Shm Definition and 502 Threads

The MIT Shared Memory Extension or MIT-SHM or XShm is an X Window System extension for exchange of image data between client and server using shared memory (/dev/shm). The mechanism only works when both pieces are on the same computer.
The basic capability provided is that of shared memory XImages. This is essentially a version of the ximage interface where the actual image data is stored in a SysV shared memory segment, and thus need not be transferred across the socket to the X server. For large images, use of this facility can result in some real performance increases.
Additionally, some implementations provide shared memory pixmaps. These are two-dimensional arrays of pixels in a format specified by the X server, where the image data is stored in the shared memory segment. Through use of shared memory pixmaps, it is possible to change the contents of these pixmaps without using any Xlib routines at all. Shared memory pixmaps can only be supported when the X server can use regular virtual memory for pixmap data; if the pixmaps are stored in the on-board memory of graphics hardware, an application will not be able to share them with the server.
In the 1.15 release of the server the MIT-SHM extension gains two additional requests: 'X_ShmAttachFd' and 'X_ShmCreateSegment', to be able to pass shared memory through file descriptors from client to server and from server to client, reducing the number of copy operations further.

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  1. L

    Will a SHM eventually reach zero displacement or not?

    THEORETICALLY will a SHM eventually reach zero displacemtn or not? If it is DAMPED, amplitude would decrease with time, as would frequency, but would they would reach zero wouldn't they?
  2. L

    Exploring Forces in SHM: F=-kx & Weight's Impact

    SHM --> F = -kx SHM assumes that F is the only force acting on the system, so if we have a mass held between two springs on a linear air track, the F = -kx force refers to the restoring force from the springs? Is that the only thing it refers to? What about air resistance as the gliding...
  3. H

    SHM question with no other details

    Qns: A block rest on a flat plate that executes vertical simple harmonic motion with a period of 1.5s. What is the maximum amplitude of the motion if the block were to be in contact with the plate thoughout the motion? Can help me how to start?...there is not much details in this questions.
  4. H

    Calculating Coefficient of Static Friction in Simple Harmonic Motion

    A horizontal platform vibrates with simple harmonic motion in the horizontal directions with a perid of 2.0s. A small object place on the platform start to slide when the amplitude of vibration reachs 0.4m. Calculate the coefficient of static friction between the object and the platform...
  5. N

    How come a bouncing ball does not exhibit SHM characteristics?

    Homework Statement How come a bouncing ball does not exhibit SHM characteristics? Homework Equations no clue The Attempt at a Solution When I think of SHM, I don't think of contact forces. In the bouncing call case, there is a contact force present when the ball hits the...
  6. L

    What is the difference between SHM and HM ?

    What is the difference between Simple Harmonic Motion and Harmonic Motion ? and How do we define the motion of a system is SHM ? Thank you !
  7. P

    How Does Particle P Behave When Suspended on an Elastic String in SHM?

    My first post here! I signed up a few minutes to correct someone... then deleted my post when I realized I was on about something entirely different. Ahem. Anyway, have a look at this diagram: Particle P is suspended on an...
  8. N

    SHM, Determing Spring Constant from Period^2 vs. Mass

    Help! I'm trying to find the spring constant (k) of a spring using simple harmonic motion. I have a graph of Period^2 vs. Mass. Knowing that T=2*\pi*\sqrt{m/k} How would one find k from the slope of this graph? My linear fit yields: y=5.237x+0.003 5.237 being my slope
  9. manjuvenamma

    What Phase Difference Causes Maximum SHM Separation Equal to Amplitude?

    Two particles are executing SHM with same amplitude and frequency (but with a phase difference). The maximum separation between them was found to be equal to the amplitude. What is the phase difference. This is a question that I came across. And I solved it the following way. Assume...
  10. S

    SHM - problem with static friction

    Homework Statement A child with poor table manners is sliding his 243 g dinner plate back and forth in SHM with an amplitude of 0.109 m on a horizontal surface. At a point a distance 6.70×10−2 m away from equilibrium, the speed of the plate is 0.250 m/s. a) What is the period? b) What is the...
  11. B

    Calculating Oscillation Frequency and Maximum Speed: SHM Problems Solved

    Homework Statement #1 A spring with spring constant k is suspended vertically from a support and a mass m is attached. The mass is held at the point where the string is not streteched. Then the mass is released and begins to oscillate. The lowest point in the oscillation is 20 cm below the...
  12. B

    Calculating Object Movement in SHM: Period, Amplitude, and Distance

    Homework Statement An object in SHM oscillates with a period of 4 s and an amplitude of 10 cm. How long does the object take to move from x= 0 cm to x=6 cm? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think I should use the formulas v(t)= -omega*Asin(omega*t + phase...
  13. B

    What is the role of the phase constant in simple harmonic motion?

    Homework Statement How can I determine the phase constant of the these graphs? I am kind of confused about phase constant and its physical meaning, so if someone could explain it to me, I would be very grateful. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  14. B

    Initial Angle of Pendulum: Solving for Angle Using SHM Equation

    Homework Statement A pendulum's angle is given by (.10 rad)cos(5t + pi) where t is in sec. What is the initial angle? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Do I plug in t= 0 to get this angle, or is the phase constant this angle? I read that the phase constant specifies...
  15. M

    Calculating A in SHM from x, v & a

    how can you work out the amplitude knowing only displacement, velocity and acceleration? I have been able to work out angular velocity, frequency and period, but I can't work out amplitude without knowing either the spring constant, the mass or the phase angle.
  16. B

    SHM horizontal spring mass system

    This problem states that a mass m is attatched to a spring with spring constant k and is pulled aside a distance A from its equilibrium position x=0. a) what is the speed as it passes the position x=0? I know that at A and -A v=0 and at x=0 v=max, but I can't remember how to get an equation...
  17. P

    Significace of i*sin(wt) in SHM [cos(wt)+i*sin(wt)]

    confusing title i suspect but didnt know what else to call it. so I'm considering a spring and mass with the displacement of the mass being x and the stiffness of the spring being k force on the spring = -k*x =m*a or rearranged etc d2x/dt2 + (k/m)*x = 0 .........[1] then i assume...
  18. M

    Solving for t in SHM (complex solution)

    Hey guys, this is my first post, I was hoping you all could offer some advice. I'm facing a problem involving free undamped SHM. Everything is working out well so far but I ran into a problem when trying to find t. Here's what I have: x(t) = -2/3cos10t + 1/2sin10t Now, if I want to find...
  19. B

    Solve Spring SHM Problem: Period of Oscillation in M1, M2, k

    Homework Statement Two blocks of mass M2 and M1 (M2>M1) are connected by a spring with force constant k and are free to slide on a frictionless table. They are pulled apart and then released from rest. In terms of M1, M2, and k, what would the period of oscillation be? Homework...
  20. K

    Hoop Radius for 2.0s Oscillation | SHM Object Time Calculation

    We want to support a thin hoop by a horizontal nail and have the hoop make one complete small-angle oscillation each 2.0s . What must the hoop's radius be (in meters) ? and An object is undergoing SHM with period 0.260 s and amplitude 5.55 cm. At t=0 the object is instantaneously at...
  21. M

    How to Derive Potential Energy for SHM in Terms of Frequency?

    Homework Statement I have been asked to show that a particle of mass m executing simple harmonic motion with frequency f, has a potential energy V(x) = 2\pi^{2}f^{2}mx^{2} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know that V(x) = 1/2m\omega^{2}x^{2} and that...
  22. B

    How Does Gravity Affect Equations in Vertical SHM Problems?

    I have been doing quite a few SHM problems, and I just have a few questions in general. A lot of questions evolved from one particular problem type: A mass attached to the end of a vertical spring of spring constant k. My questions: 1. How can we prove that we can use the equation...
  23. C

    What Frequency Does an Atom in a Cubic Lattice Absorb Radiation?

    [SOLVED] SHM: atom in a lattice Homework Statement From Advanced Physics by Adams and Allday. Spread 3.34, Q 5. An atom of mass 5 \times 10^{-26} kg is in a cubic lattice with all bonds between adjacent pairs of atoms having a spring constant about 100 N/m. Estimate the natural frequency...
  24. C

    SHM: mass between 2 prestretched springs

    Homework Statement This is from Advanced Physics by Adams and Allday. Spread 3.34, Q 3. A friction-free trolley of mass 2 kg is tethered to rigid supports at each end by two identical springs of spring constant 20 N/m each. The springs obey Hooke's law and remain in tension as the trolley...
  25. L

    SHM - Finding Distance and Direction of Oscillating Particles

    SHM - Simple Harmonic Motion Question Homework Statement Two particles oscillate in SHM along a common straight-line segment of length A. Each particle has a period of 1.5s, but they differ in phase by π/6 rad. a. How far apart are they 9in terms of A) 0.50s after the lagging particle...
  26. S

    Phases of SHM & Wave Motion: Are They Equal?

    My teacher told me that in SHM and wave motion phase refers to the argument in the corresponding function. then she said that if there is a difference of 2pi in the arguments then the phases are equal (sin ,cos function) but isn't it wrong , i know that their effect in terms of velocity , acc...
  27. S

    Difference between forced vibration and combined SHM

    what is the difference between forced vibration and combined SHM. since both include motion of particle under the influence of two periodic force
  28. S

    How Do You Calculate the Amplitude for a Mass to Fall Off in SHM?

    1. There is a spring connected to a mass on a frictionless horizontal surface. Another mass smaller in size is placed ontop of the bigger mass. It asks find the amplitude so that the smaller mass falls off. Coeffient of friction is 0.4 between the two masses. K is given as 200 N/m 2...
  29. G

    How Does Doubling Molecular Mass Affect Vibration Frequency?

    1. The mass of the deuterium molecule D2 is twice the mass of Hydrogen molecule H2. If the vibrational frequency of H2 is 1.35x10^14 Hz, what is the vibrational frequency of D2, assuming the "spring constant" of attracting forces is the same for two species? Answer in unit of Hz. Homework...
  30. G

    SHM - Horizontal Spring Question

    1. A 41g object is attached to a horizontal spring with a spring constant of 15N/m and released from rest with an amplitude of 22.4cm. What is the velocity of the object when it is halfway to the equilibrium position if the surface is frictionless? Answer in units of m/s. Homework Equations...
  31. A

    What Points Determine Maximum and Minimum Velocity in Spring Oscillations?

    Homework Statement At which point does the mass on a vibrating spring have its largest velocity? Smallest velocity? Homework Equations Hooke's Law? See below. The Attempt at a Solution I know the mass on a vibrating spring has the greatest acceleration when the greatest amount of force is...
  32. P

    How Do You Calculate the Mass of a Spring in Simple Harmonic Motion?

    Hi there, I just want to confirm my answer: A mass "M" is set oscillating on a spring of mass "m_{s}". If the total mass of the system is given by: M+\frac{m_{s}}{3} Derive an expression for m_{s}. ------------------------------------ Well first off: U=\frac{1}{2}kx^{2}...
  33. M

    Can a Bead on a Parabolic Wire Exhibit Simple Harmonic Motion?

    Homework Statement i have a bead on a wire shaped by y=cx^2 where y is the height - use conservation of energy to show that the system unfergoes simple harmonic motion. - no friction! Homework Equations I think to prove its SHM i need to get an equation in the form acc= - w^2 x...
  34. B

    What Is the Period of SHM for a Rotated Cube Attached to a Spring?

    The 3.00 kg cube has edge lengths d = 6.30 cm and is mounted on an axle through its center. A spring (k = 950 N/m) connects the cube's upper corner to a rigid wall. Initially the spring is at its rest length. If the cube is rotated 3.00° and released, what is the period of the resulting SHM...
  35. G

    What Is the Amplitude 3cm from an Antinode in SHM?

    Homework Statement Adjacent antinodes of a standing wave on a string are a distance 15.0cm apart. A particle at an antinode oscillates in simple harmonic motion with amplitude 0.850cm and period 0.0750s. The string lies along the +x - axis and is fixed at x=0. At time t=0, all points on the...
  36. P

    What is the phase constant in SHM?

    The graph shows the position x of an oscillating object as a function of time t. The equation of the graph is x(t)=Acos(wt + \phi) where A is the amplitude, w is the angular frequency, and \phi is a phase constant. The quantities M,N, and T are measurements to be used in your answers. See...
  37. D

    So the position of the mass 3.760 s after it is released is 0.108 m.

    Homework Statement A 23.0 kg block at rest on a horizontal frictionless air track is connected to the wall via a spring. The equilibrium position of the mass is defined to be at x=0. Somebody pushes the mass to the position x= 0.350 m, then let's go. The mass undergoes simple harmonic motion...
  38. S

    SHM w/ Friction: Will Oscillating Object Stop at Equilibrium?

    Suppose a mass is oscillating attached to a spring in a horizontal surface with friction. Friction sooner or later will stop the oscillation. Does exists any possibility that the oscillating object stops at equilibrium position of that SHM, or it will stop elsewhere but never in the equilibrium...
  39. T

    SHM - mass-spring system on frictionless horizontal surface

    Homework Statement A 250 g block is resting on a frictionless horizontal surface. The block is attached to a spring. The mass-spring system is compressed by a 2.5 N force and then released from rest. (a) The resulting oscillation has a 1.0 s period. What is the spring constant? (b) What is...
  40. Saladsamurai

    Questopn about phase shift SHM

    Question about phase shift SHM The displacement of an object is given by x(t)=x_mcos(\omega t+\phi) If the inital displacement is 0 and the initial v is in the negative x direction, then the phase constant must be ___rads I know that if x=o then the cosine of the phase must be 0...
  41. R

    Solve Extension of Spring After Collision: 1kg & 50g Mass Merge

    Spring with k=100N/m attached to the ceiling. Someone attaches mass of 1kg to the spring. After the spring reaches equilibrium another mass of 50g is dropped from a height of 2m above the 1st mass. After the collision of m1 and m2 the masses merge and continue to move. a) Find extension of...
  42. C

    What Causes the Net Force on a Displaced Ship in SHM?

    Homework Statement There is a ship of mass M floating on a river. The upper portion of the ship has a uniform cross-sectional area A and the density of water is d. Now the ship is displaced a further depth y into the water and released. What is the resultant force acting on the ship when it is...
  43. D

    Magnetic field strength and SHM

    Homework Statement Hi there.this is one of those proof dealies that i think i nearly have right but i was wondering if anyone could point out if i have made too many assumptions or anything thanks. Show that if a bar magnet is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, of strength H, and is...
  44. R

    Mass and Coulomb Forces in SHM: Exploring the Role of Mass in Period Calculation

    This is a question I already solved but was curious about something. There are two positive point charges of the same maginitude on the same axis. They are some distance appart with third point positive charge placed slightly off the midpoint between the two original charges. The question is...
  45. C

    Find Force of Friction on Wedge: Shm Physics Help

    Homework Statement A wedge of mass M is placed on a rough surface with a mass m attached to a spring placed rigidly on the wedge. The surface b/w the wedge and the mass m is smooth and the surface between the wegde and the ground is sufficiently rough to keep the wedge from moving. The angle...
  46. mbrmbrg

    SHM: Half Energy at Displacement

    Homework Statement (a) When the displacement in SHM is one-half the amplitude xm, what fraction of the total energy is kinetic energy? (b) What fraction is potential energy? (c) At what displacement, in terms of the amplitude, is the energy of the system half kinetic energy and half...
  47. L

    Solving SHM: Calculate Max Speed & Acceleration

    Here's the actual question that started my wondering about the correct representation of a shm function: Homework Statement A 0.500 kg mass attached to a spring with a force constant of 8.00 N/m vibrates in simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 10.0 cm. Calculate (a) the maximum value...
  48. B

    How Do Astronauts Measure Their Mass in Space?

    Homework Statement Astronauts in space cannot weigh themselves by standing on a bathroom scale. Instead, they determine their mass by oscillating on a large spring. Suppose an astronaut attaches one end of a large spring to her belt and the other end to a hook on the wall of the space...
  49. B

    What is the max. kinetic energy of the oscillation?

    Hi, A child on a swing swings with a time period of 2.5s and an amplitude of 2m. What is the max. kinetic energy of the oscillation? I'm not sure how to work this out without her mass. Her max speed is 2.51m/s but I don't know how to do this. BTW this is all the information that is given Any...
  50. E

    Need help - about Coulomb's Law and SHM

    need help -- about Coulomb's Law and SHM Two positive charges +Q are held fixed a distance d apart. A particle of negative chage -q and mass m is placed midway between them, then is given a small displacement perpendicular to the line joining them and released. Show that the particle describes...