Solid state physics Definition and 268 Threads

  1. E

    Graphene structure obtaining code

    I want to write a octave code(It can be another language I want to know how should I think to write a such a code ) to obtain graphene structure like in the figure. This code should give me a graphene sheet which in size I want when I enter the position of the atoms in the lattice.I think that...
  2. G

    Solid State Electronics: Is It Worth Pursuing?

    I am just finishing my A.S. in Electrical Engineering Tech. and am looking into bachelor programs. I want to double major in EE and physics. At the University of Iowa they have an applied physics program with a concentration in solid state electronics. I was wondering if solid state...
  3. Suman Saha

    Solid State Advanced Solid State Physics Book: A Modern Alternative to Kittel and Ashcroft

    I found Kittel very complicated and Ashcroft outdated. I want something rather new, written in a advanced but familiar manner.
  4. kini.Amith

    Math required for Statistical and solid state physics

    I have to take a graduate level statistical mech course and a solid state physics course next sem (starting in feb).As I will be dealing with these topics for the first time, I'd like to like to prepare myself for them by learning/revising the math involved in them. What are the mathematical...
  5. C

    Relation between electronic band structure and Fermi energy

    I have some qualitative questions about the relation between band structure, density of states, and Fermi energy (or Fermi level). 1) Say you have a given electronic band structure (energy as a function of k) obtained by any method. How do you relate this to the Fermi energy (or Fermi level) ...
  6. M

    Solid State Looking for Solid State Physics Textbooks? Check Out These Top Picks!

    Hi everyone, I was hoping you guys could recommend some good solid-state physics textbooks or lecture notes. Thanks in advance.
  7. B

    Non-uniqueness of the k-vector in Bloch state

    How to understand that Bloch wave solutions can be completely characterized by their behaviour in a single Brillouin zone? Given Bloch wave: \begin{equation*} \psi_{\mathbf{k}}(\mathbf{r}) = u_{\mathbf{k}}(\mathbf{r}) \exp (i\mathbf{k}\mathbf{r}) \end{equation*} I can write wavefunction for...
  8. chikou24i

    Best problems and solutions book in solid state physics

    What is the best book in solid state physics that contains problems and solutions?
  9. L

    Bravais lattices in 2 dimensions (and 3 dimensions)

    I'm reading M. Omar Ali's Elementary Solid State Physics and in it, in Subsection 1.4 The Fourteen Bravais Lattices and the Seven Crystal Systems he says that "..., but one cannot place many such pentagons side by side so that they fit tightly and cover the whole area. In fact, it can be...
  10. Benevito

    Neutral and charged exitons (trions)

    How can we distinguish between neutral and charged exitons?
  11. Benevito

    Dielectric constant in few-layer and in bulk materials

    Why is the dielectric constant smaller in few-layer materials than in bulk materials?
  12. ZAN Nabil

    Solid State Good resources for introductory solid state physics and QM

    Hello,I'm new here and this is my first post. I am a freshman electronics and communication engineering student.I didn't study any quantum mechanics or solid state physics before(not in high school). But for my first year course i need to study solid state physics.The books we are suggested to...
  13. schrodingerscat11

    Computational Can you suggest books that will help understand DOS graphs?

    Can you suggest books or any resource that will help understand DOS graph discussions in journal articles? I am reading DFT results. I try very hard to understand how their discussion is related to DOS graph presented, but I can't no matter how I reread it over and over again. :frown...
  14. M

    Degeneration of semiconductors in betavoltaic cells

    I'm looking to find out what is degenerating in a semiconductor that is being bombarded with beta particles. I know in the low energy tritium beta cells. There is less degeneration because less energy. I know that current is formed by the beta particle making pair holes in the mobile band. Is...
  15. D

    Having trouble with Density of States

    I need to find the total number of states in a 1D monatomic lattice using the density of state equation g(ω), and I am having a hard time doing so. I'm fairly certain all I need to do ins integrate it, but this is proving to be a greater challenge than I thought it would...
  16. U

    Why is the volume of FCC and BCC different in reciprocal space?

    Taken from BCC In real space, it has a simple cubic lattice with one basis in the centre. Total number of atoms per unit cell = 2. Volume of primitive unit cell is then ##\frac{1}{2}a^3##. In reciprocal space, BCC becomes an FCC structure. It has a simple...
  17. U

    How Is the Polyacetylene Chain Structured in a 1D Lattice Model?

    Homework Statement The polyacetylene chain is a 1D chain of Carbon atoms with single bonds and double bonds in succession. Spacing for single bond is ##a_s = 0.144~nm## and spacing for double bond is ##a_d = 0.136~nm##. Describe the structure using a "lattice" and a "basis". Sketch the...
  18. S

    Solid State Physics: Atomic chain oscillations

    Homework Statement Ok, don't get angry with me. The original problem is from Solid State Physics but my problem is very well in "Introductory physics". Here is the problem: The chain consists of molecules, which has three atoms, each with mass ##M##. Spring constant between the atoms inside...
  19. T

    Wave packet description of electrons in solid state physics

    In solid state physics, I learned that the velocity of a bloch electron is ##\frac{\partial E(k)}{\partial k}##, where ##E(k)## is the energy dispersion. This formula is derived on the basis of the assumption that electrons is a wave packet of bloch state in solids. However, I have a question...
  20. A

    Steps to take after PhD rejections?

    Hi all, thank you for your attention I graduated with a B.S. in Physics just 2 months ago. I went to an American public school with good reputation in Physics. I sent in my applications for the Fall, 2015 Ph.D application cycle last fall. However, I failed to get into any PhD programs, mainly...
  21. U

    Number of phonons - Which length should I use?

    Homework Statement (a) Find debye frequency. (b) Find number of atoms. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Part(a) [/B] Density of states is given by g(\omega) = \frac{3V\omega^2}{2 \pi^2 c^3} = N \left[ \frac{12 \pi \omega^2}{(2\pi)^2 n c^3} \right] = 9N \frac{\omega}{\omega_D^3}...
  22. U

    What is the doping and hole concentration?

    Homework Statement (a) Show law of mass action. (b) Find dopant concentration and hole concentration.[/B] Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Part(a)[/B] Bookwork. Part(b) Letting the doping concentration be ##D##, we have: D = n - p For ##I = n_{intrinsic} = p_{intrinsic}##, we...
  23. amjad-sh

    Nano & Solid State Physics: Benefits, Comparisons, & Country Rankings

    Hello, In which way nano and solid state physics improve technology? where we use statistical physics more in nano physics or particle physics? where we use quantum mechanics more in nano physics or particle physics? which major is more enjoyable nano or particle physics? which major is more...
  24. U

    What is the equation for saturation intensity in terms of input intensity?

    Homework Statement [/B] (a) Why does input intensity affect gain? (b) Derive the expression (c) Find saturation intensity in terms of input intensity Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Part(a) Consider a narrow band radiation as an input, where its bandwidth is much smaller than...
  25. W

    Solid State Physics - Piezoelectric Effect in ZnS

    Homework Statement [/B] ZnS crystalizes in the B3 type structure with the space group is F¯43m. This structure is shown below and can be regarded as the bi-atomic form of the diamond lattice (F d¯3m). Upon applying a force along the [1,1,1] direction, the crystal might experience a change in...
  26. SalfordPhysics

    Solid State Recommendations for Stress Analysis using Photoelasticity

    I am looking for a robust text on stress analysis using photoelasticity. Razumovsky's "Interference-Optical Methods of Solid Mechanics" has been the best looking one so far, but with a >£100 price tag with only Chapter 1 (=30 pages) useful to me, I could do with finding an equally robust...
  27. P

    Calculate Elastic Strain Energy in Solid State Physics

    Homework Statement A think film of ErAs(rock salt structure, a=0.574nm) is grown on top of a thick GaAs (Zn-blend structure, a=0.565nm) substrate. The substrate orientation and the film growth direction are both <001>. For very thin films, the ErAs is tetragonally distorted such that its...
  28. S

    Solid State Chemistry Question Regarding Fermi Energy

    Hi there, I am new to electron theory, and have a question regarding fermi energy. The book I am reading plots the Fermi energy distribuiton function vs Energy for T=0 ( upper right graph in pcture) and for T not equal to zero. The book says that, when T does not equal zero, the decrease in the...
  29. A

    Solid State Looking for a solid state physics book

    hello, i am looking for a book named "solid state physics: problems and solution" by mihaly and martin. 2nd edition. can anyone please help
  30. N

    Solid State Physics: X-Ray scattering

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Charles Kittel's book on Solid State...
  31. G

    Questions/problems for Solid State Physics I

    Can anyone please recommend sources for questions and problems with soultions related to Solid State Physics I course. For all range of topics from crystal structures up to semiconductors introduction (by Kittel). Thank you.
  32. N

    Physics 141B at Berkeley: Intro Solid State Physics

    Hi. I plan on being an exchange student at Berkeley next year. I cannot find any course description for this course, I only find the description for 141A+141B: 141A. Solid State Physics. (4)...
  33. F

    Engineering Difference Between Solid State Physicist and Materials Engineer

    I would like to know what is the difference between a solid state physicist and a materials engineer. I mean, do they end up doing the same kind of job or research? If they both have the same purpose, how can they do it having different backgrounds? Which preparation is better for the purpose?
  34. U

    Solid state physics energy, translation

    Hey, I'm having some trouble understanding why the energy changes here between the blue and red paths (see attached image), it's representing state of an electron in a square lattice crystal. Like mathematically I can see it because obviously plug and chugging the different values k in E(k)...
  35. B

    Asking for assignement in solid state physics

    Hi, I would need a huge amount of assignments in solid state physics with solutions. I found assignement from other universities. Any book reference? Thank you
  36. ZetaOfThree

    Solid State Physics problem book?

    What are some recommended resources with good problems (and preferably solutions as well) on Solid State Physics at the level of Kittel? I'm aware of Yung-Kuo Lim's "Problems and Solutions on Solid State Physics, Relativity and Miscellaneous Topics" which has graduate qualifying exam questions...
  37. skate_nerd

    MHB Does this problem warrant a taylor expansion? (solid state physics)

    The whole problem I'm doing here is not even really relevant, so I won't go too much into it...I'm told to find an atomic form factor given some certain conditions, and I do a big gross integral and got this: $$f=(\frac{4}{4+(a_oG)^2})^2$$ where \(a_o\) is the Bohr radius and \(G\) is the...
  38. A

    Engineering Solid State Physics vs Electronics Engineering

    Forgive me for asking this question if the answer is obvious. The truth is I have a BENG in electrical engineering and want to know the differences between the two. From an engineer's perspective its about knowing what you can do with the devices in a useful way and design, analyze and build the...
  39. ZetaOfThree

    Should I take solid state physics?

    I am an undergrad and for the most part I am looking for a good physics class to take. I am considering taking solid state physics at the level of Kittel as its one of the only physics classes offered at the undergrad level this semester that I haven't taken. I haven't taken quantum mechanics...
  40. M

    X-ray applications in solid state physics

    hello everyone, i am looking for a comprehensive link for the topic above as i want to do some research on various applications of x-rays in solid state physics. its a personal research but i have some materials but i still feel i need a whole lot more. Any form of help would be appreciated...
  41. B

    Regarding Kittel's solid state physics 167 page

    Homework Statement In Kittel's 'Introduction to solid state physics' (8th ed.), on page 167, it says "The wave functions at the Brillouin zone boundary ##k=\pi/a## are ##\sqrt{2} cos (\pi x/a)## and ##\sqrt{2} sin(\pi x/a)##, normalized over unit length of line." Here I cannot understand...
  42. D

    Diffraction condition - Kittel's Intro to Solid State Physics 8th ed.

    Homework Statement How to derive equation (22) on page 31 of Kittel's Intro to Solid State Physics 8th edition. The equation is: 2\vec{k}\cdot\vec{G}+G^2=0 Homework Equations The diffraction condition is given by \Delta\vec{k}=\vec{G} which from what I can surmise is the starting...
  43. Jalo

    Cristaline structure: simple solid state physics problem

    Homework Statement The atomic mass of Niquel is 58.7 amu (atomic mass unit), and it's density (at 90ºC) is 8.86 g/cm³. (a) Find the distance from one atom to the closest one from him.Homework Equations 1 amu = 1.66053*19⁻²⁷ The Attempt at a Solution I started by finding the number of atoms...
  44. I

    Solid state physics, lattice constants, ionic radii, nacl

    Homework Statement NaCl (a0 = 5.64A° ), NaBr (a0 = 5.98A° ) and KCl (a0 = 6.30A° ) all have the same structure, which is the NaCl structure. (a) Assuming the spacings are determined by the ionic radii of the relevant ions, what would value would you expect for the lattice constant of...
  45. T

    Dopants at adjacent sites. Probability. Solid State Physics.

    Hi, Could someone explain how to calculate the probability that two substitutional dopants will reside in adjacent lattice sites. For example, given a dopant concentration of 5% and a crystal structure in which each lattice site/atom is coordinated to 8 others what is the probability of...
  46. R

    Bonding in Solid State Physics

    1. The problem statement The potential energy between two ions is u(r) = -α/r2 + β/r8 Determine: (i) The intermolecular distance ro for which the potential energy is minimum (ii) The inter-atomic distance for which the potential energy is zero is R= (2)-1/6ro...
  47. A

    Do I need to know Solid State Physics for Field Theory?

    Solid State Physics Quantum mechanics and quantum nature of solids, properties of materials. Band theory in metals and semiconductors. Conduction processes, the p-n junction, transistors and other solid state devices. Field Theory Review of vector analysis and coordinate systems...
  48. T

    Archived Solid State Physics: Hall Effect + Semiconductor Lab

    Homework Statement The lab is attached. I've also attached the pre-lab just for the diagram. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Can anyone think of some good errors for this lab? We ended up with ~80% error. I've thought of two: 1. Adjusting the potentiometer so...
  49. P

    Drawing schematics for solid state physics research

    Hello, I'm working on a poster and senior thesis in materials science research and need to draw schematic diagrams of a few objects including: -a PLD chamber -Thin films -XRD -SEM -energy diagrams -a sin wave I've downloads inkscape and have tried to draw in powerpoint so far. Are...
  50. H

    Need advice: should I take solid state physics?

    Somehow I missed my registration notification for Fall and the E&M and Mathematical Physics classes are full. I am an astrophysics major. I wanted to take nuclear physics, but it will not be offered again until Fall 2014. I will be taking thermodynamics in the fall, but I am wondering if I...