Slipping Definition and 220 Threads

Slipping is a technique used in boxing that is similar to bobbing. It is considered one of the four basic defensive strategies, along with blocking, holding, and clinching. It is performed by moving the head to either side so that the opponent's punches "slip" by the boxer.

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  1. wrobel

    Rolling without slipping and friction

    I am sorry for drawing up very old and closed posting but I saw this question many times and I can not understand why do not people simply use well-known theorem which says that power of the forces which are applied to a rigid body...
  2. H

    I Ladder slipping against a smooth wall

    Consider a ladder slanted like \ of length ##l## slipping against a smooth wall and on a smooth floor. I come to the contradiction that there must be a deceleration in the x direction but there is no force opposing the velocity of the ladder. Its free-body diagram contains a rightward normal...
  3. B

    Two reels rolling without slipping

    Homework Statement [/B] I have two cylindric reels laying on the ground. They are identical: mass M, composed by a cylinder of radius R and two side cylinders of radius 2R. I have to find angular acceleration and work done by F in delta t. 2. The attempt at a solution On the first cylinder...
  4. J

    Ball rolling down a ramp, no slipping, + friction (conceptual question)

    So if a ball is rolling down a ramp and not slipping, you have two torques... the mg*sin(theta) portion of gravity and the (mu)mgcos(theta) for friction. My question is this: Does this friction force remove energy from the ball? (I know it affects the balls rotation but this is just changing...
  5. S

    Rolling without slipping taking the contact point as pivot

    I'm confused about this rolling without (or better with) slipping situation. Suppose to have a disk with initial velocity ##v## and angular velocity ##\omega##. The motion is to the right but the angular velocity is counterclockwise. There are no forces acting on the disk besides the kinetic...
  6. hackhard

    Can a cone roll in a straight line without slipping?

    <<Mentor note: Thread split from>> it can be proved that in this case pure rolling without slipping is impossible ive assumed the cone to be right circular proof by contradiction...
  7. A

    Sphere rolling with slipping on a movable platform

    Homework Statement A sphere (of radius r and mass m) rotating with angular velocity ω0 is lowered onto the edge of a floating platform of length L and mass M. The platform can move freely on water. The platform is rough and the sphere rolls all the way from one edge to the other edge of the...
  8. J

    Dynamics: minimum velocity to prevent slipping

    Homework Statement A 200 lb man lies against the cushion on a Rotor ride, which is inclined at θ=10°. The coefficient of static friction is μs=0.3. Radius is 8 ft. Find minimum speed so that the man does not slip down. Homework Equations ΣFn = man ΣFz = 0 an = v2/r The Attempt at a Solution...
  9. SoNiiC

    Slipping Ladder Angular Acceleration

    Homework Statement The following problem is part of a physics lab with unclear directions. The lab prompt says: Find the angular acceleration of a meterstick as it slips down a wall. Here is my interpretation of the lab: A meterstick of mass 0.15kg is leaning against the wall. At an angle of...
  10. Joa Boaz

    Rolling without slipping & linear acceleration vector

    Homework Statement Rolling without slipping A) Derive the linear acceleration vector equations for points A, B, C, and O in terms of R, ω, α and θ at this instant. B) R = 0.5 m, ω=-54 r/s and α = 0. Determine the MPH of the vehicle and the vector accelerations of points A, B, C, and O. C) R...
  11. C

    Ball rolling and slipping with backspin

    Homework Statement A solid ball of mass M and radius R and moment of inertia I is placed onto a table with an initial velocity v_0 to the right and angular momentum w_0 anticlockwise (i.e the ball has backspin). Due to friction, the angular velocity and linear velocity changes as the ball both...
  12. xOrbitz

    Understanding Rolling Motion: Friction Forces and Velocity Changes

    Homework Statement (i) Suppose there's an object rolling without slipping at any surface. (ii) Now, let's say a disk is rolling and slipping toward the +x direction 2. The attempt at a solution (i) If the surface is horizontal then it won't apply any friction force on the object regardless on...

    Rolling without slipping magnitude

    Homework Statement [/B] A thin light string is wrapped around a solid uniform disk of mass M and radius r, mounted as shown. The loose end of the string is attached to the axle of a solid uniform disc of mass m and the same radius r which can roll without slipping down an inclined plane that...
  14. R

    What is the Velocity of a Billiard Ball after a Horizontal Impulse of 2 N*s?

    Homework Statement A billiard ball is imparted a horizontal impulse of 2 N*s at a height 4 cm above the center of the ball. The mass of the ball is 0.02 kg and it has radius 5 cm. Find velocity of the center of mass right after the impulse. Note: I simplified the question, I was actually given...
  15. WinterGrascph

    Maximum force pulling a wheel without it slipping

    Homework Statement We have a wheel with [mass = 1.5 kg] and a [radius = 0.06 m]. The static friction thing between the ground and the wheel is 0.3 . WIth how much force can we pull the string spooled around the wheel without the wheel slipping. The string ends at the top of the wheel and we...
  16. A

    Collision of two rolling bodies

    Homework Statement A solid sphere is rolling without slipping on rough ground with an angular velocity w and linear velocity v. It collides elastically with an another identical sphere at rest. Radius of each sphere is R and mass m. What is the linear velocity of the first sphere after it...
  17. (Ron)^2=-1

    Rolling without slipping over a plank

    Homework Statement This is just a general case I'm having trouble trying to imagine: Suppose there is a cylinder, kind of like a yo-yo, that...
  18. 0

    Acceleration of Rest Point for Rolling without Slipping

    Let's ignore gravity in this problem for simplicity. For a wheel rolling without slipping on some surface, the rest point is the point at a given instant of time that is in contact with the surface (the rest point has zero instantaneous velocity). If the wheel is rolling at constant velocity...
  19. W

    Rolling without slipping, shouldn't there be friction?

    A clown balances a small, spherical grape at the top of his bald head, which also has the shape of a sphere. After drawing sufficient applause, the grape starts from rest and rolls down without slipping. It will leave contact with the clown's head when the radial line joining it to the curvature...
  20. J

    Finding the friction before slipping

    Homework Statement There is a string that is attached to a bar as shown below in the picture. What is the coefficient friction between the bar and floor before bar starts slipping. Reference...
  21. Conservation

    Understanding Rolling Without Slipping

    For conditions where an object is rolling without slipping on a rough, flat surface, the object posses a net torque about the center of mass provided by friction at the contact point. Hence, why doesn't the object accelerate radially indefinitely? For ex, if we had a slippery bowling ball...
  22. U

    Slipping 4WD Mobile Vehicle Wheels Without Oil or Water

    Hello Everyone, I have a 4WD mobile vehicle, I am trying to get the wheel to slip in the floor. I don't want to use oil or any water product (for my electronic safety and to keep the floor less messy) Any idea how to make the wheel slip on the floor? I was thinking about using snowboard...
  23. J

    Rolling down a sphere: slipping vs. separating

    There is a nice problem in Taylor: Classical Mechanics of a puck sliding without friction down a sphere in a uniform gravitational field (problem 4.8). The question there was at which height the puck takes off from the sphere, which is not hard to solve using conservation of energy. This...
  24. visuality

    Torque or Force (ball rolling without slipping)?

    If there is a uniform ball rolling without slipping on an inclined plane, does gravity provide a torque, translational force, or both? I'm just really confused about forces vs. torques i guess?
  25. K

    A marble that is rolling without slipping approaches a hill

    Homework Statement A marble that is rolling without slipping approaches a hill at 8.5 m/s. How high vertically will the marble go under these circumstances: If the hill is rough enough to prevent any slipping? If the hill is perfectly smooth? Why does the marble rise to different heights when...
  26. DavideGenoa

    Slipping block on a slipping ramp: final speed

    Hi, friends! A block having mass ##m## frictionlessly slips from height ##h## on a ramp of mass ##M##, which has an angle ##\theta## with the floor, where it slips with no friction. I would like to prove that, as my book says, the ramp's speed when the block leaves it is...
  27. kingsmaug

    How Long Does It Take for a Bowling Ball to Stop Sliding and Start Rolling?

    Homework Statement A spherical bowling ball with mass m = 4.3 kg and radius R = 0.102 m is thrown down the lane with an initial speed of v = 8.2 m/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the sliding ball and the ground is μ = 0.29. Once the ball begins to roll without slipping it moves...
  28. ZachChaos

    Rolling Without Slipping Down a Slope

    Homework Statement A hollow, spherical shell with mass 1.85kg rolls without slipping down a slope angled at 32.0∘. Find the acceleration, friction force, and coefficient of friction. Homework Equations atan= rα τ=rFsinΘ I=matan The Attempt at a Solution I'm not quite sure where to begin. I...
  29. H

    Rolling without slipping and coefficient of friction

    Homework Statement A hollow spherical shell with mass 2.50kg rolls without slipping down a slope that makes an angle of 33.0 with the horizontal. Find the minimum coefficient of friction μ needed to prevent the spherical shell from slipping as it rolls down the slope. Homework EquationsThe...
  30. P

    Rope Slipping in Pulley System: Does ##\ddot{l} = 0##?

    In this derivation (see attached image), does the author assume that the rope doesn't slip? Because if it does, then there is no guarantee that ##\ddot{l} = 0##, right? Also, does this equation apply to all pulley systems where one pulley is fixed and the other is allowed to move? For example...
  31. Yam

    Slipping off a Car Seat: What Determines Passenger Safety?

    Homework Statement A car traveling at 20 m/s stops in a distance of 60 m. Assume that the deceleration is constant. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction between a passenger and the seat are Us and Uk respectively. You may assume that the passenger is not in contact with anything...
  32. Philethan

    A ball rolls without slipping in a cylindrical trough

    Homework Statement A solid sphere sphere (radius = R) rolls without slipping in a cylindrical trough (radius = 5R) as shown in the following figure. Show that, for small displacements from equilibrium perpendicular to the length of the trough, the sphere excuses simple harmonic motions with a...
  33. terryds

    Cylinders rolling down without slipping

    Homework Statement Two solid cylinders are placed on an inclined plane with inclined angle Θ. Both mass of cylinders are m, but the radius bigger cylinder is two times the radius of small cylinder. A string links the big cylinder's center to small cylinder's top (see picture). Both cylinders...
  34. Nathanael

    Coefficient of friction; rod slipping off edge of table

    Homework Statement A rod of mass M and length L is placed horizontally on a table such that the center of mass is a distance L/6 from the edge of the table (CoM is hanging off the table). The rod is released from rest and slips after reaching an angle θ. Find the coefficient of friction \mu 2...
  35. L

    Static friction for a ball rolling without slipping

    Homework Statement A bowling ball rolls without slipping up a ramp that slopes upward at an angle β to the horizontal. Treat the ball as a uniform solid sphere, ignoring the finger holes. Explain why the friction force must be directed uphill. Homework Equations F=ma, torque=I(alpha)...
  36. S

    Minimum angle the ladder can make with the floor without slipping

    Homework Statement [/B] A 3.0-m-long ladder, as shown in the following figure, leans against a frictionless wall. The coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the floor is 0.32. What is the minimum angle the ladder can make with the floor without slipping? Homework Equations...
  37. C

    Hoop rolling on cylinder without slipping

    Hi everybody, I know this problem has been posted before, but it envolved Lagrangian methods which I haven't seen yet. I would appreciate any help. 1. Homework Statement A small hoop is rolling without slipping on a bigger cylinder which is stationary. I need to write Newton's Laws and...
  38. N

    When does "no slipping" happens

    Homework Statement Hey everyone I'm studying for a test and I can't get this concept right in my head If I bring both disks closer to each other, what exactly makes it so they're not slipping? The question is this Two disks are spinning freely about axes that run through their respective...
  39. powerof

    Analyzing Forces and Torque of a Slipping Rod

    Homework Statement [/B] As a diagram any of the countless images on the internet serve well: Suppose the static friction was not sufficient to maintain the rod in a static equilibrium and it starts slipping/sliding. It has an initial angle theta with respect to the ground. Assume there is no...
  40. H

    Is the Slipping Ladder Problem a Torque or Static Equilibrium Problem?

    I'm a little confused as to the conceptual premise behind torque-ladder problems? Like "at what height up the ladder is the man and ladder most likely to slip?" I understand how to solve such problems, but i have trouble understanding how it is a torque problem. Is it a torque problem or...
  41. R

    Velocity of centre of mass (rolling w/o slipping)

    Find the velocity of the centre of mass of a glass marble which rolls from rest down a gentle ramp inclined at an angle of 10o to the horizontal, without slipping, after it has travelled for a distance of 2.3 m. Moment of inertia of sphere: 2/5MR^2 Past paper question that I'm...
  42. Satvik Pandey

    Finding Work Done by Friction on a Sliding Block Against a Wedge

    Homework Statement Consider a fixed wedge, whose part is a quarter circle of radius as shown. A small block of mass 'm' slides down the wedge and leaves horizontally from a height 'h' as shown.The coefficient of friction between wedge and block is 'μ_{k}' . Compute the value of in centimetres...
  43. T

    Finding the Speed of a Wedge and Rod System

    Homework Statement A thin rod of mass m = 1 kg and length l=1m is placed along the hypotenuse side of a wedge lying on a frictionless floor having mass M =5kg and angle 60° . At t= 0 the system is released from rest. Both the objects are free to move .Find the speed of the wedge when the rod...
  44. W

    Rotation of a cone rolling on its side without slipping on a plane

    Homework Statement A uniform right circular cone of height h, half angle α, and density ρ rolls on its side without slipping on a uniform horizontal plane in such a manner that it returns to its original position in a time \tau. Find expressions for the kinetic energy and the components of...
  45. S

    Adding Power of Two Chain Drives Without Slipping

    is there any way to add power of two independent chain drives having different rpm , such that slipping doesn't occur and driven shaft move with the added resultant power
  46. P

    Small cylinder inside a larger one, rolling without slipping

    Hi, Please note: this is not a homework assignment. It is taken from an exam and I'd appreciae some clarifications. In the setup delineated in the attachment, a small cylinder of mass M and radius R rolls without slipping inside a larger cylinder of radius 10R. It is stated that the larger...
  47. M

    Solved it Nope. - Piano slipping down a ramp

    Solved it! Nope. -- Piano slipping down a ramp Homework Statement Two men loading a 900 kg piano onto a truck lose control and the piano slips, rolling down the loading ramp. The ramp is a 12 degree incline that is 3.2 m long. How long does it take the piano to reach the bottom of the ramp...
  48. T

    Sphere Slipping Against Blocks: Solving for the Speed of the Sphere's Center

    Sphere slipping against blocks Homework Statement In the given arrangement ,a sphere of radius R is placed on the two blocks A and B where A is fixed and B is moving at a constant speed ‘v’ towards left .Find the speed of the sphere’s center when the distance between the blocks is √R and...
  49. T

    Rolling without slipping and a string

    Hello PF! Homework Statement A string is wrapped around the small cylinder as shown. You pull with a force F (and the cylinder does not slide). Calculate the acceleration of the cylinder CM (including direction). Here r = 3 cm, R = 5 cm, F = 0.1 N, and m = 1kg. [Make sure to define one...
  50. M

    Archived Rotation with String Slipping & Not Slipping

    Homework Statement Block's 1 (460g) & 2 (500g) are mounted on a horizontal axle of negligible friction (R = 5.00cm). When release from rest, block 2 falls 75.0 cm in 5.00s without the cord slipping on the pulley. a) What is magnitude of acceleration of blocks? b) Tension of T2 c) Tension...