Silver Definition and 128 Threads

Silver is a chemical element with the symbol Ag (from the Latin argentum, derived from the Proto-Indo-European h₂erǵ: "shiny" or "white") and atomic number 47. A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it exhibits the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal. The metal is found in the Earth's crust in the pure, free elemental form ("native silver"), as an alloy with gold and other metals, and in minerals such as argentite and chlorargyrite. Most silver is produced as a byproduct of copper, gold, lead, and zinc refining.
Silver has long been valued as a precious metal. Silver metal is used in many bullion coins, sometimes alongside gold: while it is more abundant than gold, it is much less abundant as a native metal. Its purity is typically measured on a per-mille basis; a 94%-pure alloy is described as "0.940 fine". As one of the seven metals of antiquity, silver has had an enduring role in most human cultures.
Other than in currency and as an investment medium (coins and bullion), silver is used in solar panels, water filtration, jewellery, ornaments, high-value tableware and utensils (hence the term "silverware"), in electrical contacts and conductors, in specialized mirrors, window coatings, in catalysis of chemical reactions, as a colorant in stained glass and in specialised confectionery. Its compounds are used in photographic and X-ray film. Dilute solutions of silver nitrate and other silver compounds are used as disinfectants and microbiocides (oligodynamic effect), added to bandages and wound-dressings, catheters, and other medical instruments.

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  1. J

    What is the work function for silver?

    The wavelength associated with the cut-off frequency, for silver is 325 nm. a) What is the work function for silver? b) Find the maximum kinetic energy and speed of the electrons ejected from a silver surface by ultraviolet light of wavelength 254 nm. So far for part a) i have: f = c /...
  2. J

    White & Silver: What's the Difference?

    What's the difference between white and silver color? If both the sufaces are reflecting all the light frequencies, why do they look different?
  3. P

    Why silver atoms reflect light?

    why silver atoms reflect light? why they don't refract it, like the Huygens's principle says?
  4. D

    Pb-free Silver Paste: Articles & Documents

    Hi everybody, I must find documents or articles about this subject..I searched sciendirect,springerlink and scientific.If you have any idea other sites,please share with me..thanks all..
  5. A

    Calculators How to add more funtions on Ti-84 silver

    I need to get more than 10 funtions on a graph and ti84 has max of 10 graphs. is there anyway to increase it? someone told me i need to take a screenshot and than do it over it or some how >_> please reply FAST PLZPLZ i need my homework DONE AHHH
  6. R

    Is Silver Chloride soluble in Sodium Hydroxide ?

    Is "Silver Chloride" soluble in "Sodium Hydroxide"?? Is "Silver Chloride" soluble in "Sodium Hydroxide"?? :confused:
  7. F

    Understanding Diffraction of Light and the Silver Lining of Clouds

    from what I've read .. I am supposed to learn that the silver lining which we see is due to e diffraction of light. but i don't understand how diffraction of light results in e particularly bright parts along e edge of the clouds. shouldn't e light waves spread out? such that it would also cover...
  8. N

    Molarity of a solution of silver perchlorate

    What is the molarity of a solution of silver perchlorate, AgClO4, if 3.2 moles of silver perchlorate is dissolved in 1.5 liters of water? Is it 2.133 M, 4.756 M, 4.8 M, or 4.810 M ? i guessed 2.133 M 2. How many moles of potassium iodide, KI, must be used to make 1.500 L of a 0.2 M solution...
  9. BobG

    Silver RSC: Get a Laugh Out of This Story!

    Funny story at this link: Silver RSC (Please lookout) Not the way you want to get famous on the internet! :smile: The hero of this story was actually banned from that site for scalping Calgary Flames tickets. Cute way to get his ban lifted. :smile:
  10. R

    Calculators Troubleshooting Ti84 Silver Edition Apps with Ticonnect and Ti DeviceExplorer

    Ti84 silver edition help! when i go to add apps to my calc I open Ticonnect and I go to Ti DeviceExplorer while my calc is hooked up to the black cable it came with. a select device window apears, it says COM1 and COM3 it searches, then both come up <not found> what should I do?
  11. A

    Silver Nitrate/Copper Reaction

    I am currently typing up my lab report for Chemistry but I've come across a question that I'm stuck on. 2. Using the data obtained in the experiment and the equation you balanced above, calculate the mass of the copper you originally reacted. Show all steps clearly and include all units...
  12. N

    Generation of gold, silver, copper elements

    "Generation" of gold, silver, copper elements Since gold, and silver, and copper are all elements, I am a little confused - are they generated, or is there already only so much of each in the Earth, period? I know I found some data on Wikipedia that indicated that the various elements can be...
  13. A

    Solving Silver + Nitric Acid Equation

    A silver wire is added to nitric acid. I got 2Ag + 2HNO3 -> H2 + 2AgNO3. It's not right though, can anyone help me?
  14. B

    Processing 0.25% Silver Ore to Obtain 2 Pounds

    How many cubic centimeters of ore 0.25% by mass silver must be processed to obtain 2.0 pounds of silver? The density of the ore is 7.0 g/cm cubed. cm cubed; 1.00 pound=454 g. Assume that the process is 100% efficient. I get the answer of 520 but the answer is 52000 and i don't understand why...
  15. Pengwuino

    Removing Silver Nitrate Stains: Tips and Tricks

    Bah! damn this stuff! Anyone know how to get silver nitrate off your hands? I was thinking of finding a photography store and see if they have any chemicals since i know its something photo...people...whatever... use :). Any suggestions? help? cut off flipper?
  16. R

    Question on Silver Chloride (gravimetric analysis)

    Forgive me for asking such a broad question, but does anybody know by how much (on average) oxygen discoloration will affect the percent chloride obtained from the precipitation of chloride from a sample using an aqueous solution of Silver Nitrate? More specifically, if the experimenter was to...
  17. K

    Silver staining and chromosome spreads

    Hi, I don't know if anyone here can help me. But I've lately been silver staining chromosome spreads for EM on plastic coated slides. However, when I do the water rinses after the staining procedure, my plastic coating just comes off and it infuriates me to no end as the whole spreading/staining...
  18. A

    Chemistry How Accurate Are My Molarity Calculations for Chemical Solutions?

    I was given several equations to use for this assignment so, before assuming that I got this right, I wanted to check my answers. I don't think I have them done correctly...:redface: What is the molarity of a solution of silver perchlorate, AgClO4, if 3.2 moles of silver perchlorate are...
  19. C

    How Many Electrons to Transfer for a 3.00e4 N Force Between Silver Spheres?

    Two small silver spheres, each with a mass of 12.0 g, are separated by 1.00 m. Calculate the fraction of the electrons in one sphere that must be transferred to the other to produce an attractive force of 3.00e4 N (about 3 tons) between the spheres. (The number of electrons per atom of silver is...
  20. E

    What would I do to be able to recover the silver metal?

    If I have a solution filed with silver ions. (Ag, dissolves in water) What would I do to be able to recover the silver metal?
  21. N

    Calculating Charge Transfer in Silver Spheres Using Coulomb's Law

    I'm having trouble even beginning this problem. I'm not quite sure how to convert from the charge, which I believe I can find, to the number of electrons shared. If someone could help me understand what I'm being asked to find, and how to find it, I would really appreciate it. The problem is as...
  22. Monique

    So, Is Ingesting Colloidal Silver or Gold Dangerous?

    I had never heard of this condition before until I saw it on television today: it is a rare condition where the skin turns grey due to the ingestion of colloidal silver. Silver-protein complexes are deposited in the skin, which causes the skin to permanently to discolor :bugeye: colloidal...
  23. L

    Metals: Silver Copper Alloy Density & e Value

    Hi, just looking into metals and came across silver copper alloy having a density of 9900 - 1.05e4 kg per cubic metre. I have been told me that the value of e is (probably quite randomly) 2.71 and others said that it is an abbreviation for 0, eg. 1,000,000 could be written as 1e6 or 10,000 as...
  24. I

    Why is silver good for making jewellery?

    Hey, I got to explain why silver is good to use for making jewellery. Aside from the obvious aesthetic properties, is there any physical properties anyone knows that make it good to use? Thanks
  25. O

    What Happens When Silver Contacts Pressed Sulphur Tablets?

    I was thinking about the reaction of silver and sulphur. I've read that when copper is oxidised by oxygen, after the formation of the first film of Cu2O, it is actually the copper atoms diffusing out of the bulk copper through the Cu2O layer to the air, where they are oxidised. Does...
  26. C

    Why Change in Entropy for Silver, N2 & Water Similar?

    Can someone explain to me why the change in entropy for 1 mol of N2, silver, and water are all relatively close together? The values of the change in S I respectively are S=72.8060J/K, 102.1817J/K, 86.6032J/K, 108.8686J/K. Yea to me they don't even look close together but they agree with the...
  27. G

    How Long for an Electron to Move 1cm in a Silver Wire?

    A silver wire of diameter 1 mm carries a current of 130 mA. The density of conduction electrons in silver is 5.8X10^28 m-3. How long (on average) does it take for a conduction electron to move 1.0 cm along the wire? ok, so first I calculated drift speed using the equation Vd = I/ Ne * A...
  28. M

    Work Function of Silver: Solve Problem 18 for eV

    Problem 18. The threshold frequency of silver is 14.3*10^15Hz. What is the work function of silver? Answer in eV.