Specific Definition and 1000 Threads

The Sustainable Product Engineering Centre for Innovative Functional Industrial Coatings (SPECIFIC) is an academic and industrial consortium led by Swansea University, with Tata Steel as the main industrial partner. It is funded by EPSRC, Innovate UK and the Welsh Government.The centre is developing the concept 'Buildings as Power Stations' and has been awarded £26 million, comprising £15 million from the EU, with the remaining money coming from EPSRC, Innovate UK, industry partners, and contributions from Swansea and Cardiff universities.
SPECIFIC has developed an 'Active Classroom', designed by architect Joanna Clarke and situated at Swansea University Bay Campus, showcasing innovative technologies for creating low carbon buildings which generate more energy than they consume. The Active Classroom won the Construction Excellence in Wales Award for Innovation in 2017.In 2018 the UK government announced £36 million funding for an Active Building Centre in order to accelerate market adoption of active buildings.

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  1. S

    Why is the magnetic field stronger at this specific point?

    A rod (shown in the picture on the link) rotates around the point O in a magnetic field. It is said for sure that the induced EMF in the rod is larger at point R compared to point P. Why's that? The picture: http://img58.imageshack.us/my.php?image=physicskx4.png
  2. M

    Unpacking the Meaning of Specific Heat Capacity in Base Units

    specific heat capacity is measured in joule per gram-kelvin (J g–1 K–1). In base units it is m2 s-2 k-1. Is that meaningless to express specific heat capacity in base units? Is there an explanation? Thanks Nick
  3. S

    How high do you need to be to weigh 69.7 percent of your surface weight?

    How far above the surface of Earth would you weigh 69.7 percent of your surface weight? This is the work I've done but something isn't right and I'm not getting the right answer: 69.7(9.8)=6.67x10^-11(5.98x10^24)/r^2 = 683.06 = 3.98x10^14/r^2 r= 763329.61m (Incorrect) someone please...
  4. A

    Heat and Internal Energy and Heat and Temperature Change: Specific Heat Capacity

    Homework Statement When you take a bath, how many kilograms of hot water (49°C) must you mix with cold water (12°C) so that the temperature of the bath is 36°C? The total mass of water (hot plus cold) is 191 kg. Ignore any heat flow between the water and its external surroundings. Temperature...
  5. C

    Need to find Density and specific heat of NaOH

    Homework Statement We're finding calorimeter constants and we're using NaOH as one of the products. Our professor failed to provide us with the density or specific heat of the substance we were using, instead he provided it for .5 M of NaCl. I needed to find out the specific heat and density...
  6. A

    Calculating Ek At a specific point

    Homework Statement I need to find out the Ek at "B" this is the diagram i got i want to know if its right and if it is why do i use the Height of 50 to find out Ek at "B" Homework Equations Ek=Ep The Attempt at a Solution Ek=Ep Ek=m.g.h Ek=100x9.8x50 Ek=49000J
  7. T

    Function to count the number of times a specific word appears in a string

    I think I am close but I really cannot figure out how to get the function to work properly. I need to have the user type in several lines and display a count of how many times the word "duck" has been used. I am not sure I am using the strstr right either... any help would be appreciated...
  8. B

    How Do You Calculate the Specific Charge of a Cu2+ Ion?

    Stuggling with this idea.. A Cu atom loses two electrons, for the ion formed calculate its specific charge in C kg ^-1. Please could you show working. Many thanks:smile:
  9. R

    Solving Specific Heat Problem for Oven Mitt Design

    Homework Statement 1. You are designing an oven mitt and you know the amount of heat (200J), the mass the mitt needs to be (5g), and the change in temperature it will undergo (25-500 F). What is the specific heat that your oven mitt needs to be? Homework Equations Q = mcΔT The...
  10. D

    Volume when givin Mass and Specific Gravity

    1. What is the volume of a 5-kg object whose specific gravity is 7.3? 2. D=w/v 3. 5/7.3=.68
  11. J

    Proof that a specific map is an injective immersion

    Homework Statement Consider f: R^{m+1} - {0} -> R^{(m+1)(m+2)/2}, (x^{0},...,x^{m}) -> (x^{i} x^{j}) i<j in lexicografical order a) prove that f is an immersion b) prove that f(a) = f(b) if and only if b=±a, so that f restricted to Sm factors through an injective map g from Pm. c) show g...
  12. D

    Specific Heat Capacity and final temperature

    I am stuck on my Physics work. I have already completed the first 10 questions but I do not understand these, can someone please help me with a method of how to find out. 1. When 0.25kg or water at 70C is mixed with water at 20C the final temperature of the mixture is 30C. find the mass of...
  13. I

    Chemistry Help with finding molecular formula at a specific P, V, T

    Homework Statement A gaseous compound is 30.4% nitrogen and 69.6% oxygen by mass. A 5.25 g sample of the gas occupies a volume of 1.00 L and and exerts a pressure of 1.26 atm at -4.0C. Which of the following is its molecular formula? Variables: 30.4% Nitrogen 69.6% Oxygen M(sample)= 5.25g P=...
  14. U

    Fortran Fortran compiler specific kind modifier.

    Fortran compiler specific "kind" modifier. I've recently switched over from the SilverFrost (Salford) FTN95 compiler to the open source g95 compliler. So far everything seems very compatible between the two compilers (as in the same source compiles without modification on either compiler)...
  15. J

    What is the Specific Heat of the Substance in This Calorimetry Problem?

    A 215-g sample of a substance is heated to 330°C and then plunged into a 105-g aluminum calorimeter cup containing 165 g of water and a 17-g glass thermometer at 12.5°C. The final temperature is 35.0°C. What is the specific heat of the substance? (Assume no water boils away.) Please, can...
  16. E

    Why Does Equilibrium Temperature in a Specific Heat Lab Ensure Accurate Results?

    For my most recent lab, the goal was to find the specific heat of lead metal shot. The procedure of the experiment consisted of using the method of mixtures. In this procedure, the room temperature Tr is first measured. Then, an insulated calorimeter cup is filled with water, and the temperature...
  17. E

    Specific heat lab question

    For my most recent lab, the goal was to find the specific heat of lead metal shot. The procedure of the experiment consisted of using the method of mixtures. In this procedure, the room temperature Tr is first measured. Then, an insulated calorimeter cup is filled with water, and the...
  18. L

    How Do You Calculate Specific Heat and Identify Unknown Substances?

    Need help... Dont know how to solve correctly. a) Determine the amount of energy to raise the temperature of 18kg of carbon from -5celsius to 17celsius. b) 200g of a certain substance absorbs 7320J of energy and experienced a temperature rise form 5celsius to 30celsius. By calculating its...
  19. C

    Specific Energy Generation of the sun.

    Homework Statement (a) Compute the specific energy generation rate of the Sun as a whole. (b) Assume a human of weight 100 kg has a “luminosity” of 100 W. Compute the specific energy generation rate of a this human. Homework Equations Need help with the equations part. The...
  20. L

    Discover Specific Heat Calculations for Carbon and Unknown Substance

    a.Determine the amount of energy to raise the temperature of 18 kg of carbon from -5^0C to 17^0C. B. 200g of a certain substance absorbs 7320 J of energy and experienced a temperature rise from 5^0C to 30^0C. By calcuating its "C" value, identify as near as possible, the unknown substance...
  21. I

    Specific frequency signal from a wide range of signals from a decoder

    Is it possible to separate a specific frequency signal from a wide range of signals from a decoder/demux. For an example if you had a frequency range from 1 hertz to 100 KHz, is it possible to separate a signal of let's say 60Hz from the other signals.
  22. Y

    How Fast Must a Bullet Travel to Melt on Impact?

    Homework Statement At a crime scene, the forensic investigator notes that the 7.2- lead bullet that was stopped in a doorframe apparently melted completely on impact. Assuming the bullet was shot at room temperature 30, what does the investigator calculate as the minimum muzzle velocity of the...
  23. mbrmbrg

    Probability: a specific hand of cards

    Homework Statement Find the probability of a bridge hand (13 cards) with the AKQJ of spades and no other spades. Homework Equations P(event)=\frac{\# \ \\favorable \ \\outcomes}{total \ \# \\outcomes} nCr=\left(\begin{array}{c}n\\r\end{array}\right)=\frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!} There are...
  24. B

    Specific latent heat of fusion lab

    Homework Statement It's part of a lab designed to find the specific latent heat of fusion of ice using the method of mixtures. The results are in the 1st attachment..I want to find the specific latent heat of fusion of ice from those nos.Homework Equations heat lost by water = heat gained by...
  25. B

    Experiment for specific latent heat of fusion of ice

    i need some help guys. see, i was doing my school-based assessment labs probably two months ago and as i was going to write up the report I lost my procedure of how to do the experiment. In the one I did, we didn't use any calorimeter like how they describe it when you google the experiment...
  26. M

    Measuring Specific Heat of Paraffin Using Cooling Method

    I am going my coursework. My aim is to determine the specific heat of paraffin using the cooling method. I was wondering what would be the systematics errors?
  27. G

    Specific heat capacity for a monocromatic gas

    is there another way of considering the specific heat capaciaty of a material (many gas) other than with respect to the number of degrees of freedom with gives a constant out put for all monocrmatic gases for all temperature and pressure. For a monocromatic gas c=(3/2)*n*R*m where m = mass...
  28. M

    Calculation of specific activity when element consists of two isotopes

    The element rubidium consists of two isotopes; the stable Rb-85 and the radioactive Rb-87 (abundance 27.83%). What is the specific activity of natural rubidium chloride? if you use A(r)=85.47 g.mol-1 for Rb-element, A(r)= 86.91 g.mol-1 for Rb-87, and M(r) = 120.92 g.mol-1 for RbCl.
  29. K

    Specific Heat of CO2 and Methane Combustion

    Hi, Could you please confirm these estimations for me: Knowing that the Energy of Combustion of CH4 is 50.1 KJ/Kg, and that the specific heat for the CO2 at 273.15 K is approximately 0.81 KJ/Kg*K; please, could you confirm that in order to increase the temperature of 1 liter of gas of CO2...
  30. C

    Specific Heat Capacity & Temperature

    This is not a homework question, just a question about physics that seems too basic to post in the main physics discussion forum. Please let me know if it is misplaced. Temperature is average molecular kinetic energy. Is it therefore correct to say that a material's specific heat capacity...
  31. S

    Specific Heat Capacity question

    Homework Statement If 100 mL test of water at 60°C is added to 100 mL of water at 20°C, then the final temperature of the water will be? Homework Equations c=Specific Heat Capacity Specific Heat Capacity of water = 4186 Quantity of Heat Energy=mass * Specific Heat Capacity of...
  32. M

    Algebraic inequality subject to some specific constraints.

    Prove that if a, b, r, and s are positive reals and r + s = 1, then ar bs ≤ ra + sb.
  33. I

    How Much Heat Is Needed to Convert 1 kg of Ice at -100°C to Steam at 100°C?

    How much heat is needed to convert 1 kg of ice at −100C to steam at 1000C?. Remember ice and water do not have the same specific heat. I can use the relation for specific heat?
  34. G

    Specific slope for directional derivative?

    Is there a direction where the rate of change is 18, at the point (-1,2) on the function f(x,y) = (x^2)(y^3)+xy? So I found the gradient of this function, picked a random direction vector u = ( a / (a^2+b^2)^(1/2) , b / (a^2+b^2)^(1/2) ) and took the dot product, and set it to 18... however...
  35. W

    How could I script A code to synchronise A Specific File On My Pen Drive?

    I frequently Update file on my memory stick and (foolishly) forget to backup(!) could i script an auto run for when i plug my memory stick in it would sync. specific files. Please reply soon I need Help!
  36. C

    Specific and Latent Heat - Pre-laboratory work

    I just need any of you to check if I've answered the problems correctly, thanks. Homework Statement Question 1. A student uses some equipment that can add energy at a constant rate to some water contained in a copper calorimeter can. To keep the temperature of the water uniform, the...
  37. S

    When Does the Specific Heat of Free Electrons Surpass the Lattice Specific Heat?

    Homework Statement At what temperature T does the specific heat of the free electrons become larger than the specific heat of the lattice? Express T in terms of the Debye temperature and the electron concentration. Calculate T for copper (Debye = 343 K). Homework Equations...
  38. C

    [Thermo] Equation of State Given, Find Internal Energy and Specific Heat

    Homework Statement P=RT/(v-b) - a/(T(V+c)^2) Homework Equations u2-u1= Integral ( Cv dT) + Integral ( T * (dP/dT)v - P) dV The Attempt at a Solution I've differentiated P with respect to T to get R/(v-b)+a/(T^2(V+C)^2 and plugged the relevants back into the equation for...
  39. T

    Formula relating specific heat and photons

    Homework Statement What is the algebraic expression for the number N of photons that must be absorbed to cause the indicated increase in temperature? Express your answer in terms of the wavelength λ, the specific heat capacity csh, the mass m of the glass plate, the increase in temperature...
  40. D

    Engineering Specific Software Engineering Career

    I am currently finishing up a B.S. in Astrophysics, and will start my second this fall, in Computer Science, Software Engineering concentration. My career goal is to be a code monkey for math, science, and maybe engineering applications, and maybe do some technical writing, too. I know pretty...
  41. L

    How Do You Calculate Specific Charge Without Given Charge and Mass?

    Specific Charge AS Level HELP??! Hi, RIGHT, I am in desperate need of help I am attempting to teach myself Specifiction A AQA AS Physics and need help with how to figure out the specific charge of a nucleus when the charge and mass are not stated. It is hard to explain without diagrams but if...
  42. H

    Pathria: Specific Heat in a gravitational field

    Homework Statement Pathria 6.8: Evaluate the partition function of a classical ideal gas consisting of N molecules of mass m confined to a cylinder of vertical height L, which is in a state of thermal equilibrium at constant T in a uniform gravitational field of acceleration g. Calculate the...
  43. B

    Calculating Specific Heat Capacity & Heat Measurement of HCl

    What is the specific heat capacity of HCl when given the following information: Volume: 50mL Initial Temp: 20 *C Final Temp: 26* C What is the heat measurement in Joules as well? What is the specific heat capacity of HCl when given the following information: Volume: 100mL Initial Temp...
  44. S

    Determine the specific latent heat of vaporization of water

    Homework Statement from the following observations made during an experiment,determine the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water. initial mass of water 400g final mass of water 450g mass of calorimeter 200g initial temperature of water & calorimeter 16 degrees final temperature...
  45. K

    Looking for a specific sort of math book

    I'm looking for a math book that gives all the definitions and explains how every system was derived, starting at addition and subtraction, going up to pre-calculus. A bit of background: I dropped out of school to go to work at an early age (first year of high school). I did a lot of self-study...
  46. P

    What is the Specific Entropy of Ice?

    The Specific Entropy of Water is 69.9J/K. What about ice? i did a search on the internet but couldn't find anything Please help
  47. A

    What is the sample's specific heat?

    Homework Statement You are given a sample of metal and asked to determine its specific heat. You weigh the sample and find that its weight is 30.0 N. You carefully add 1.30×10^4 J of heat energy to the sample and find that its temperature rises 20.0 degrees C. What is the sample's specific...
  48. 0

    What is the amount of steam needed to heat 0.50kg of diet cola to 90 deg C?

    Homework Statement heating .50kg of diet cola mostly water, by adding steam. How much steam should be bubbled in so final temp. is 90 deg C Homework Equations what i tired so far downt know if it the right way to go abotu the problem is specific heat capacity Q=mc detlaT E tot of the...
  49. M

    Equation for molar specific heat

    n_1 moles of a monatomic gas and n_2 moles of a diatomic gas are mixed together in a container. Derive an expression for the molar specific heat at constant volume of the mixture. Expression must be in terms of n_1, n_2, and the gas constant R. I know that the molar specific heat of the...