Short Definition and 523 Threads

In finance, being short in an asset means investing in such a way that the investor will profit if the value of the asset falls. This is the opposite of a more conventional "long" position, where the investor will profit if the value of the asset rises.
There are a number of ways of achieving a short position. The most fundamental method is "physical" selling short or short-selling, which involves borrowing assets (often securities such as shares or bonds) and selling them. The investor will later purchase the same number of the same type of securities in order to return them to the lender. If the price has fallen in the meantime, the investor will have made a profit equal to the difference. Conversely, if the price has risen then the investor will bear a loss. The short seller must usually pay a fee to borrow the securities (charged at a particular rate over time, similar to an interest payment), and reimburse the lender for any cash returns such as dividends they were due during the period of lease.
Short positions can also be achieved through futures, forwards or options, where the investor can assume an obligation or a right to sell an asset at a future date at a price that is fixed at the time the contract is created. If the price of the asset falls below the agreed price, then the asset can be bought at the lower price before immediately being sold at the higher price specified in the forward or option contract. A short position can also be achieved through certain types of swap, such as contracts for differences. These are agreements between two parties to pay each other the difference if the price of an asset rises or falls, under which the party that will benefit if the price falls will have a short position.
Because a short seller can incur a liability to the lender if the price rises, and because it normally does the short sale through a broker, a short seller is typically required to post margin to its broker as collateral to ensure that any such liabilities can be met, and to post additional margin if losses begin to accrue. For analogous reasons, short positions in derivatives also usually involve the posting of margin with the counterparty. Any failure to post margin promptly would prompt the broker or counterparty to close the position.
Short selling is an especially systematic and common practice in public securities, futures or currency markets that are fungible and reasonably liquid.
A short sale may have a variety of objectives. Speculators may sell short hoping to realize a profit on an instrument that appears overvalued, just as long investors or speculators hope to profit from a rise in the price of an instrument that appears undervalued. Alternatively, traders or fund managers may use offsetting short positions to hedge certain risks that exist in a long position or a portfolio.
Research indicates that banning short selling is ineffective and has negative effects on markets. Nevertheless, short selling is subject to criticism and periodically faces hostility from society and policymakers.

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  1. V

    Why do short circuits have zero voltage?

    I've searched around and all I can find are people quoting the equations. I see it in the math, but it seems contradictory. Here is my line of thought: 1. A source maintains a voltage difference across its terminals. 2. The difference in voltage causes charge to flow from higher to lower...
  2. F

    Friction loss is significant in short pipe

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  3. S

    Short circuit current and Open circuit voltage -- Illumination

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  4. K

    Weird questions about short circuit current capacity

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  5. A

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  6. K

    MHB Short questions relating to field extensions

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  7. I

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  8. A

    Short circuited illuminated PN junction

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  9. T

    What Happens to Flux in an Induction Motor When Short Circuited?

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  11. R

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  12. A

    How a very short λ enable light, not obliterate all shadow? (diffraction)

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  13. T

    Synchronous Machine Transent parameters from sudden 3phase Short Circuit

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  14. 1

    Why the wire burns in short current with flow of current?

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  15. B

    Short term, Light weight, Low volume Refrigeration Design

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  16. caffeinemachine

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  17. PeterDonis

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  18. 4

    Short Survey for my EPQ on Artificial Intelligence

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  19. E

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  20. T

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  21. M

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  22. D

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  23. M

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  24. PsychonautQQ

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  25. M

    Confused about short circuit and open circuit

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  26. Coffee_

    Lagrangian invariance, short question

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  27. B

    Short Circuit Current in Solar PV Cells

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  28. C

    Force on a magnet inside a short coil

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  29. Suraj M

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  30. G

    Why doesn't a center tap from a transformer short when grounded?

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  31. M

    Engineering Using the Short Circuit Test on a Single Phase Transformer?

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  32. blue_leaf77

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  33. R

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  34. T

    Open circuit short circuit (test) TX flux effect

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  35. N

    Current Source in Parallel with Short Circuit

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  36. Ganesh Ujwal

    A short proof for dim(R[T])=dim(R)+1?

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  37. Math Amateur

    MHB Short Five Lemma - Checking Some Simple 'Diagram Chasing'

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  38. Math Amateur

    LaTeX Latex code for the class SE of short exact sequences in Mod_R

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  39. Math Amateur

    MHB Sub-Category of Short Exact Sequences - Bland pages 85-86

    I am reading Paul E. Bland's book, "Rings and Their Modules". I am trying to understand Section 3.2 on exact sequences in \text{Mod}_R and need help with the notion of the class \mathscr{S} \mathscr{E} of short exact sequences in the category \text{Mod}_R . The subsection of Bland on the...
  40. Math Amateur

    MHB How Does Condition (2) Imply Condition (3) in Bland's Proposition 3.2.7?

    I am reading Paul E. Bland's book, "Rings and Their Modules". I am trying to understand Section 3.2 on exact sequences in Mod_R and need help with the proof of Proposition 3.2.7. Proposition 3.2.7 and its proof read as follows:I am having trouble in understanding the proof that condition (2)...
  41. Math Amateur

    MHB Split Short Exact Sequences - Bland - Proposition 3.2.6

    I am reading Paul E. Bland's book, "Rings and Their Modules". I am trying to understand Section 3.2 on exact sequences in Mod_R and need help with the proof of Proposition 3.2.6. Proposition 3.2.6 and its proof read as follows:The part of the proof that perplexes me is the section of the proof...
  42. Spinnor

    "Calabi-Yau Manifold for Dummies", short, at"

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  43. G

    Is This a Long or Short Rossby Wave at 35o N?

    Homework Statement Consider a Rossby wave propagating in a homogeneous ocean with a water depth of 4,000m at 35o N latitude. If the wave length of this wave is 500km, is this a long or short Rossby wave? Homework Equations shortwaves: |kx-1| <<RD longwaves: |kx-1| >> RD kx is the x-component...
  44. E

    Short Question about Torque on a Ladder Hinge

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  45. R

    Short Cylindrical Vacuum Chamber

    I seek to build a vacuum chamber for shipping radon contamination sensitive samples. The cylinder will have a height of approximately 2 inches, and needs an inner diameter of 10 inches. The plan is to weld stainless steel pipe to a plate on the bottom, and to have a lid bolt on to the pipe with...
  46. enorbet

    Help Finding a Sci Fi Short (possibly Heinlein)

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  47. Andy Resnick

    A Day Late & a Dollar Short: Contest Results After Nice Weather

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  48. C

    Very very short question on second derivative

    What does it mean when I have to find the second derivative of a circle at a given point? (Implicit diffing) In specifics, the equation is 9x2 +y2 =9 At the point (0,3) You don't really need the rest at all, but it was just my process. This seems to make no sense. first D'v 18x+2yy'=0 Second...
  49. S

    Equivalent resistance with a short circuit

    Homework Statement Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit shown below. Homework Equations R=\Sigma_{i}R_{i} 1/R=\Sigma_{i}1/R_{i} The Attempt at a Solution I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how this circuit can be simplified. All I see is a big short circuit where the...
  50. H

    Short question about length contraction

    The at rest distance between Betty the astronaut and a flag in open space is 1 unit. If Betty approaches the flag at constant speed while laying out metre rulers, will she have laid out 1 unit of at rest rulers when she reaches the flag? Or will the number of rulers laid out exceed 1 due to...