Solar Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. S

    Isolate solar charger PWM pulses

    After we got the solar array working, we made all lamps, laptop chargers, most kitchen appliances... run on 48vDC (so that we can have the inverter switched off unless we're running any 220v appliances). Then everyone in the house got a headache. We traced this down to being indoors at daytime...
  2. seanduffy

    I Pool Solar Heating - Help orienting the roof-top solar collector please

    Hello there, Physics forum. I live in Alamo, California and I'm planning to install pool solar. All of the installers have completely different POVs on which face of the roof I should put them, and hoping to get some physics-based advice. Here's the home with the 3 face options (front already...
  3. jedishrfu

    B An Ancient Solar Storm 9200 years ago is Cause for Concern
  4. Cosmology2015

    Tension at a SPD for Solar Power System

    Hello there! I am using a Surge Protection Device (SPD) for Solar Power System. My home uses a 3-phase system (380V and 220V at each phase). What should be the tension between the phase and ground at the SPD? And between the ground and neutral? Should be any tension at all? God bless all. PS. My...
  5. B

    Why Are Solar Panels 21-22% efficient? How can efficiency improved?

    How efficient are solar panels? How can their efficiency improve? Besides their benefits, what are the ecological impacts of solar energy?
  6. brochesspro

    I The centripetal acceleration of the planets in our solar system

    Relevant formulae:- Angular velocity in uniform circular motion ##=## ##\omega## ##=## ##\frac {2\pi} t##, where ##t## is the time taken to complete one revolution. Centripetal acceleration in uniform circular motion ##=## ##a## ##=## ##\omega^2r##, where ##r## is the radius of the circular...
  7. T

    Is it possible to run a pond filter using a solar panel?

    Hey is it possible to run a normal pond filter of a solar panel my pond is placed at the top of my garden and there's lots of sun around the pond i already have solar panel water fountain in there running with solar lighting to. The pond is to far away from the house to run cables down and I am...
  8. G

    B How Has the Calculation of Solar System Body SGPs Evolved Over Time?

    does anyone have a good reference on the history of calculating the standard gravity parameters of solar system bodies? My guess is a rough estimate of Jupiter's SGP can be gained from observing the motion of its moons, in which case the first estimates could have been made soon after Newtonian...
  9. S

    Citizen explorer tries to explain the Ivanpah Solar Power Towers

    First, here is a riddle: Why did the tortoise cross the road? Because an under-pass was available. An adventurer and desert explorer visited and tried to explain the workings of the solar powered towers at Ivanpah, in the Mojave Desert in California. The person is not any kind of scientist nor...
  10. W

    I Question about electromagnetic spectrum and solar cells

    Would it be possible to change all wavelenths to one frequency that would then be sent to a solar panel adapted for it, or once split could to be sent to cells that work in that range? In other words use all the light to produse electric power
  11. Y

    Considering Earth ground vs floating ground in off grid solar

    Context: I'm building an off-grid, 100% solar powered home. I have a 12 kw solar array wired up to a Sol-Ark inverter and a Fortress 18.5 kwh lithium battery. Question: What is the ideal grounding/earthing scheme? Additional context: where I'm building, there is currently no requirement that...
  12. S

    I If one of the dimensions of our solar system contracted ....

    ... by a factor of 10, then would it operate exactly the same way as if it did not contract? I ask this because there could be an observer at a sufficient speed for which our solar system contracts by a factor of 10. Wouldn't our solar system and its contents have to behave differently for the...
  13. F

    I Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein enters inner solar system

    I start this thread about a comet that probably (hopefully) will be of common interest in the coming months (or years). And, no, Earth orbit will not be affected.
  14. cianfa72

    I About the relation between number of sidereal and solar days

    Hi all, I've a doubt about the following formula for the number of sidereal vs solar days for a generic planet orbit (e.g. the Earth's orbit around the Sun): $$N_{sid} = N_{sol} + 1$$ Section 1.5 of the book "Foundation of Astrophysics" - B. Ryden shows how to calculate the above equation...
  15. S

    B Question about the solar system and gravitational forces

    Alright, so I have a question. Now, on planets such as our Earth, there are a longitude and latitude as well as altitude. If I am not mistaken, I believe the latitude and altitude are part of what affects gravity, or weight, on a planet. Latitude makes it so that the object in question is...
  16. Zeeshan Ahmad

    I Evidence for existence of a 9th Planet in the solar system

    Could the existence of the 9th planet of the solar system is possible under these arguments of existence of it some where in the out scurt of solar system? The evidence for Planet 9 comes from its gravitational pull on other bodies. If the planet exists, its gravity will affect the orbits of...
  17. BWV

    Is Orbital Solar Feasible for the Future?

    Saw China launched a project to get a system operating by 2050, but at ~2GW that is about the capacity of a single nuclear power station, the Three Gorges Dam, at 22.5 GW has over 10x the capacity. US...
  18. I

    B Protecting Your Computer from Solar Storms - Is a Faraday Cage Enough?

    How did you find PF?: Via Google search From what I understand in scientific publications, if there is a strong solar storm directed towards the Earth, the effects would be such that any electronic equipment would suffer irreparable damage. I ask, if I put my computer inside a Faraday cage...
  19. G

    I Entropy question involving our Solar System

    Which is a higher entropy state: solar system as it is today with planets going around the sun at fixed distances in an orderly fashion OR all the planets and sun bumping into one another and forming a single body? If the entropy of the combined single body is higher, why doesn't the solar...
  20. T

    B Some visuals for Size of Solar System, Galaxy, Universe

    I was cleaning out my email archive after being notified I was out of storage. I decided to keep these. Enjoy. (original at: This one would be impossible on a phone and slow on a laptop, use a fullsize computer if available. I couldn't...
  21. R

    I Why does entropy grow when a solar system is formed?

    On page 50 of "From eternity to here", Sean Carroll writes that the protostellar cloud had a lower entropy than the solar system it produced. That strikes me as odd. A solar system looks more arranged than a dust cloud. When talking about entropy, someone always mentions the milk in the coffee...
  22. cemtu

    Engineering Shunt Resistor, Grain Boundaries & Solar Cell Circuit

    In the circuit equivalent of a solar cell, shunt resistor is described as "The irregular polycrystalline lattice grain boundaries that resist to the flow of electrical current in the silicon material." If this explanation is correct, shouldn't it be "lower shunt resistance increases the current...
  23. The Baron

    I Can we calculate the efficiency and output of solar panels on an electron level?

    Okay, so i have an idea involving solar panels, and how to improve their effectiveness. But to verify it I need to know how to calculate the solar panel efficiency, without knowing the solar panel outut. or how to calculate the solar panel output on an electron level. Meaning not regular solar...
  24. B

    From weatherstation data to solar irradiation on specific surface

    So, at home I have a weatherstation which measures solar irradiation in the east, south and west in lux. I can read in these measured sensordata. From these measurements, I would like to calculate the solar irradiance on my windows. The solar energy formulas could help me with that. The work of...
  25. cemtu

    Why do monocrystalline solar cells have rounded/cropped edges?

    There were circular solar cells 30 years ago. Why do we have square-shaped solar cells now? Why square now?
  26. cemtu

    Purity of Polycrystalline Solar Cells vs Monocrystalline Solar Cells

    Why is the silicon purity of polycrystalline Solar Panels lower than monocrystalline Solar Panels? I have read this explanation somewhere in the internet but not sure if it is correct? Can somebody give me an explanation please?
  27. yecko

    Engineering Can the efficiency of a solar cell with a single band gap reach 100%?

    I have tried looking up online with the photoelectric effect, it just mentioned the energy of the photon must have to equal to band-gap energy. Yet, it didn't mention if 100% can be reached in that case, or if a single bandgap makes any effect...

    How fast must Voyager travel to leave the solar system?

    I have read articles about the Voyager probes leaving the solar system (or not) depending on what definition is used. So, another definition - do the Voyagers have sufficient velocity to escape the Sun's gravitati0nal influence?
  29. T

    Coverage of energy required for this Solar Panel Farm in Wales

    Hello guys, I am designing a 1052 kwh solar farm with 2844 panels in Wales. These panels have to supply energy to a train station but I get minors coverage of the energy required if I do the following calculation which is based on the average sunshine of hours per month. What do you think about...
  30. A

    I How do I properly plot the solar spectrum and handle the flux of Arcturus?

    I'm trying to plot the solar spectrum (Wavelength versus Flux) from a table of values I'm given. I'm given 3 columns; Solar Flux Arcturus Flux Wavelength Plotting Solar Flux versus Wavelength gives me a graph (below) that is very difficult to resolve. There are 21,000 data points as well. If...
  31. phyduck

    Chemical/Paint Removal of broken glass from solar panel

    I'm looking to find a way to remove tempered glass that has been shattered from solar panels to make them viable once again. I have no idea what kind of adhesive is used here, but I imagine it is some sort of epoxy. I've tried to peel it off with a pressure washer at the car wash to no avail...
  32. B

    Nuclear physics - solar neutrinos interacting

    For the first part I thought you'd have either, p + anti-v -> n + e+ and n + v -> p + e-, but I thought it'd probably be the latter as it's a 'normal' neutrino not an anti neutrino? But do I need to include the actual elements in the equation? For the second part I have multiplied the density...
  33. J

    I Solar chromosphere: inter-conversion of Ca I, Ca II, role of photons

    My question relates to the physics of the emission line of Ca II which originates in the solar chromosphere. My understanding is that ionized Ca which lacks a single electron in its valence orbital interacts with free electron in the chromosphere milieu to form Ca I (nonionized). The captured...
  34. E

    B Understanding the Stress-Energy Tensor & Solar Mass in General Relativity

    In the test of General Relativity by perihelion motion of mercury, the stress-energy tensor is set to 0 in Schwarzschild solution. Then, is the curvature caused by solar mass, or by the 0 stress-energy? Or, do we consider solar mass as the gravitating mass? Or the 0 stress-energy the gravitating...
  35. K

    B How the Earth's Magnetic field deflects the solar wind

    On a previous thread (now locked) I was wondering about how, precisely, the Earth's magnetic field protects us from the solar wind. Posting this here because what I wrote in that thread is very wrong, and I think it's an interesting topic. I had a hell of a time finding good information. I...
  36. DaveC426913

    B Plotting the Solar System's planets' distances logarithmically

    I'm designing a growth chart for my granddaughter with the planets on it. I wanted them to be proportional* as far as distance goes - with the sun at the floor and Pluto at, say, six feet, but obviously that's impossible since all the inner planets would be in the first inch or two from the...
  37. jovanovic_oliver

    B Understanding the Mass of Solar Wind and its Impact on Earth's Surface

    According to wiki sources "The average mass ejected is 1.6×1012 kg" I would like to know, what part of that falls to surface of the Earth?
  38. E

    I Unleashing Solar Energy: The Potential of Mirrored Circles and Solar Panels

    Now before i take a ton of beating I'm not a Physicist this thread was a google command away looking for a physicists. I am an entrepreneur from the Blockchain world and before that the IT world. Now with the Current World Economic Forum, green bonds and saving our planet conversations i would...
  39. E

    I Solar System Diameter: Calculating Distances & Multi-Star Systems

    What is the method of calculating the diameter of a solar system knowing each of its planets distance to the star? Is it a matter of doubling the distance of the furthest planet? What about when a solar system has more than one star?
  40. T

    Engineering How could a solar farm affect the trains' signalling?

    How could a solar farm that would provide electricity to trains railway affect the train's signalling?
  41. C

    Decrease of Solar radius per year using Virial Theorem

    Hello, I am trying to solve this question: Assume that the Sun's energy production doesn't happen by fusion processes, but is caused by a slow compression and that the radiated energy can be described by the Virial Theorem: $$L_G = - \frac{1}{2} \frac{GM^2}{R^2} \frac{dR}{dt} $$ How much must...
  42. A

    Ship thrust required to move out of the plane of our solar system

    Hello, We know that most celestial objects in our solar system are in the equatorial plane of the sun. So too, does most of our spacecraft orbit in this plane as it explores our solar system. For a spacecraft already traveling away from the sun and towards the outer solar system, how hard...
  43. S

    I Astronomy in a Simple Solar System

    It seems to me that Galileo and his successors benefitted from there being other bodies in the solar system other than the Earth and the Sun to prove that the Earth (and other bodies) orbited the Sun, and not the other way round. In an imagined solar system where the Earth has no moon, and...
  44. E

    Solar radiation on a horizontal tank

    Hello everyone, I'm looking to estimate the variation of degassing on a horizontal tank of VC (vinyl chloride) due to solar radiation. The feed flow is continuous but the outlet is batch flow. So there is a lot of variation of liquid level in the tank (constant pressure). To avoid a lot of...
  45. N

    Temperature of a Solar panel in space

    Consider two 1 square meter marble slabs each of mass 1 kg floating in space facing the sun such that light from the sun incident perpendicularly on the flat faces. At equilibrium, power received from the sun 'PS' equals the power being lost in the form of radiation 'PR'. PS = PR (at...
  46. W

    Solar Inverter Basics: How Power is Drawn and Distributed

    OK.. I understand about the sync. Not a problem, but... My understanding is that the Inverter is wired in parallel with the incoming mains supply. So what happens when you switch on your toaster? What decides WHERE the current is drawn from? and assuming it comes from the Inverter, what decides...
  47. Mayan Fung

    I Recombination and open-circuit voltage in solar cells

    From the ideal diode model, we can derive the open-circuit voltage (Voc) as: $$ V_{oc} = \frac{nkT}{q} ln(\frac{I_L}{I_0} + 1) $$ where ##I_0## is the dark saturation current and ##I_L## is the light generated current. From the model, if the recombination rate increases, the dark saturation...
  48. DaveC426913

    Using a solar mirror to deflect a star

    I just finished Stephen Baxter's Manifold: Space. Great writer. Vast worlds he builds. In it, he has a project to deflect a star (a neutron star, to be exact) using a colossal mirror-sail placed on one side of the star. The idea is that the solar radiation bounces off the mirror and is...
  49. Hercuflea

    I Solar flare: Help normalizing the Band function

    I am trying to understand how to normalize a proton energy spectrum from a solar flare. The spectrum is given by the Band Function, and I cite the paper "Spectral Analysis of the September 2017 Solar Energetic Particle Events" by Bruno in 2019, link to paper. The equation number in the paper is...
  50. Whipley Snidelash

    Cheapest, easiest solar cell manufacturing methods on the Moon

    If I wanted to create a factory, possibly automated, on the moon using materials from the surface to create silicon solar cells how hard would it be? Considering the environment, the cheapest and simplest solar cell, regardless of efficiency, would be what to use because quantity and area of...