Single slit Definition and 156 Threads

Diffraction refers to various phenomena that occur when a wave encounters an obstacle or opening. It is defined as the bending of waves around the corners of an obstacle or through an aperture into the region of geometrical shadow of the obstacle/aperture. The diffracting object or aperture effectively becomes a secondary source of the propagating wave. Italian scientist Francesco Maria Grimaldi coined the word diffraction and was the first to record accurate observations of the phenomenon in 1660.

In classical physics, the diffraction phenomenon is described by the Huygens–Fresnel principle that treats each point in a propagating wavefront as a collection of individual spherical wavelets. The characteristic bending pattern is most pronounced when a wave from a coherent source (such as a laser) encounters a slit/aperture that is comparable in size to its wavelength, as shown in the inserted image. This is due to the addition, or interference, of different points on the wavefront (or, equivalently, each wavelet) that travel by paths of different lengths to the registering surface. However, if there are multiple, closely spaced openings, a complex pattern of varying intensity can result.
These effects also occur when a light wave travels through a medium with a varying refractive index, or when a sound wave travels through a medium with varying acoustic impedance – all waves diffract, including gravitational waves, water waves, and other electromagnetic waves such as X-rays and radio waves. Furthermore, quantum mechanics also demonstrates that matter possesses wave-like properties, and hence, undergoes diffraction (which is measurable at subatomic to molecular levels).

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  1. H

    Single slit diffraction minima formula misunderstanding

    Reading the derivation for the single slit diffraction minima formula from this site, I'm not convinced about its argument." What I'm having trouble understanding is the explanation of the formula for minima when m>1...
  2. J

    Double, single slit, and diffraction

    Homework Statement Hi guys, I'm going through a rough time understanding double and single slit and diffraction. Here's the first problem: A) A single slit gives destructive interference when m*L=w*sin(theta). A double slit gives constructive interference when m*L=d*sin(theta). Explain...
  3. M

    Single Slit Question: Linear Distance & Wavelength Calculation

    Homework Statement A single slit is illuminated with 660 nm and the resulting diffraction pattern is viewed on a screen 2.3 m away. a. If the linear distance between the 1st and 2nd dark fringes of the pattern is 12 cm. What is the width of the slit? Homework Equations W(X/L) =...
  4. H

    Single Slit (Fraunhoffer) Diffraction Question

    hey quick question about Fraunhoffer diffraction: RESTULT 1 for a rectanguar apperture, we have the following equation for irradiance I: I = I(0)(sin(B)/B)^2(sin(A)/A)^2 = I(0)[sinc(B)]^2[sinc(A)]^2 where, B = bu/2; A =...
  5. T

    Huygens' Principle: Exploring a Single Slit Experiment

    Hello , as per diagram (attached) regarding Huygens slit experiment / diagram When the wave enters the slit - why does it form a number of point sources ? There are 6 as per the diagram, Are these the horizontal wavelengths of the electromagnetic waves ? Thanks, much appreciated
  6. K

    Rotating single slit and 2 single slits merging

    a link to my youtube page of a rotating single slit and 2 single slit's merging,comments welcome on what you think it shows,or don't show
  7. P

    How do I generate a diffraction pattern using FFT from a single slit?

    Hi, I am a bit confused regarding using FFT to calculate the 1D single slit diffraction pattern.. Let's take the simple setup shown here:" If I wanted to do a quick calculation using Matlab, I would create a 1xN matrix...
  8. C

    Diffraction from a single slit.

    Homework Statement You need to use your cell phone which broadcasts an 830 MHz signal but you're in an alley between two massive radio wave absorbing building that have only a 15m space between them. What is the angular width in degrees of the electromagnetic wave after it emerges from between...
  9. M

    Find Single slit diffraction width

    Ive been marked wrong but not sure why: The distance between the first and fifth minima of a single-slit diffraction pattern is 0.400 mm with the screen 41.0 cm away from the slit, when light of wavelength 570 nm is used. Find the slit width. y=m(theata)D/a m-order = 5 D-distance...
  10. S

    Doube slit electron with single slit photon emitter and detector

    Basically I am wondering if the act of detecting the path which the electron didn't go affects the interference pattern. But I'll be more specific. So we have the double slit experiment with electrons, they have a 50/50 chance of going through each slit, and if we have this setup we will...
  11. Q

    Single slit diffraction interference

    erm anyone knows why for destructive interference to occur for a fraunhofer's diffraction pattern, the equation is a/2sin(theta) = m(lamda)/2 , ==> sin(theta) = m(lamda)/a ? where a = slit width lamda = wavelength theta = angle the ray makes with the central axis the problem i have...
  12. W

    Single Slit Interference: Explaining the Phenomenon

    Single slit interference. ?? Can someone please explain to me about the single slit interference phenomenon? My teacher said that after passing through the slit, it can be modeled that there are two wave source coming form each end of the "wall" which makes the slit. How can this actually...
  13. I

    Single slit Diffraction using green light

    Homework Statement Monochromatic green light of wavelength 546 nm falls on a single slit with a width of 0.095 mm. The slit is located 75 cm from a screen. How wide will the central bright band be? Homework Equations D sin 0dark = m 入 The Attempt at a Solution Can...
  14. M

    Calculating Single Slit Diffraction Width with 630 nm Light

    Homework Statement A single slit is illuminated with 630 nm light, and the resulting diffraction pattern is viewed on a screen 2.8 m away. If the linear distance between the first and second dark fringes of the pattern is 12 cm, what is the width of the slit? Homework Equations y=Ltan\theta W =...
  15. P

    Calculating Width of Single Slit Diffraction Pattern

    Homework Statement The central bright fringe in a single slit diffraction pattern from light of wavelength 412 nm is 1.9 cm wide on a screen that is 1.05 m from the slit. How wide is the slit? Homework Equations i keep trying the equation .5asintheta=.5wavelength I can't seem to...
  16. D

    Single Slit Exp: Find Number of Minima in 0-19deg Range

    A single slit with width 819 nm is illuminated with light of wavelength 405 nm. How many minima occur in the angular range from theta = 0 to theta = ±19deg? I have an exam tomm please help me out with some problems. actually, i hv the answer but i don't know how to derive it!
  17. Q

    Huygens principle and single slit diffraction

    How can empty space act as individual point sources as in sinle slit diffraction?
  18. B

    Maximizing Single Slit Diffraction: Solving for the Largest Width Without Minima

    Homework Statement Light from a helium neon laser with wavelength 633nm is incident on a single slit. What is the largest slit width for which there are no minima in the diffraction pattern? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution For single slit diffraction...
  19. Loren Booda

    Is interference always present in a single slit setup?

    Do the walls of a single slit alone cause interference? In general terms, do all illuminated finite apparatus (e. g., a small sphere) include interference?
  20. G

    Single slit diffraction / wave propagation

    I have a couple of questions about single slit diffraction. It's not a homework exercise - just a conceptual problem. Here it is (with some introductory comments)... I understand that the diffraction pattern from a single slit is the modulus squared of the Fourier transform of the aperture...
  21. M

    Why are there points of zero intensity in the single slit experiment?

    Today in class we went over the single slit experiment, the aim of the lesson was to see that the greater the diffraction angle the lower the intensity. We then looked at a graph where it showed along the x-axis the angle of diffraction and up the y-axis the intensity. There was a decrease in...
  22. N

    Width of central maximum in a single slit diffraction pattern

    hi everybody. I have a problem in finding the width of central maximum in a single slit diffraction pattern. theoritically, we say it is the distance between the two first minima on either sides of the central maxima. i feel this calculation leads to the width of central maxima+half minima on...
  23. N

    What is the dependence on w of intensity in single slit diffraction?

    Homework Statement Interesting Problem... monochromatic light of wavelength \lambda falls on a slit and is transmitted as t=1 for 0<x<(d/2) t=-1 for (-d/2)<x<0 t=0 otherwise... Define \ w =\ k(d/2) \sin\theta...[most possibly,if I can exactly remember...] Now what should be the...
  24. R

    Calculating Slit Width and Angular Deflection for 630nm and 450nm Light

    Light of wavelenght 630nm passes through a single slit. The angular deflection to the tenth dark band on the side of the center maximum is 3.6 degrees. A) Calculate the slit width. B) Calculate the angular deflection to the tenth dark band using light of 450 nm wavelenght. Relevent Equations...
  25. J

    Help with single slit diffraction (fraunhoffer)

    urgent Help with single slit diffraction (fraunhoffer) why is it a minimum at a*sin (\theta) = m*\lambda, a = slit separation I would have thought if the path difference is equal to a whole wavelength then there would be constructive interference?? See...
  26. J

    Help with single slit diffraction (fraunhoffer)

    Why( and how) does the intensity of the wave vary along a screen perpendicular to the optical axis?
  27. N

    What Will Be Observed on the Screen After an Electron Passes Through a Slit?

    Homework Statement A single electron with de Broglie wavelength λ passes through a slit of width d=2λ.The electron can strike a fluorescent screen.What will be observed on the screen? (a)a diffraction pattern (b)a single flash as if the electron had moved in a straight line through the...
  28. K

    Single slit diffraction bright fringe's width

    According to my knowledge, the position of the dark fringes is given by asin(x)=m*lamda (sorry, I do not know how to type equations in here) tan(x)=d/L a=slit width x=angle of diffraction(?) m=no. of order d=distance from the central fringe L=distance between...
  29. S

    How Far Apart Are the Minima in Young's Single Slit Experiment?

    for those of you that are familiar with Young's Single slit experiment, I am having trouble determining how far apart the minima are. The problem is as follows: one shines a laser with wavelength lambda=650nm through a single slit of width a=.04mm onto a screen 10m away. How far apart are the...
  30. H

    Single slit diffraction concept issue

    The standard explanation for diffraction patterns from a single slit employs Huygens Principle and the production of secondary wavelets to form a new 'front'. These fronts reinforce constructively and destructively to produce the pattern. But...if you consider an infinite number of points...
  31. S

    Why Does the mth Interference Maximum Vanish in Single Slit Diffraction?

    Two narrow slits of width a are separated by center-to-center distance d. Suppose that the ratio of d to a is an integer d/a=m. Show that in the diffraction patterns produced by this arrangement of slits, the mth interference maximum (corresponding to dsin(theta)=m\lambda) is suppressed because...
  32. S

    How Is Slit Width Calculated in Single Slit Diffraction?

    Homework Statement A diffraction pattern is produced on a screen 130 cm from a single slit, using monochromatic light of wavelength 460 nm. The distance from the center of the central maximum to the first-order maximum is 2.20 mm. Calculate the slit width. (Hint: Assume that the first-order...
  33. Ahmed Abdullah

    Single slit diffraction and minimum intensity

    In the single slit diffraction the condition for minimum intensity is that Del S= n*lamda n=1,2,3,...natural number the extreme path difference is equal to integral numbers of wavelength ( in the double slit experiment it is the condition for maximum intensity). It is understandable in the...
  34. M

    Calculating Wavelength of Laser Beam using Single Slit

    A laser beam passes through a single slit of width 0.0186 mm and produces a pattern with an intensity distribution like that shown in Figure 13a (page 208), on a screen 105.6 cm away. If the spacing between the minima on either side of the central maximum is 7.16 cm (in other words, 2y1 in...
  35. S

    Quick single slit diffraction question

    In a single-slit diffraction pattern, the central fringe is 430 times as wide as than the slit. The screen is 17500 times farther from the slit than the slit is wide. What is the ratio /W, where is the wavelength of the light shining through the slit and W is the width of the slit? Assume that...
  36. S

    Diffraction of Light through Single Slit

    Homework Statement Monochromatic light falls into slit 3.00*10^-6 wide. The angle between the first dark fringes on either side of the cental maximum is 25 derees. Calculate the λ. w=3.00*10^-6 m ө=25˚ Homework Equations sin(ө) = nλ/w sin(ө) = ((m+0.5)λ)/w Δy=λL/w The Attempt...
  37. R

    Incidence angle in a Fraunhofer single slit problem

    I have to find the first minima for a single slit diffraction problem. I know the wave length and the slit size, there is an unknow angle between the incidence wave and the perpendicular line to the slit plane. I konw that i have to use the Fraunhofer euqtion for a single slit, i already have...
  38. B

    Single Slit Diffraction and Huygen's Principle

    Hey guys, We are going through single-slit diffraction recently in Physics, I understand that using Huygen's Principle, we can treat the slit as a series of segmented wave sources, and they will interfere with each other based on their phase difference because of the path difference they...
  39. F

    Single Slit diffraction question

    Im trying to get a good physical picture of what is causing the interference pattern in single slit diffraction (Im using a water wave that goes through a slit and then hits a wall I am also ignoring reflections)... Let me know if I am on the right track... I am picturing a wave front...
  40. M

    Single slit diffraction, from an angle

    I've encountered a standard problem about single slit diffraction, but there's a slight change to the problem and I don't know how it should be dealt with. The question is: A plane wave of 400-nm light is incident on a 25-µm slit in a screen, as shown in the figure below. At what incident...
  41. H

    Diffraction of light from a single slit and on a wire

    What is the standard Diameter for the wire. This one is from my lab of diffraction of a light from a single slit and on a wire. Thanks in advance for your help.
  42. J

    What Is the Ratio of y2/y1 in a Single Slit Experiment?

    i really don't know where to start with this problem Consider the setup of a single slit experiment The first minimum for 440 nm light is at y1. The first minimum for 529 nm light is at y2. what is the ratio of y2/y1? i know that the distance between two max is (wavelength*dis...
  43. C

    Single slit experiment and HUP

    In QM a photon with wavelength comparable to the width of a slit, will pass through and create a 'Gaussian Distribution' on a screen. As the slit width is decreased (gets thinner), the 'GD' on the screen will counterintuitively INCREASE (aka. widen). My question is it possible that the slit...
  44. R

    Single slit diffraction maxima

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem. Calculate the distance y between adjacent maxima in single slit diffraction patterns. Your answer should be given in terms of a, λ and D. (a is the length of the slit, D is the distance between the slit and the screen and λ is...
  45. 2

    What is the width of the single slit used in the experiment?

    A single slit diffracts laser light of wavelength 610 nm onto a screen 2.25 m away. The distance between the two first-order maxima on either side of the central peak is 4.00 mm. How wide is the slit? Anyone give me some help? i got an answer of .001029m and apparently this isn't...
  46. P

    Diffraction by single slit - effect of increasing the slit width

    For diffraction by a single slit, what is the effect of increasing (a) the slit width, and (b) the wavelength? It was a problem on my daughter's final and I never seemed to be able to answer it for her. :confused:
  47. J

    Single Slit Exp: Electron Behavior - Not "Finger of God

    What determines the behavior of one electron in a single slit experiment? Argue that it is not the "finger of God".
  48. S

    How Does Wavelength Affect Single Slit Diffraction Patterns?

    Help! Single slit diffraction heya all... this is the problem.. Predict whether violet light(lambda=404nm) or red light (lambda=702nm) will have a wider central maximum when used to generate a single-slit diffraction pattern. Calculate the difference if the light is incident on a 6.9x10^-5...
  49. R

    Question about single slit diffraction

    This is in response to some posts to an earlier thread with this title. In these posts one question seemed to be that the Huygens idea of scattering from points in the space between the slit edges was too mathematical and that scattering from the slit edges might provide a more realistic...
  50. M

    Single Slit Diffraction Pattern

    Hello , How r u . i know the formula of SINGLE SLIT DIFFRACTION PATTERN but i don,t know the method ho to drive it.Can any GENIUS tell me the procedure to drive this equation. DERIVATION starts in this manner: let d the separation b/w any two consecutive slits,D=(N-1) r1 is the...