Simultaneous equations Definition and 125 Threads

In mathematics, a set of simultaneous equations, also known as a system of equations or an equation system, is a finite set of equations for which common solutions are sought. An equation system is usually classified in the same manner as single equations, namely as a:

System of linear equations,
System of nonlinear equations,
System of bilinear equations,
System of polynomial equations,
System of differential equations, or a
System of difference equations

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  1. K

    Help solving (complex) simultaneous equations

    Homework Statement I am trying to solving the following complex equation for x and \theta a\sinh(2x) e^{-i\theta} + y\sinh^2x e^{-i2\theta} + y^*\cosh^2(x) = 0 where a is real constant, x and \theta are also real parameter. y is complex number, y^* is the complex conjugate. Solve for...
  2. M

    Solving exponential simultaneous equations

    Homework Statement The actual problem shows a graph however I can state all the information. The graph is of a sinusiodal waveform where the amplitude is decaying exponentially. The formula for the graph is given by the equation: T = Ae-Ktsin(wt + ø) The question is to find A,K,w and ø...
  3. L

    Heat expansions using simultaneous equations.

    Hi all, this isn't homework, just doing a bit of revision and I've come to a question I'm stuck on. Thanks for any help! Homework Statement A steel ball is resting on a hole in a brass surface, at 15 degrees celsius. The bearing has a diameter of 30mm, and the hole has a diameter at...
  4. J

    Kichoff Simultaneous Equations

    Homework Statement I what to know how I form an equation for the middle loop, as there is no EMF in that part. Or, how do I go about forming the equations? Also, am I right to say that I should have 3 equations? Homework Equations
  5. S

    How can I solve for the forces in a three bar truss with a weight of 2 T?

    A weight of 2 T is supported by a three bar truss. We want to find the forces in the three bars. (This truss is a 3-4-5 triangle so that sin and cos are either 0.6 or 0.8. See below Resolving vertically at the top we find 0.8F1 + 0.6 F2 = 2 This is Equation 1 Resolving horizontally at...
  6. R

    Solving Simultaneous Equations: Methods and Accuracy

    [SOLVED] simultaneous equations Why is it that when solving some simultaneous equations two different ways you can get two different answers? One example is this: 0=-tsin(x)+85.7sin(30) eq. 1 0=-tcos(x)+85.7cos(30)-t eq. 2 I solved these equations in mathematica and got t=49.4789 and x=1.0472...
  7. J

    Solving Simultaneous Equations for Homework Assignments

    Homework Statement It's been a while since I solved these kind of things. I can only remember how to solve 2 simultaneous equations 40x + 40y = 10 -40y -40z = -2 40x - 40z = 8 Homework Equations NoneThe Attempt at a Solution Just need a pointer on what method to use.
  8. M

    Transforming Simultaneous Equations into Simplified Form for Easy Solving

    Hi, I have the following two equations of the form: A^2 - B^2=hj(k^2) and 2AB=mjk and I need to get them into the form A=k.sqrt(hj/2).{sqrt((1)+(m/hk)^2)+1}^(1/2) and B=k.sqrt(hj/2).{sqrt((1)+(m/hk)^2)-1}^(1/2) I've been trying in vain for a while now and its starting to annoy me coz I...
  9. N

    How do I solve simultaneous equations with squared terms and fractions?

    [SOLVED] Simultaneous equations Homework Statement Solve: x^2+y^2=10 and 1/x+1/y=4/3 Homework Equations er... I've tred substituting y=mx into eliminate y The Attempt at a Solution I tried squaring the2nd equation to give: 1/x^2+1/y^2+2/xy=16/9 Then I substituted...
  10. R

    Solving Simultaneous Equations: x^2+y^2=5, 1/x^2+1/y^2=5/4

    Homework Statement x^2+y^2=5, 1/x^2+1/y^2=5/4 The Attempt at a Solution I have rearranged the 1st equation: x^2=5-y^2 Then substitued this into the 2nd equation: 1/(5-y^2)+1/y^2=5/4 Found a common denominator: 5/(5x^2-x^4)=5/4 Multiply by the denominator...
  11. M

    Can Symmetry Help Us Solve Simultaneous Equations with Different Variables?

    x^{5}=5y^{3}-4z y^{5}=5z^{3}-4x z^{5}=5x^{3}-4y We get five solutions (0,1,-1,2,-2) for x=y=z. But it's hard to do this when y\neqx\neqz. Any ideas?
  12. D

    Unraveling the Mystery Behind Quadratic and Linear Simultaneous Equations

    I'm currently going through some questions and came across quadratic and linear simultaneous equations. Solve the equation: x + y = 1 x^2 + y^2 = 16 I am not interested in the question itself but rather the explanation the book gives me which says after...
  13. C

    Solving Simultaneous Equations: Tips and Help for Difficult Problems

    Hi. I'm working through a Statistics question and have reached two simultaneous equations that I just can't seem to sove. Could someone please help? I'd really appreciate it. The two equations are: 1.65 - x = -0.5244y and 1.78 - x = 0.8416y Thank you. Cathy
  14. D

    How to Solve Simultaneous Equations over Complex Numbers?

    I am trying to find the solutions to the following system over the complex numbers: x^4 + y^4 + z^4 +4xyz - 4x^2 - 4y^2 - 4z^2 +5 =0 4x^3 + 4yz - 8x =0 4y^3 + 4xz - 8y =0 4z^3 + 4xy - 8z =0I calculated the resultant: xyz - 2x^2 - 2y^2 - 2z^2 +5 which would give a necessary...
  15. J

    Solving 4 simultaneous equations

    Got 4 equations with 4 unknowns and I'm being a retard so I can't figure this thing out. k, k', alpha and beta are known constants. A + B = C + D k(A-B) = k'(C-D) Ce^{\alpha} + De^{-\alpha} = Fe^{\beta} k'Ce^{\alpha} - k'De^{-\alpha} = kFe^{\beta} alpha is ik'L, beta is...
  16. M

    Can We Solve for 15 Variables Using Only 10 Equations?

    Can we find the numerical values of 15 variables by solving 10 equations which involve all 15 variables, simultaneously?
  17. D

    How to Solve Simultaneous Equations with Logarithms

    I need some help with this please! 1. given p=logq 16, express in terms of p: a) logq 2 b) logq (8q) this is what i got: a) p= logq16 = logq22 = 4logqqq =1/4 p b) p=logq16 =logq8 +logq q =logq23 + 1 =3logq2 +1 ...?? Also can someone please help get me started on these...
  18. J

    Optimizing Simultaneous Equations for Experimental Data Analysis

    Hi, I have the results from an experiment I carried out and basically I have a formula with 2 unknown variables in it, and 6 sets of data. Because this data is from an experiment it isn't perfect and I was wondering about the method that determines the value of the 2 constants that would best...
  19. C

    Solving 2 Simultaneous Equations for c & d

    Can anyone analytically solve these 2 simultaneous equations for c & d, where a and b are known? a = sin(c) * cosh(d) b = cos(c) * sinh(d) I can eliminate 'c' to get: (sinh d)^2 = b^2 + (a^2)*(tanh d)^2 but this doesn't seem to make life any easier.
  20. S

    Calculation of simultaneous equations

    How are simultaneous equations calculated using a computer?
  21. S

    Finding Solutions for Simultaneous Equations with Transcendental Functions

    I came across this question once somewhere and I can't seem to get anything: x^y = 9 , y^x = 8 Solve the simultaneous equations. Expressing x = 9^{1/y} and then substituting doesn't help much. I get an equation in one variable, but no direct answer. Again, taking log on both sides doesn't...
  22. A

    Solving Simultaneous Equations: Other Methods?

    hello , just wanted 2 know if there was another method for solving the simultaneous equation other than the matrix,determinant,elimination,substitution,graphical methods .pls let me know
  23. P

    Solving trignometric simultaneous equations

    Solving trignometric simultaneous equations... Hi, I'm in need of some help solving a set of simultaneous equations which will (hopefully!) solve the inverse kinematics for a robot arm. The equations are as follows: eq1 := Xu-Xl = -c[4]*L_u2-s[4]*c[5]*L_l*c[6]-c[4]*L_l*s[6]+c[4]*L_u1...
  24. D

    Elastic Collision and Simultaneous Equations

    Hello I need help with elastic collisions. I know you have to solve simultaneous equations, but for the problem I'm on, the equation has a power other than one like X2 etc. How do I do this on A TI-83 +? Thank you. Doug
  25. F

    Solve the simultaneous equations

    Sovle the simultaneous equations log_2 (x-14y) = 3 lgx - lg(y+1) = 1 How do i start?