Software Definition and 996 Threads

Software is a collection of instructions and data that tell a computer how to work. This is in contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is built and actually performs the work. In computer science and software engineering, computer software is all information processed by computer systems, including programs and data. Computer software includes computer programs, libraries and related non-executable data, such as online documentation or digital media. Computer hardware and software require each other and neither can be realistically used on its own.
At the lowest programming level, executable code consists of machine language instructions supported by an individual processor—typically a central processing unit (CPU) or a graphics processing unit (GPU). A machine language consists of groups of binary values signifying processor instructions that change the state of the computer from its preceding state. For example, an instruction may change the value stored in a particular storage location in the computer—an effect that is not directly observable to the user. An instruction may also invoke one of many input or output operations, for example displaying some text on a computer screen; causing state changes which should be visible to the user. The processor executes the instructions in the order they are provided, unless it is instructed to "jump" to a different instruction, or is interrupted by the operating system. As of 2015, most personal computers, smartphone devices and servers have processors with multiple execution units or multiple processors performing computation together, and computing has become a much more concurrent activity than in the past.
The majority of software is written in high-level programming languages. They are easier and more efficient for programmers because they are closer to natural languages than machine languages. High-level languages are translated into machine language using a compiler or an interpreter or a combination of the two. Software may also be written in a low-level assembly language, which has strong correspondence to the computer's machine language instructions and is translated into machine language using an assembler.

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  1. A

    Engineering Why Is Demand for Software Engineers Growing Faster Than Computer Engineers?

    I was just wondering, but why is the demand for computer scientists (well actually it says "software engineers") projected to grow at a much faster rate than that of computer engineers? I thought that most comp sci grads go into applications programming, who can basically become replaced by...
  2. T

    Free Mechanical Engineering Software?

    Do you know of any free engineering software where I can design and test my own models?
  3. A

    Why does BLS predict a rapid demand growth for Software Engineers?

    Why does BLS predict a rapid demand growth for Software Engineers?? in comparison to all engineers in general... BLS = Bureau of Labor Statistics (US Govt) And on second thought, will the majority of these jobs be going to foreign workers?
  4. Darryl

    Is software only Mathematics and therefore not patentable ?

    Is software "only Mathematics" and therefore not patentable ? There are arguments in some circlues, that the programs in computers are simply mathematical algorithms, and as such (being "only" math) they should _NOT_ be subject to patents. Thier argument is "you can't patent an equation" and...
  5. S

    Heard about the software Fortran

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  6. M

    Semi-Infinite DFT Software

    Hello, Does anybody know commercial codes in which you can implement semi-infinite boundary conditions for surface calculations. I know for modeling metallic adhesion semi-infinite BC's have been used in the past along with a Jellium potential approximation. Unfortunately, I've been searching...
  7. J

    Geogebra is a free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software

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  8. P

    Software that would give me the resulting color depending

    (Sorry if this message isn't in the right place, I couldn't find any other) Hi, I'm looking for a software that would give me the resulting color depending on the luminances of other colors (for instance 30% of red (680 nm) + 59% of green (545nm) + 11%of blue (440 nm) gives a white color)...
  9. Y

    Is there software that can accurately display the frequency of audio input?

    Is there any software that shows the frequency of audio input as digital display?Tuner softwares can not read frequencies above 1 khz regularly.The following link is an example of a tuner screenshot.
  10. A

    Exploring the Happiness and Career Satisfaction of Software Engineers

    Would you say that on average, most of them live with good quality of life? Do many software engineers regret their decisions, or want to switch out? I'm just curious since these are the kinds of things that I read on forums, but that may just be a highly vocal minority...
  11. R

    Which optics software is recommended for drawing optics schematics?

    Homework Statement To find a optics software which can help me draw optics schematic as follows: Input : The distances between mirrors and the angles of the rays Output: The corresponding optics schematics...
  12. K

    Looking for heat engine simulation software

    Hi! I am wondering if anyone here knows of a generic heat engine simulator. I.e. something that can simulate the behavior of reciprocating engines, Stirling engines, and so forth. The outputs I'm interested in include things like power and efficiency. The input variables that I would play...
  13. E

    I use c to program. plot them with other software like IDL or origin.

    I use c to program. Usually, I write the data to files and plot them with other software like IDL or origin. but I really tired of it, since i need open a file thousands times while debug. Is there any better method to plot the data. which methods do you use?
  14. C

    Engineering Software engineer turned physicist

    hey everyone, ok, so right now I just finished my 2nd year of university. I'm studying to be a software engineer at the moment. When I first started my studies, I hated physics because I had a terrible physics teacher in high school. Taking his class led me to believe that I was not...
  15. T

    Searching for software for logic optimization

    I've got quite an unusual hobby project and so far, after couple of nights googling, I haven't found software that would fit the bill. I've got the truth table representing what I'd like to do and can minimize & map it to gates using Logic Friday. The problem is, I don't have NOR or NAND...
  16. M

    What Unique Software Could Revolutionize Calculations in Science and Academia?

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  17. T

    Physics Software development in Physics

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  18. I

    Help with a peakfitting software

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  19. T

    Engineering Nuclear Engineer: Enlist or Pursue Software Job?

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  20. B

    Software to learn algebra and geometry

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  21. W

    Thermal/HVAC Load Software for Commercial Projects

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  22. R

    Engineering Software Engineer Typing: Importance & Benefits

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  23. P

    Software Evolution: Dr. Thompson's Results & Examples

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  24. maverick280857

    Opensource Student Timetabling database software for school - advice needed

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  25. L

    Engineering How to transfer to Software Engineering

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  26. L

    Engineering How much does a software engineer get annually?

    1) with a bachelor's degree 2) with a master's 3) pHD what factors do they depend on?
  27. A

    Software to calculate simple commutator relation ?

    software to calculate simple commutator relation ?? Dear All: I have hundred terms of commutators needs to be calculate. Each one looks like [{\epsilon_{i m}}^n\eta^m\frac{\partial}{\partial\eta^n},C\eta_j\eta^l\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta^l}] ,where C is function of \theta^i and...
  28. R

    Finding the Best Software for Circuit Simulation & Analysis

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  29. L

    Programs What career oppurtunities are open to one with a pHD in software engineering?

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  30. B

    Looking for software recommendations

    I have a database in Excel of MLB games for the past 10 years. It's around 22,000 games. I am looking for a program that I can use to manipulate this data, filter/sort based on certain criteria, write formulas, plot graphs, calculate regression lines, etc. I want to be able to input a few pieces...
  31. S

    What Is the Best Software for Designing Military and Commercial Aircraft?

    I will soon be starting to design either a transonic or hypersonic military aircraft. I'm just curious what software would be best to use, I have previous experience with MatLab and AAA (darcorp). I'm not sure if AAA will be able to work correctly at those speeds. Any help would be great...
  32. P

    Chemical/Process Engineering Flowchart Software

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  33. L

    Engineering What is it like persewing software engineering?

    i hear it's like electrical engineering and computer sciences both which i am interested in. i have an interest in computers and mathematics. how is the program i am enrolled to be in the electrical and computer engineering program at UBC, it is a physics heavy courseload etc... i get A+ in...
  34. W

    Industry Relying on Open Source Software for Linux

    Just how does industry rely on open source ware? This probably depends on the industry of course. I ask this because there is a lot of neat open source stuff-- I am looking in the direction of finite element. I really would like to learn a FEM and FEA program. Should I learn an open source...
  35. thrill3rnit3

    Computer science vs. software engineering

    What is the fundamental difference between the two? Sorry for my ignorance but I was just wondering :smile: I'm planning to do a 2nd major with Applied math and cs/se, if that helps.
  36. R

    Best Circuit Simulator software?

    Best Circuit Simulator software? Hey Everybody!, Wich one Do You Think is the Best Circuit (digital, analog and PICs) Simulator?...For example... I use Electronics Workbench, Multisim and Proteus Isis (Proteus vsm) far as i can see, Proteus is the Best! what are your thoughts?...or do...
  37. K

    LaTeX Software Recommendations for LaTeX Diagrams on Linux Ubuntu

    I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum but I think that mathematicians often work with LaTex and should be able to answer. Could you please recommend me any kind of software for creating diagrams (plotting functions, drawing vectors, writing down matrices, etc) and then converting these...
  38. D

    LaTeX How to download LATEX software

    Please can anyone tell me how to download free LATEX software. please i need it for practice. i have tried some but it is not working on my p.c(window vista).
  39. H

    Best software for low voltage single line diagram design and calculation

    Best software for low voltage single line diagram design and calculation what is the best software out there for low voltage single line diagram design and calculation?
  40. J

    Equation Graphing Software with Zooming & X-Y Readouts

    Hi, Can anyone point me to a good equation graphing program that has zooming and x-y readouts according to crosshair positioning (for estimating values). I have Mathematica 5 which I use for most graphing but it lacks the above mentioned features for simple x-y plotting and graphical...
  41. S

    Math software - any recommendation?

    Hello folks, I was shopping for some mathematics software like Mathematica and Mathlab, etc..? However, they are too expnesive for me (hobbyist use). However, they only offer Mathematica 7 Home Edition for affordable price. I was looking for some open-source software and found a few...
  42. S

    Audio Editing Software: Add Music to Videos

    hello do u kno of any site that offers a software to separate audio from video and allows us to play some other audio in the background..the way they do on youtube videos...?
  43. D

    Optical spectroscopy software

    Hi, Does anyone know any good Linux/Unix software for analysing optical emission spectra? I've been searching the net, but I can't find any. The software I'm currently using is old, only for MS Windows, very expensive, and pretty much useless. So any suggestions would be much appreciated...
  44. T

    Math graphics publishing software

    What graphics publishing tools are commonly used for textbooks, journals, etc? (I am thinking of the 3D plots one might find in a calculus book, things like that) It seems like Mathematica, Maple, and Matlab are great for plotting, but are they also suitable for publishing? They don't seem to...
  45. Saladsamurai

    Anyone reccomend any free Typing Software

    ...that makes it at all fun or goofy? I use a free program now... but it is so mundane Anyone have any good experiences?
  46. I

    Emulate something in software that has a resonant frequency

    Hello, I have a question about resonance. Say I want to emulate something in software that has a resonant frequency. It will be receiving pushes and pulls at various intervals, and I want the emulation to reflect how intensely it would vibrate at its resonant frequency as the result of those...
  47. A

    Prospects for Software Engineers in Nuclear Engineering

    Hi there ! I've been doing some research regarding prospects in the nuke industry recently and came across this forum. I hope somebody can clear things up for me ! I'm a software developer with a Bachelors degree in CSE and three years of experience in the industry.I've been considering...
  48. C

    Good, free, antivirus software?

    Does anyone know of any good, free, antivirus software?
  49. A

    Designing Gears: Objectives, Techniques, and Software

    DeaR ALL I WANT to do mini project in gear design. I need comment about my objective selection and Technic used to solved. Gear design objective, i got only power ,speed ,service condtion,centre distance range, face width as input details. Result output is No of teeth,module, centre...
  50. P

    I hope this helps.Best graph software?

    Hi there, Which is best graph software to plot the following functions? 2.5 + 10/Pi sin1/4.Pi.t and 2.5 + 10/Pi ∑ 1/(2n-1) sin (2n-1)Pi.t/4 Limits for ∑ are: top = 20 bottom = n=1 I want to show the first 20 terms of this series. I’m trying to show how Fourier series is made...