Slit Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. Sophia

    What does Double slit experiment actually mean

    I'd like to ask what exactly do the results of double slit experiment mean? I must confess that I've read about this mainly in New Age literature where it was used as a "proof" that our consciousness changes reality. I know that Physicists probably don't like such explanations :eek: So I'd like...
  2. Priyadarshini

    Why Do Narrower Slits Produce More Fringes in Young's Experiment?

    When the slits are made narrower (but with same separation) why are more fringes produced? If the slits are narrower, less light enters, so less light interferes with each other, so lesser number of fringes should be produced, isn't it?
  3. H

    Correct interpretation of double slit experiment?

    Hiya, Another me trying to grasp some physical experiment. I'm working myself through a Dutch popular science book "Snaartheorie" (String Theory) by 'our' professor Marcel Vonk: it's meant to give the reader a maths-less impression of the theories behind string theory. Vonk starts with an...
  4. W

    Double slit experiment observation on and off

    Might I be so bold as to ask a question about the "double slit experiment". Was wondering...have scientist ever considered...turning the observation on and off...? Is it even possible...? Experiment says...when observed...particles react one way...and when not observed...they react a different...
  5. M

    Amplitude and Young double slit experiment

    Homework Statement For a question in a worksheet (the actual question is irrelevant), my physics teacher said, in the context of the Young double slit experiment with light, if you make one of the slits smaller, then the amplitude of light from that source will also decrease. Is that true...
  6. M

    Double Slit Experiment: Largest Size for Wave-Particle Duality

    I know when they performed the famous double slits experiment they used either electrons, or photons. I am trying to find out what is the largest size we could use (proton, molecule, etc) where the probability of wave-particle duality to occur in the experiment drops to something negligible...
  7. P

    The # of bright fringes in a double slit with finite width?

    Homework Statement Laser light with a wavelength 633 nm is used to illuminate two slits separated by 0.125 mm. The width of each slit is 0.0150 mm. Assuming that only fringes between the first minima in the pattern are counted, how many bright fringes are visible? lambda = 633nm d = 0.125mm w=...
  8. L

    Two slit diffraction and energy conservation

    Hi all, I have a small misunderstanding about the energy conservation in diffraction from 2 slits. First, I understand the energy conservation of interference from 2 slits. If intensity from each slit is I, then I have intensity of 2I after slits plane. Interference is given by: So at bright...
  9. Clara Chung

    Double slit experiment with a slit covered.

    Homework Statement A thin flake of mica (n=1.58) is used to cover one slit of a double-slit arrangement.The central point on the screen is occupied by the 7th brigth fringe.If lamda = 550nm, what is the thickness of the mica? Homework Equations path difference d=(n-1)*thickness d=7*lamda...
  10. G

    Diffraction of Light with Moving Slit

    If plane waves of light in a vacuum are incident on a slit that is not stationary with respect to the frame of reference, but it is moving either backwards or forwards with a certain speed, what will the diffraction "field" look like?
  11. S

    Tachyons, the Double Slit Experiment, and a bit of Fiction

    Hello, All! I'm writing a bit of fiction, and as a newcomer to the world of Quantum Physics, I thought I'd clarify a few concepts here, to avoid lapsing into technobabble. I'm trying to make something along the lines of the film Primer, which tries to incorporate as much realism as possible...
  12. N

    I Double Slit Experiment: Questions Raised & Explanations Needed

    I was watching a video about the double slit experiment because I found it interesting, However, watching this vid raised more questions than it did answer. I would like to know why did the outcomes of the experiment only change when we observed it... wasn't the electron interacting with...
  13. N

    Understanding 'Observe' in Physics: Definitions and Explanations

    When I read any physics articles online I always end up receiving the wrong message. especially in terms such as 'observe'. what does this term mean when its used to describe exeperiments such as the double slit
  14. Paul Howard A

    How Does Adding a Second Pair of Slits Affect Interference Patterns?

    Standard slit lamp experiment with detectors at the slits turned on. This creates two beams without an interference pattern at the screen. Now, impose a second pair of slits (without detectors) in the path of one of the beams. What will be the pattern on the screen? I'm confident this has...
  15. R

    How does the double slit experiment take us to superposition?

    Pretty obvious that measuring at the double slits neutralizes whatever action or reaction is creating the wave pattern. But why the quantum leap to assuming superposition? What other configurations have been tested or were there just slits used? What about a round hole or holes, an “X” slit or...
  16. I

    Interference - Single slit diffraction

    < Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical physics forums, so no HH Template is shown > Hi guys, I have a question here which I'm struggling to do and perhaps you could help ; Monochromatic electromagnetic radiation with wavelength λ from a distant source passes through a slit. The...
  17. C

    Can Fraunhofer Single Slit formula be used in this case?

    A question like : A very thin layer of oil is on the surface of a puddle of water. If the layer of oil is 400 nm thick, what frequency of light in the visible part of the spectrum will most strongly be reflected? Given the index of refraction of oil is 1.4. Can we think of the layer as a single...
  18. moenste

    Young's slit: find wavelenght, double slit separation

    Homework Statement 1. The distance between the 1st bright fringle and the 21st bright fringe in a Young's double slit arrangement was found to be 2.7 mm. The slit separation was 1 mm and the distance from the slits to the plane of the fringes was 25 cm. What was the wavelength of the light...
  19. Ramesh Manian

    Diffraction in a single slit setting

    In a single slit diffraction setting, if the width of a slit is not much wider than the diameter of a particle such as a photon or an electron, would we still see diffraction bands? If so, is the number of bands / spots you see on the screen across is finite? I am a little confused by the...
  20. S

    Width of principle maxima in n slit diffraction

    I was working on derivation to find the witdh of principle maxima in n slit diffraction Angular width=2Δθm=2λ/(Ndcosθm) Where d:distance between slits θm:angle at which mth order principle maxima is present. N:no. Of slits #in the diagram given below why the minima just adjacent to mth...
  21. S

    Calculate N Slit Diffraction: Grating Width 5cm, Slit 0.0001cm, λ 5.5 x 10-5cm

    if I'm given grating width=5cm ,slits of width=0.0001cm separated by a distance of 0.0002cm how many order would be observable at λ=5.5 x 10-5cm? calculate the width of principle maximum? please tell me the approach to do this problem
  22. N

    Making a program to model the Double Slit Experiment?

    Hey guys the Idea of simulating the DSE with a program caught my interest but I just had a few questions regarding the DSE Is there a function that models the probability of finding an electron at a certain point ONCE It's BEEN FIRED FROM AN ELECTRON GUN? like an amplitude function squared or...
  23. G

    Double slit experiment (geometric maths problem)

    I understand the experiment and the trigonometry involved except for one statement. Why is BP-AP=BD in this diagram How do you know this/ work it out. Many thanks
  24. H

    Uncertainty principle and double slit

    sir, what if we use Heisenberg's uncertainty principle to explain double slit experiment? i was reading about uncertainty principle for last few days n i was reading about double slit experiment and i realize that we can explain why we get electrons everywhere on the screen (getting...
  25. Anama Skout

    Has this variant of the famous double slit experiment ever...

    I just thought about this one, suppose we have the classic double slit experiment setting, and we add near the holes in the slits a strong magnetic field, what will happen? what if the magnetic field was only on one slit? What if we put that magnetic field in place (2) instead of (1), would that...
  26. Jilang

    Two slit experiment with a wavy screen

    I was wondering if the two slit experiment has been performed with a wavy screen, the screen being modulated in such a way as to compensate for the difference in the phases of the paths from the two slits. If so what was the result in terms of the angular distribution? If not what would it be...
  27. Tom B

    Two Slit Experiment: Detectors

    I understand the two slit experiment and the outcome, but where I am confused is how the detectors work. It seems to me that a very simple explanation of the result differing due to the presence of the detectors is that somehow the detectors interfere with the path of the electrons. By...
  28. N

    Double slit experiment exposed? According to the experimenters they have found out which path the photon took and still observed the interference pattern. So they know that the particle went through the left or right slit but at the same time saw the interference pattern built up...
  29. V

    Observer Effect hype in Double Slit Experiment

    I don't know if you physicist out there knows it, but the statement that observing something changes its state is having a drastic impact on the less informed populace at wide. An example, one of the most popular Quantum Physics video on youtube <Link to video not acceptable under PF rules...
  30. S

    Double Slit, Detector, Light -- Pattern?

    I have a question about how the double-slit-with-detector experiment works out with a beam of light. (1) When you fire electrons through the double-slit apparatus, it creates an interference pattern on the screen. (2) When you place a detector at one of the slits, the interference pattern is...
  31. N

    B Weak measurement in double slit experiment gives which path

    In 2012, experimenters showed that when two entangled photons separate and when one goes through the double slit, we can tell which slit it went through and see that they still created an interference pattern because the photon that it was entangled to tells us which slit it went through. What...
  32. N

    Position and momentum of particle in double slit experiment?

    In the double slit experiment, what is the position and momentum of an electron/photon? Is the position of the electron/photon which slit it went through? And is the momentum of the electron/photon the wave like interference pattern detected on the detector screen?
  33. abrogard

    Double Slit Experiment: In the Round?

    Has the double slit experiment ever been performed 'in the round' ? I mean within a circle, a fence, all around the source? Electromagnetic radiation is promulgated in three dimensions, is it not? To be fired like a bullet in one direction requires deliberate artificial constraint. I'd have...
  34. libbytam

    Why Is the Angle 5.6° in Young's Double Slit Experiment?

    Homework Statement In a Young's double slits experiment, a monochromatic light source of wavelength 700nm is used and the separation of the slits is 0.1mm. If 15 bright fringes are observed, what is the angle subtended by those fringes at the centre of the double slit? A. 6.0° B. 5.6° C. 5.2°...
  35. genxium

    Slit sizes needed for light diffraction

    I'm reading this tutorial on instructables for implementing the classical double-slit experiment. I've also read this thread for information which contains a very nice answer from @BruceW but still not resolves my confusion about the "sizes". First of all I'd like to make a distinction between...
  36. N

    I Double slit particle distribution with convex lens?

    In one double slit experiment, one physicist placed a convex lens before the back screen detector. The individual photons passed through the double slit then through the lens. The individual photons then go through the focal point, then a good distance after they reach the focal point they hit...
  37. N

    No interference pattern in double slit when there is a lens?

    Why does the interference pattern of the photon go away when one places a convex lens far away from the two slit to only show a particle build up of the two slits? This is the experimental set up, the lens is in place far after the photons pass through the two slit and hit the back wall in a...
  38. N

    Observed interference in afshar's double slit experiment?

    In afshar's experiment, it shows that the single photon goes through only one of the slits and produces an interference pattern. How is this possible? In this experiment, do we really know which slit the photon went through?
  39. D

    Young's double slit experiment: Determine thickness of mica

    Homework Statement A sheet of mica ( approximate 6-7 µm) covers one slit of a double-slit apparatus and has a n= 1.582. There is a central maximum of 539 nm. What is the exact thickness of the sheet of mica? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I think you can solve this with the...
  40. G

    B Exploring Double Slit Experiment in Space

    I was wondering if the double slit experiment had been conducted in space away from interference from Earth's magnetic core/field. I know the scientific community would have considered all variables and would have set proper controls for this experiment but I am unable to find any notes on this...
  41. M

    Double slit experiment and mirrors

    Has the double slit experiment ever been performed with an adjacent reflection? With quantum weirdness I'm curious as to whether the reflection would give the same results as the actual apparatus as to which slit the particle wen through.
  42. M

    Double slit experiment - bias towards normal pattern?

    WARNING. I'm not a physicist! If there was a universe that only had 10000 photons and we observed all of them then ran the double slit experiment would we get a normal pattern or an interference pattern? If we observe a particle is that it forever in the universe that we happen to be running...
  43. H

    What is the wavelength of light used in Young's double-slit experiment?

    Homework Statement A student performing Young's experiment with a single-colour source finds the distance between the first and the seventh nodal lines to be 6.0 cm. The screen is located 3.0 m from the two slits. The slit separation is 2.2 x 10^2 nanometres. Calculate the wavelength of the...
  44. J

    Can We Track a Photon's Path in the Double Slit Experiment?

    The results of the double slit experiment lead to the conclusion that a photon travels as a wave. Question 1: Is it possible to track the journey of the photon? It seems to me (correct me if I'm wrong) that from the moment we release the photon till contact with the detector we don't know what...
  45. andrewkirk

    Polarisation destroying interference pattern for double slit

    I have been trying to mathematically explain the empirical result that putting orthogonal polarisers (quarter-wave plates) behind the two slits of a double-slit setup will erase the interference pattern. The trouble is, my analysis predicts an interference pattern. I must have made a silly...
  46. Splizard

    Double slit experiment with 2 detectors

    Can someone please point me to an experiment (photons/electrons/whatever) where detectors were placed on both slits, this seems like a really big hole in the experiment if they stopped at having just the one detector. (Excuse the pun)
  47. P

    How far apart can slits be in double slit experiment to still show interference?

    About how far apart can the slits get, in the double slit experiment, and still show the interference pattern?
  48. G

    Double Slit Question: Path Information & Observer's Experiences

    May I ask about this configuration: Let's say we install detectors on the slits so the detection at the screen will be 2 dots, one coming from slit A and one coming from slit B. No interference pattern. We also set up the experiment so that there is not 1 observer but 2. Observer A' is placed...
  49. D

    Electron double slit experiment

    Is there an electric or magnetic field from the electron present in the deconstructive regions of the electron interference pattern?
  50. D

    Double slit interference from antenna

    Consider the situation where the electrons in an antenna accelerate from the top of the antenna to the bottom of the antenna once, what would the interference pattern look like if the electromagnetic radiation from the antenna were passed through a double slit apparatus of an appropriate size? I...