Signal Definition and 994 Threads

  1. Pushoam

    Max Input Signal: 0.3V for 1.5mA Collector Current

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Now, the input circuit is also biased as the transistor to work in the active region and without the biasing of the input circuit , the input circuit may get reversed biased during the negative half cycle of the signal voltage...
  2. L

    Generate sine wave with signal generator on scope

    I'm new to electronics, and using my new equiptment I would like to generate a sine signal on my function generator and display it on my oscilloscope. Equipment: * The scope is Rigol DS1054Z * Function generator is a $60 digital chinese. My problem is: When I plug connect the function...
  3. M

    Complex Exponentials Signal processing

    Hello everyone. Iam about to read a course in DSP and I can't get my head why complex exponentials are used as input signals that often? Is it just to simplify the math? If not, what exactly is the imaginary part of a complex exponential? Does it "do" anything special compared to a real valued...
  4. S

    Meaning of cryptographic GPS signal

    Hi,what does it mean by „cryptographic GPS signal“? P code of military GPS signal?Senmeis
  5. Tesladude

    MOSFET not working with digital input gate signal, Help please

    Ok, so i have a picaxe microcontroller putting out a pwm signal to the gate of an irlb3034 "logic level" n-channel mosfet. The mosfet is for grounding on and off about 8v of 20 to 40 amps. When i take my circuit and jump 8v directly to the gate of my mosfet everything works perfectly...
  6. kostoglotov

    Nyquist and FM and Signal Mixing....

    In an assignment I have, we are told to implement a Frequency Modulating function without using any of MATLAB's in-built functions, and not to use it's integration function either (use cumsum instead). I've been getting a lot of problems trying to solve these assignment problems without telling...
  7. I

    Is action potential a signal transduction?

    This might be either an obvious one, or I might be totally off track. I haven't seen, or been able to find neural action potentials being referenced as signal transductions. Aren't they signal transductions? And if not (say if action potential is only referenced to the change in potential)...
  8. G

    Engineering Voltages and current in a circuit: incorrect signal?

    Homework Statement Consider the circuit in the figure and calculate V1, V2 and IA. Notice that the symbols V and A represent, respectively, an ideal voltmeter and an ideal ammeter. Homework Equations Ohm's Law $$V=RI$$ KVL The sum of the voltages of a mesh in a circuit equals zero. We...
  9. kostoglotov

    Can a basic envelope detector demodulate a DSB-SC signal?

    ie: I am 99% sure the answer is: no, it can't. I've read that DSB-SC demodulation requires the carrier frequency to be put back into the signal at the receiving end prior to demodulation (or as part of the demod process), and that if its too out of...
  10. M

    How signal is transmitted through RCA cable

    How signal is transmitted through only one wire (red) of simple RCA cable? What is use and how works ground wire (black)?
  11. Auto-Didact

    A Penrose: Noise in LIGO signal implies CCC

    Roger Penrose, July 2017. Correlated "noise" in LIGO gravitational wave signals: an implication of Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
  12. S

    Baseband Signal Processing and Digital to Analog Converters

    Hi Guys, I have a question on the need for Digital to analog converters in Transmitters. To elaborate bit further: 1) Because of the advantages of the Digital signals, most go the signal processing in wireless communications is performed in baseband. But my question is: Since digital...
  13. Q

    Phase shift measurement using phase modulated signal

    Hello everyone, I'm actually working on developping a phase shift sensor using one phase modulated signal, i know that the title is confusing beaucause the phase shift measurement need two signals , I'm trying to do this with the zero crossing method so if I could found the timestamps of the...
  14. A

    Normalized error with two signals?

    Hi, I'm a new member in this forum. my question : How calculated the normalized error with two signals?
  15. ChrisVer

    A BDT scores: Signal vs Background

    I have one question: Many times, in order to test whether an outcome should be considered as "Signal" (S) or "Background" (B), we are using BDTs which we have trained on known outcomes... I was wondering though, the outcome of being S/B is binary : either it's signal or it's not... the only way...
  16. V

    B Understanding Input Signals in Transistors

    Hello , This doubt arose while studying chapter on semiconductor devices in grade 12 of high school physics . Please clear a doubt in as simple language as possible . In order to be specific with my question I need a diagram which is exactly as mentioned in the video below . Kindly see Note...
  17. K

    Sensors and transducers, transmission, signal conditioning

    Homework Statement Q1. A hydraulic jack has a load piston diameter of 150 mm, and a plunger diameter of 25 mm a) Ignoring loses, calculate the force needed on the plunger to raise a load of 2500 kg b) Calculate how many stroke of the plunger will be required to raise the load 180 mm, if each...
  18. M

    How to convert Audio output jack signal to 5V range?

    Hi Guys, Can Some one Help me to Figure Out how can i Convert Voice Signal from 3.5mm Jack to Voltage. Though the voice signal has low signal strength can i boost it using amplifer and to get output in Voltage what is the Process i am not figuring out the perfect way. Sugest me your Option...
  19. N

    Why Is My Oscilloscope Signal Pulsating?

    Hi, so i am doing measurements with a pulsed laser using an oscilliscope. The signal has been ok (stable) until this afternoon when I noticed the signal started pulsating. The baseline of the signal suddenly jumps up and the baseline becomes larger, and then go down to normal.. and it keeps...
  20. M

    Power signal calculation using Parseval's Theorem

    Homework Statement Hi guys, I have the following transmitted power signal: $$x(t)=\alpha_m \ cos[2\pi(f_c+f_m)t+\phi_m],$$ where: ##\alpha_m=constant, \ \ f_c,f_m: frequencies, \ \ \theta_m: initial \ phase.## The multipath channel is: $$h(t)=\sum_{l=1}^L \sqrt{g_l} \ \delta(t-\tau_l).$$...
  21. dat

    Find the transfer function for this signal flow graph

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Manson method The Attempt at a Solution I used Manson method. I am not sure this is the best result. can someone use MATLAB or some software to solve this quickly ??
  22. R

    Radio Carrier Signal Trouble Understanding

    I seem to have a lot of trouble understanding radio carrier signals I have read a bunch of stuff online and seen videos trying to explain it but I just can't understand it! Could some of you who understand try and give me some analogies or anything that might help me out? Thanks alot!
  23. Spalding215

    What Is the Signal's Form and Duration from Its Complex Power Spectral Density?

    Homework Statement "The complex power spectral density is : S(jw)=(1/(w*(w^2+a^2))*e^j90 Find the form and duration of the signal." Homework Equations Any ideas on how to solve this ?[/B]The Attempt at a Solution What I've managed to calculate so far is:
  24. S

    Power/Energy Signal Homework: u[n] - u[n-4]

    Homework Statement Determine whether u[n] - u[n-4] is a power or energy signal. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am stuck here. I don't know how to simply further. Please help.
  25. Paul Colby

    Signal measurement ~50 pico volts

    Hi, my question may be too open ended in which case some help defining it would be helpful. The signal I wish to measure is estimated to be ~50 pico volts in amplitude generated in an HF AT-cut quartz crystal. Basically all the signal power will be at the fundamental mode resonant frequency...
  26. A

    Is a Career in Antenna Design Possible with a Bachelor's Degree in EE?

    I am contemplating about pursuing EE bachelor. My goal is to deal with antennas, signal processing, electronic communication, etc. But all the curricula that I have examined (USA), universities don't seem to offer any courses on antennas. Sig proc - yes, and so are circuit analysis present there...
  27. T

    Using two connected Yagi antennas to "bend" a mobile signal

    I have a typical problem. I have two bars mobile signal in my attic - none at ground floor level. The reason is a roadside pole transmitter less than 500m away installed down in a dip behind houses (duh!) An electrically powered signal booster is illegal in the UK which atracts a £5000 fine...
  28. V

    Maintaining the integrity of an analog signal

    Hi, I am measuring an analog voltage with an Arduino analog in. The analog voltage comes from a cable which also contains digital signal wires. Do I need to separate the analog and digital signals using separate cables? If so, does the analog voltage signal cable need shielding? And if so, how...
  29. maearnie

    Solve Impulse Response Homework - h(n), x(n), y(k)

    Homework Statement I have an impulse response h(n)=e^(0.1n)*[u(n)-u(n-8)] and an input x(n)={0,1,2,3,0}, how do I find the output y(k)? [/B]Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution i don't even know how to solve. should i try convolution or should i substitute the values of x(n) in h(n)...
  30. A

    How do I find the amplitude of the combined signal?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Δφ = 2π (Δr/λ) The Attempt at a Solution I understand how to get the phase difference, but is the equation for the combined wave (second last line) just something I should memorize? Also, where does the sin term go in the last line? And why are the...
  31. B

    Are load cell signal conditioners limited to sample speeds?

    Hi, I need to buy a bridge amplifier for my load cell. I need to be able to take at least 350SPS (samples per second). The only load cell amplifier I can find within my budget states that it has a selectable 10 SPS and 80 SPS output data rate. Heres the link to the amplifier...
  32. N

    Trying to get raw signal from SRF02 ultrasonic sensor

    Hello Physics Forum people! I am working on a project involving indoor mapping, and I have just received 10 SRF02 ultrasonic range finders to hook up in an array to measure distances using sound waves and use this data to map out buildings. However, we are looking to receive the "raw signal...
  33. T

    Finding the bandwidth of an FM signal

    Homework Statement Consider the frequency-modulated (FM) signa A(t)=A0sin[2πfct+Δfsin(2πfmt)/fm] , where fc = 3.5 kHz, fm = 88.1 MHz. What is the bandwidth of the signal? [Note: You may take sin≅ and cos≅1 for x (in radian) << 1.] Homework Equations A(t)=A0sin[2πfct+Δfsin(2πfmt)/fm] The...
  34. Anik Paul

    What is diode small signal resistance?

    I'm not realising this thing.
  35. Sotiris

    Problem with Lock-in Amplifier (cannot lock the signal)

    Hello, I'm using a lock in amplifier (model 5210 from signal recovery) for some experiments with photodiodes. Firstly, there is an optical chopper that "feeds" the lock in (reference signal). My input is a photodiode (in current mode). The problem is,the unlock (unlk) light is always on in the...
  36. G

    Evaluate Fourier series coefficients and power of a signal

    Homework Statement Derive the expression for coefficients of Fourier series in exponential form for the sequence of rectangular pulses (with amplitude A, period T and duration θ) shown in this image: Derive the expression for signal power depending on the coefficients of Fourier series...
  37. L

    B Astronomers' Opinion on Wow! Signal: Evidence of ET?

    What is the prevailing opinion among astronomers about the most plausible explanation for the Wow! signal? I was just reading that Jerry Ehman, the man who discovered the anomaly in 1977, believes the most likely explanation is a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization...
  38. S

    Yagi antenna radiating with respect to original signal

    I have a question regarding how a Yagi type antenna radiating its energy with respect to faithfully replicating the original signal. So let's say you have a FM modulating signal, F(x(t)) whereas x(t) is the data, and F(t) is the carrier, so basically x(t) would FM modulate the carrier F(x)...
  39. ChrisVer

    A Signal signficancies low expected events

    Hi, I am a little "confused" of how to treat a problem stating: suppose you expect 1.25 background (SM) events from one measurement. During one particular measurement, you observe 5 events. What's the probability that you discovered new physics? The standard/basic way to go about it is to...
  40. T

    Distributing a clock signal using a clock fanout buffer

    hi, im trying to distribute a clock signal using a clock fanout buffer. I have an oscillator and i need to get its clock signal to 4 other devices. My first idea was to supply the clock signal of the oscillator to a clock buffer. I have chosen this clock buffer...
  41. J

    Given f(N) as digital signal, find f(2N -1)

    Homework Statement f(N) is {3, 4, 5, 6, 7} It starts at 5 meaning f(o) is 5. i have to find f{2N-1} 2. Homework Equations [/B] f(N) is given, so first find f(2N) and then delay by 1. The Attempt at a Solution f(N) is {3, 4, 5, 6, 7} finding f(2N) f(0) is 5. f(2 * 0) is 5 f(-1) is 4. f(2 *...
  42. P

    Signal Rectifier Circuit -- clarification questions from The Art of Electroics

    I am studying The Art of Electronics and am confused about this particular part about a signal rectifier. In the first picture above, the first cap and resistor function differentiate the signal, and the signal passes the diode if the voltage is > .6V. The second circuit improves this by...
  43. H

    B Can You Identify This Mysterious RF Signal at Night?

    Looked at a RF spectrum that came from the IF output on a radio so it was not tuned thru the radio filters, just whatever the HF antenna was capable of. A pulse went across the entire spectrum slow enough to see it sweep across the screen. The pulses were not regularly spaced but came in...
  44. M

    Electronic Noise General Questions - Laboratory Setting

    Hello all, I'm an undergraduate at a large research university in Massachusetts working in a lab where my group contributes to the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab in chicago. Essentially what I'm working on is optimizing an optical rotation (Faraday) magnetometer system for use in magnetic...
  45. lahanadar

    Period of a complex exponential signal

    I have a simple complex exponential signal of the form x(t)=ejωt. To find period of the signal I tested if x(t)=x(t+nT) for all n: ejωt=ejω(t+nT) ⇒ ejωnT=1=ej2πk where n and k are integers. Then I find a general period expression as T=2πk/ωn Period T means it is the least time a signal...
  46. P G Krish

    Microwave oven is prevents mobile signal?

    Hi guys, If i put mobile phone into micro oven, Is this prevent mobile signal
  47. Tspirit

    How to store an audio voltage signal and recover it?

    I am doing an experiment in which an audio voltage signal can be obtained and saved as .csv (or other formats) by oscilloscope. In a second step I want to recover it into audio voltage signal and input it into a loudspeaker. Then how can I do in the second step? Or how to transverse a .csv (or...
  48. physicsEnthu_123

    Can Antenna reduce the radio signal strength when it receive

    When antenna receive the radio signal does it reduce the actual radio signal strength or strength indeed depends on the dispersion loss and other dielectric absorption? If antenna doesn’t reduce the radio signal strength(power), how it generates the current in the receiving antenna circuit? How...
  49. D

    How does an electrical signal physically flow in a processor

    I am a high school student interested in electronics. I have been able to understand almost everything about electricity and digital computers mosfets, logic gates,memory,cpu, fetching ,decoding, executing ,clock cycles, etc. except there is one thing that I can't seem to grasp my head around...
  50. Elvis 123456789

    Signal strength of a wave packet

    Homework Statement Assume a wave packet is has contributions from various frequencies, give by g(ω)=C for |ω|<ω0, and g(ω) =0 for elsewhere. a)What is the signal strength as a function of time, i.e., V(t)=? b) Sketch g(ω) and V(t); You can use, for example, or python. c)...