Solar system Definition and 318 Threads

  1. Jozefina Gramatikova

    Python Python: Simulation of the Solar System and Total energy

    Homework Statement I have a project to make the Solar system on Python, which I have done, but they also require from us to calculate the total energy of the system. We don't have to make the orbits of the planets elliptical, they should be circular and I believe I made them like that. Since...
  2. Jozefina Gramatikova

    Python Simulating Gravitational Interactions in a Particle System

    I have a project to make the solar system. I am trying to start from somwhere. On the notes it says that we need to start by creating a System of Particles Two-body simulation (Circular motion) Implement Gravitational acceleration Each particle (planet) could have its own field. I.e. Each...
  3. shimun

    B Thank you for understanding. Have a great day!

    Hello Dear Ones. 1. How Scientists exactly calculated movement speed of solar system ? thank you very much.
  4. J

    I Harmonic Convergence of Major Planets: Exploring the Solar System Barycenter

    During a harmonic convergence of the major planets does the barycenter ever leave the suns sphere?
  5. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Other Research Proposal For Senior thesis - GR Solar System Model

    Hi All. On Tuesday I have to present my research proposal for my undergrad research. I intend to model our solar system using general relativity and compare and contrast my results with observations. Attached is my paper that I had to submit to my adviser. He suggested that I talk about some...
  6. Toreno

    Calculating orbits of planets in Solar System

    Hi, I am about to write a simple application, simulating in 3D current location of the planets in Solar system. Honestly, I do not know even how to start. Can you please guide me where could I find some good information on planet orbits, current locations and how to make all of the calculations...
  7. S

    I Calculate Voyager trajectory using JPL data

    Hey everyone, I've recently programmed an animated simulation of the main elements (core planets and Sun) of our solar system: by using the initial coordinates from the JPL database, and then calculating the combined gravitational perturbations and the relativistic effects from the Sun...
  8. D

    Is the Relationship Between Energy and Distance Always Direct in Earth Science?

    I know that energy increases with distance, but what is the relationship? What are different ways to measure something decreasing over distance or time. I really don't have the time to help my younger sister do her homework so I need someone to help me explain to her the relationship concerning...
  9. M

    I Orbit simulations, tidal forces and planetary oblateness

    How does one correct for tidal forces when (classically) simulating the orbits of solar system bodies?
  10. wolram

    B How did Jupiter and Saturn disrupt our solar system

    This article suggests that exoplanets are the same size and have equal orbital spacing ,so what is different from our solar system. An international research team led by Université de Montréal astrophysicist Lauren Weiss has...
  11. wolram

    B Can the Solar System's Chaos Lead to Earth's Sudden Demise?

    Can anyone predict where the planets will be in 1 million years time, could the Earth be kicked out of orbit a far quicker way to die than waiting for the sun to go nova?
  12. Spinnor

    B New theory, our solar system formation, "space bubble"

    "There are various theories about how the solar system formed, but scientists haven't been able to agree on a single model that explains all the quirks of our corner of space as it exists today. Now, scientists at the University of Chicago have...
  13. R

    Comp Sci Velocity Verlet applied to solar system with C++

    Homework Statement Hello, I am attempting to use the velocity Verlet algorithm of integration applied to the solar system in c++. My goal is be able to use the outputted position components in a plot to see if the trajectory of my object is elliptical/parabolic/hyperbolic resulting from the...
  14. T

    I Where in our solar system are asteroids that contain ammonia

    Hi! I'm doing a research project titled "Is it possible to colonise Mars?" I'm currently researching how to raise the temperature and pressure - and I've discovered to do this that re-directing asteroids towards Mars containing Ammonia would be vital. However, where do these asteroids that...
  15. P

    I Magnetic field of Solar System planets

    Hello. I am reading a paper which says that only Earth (between the rocky planets) keep a strong magnetic field and it arose an question on this: Why does the magnetic field of the planets decrease with time in such planets? Why the magnetic field of the Earth is the only one which keeps strong?
  16. shihab-kol

    B Sun's Expansion: Why Inner Planets Will Be Affected

    I read in some books that as the sun approaches the end of the fusion process(the complete one) , it will expand and engulf some of the inner planets. But why will it expand?
  17. S

    I Instability of the Solar System

    Hello! I read in some books that the behavior of the Solar system can't be predicted indefinitely (up to several hundreds of million of years). Is this a numerical limitation, in trying to simulate it or is it some physics responsible for it? (I guess that this assumes that no other bodies...
  18. NFuller

    Insights Getting Started with Solar System Imaging - Comments

    Greg Bernhardt submitted a new PF Insights post Getting Started with Solar System Imaging Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  19. A

    I Dark Matter Size to be seen in our solar system

    Hello, My question is, how much dark matter (any of mass, volume, density, etc) would we have to have in our solar system for us to detect it? My guess is that we would detect the dark matter through gravitational lensing or the perturbation of planetary orbits. On previous posts about dark...
  20. J

    I How to model Solar System formation accurately and realistically

    I've been working on a crude N-body simulator which allows N bodies of equal masses to interact gravitationally in 2 dimensions. My goal is to model the formation of Solar System. Each body is modeled as a circle with a radius as a function of its mass, in such a way that all bodies have the...
  21. D

    B Understanding the probability cloud?

    I understand that the concept of a atom resembling a solar system is disregarded as being untrue because this is based on the Bohr model which doesn't represent how an electron would actually appear in its probability cloud. However, would it be possible that if there were an observer on the...
  22. J

    Can you change a planet's orbit by reducing its velocity?

    My question is, take Mars, say, and install a huge rocket engine on the ground pointing out the planet (obviously) and in the opposite direction of its velocity, so that if it is turned on, the planet is slowed. The rocket starts to work and Mars is slowed. If the loss of velocity goes little by...
  23. M

    C/C++ Velocity Verlet C++ implementation

    I have been working on implementing a solar system system simulator in C++ - but am getting incorrect results on the order of 10^10 km, and it seems that the planets are moving directly away from the sun. I suspect that there is a mistake in the integrator (Velocity Verlet) that I have posted...
  24. M

    I Solar system simulation -- Significant deviation of some Jovian moons

    I am working on a simulation of the solar system, but I am having problems with the orbits with Europa and Io shown in the image below, the orbits of Jupiter, Ganymede and Callisto are consistent with NASA's simulations. For all bodies I have used identical parameters in generating the initial...
  25. M

    I Solar system simulation errors

    Hi, as a side project I am making a solar system simulator in Python, but I am getting extreme inaccuracies. As the image shows - I am comparing the simulation to data obtained from NASA's Horizon. I have written a a basic Verlet integrator in the Python class posten below: import numpy as...
  26. Sanborn Chase

    B Enlarging Planetary Orbits: Evidence of the Solar System's Evolution?

    Is there any evidence of the enlargement of planetary orbits over time? Are the planets moving further from the sun?
  27. Solomei

    B Our solar system and its fellows

    Hello, I am new to this forum, so be brutal :) So, I've tried to find information about Earth's origin. The nebula, cluster we are a part of etc. but i could not find the answer I was looking for. For me, it seems logical that we are a part of a cluster. How often do we find a star whos just...
  28. jack action

    B Map of Solar System: See How Far Away Planets Are!

    Isn't this the best map of the solar system you've seen? It is so hard to imagine those distances.
  29. sefiroths

    Java Solar system simulator JAVA source code

    Hi, I'm developing a very simple solar system simulator for educational purpose. I had taken from wikipedia mass, velocity of planet and applied universal gravitation formula and applied to all celestial corps. It works well, but when I add the moon... the moon is like a planet, rotating around...
  30. J

    A Series of Exoplanets in Our Solar System

    In this alternate universe, Earth is the same as back home--8,000 miles wide, 25,000 around, six sextillion tons, orbiting a G-type main-sequence star from a distance of 93 million miles. But here, the similarities end. MOON DIAMETER--3,273 miles MASS--0.025x that of Earth DISTANCE FROM...
  31. JayFlynn

    MATLAB Plotting the tragectory of an asteroid in MATLAB

    I am trying to plot the trajectory of an asteroid in MATLAB using ode23. The only bodies in the system are The Sun, Earth, Mars and Jupiter and their orbital data has been loaded from data files. I have picked arbitrary initial conditions for the asteroid and believe my forces are correct. My...
  32. J

    Writing: Input Wanted Eleven Inner Planets--What Will Earth's Ice Ages Be Like?

    A Milankovitch cycle is defined in Universe Today as "a cyclical movement related to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun." There are three elements to a Milankovitch cycle that affects the amount of solar heat and with it, the Earth's climate: Eccentricity (Orbital Shape)--The elliptical shape...
  33. W

    Stargazing [just for fun] Planet Definition

    So I'm reading in the news and a group of scientists from the New Horizons missions appear to be reopening "The Pluto Debate" with yet another new definition of planet at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in March:rolleyes:. If accepted their definition of planet would increase the...
  34. M

    Going beyond solar system with high speed

    Hey guys, Is it possible to travel with high speed beyond a solar system or a galaxy? Or is there something that will prevent something to move at high speed outside a solar system or a galaxy?
  35. Dale

    B Where Can I Find a Barycentric Solar System Ephemeris?

    Does anyone know of a website with an accurate ephemeris where you can plug in a time and get the state vectors (position and velocity) for the sun and all of the planets in a barycentric coordinate system?
  36. L

    B Top 3 candidates in our solar system to host microbial life from Earth

    Assume that you are commissioned to select three solar system bodies (planets or moons) to deposit a colony of bacteria or microbes of your choice outside (i.e. either on the surface or underground, but not in any man-made enclosure). No resources from Earth (such as food, water, organic...
  37. Buzz Bloom

    I Constraints on Dark Matter in the Solar System

    I wonder if someone can tell me if I have interpreted the cited article correctly. The article seems to have calculated upper bounds on the density of DM for different parts of our solar system. We have found that ρdm is less than 1.1⋅10−20 g cm−3 at the orbital...
  38. X

    Scaling The Solar System By A Factor ##\alpha##

    I am given the solution to the first part of the problem, however not the second part - would appreciate for someone to double check my work! Cheers. 1. Homework Statement If a scale model of the solar system is made using materials of the same respective average density as the sun and...
  39. A

    B Temperature in the space between planets of our solar system?

    I know that the overall temperature of the universe is microwaves at 3 Kelvin or so from the Big Bang, but is this mostly for deep space? Or is this pretty much the temperature in our solar system also, assuming a coordinates some distance away from any of our planets but still within our solar...
  40. Chris Miller

    B How would the solar system appear if you approached at near c?

    Approaching Earth from 100 light years (by Earth's measurement) at the fastest theoretically (not practically) possible velocity where from your relative near-c frame the distance is foreshortened to 1 Planck length and a century elapses in Earth's time frame to 1 Planck time in yours, how would...
  41. V

    Kepler's first law for any body

    I was just wondering, what if an object is placed in our solar system, will it revolve around the sun? If yes, will it have a centripetal acceleration too?
  42. hsdrop

    B Measurements within our solar system with relativity in mind

    ok I know that anybody in the heavens will bend spacetime with the gravity it has. What I was wondering was how do we measure around them like from the Earth to mars. When Mars in now quit on the opposite side of the sun ( so we can see it at sunset). do we measure the parabolic curve in...
  43. petrushkagoogol

    I Are all planets in our Solar System in the same plane?

    Are all planets in our Solar System in the same plane ? :))
  44. E

    I Solar System Origins: Angular Momentum Problem?

    Hi guys, This is basically a quick question to hopefully find some pointers on a topic I've been browsing the internet on to not much success. Basically the topic I'm trying to find more information on is the angular momentum problem with the "nebular hypothesis" of the formation of our solar...
  45. F

    I Orientation of the Earth, Sun and Solar System in the Milky Way

    I've been tinkering with a few diagrams in an attempt to illustrate the motion of the solar system in its journey around the Milky Way. I also wanted portray how the celestial, ecliptic and galactic coordinate systems are related to each other in a single picture. Note: in the Celestial, or...
  46. A

    I Why do Great Oppositions of Mars Always Happen at the Same Time of Year?

    Why do the Great oppositions of Mars always happen at the same time of the year? What is that time?
  47. A

    I How can inhabitants of moon guess of its revolution

    How can inhabitants of the far side of moon guess that the moon is revolving around the earth?
  48. Astronuc

    B Outer Solar System Origins Survey, Dwarf Planets and TNOs

    "Nearly 1000 TNOs known to inhabit the outer Solar System have been discovered by OSSOS (or earlier CFEPS)." - OSSOS "Started in February 2013, OSSOS is a four-year project using the MegaPrime camera, a 1x1 degree imager on the 3.6m Canada-France-Hawaii...
  49. petrushkagoogol

    I Disequilibrium of the solar system

    As the Sun's supply of hydrogen gradually gets exhausted gravity takes over and predominates over fusion energy. As this happens does the equilibrium of the solar system gets distorted, and if so is there a cut-off point for the same ? o0)