Here are a few questions about space-time.
1. Mass is directly proportional to curve/dent in s-t. (space-time). What is the constant of proportionality? So, by 1kg. mass how much of a curve is produced? OR by how much mass does the pit deepen by 1 unit length?
2. By critical velocity and...
Well I'm not very knowledgeable in this area - or in fact any area of physics but I would like to learn and I often find that to ask the questions will help you learn so - here I go.
I have read and heard, that if a person A moves away from person B with increasing velocity, the time...
so according to relativity, gravity is rly curves in space time. I imagine this in a 2d context, with a 2d world wrapped around a "balloon". Gravity would be like pushing in part of the balloon. If you think about the way this curvature distorts "quantized" space-time, it makes sense that...
Space time question.
Before I ask my question I suppose I should ask a preliminary question that will tell me if my actual question has an answer.
Does space time only exist in space? If so, is Earth's surface considered space, thereby abiding by space times rules? Also, theoretically if we...
Energy---> space time curvature
In general energy---> space-time curvature
Any sperimental evidence that electromagnetism--->space-time curvature?
It is my understanding, that space time is expanding, and that
gravitationally bound bodies will stay unaffected by this expansion
while unbound bodies will.
but is gravity the only force that can overcome this effect?
could magnetic or electro static forces hold bodies in station?
I do...
It seems unlikely that space time is a lattice because it contradicts the fundamental assumptions and theories in physics. If space-time is a lattice
its dimensions are likely to be on the order of the Plank time and distance
scales. Opinions?
To travel in time. It is a great dream . Sorry as my knowledge is poor in this side, to live in younger time or to younger some years by to travel in time. but, in the way to keep good health and to long life time. I know some. Here it is my draft design about the bathe in a good health space...
Is it true that we're traveling through the 4 dimensions of space time at the constant, c? This implies that velocity through the spatial dimensions detracts from our velocity through time and vice versa. For example, if I were traveling at the speed of light, I wouldn't be aging because I...
I just wanted to know that do u guys think that Multidimensional Space Time can exist. I know the theories can permit this but i am curious to what it would be like in a place having 2/3 D Time matrix. How will onw relate to an event. I also wanted to know that whether any of u guys can...