5 m/s . When the tanker is 500 m from the reef, the wind dies down just as the engineer gets the engines going again. The rudder is stuck, so the only choice is to try...
  6. S

    Solving the Rocket Ship Problem

    Homework Statement Two rocket ships, each with a rest length of 100 meters. Rocket 1 is at rest in frame S and has nose at x=0, tail at x = +100 meters. Rocket 2 is at rest in frame S' and has nose at x' = 0 and tail at x'=-100 meters. Suppose S' moves with speed V in the positive x...
  7. N

    Calculating Buoyancy and Weight in a Sinking Ship Diorama

    I'm constructing a diorama of a ship sinking, and I haven't been able to find any details on the physics behind it. I'm an art student, so my knowledge in physics is limited to what I read here and in a few books at home. I'll most likely construct a fish tank that is 4'x1'x1' to contain the...
  8. E

    Time dilation rocket ship speed problem

    A rocket ship leaves Earth at a speed of 3/5 c. When a clock on the rocket says 1 hour has elapsed, the rocket sends a light signal back to earth. When was the signal sent according to clocks on earth? So we have T_earth and T_rocket and they are proportional. I am confused about which...
  9. F

    Pentagon Paid $999,798 to Ship Two 19-Cent Washers to Texas

    Pentagon Paid $999,798 to Ship Two 19-Cent Washers to Texas! How can anyone at the Pentagon not notice something like that? Or maybe everyone actually does, and it's an indication of the level of corruption in the US...
  10. R

    Force Couple Problem (Thrust of Ship)

    I am having difficulty in understanding the solution to the problem described below and illustrated by a rather crude Paint sketch I made: “Each propeller of the twin-screw ship develops a full-speed thrust of 600kN. In maneuvering the ship one propeller is turning full speed ahead and the...
  11. P

    Calculate the period of the Pirate ship if it were a pendulum

    Homework Statement Calculate the period of the Pirate ship if it were a pendulum. Homework Equations Sine laws: SinA/a = SinB/b = SinC/c Soh Cah Toa as well for 90 degrees triangles. The Attempt at a Solution I've tried it on there. I...
  12. T

    I got a question about the Freedom ship.

    If the Freedom ship weighs 3 million tons, wouldn't that effect the ocean with all the weight pushing down? Generally, how come things like Japan's Megafloat, which weighs 1000 tons, doesn't effect the ocean? Or does it?
  13. T

    Looking out the window of a fast ship

    Okay, for the moment, forget about time dilation. Are the following descriptions accurate if you do not account for time dilation? I've been going over and over this in my head and I can't figure out why any of these don't make sense. Setting: A ship going .99c. 1 Attached to the...
  14. A

    Momentum of a projectile and ship

    Homework Statement A battle ship (4.09*10^7 kg) fires a salvo of 3 rounds from its foward turret in the direction of the bow at an angle of 10 degrees above the horizontal. Each projectile weighs 1220 kg, each barrel is 20.9 m long and the muzzle velocity of the projectile is 770 m/sec...
  15. P

    Ship Displacement & Velocity | 8km to 15km

    Homework Statement A ship is 8km from a coast-line that stretches in an east-west direction. The navigator on the shop records that the lighthouse on the coast-line has a bearing of N27E. After sailing for 30 minutes the navigator records that the same lighthouse is 15km due north. a) What is...
  16. L

    News Breaking News: Explosives on Miami cruise ship and more

    A lot of news happenings today. First, the odd smell permeating New York City, now there were explosives found in a package on the Miami cruise ship and a chemical leak at plant in Sugar Land, TX. Is there any possibility that any of these are related to acts of terror? The Miami cruise...
  17. K

    Projectile Motion Problem of a ship

    Okay, I'm in a rut. We got a pack of physics problems from our teacher and no one knows how to go about doing them and he refuses to help us. This is the first one I've ran into major trouble with. Here's the problem: An enemy ship is on the east side of a mountainous island, as shown in...
  18. L

    Re-Entry into Earth's Atmosphere: Understanding Space Ship Speed

    How Does a Space Ship reenter the Earth's atmosphere at such a great rate of speed? I understand speed in this way W=F x D. there is nothing in space for the ship to propel itself off to build this great speed.
  19. F

    A ship going upstream and experiences a frictional force

    Hello there! This problem is giving me a hard time and I thought maybe one of you could give me a hint: "A ship is going upstream with a constant power P. Its speed V is relative to the water and the water's speed U is relative to the shore. The ship needs tp overcome a frictional force...
  20. Flyboy

    Ship called the CXV (Crew Transfer Vehicle)

    I read an article in Popular Science about a ship called the CXV (Crew Transfer Vehicle).:confused: It is made by a company called t/Space. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about it. Any help is welcome.
  21. C

    How Does Relativity Affect Movement on a Ship Near Light Speed?

    Lets say we have a ship 100 meters long with one person up front and one in the back, call it a 100 meter long hallway. Let us say it has attained a speed within a centimeter of the speed of light per second. Let us say that each person heads to the front or back of the ship. Wouldn't the one...
  22. L

    Projectile Motion Calculations: Ship's Shot at an Enemy Ship and Island Peak

    Please help me with the following question: A ship maneuvers to within 2.50 x 10 ^ 3 m of an island's 1.80 x 10 ^ 3 m high mountain peak and fires a projectile at an enemy ship 6.10 x 10 ^ 2 m on the other side of the peak. If the ship shoots the projectile with an initial velocity of 2.50 x...
  23. B

    Projectile motion and pirate ship

    A pirate ship fires two shells at two identical enemy ships. Shell A hits ship A, which is close by, and shell B hits ship B, which is farther away. The shells are fired at the same speed; neglect air resistance. Select all the statements that are true; e.g., enter AB. 1. The shell fired...
  24. wolram

    50-Man Rowing Crew Speed & Capacity: A 12th Century Ship Analysis

    I have tried to work out how fast and how long a 50 man rowing crew could go, i think it not only depends on muscle bulk but also lung capacity, this is in relation to a 12 century ship, i have little idea of the ship design but i thought if i knew the rowing capabilities of the said crew i...
  25. G

    Size of a 20MW Synchronous Motor for Ship Propulsion

    Does anyone know how big a 20MW synchronous motor would be to drive a ship's propellor?
  26. S

    NASA Nasa's new and improved ANTI-MATTER space ship" Where are they going get anti-matter and is this even possible with technology we have now
  27. R

    U.S. Destroyer chases pirate ship

    Interesting anachronism!;_ylt=AjUD4ur5PWW22YrXD2qecFwV6w8F;_ylu=X3oDMTA3bGk2OHYzBHNlYwN0bXA-""
  28. P

    Theseus' ship - what is your view?

    This is the story: Theseus is famous in Greek mythology as the slayer of the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull monster who lived in the Labyrinth in the island of Crete. According to Plutarch, the ship in which Theseus sailed back to Athens was preserved for many generations, its old planks...
  29. K

    Calculating Ship Mass from Water Density Change

    Can anybody help me on this one A ship sails from sea water into fresh water and therefore sinks slightly.When its load of 600000kg is removed,its returns to its original level.Assuming the sides of the ship are vertical at the water line,find the mass of ship before it was unloaded. I...
  30. J

    Space Ship Collision: How Far Did Meteorite Come?

    One spaceship consist of two cabins of mass M connected by rod of length 2l (ship looks like dumbbell). One of cabins was hitted by small (mass m << M), but extremely fast (velocity u) meteorite. After collision the ship starts moving and also rotating (which angular velocity omega). How far...
  31. D

    Why do the propellers pull an aircraft, but push a ship?

    I think that the title of the topic is very self explanatory. I want to know what the explanation is for the different implementations, I reckon that it might have something to do with the density of air and water.
  32. M

    Mass suspended from spring in ship - Gravity problem

    Hello all just a quick question, A mass is suspended from a spring balance in a ship sailing along the equator with a speed v. (a) Show that the scale reading will be very close to wo = (1 ± 2ωv/g), where ω is the angular speed of Earth, and wo is the weight of the mass with the ship at...
  33. I

    Is a Ship Still the Same if Every Part is Replaced Once?

    If every part of a ship is replaced once, is it still the same ship?
  34. wolram

    Is a photon akin to a battle ship plowing through the foam

    Is a photon akin to a battle ship plowing through the foam. not loosing energy but imparting it, via its bow wave, maybe undetectable to date as the disturbance would be Miniscule, I do not mean gravitational radiation, more a damped local oscillation as the photon pushes through the...
  35. D

    When do u think the first space ship will be built

    so when do u think the first spaceship will be built. how are they going to make it hover?
  36. B

    Ok lets say there is a ship 100ft long moving at .90c. a planet

    ok let's say there is a ship 100ft long moving at .90c. a planet perpendicular has guns 101ft apart at rest. the guns line of fire are parrallel to each other. the planet plans it out so that the ship will be in between the bullets when the ship flies past the planet. would the bullets hit the...
  37. C

    Black Sky: Space Ship One documentary on Science Channel

    Science Channel showed last night a documentary called "Black Sky" that was a 2 hour behind the scenes look at the operations at Scaled Composities and a short history of Burt Rutan. They have footage of the construction of the carrier plane White Knight and the test flights of Space Ship One...
  38. C

    Energy required to accelerate a ship WITH ANTIMATTER

    Energy required to accelerate a ship.. WITH ANTIMATTER! Hey, I was reading a science fiction book that had lots of fast pitched space battles, ships manoeuvring around at 8 gees and stuff, powered by antimatter :P . So I was wondering, let's say you had a ship with a mass of 1000 tonnes.. how...
  39. 3

    Locating a Sinking Ship & Rescue Plane

    A radar station locates a sinking ship at range 17.3 km and bearing 136 degrees clockwise from north. From the same station a rescue plane is at horizontal range 19.6 km, 153 degrees clockwise from north, with elevation 2.2 km. (a) write the position vector for the ship relative to the plane...
  40. Ivan Seeking

    Freedom Ship: Are the rich moving out to sea?
  41. R

    What causes a ship to ride lower in the water and limit its speed?

    A few years ago the passenger ship QE2 ran aground off the East coast of America.The ship was traveling too fast and rode low in the water. Was this due to the Bernouilli principle? And can it happen to ships in deep and shallow water?
  42. Orion1

    Space Ship One (SS1): Breaking the Sound Barrier and Making History

    The craft, called Space Ship One (SS1), also become the first such craft to break the sound barrier, reaching a top speed of 930 mph (1490 km/h). The flight, exactly 100 years after the Wright brothers made their historic flight, marks a big step to winning the $10 million X Prize for private...
  43. D

    Questions about the titanic ship

    1) use a variety of resources to research the compostion of steel and explain how the compostion of steel affects its proprties, such as its strength and resistance to corrosion. Record this information in chart 2) reseach and explain the chemical methods available to analyze metal materials...
  44. GreyBeaver

    Diesel-Electric Power system on a Ship

    Hi, I'm looking to create an entirely offgrid power system on a very large boat, using a (Bio)Diesel-electric generator and maybe a windmill and submerged generator, as well as some solar but not solar-electric so it doesn't bear mentioning. I'm kind of new to this, so I was wondering what...
  45. J

    What frequency is monitored by the leading ship?

    This problem here is rather tough (to me). Perhaps you can help: Two ships are moving along a line due east. The trailing vessel has a speed of 64.0 km/h relative to a land based observation point, and the leading ship has a speed of 45.0 km/h relative to the same station. The two ships...
  46. P

    What is the Angle of the Man's Path Relative to the Water on a Moving Ship?

    A ship cruises forward at vs = 5 m/s relative to the water. On deck, a man walks diagonally toward the bow such that his path forms an angle theta = 19 degrees with a line perpendicular to the boat's direction of motion. He walks at vm = 3 m/s relative to the boat. I found the speed at...
  47. D

    Ship Bombardment: Calculating Angles at 1800m

    An enemy ship is on the western side of a mountain island. The enemy ship can maneuver to within 2500 m of the 1800-m-high mountain peak and can shoot projectiles with an initial speed of 250m/s. If the eastern shoreline is horizontally 300m from the peak, what are the distances from the...