Spherical coordinates Definition and 351 Threads

In mathematics, a spherical coordinate system is a coordinate system for three-dimensional space where the position of a point is specified by three numbers: the radial distance of that point from a fixed origin, its polar angle measured from a fixed zenith direction, and the azimuthal angle of its orthogonal projection on a reference plane that passes through the origin and is orthogonal to the zenith, measured from a fixed reference direction on that plane. It can be seen as the three-dimensional version of the polar coordinate system.
The radial distance is also called the radius or radial coordinate. The polar angle may be called colatitude, zenith angle, normal angle, or inclination angle.
The use of symbols and the order of the coordinates differs among sources and disciplines. This article will use the ISO convention frequently encountered in physics:


{\displaystyle (r,\theta ,\varphi )}
gives the radial distance, polar angle, and azimuthal angle. In many mathematics books,


{\displaystyle (\rho ,\theta ,\varphi )}


{\displaystyle (r,\theta ,\varphi )}
gives the radial distance, azimuthal angle, and polar angle, switching the meanings of θ and φ. Other conventions are also used, such as r for radius from the z-axis, so great care needs to be taken to check the meaning of the symbols.
According to the conventions of geographical coordinate systems, positions are measured by latitude, longitude, and height (altitude). There are a number of celestial coordinate systems based on different fundamental planes and with different terms for the various coordinates. The spherical coordinate systems used in mathematics normally use radians rather than degrees and measure the azimuthal angle counterclockwise from the x-axis to the y-axis rather than clockwise from north (0°) to east (+90°) like the horizontal coordinate system. The polar angle is often replaced by the elevation angle measured from the reference plane, so that the elevation angle of zero is at the horizon.
The spherical coordinate system generalizes the two-dimensional polar coordinate system. It can also be extended to higher-dimensional spaces and is then referred to as a hyperspherical coordinate system.

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  1. A

    Problems with conversions to spherical coordinates involving a line integral

    Homework Statement given the vector A = 4r + 3theta -2phi , find its line integral around the closed path. (the figure contained in the book is a straight line along the x-axis extending to radius a, with a curved portion of a circle with radius a centered at the origin curving back to the...
  2. S

    Spherical Coordinates and Mathematica

    Use spherical coordinates to draw the cone z=Sqrt[x^2+y^2]. Hint: You will need to determine \[Phi]. How would I go about finding phi? Below are the x y and z components, but I cannot figure out how to find the range of phi: z^2=x^2 + y^2 (Rho)=sqrt(2x^2+2y^2) x = sqrt(2x^2+2y^2) sin [Phi]...
  3. C

    Spherical Coordinates (need work double checked please)

    Could someone double check to make sure my calculations are all done right? I've done this problem several times and gotten the same answer but the online submission says its wrong so I need someone else to check my work. thanks! Homework Statement Homework Equations x = ρ...
  4. Q

    Spherical Coordinates Triple Integral

    I thought this question was elementary... but I apparently know less than I thought I did. Homework Statement Use spherical coordinates to evaluate \iiint_{E} x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}dV Where E is the ball x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}\leq 16 Homework Equations x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}=\rho^{2} The...
  5. T

    Gradient in spherical coordinates problem

    Hello, I need help. The topic is a gradient in spherical coordinates. In cartesian it is clear but in spherical coordinates I have two terms which I don't understand from where they come. Okay, I have a scalar field in spherical coordinates: \Phi = \Phi(r, \theta, \phi) I thought...
  6. F

    Spherical coordinates find volume

    Homework Statement Use spherical coordinates to find the volume of the solid that lies above the cone z= sqrt(x^2 + y^2) and below the sphere x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = z. The Attempt at a Solution I'm having trouble solving for rho (p). I know it starts from 0, and it reaches to the sphere...
  7. S

    Converting Laplacian to spherical coordinates.

    Hey! I'm self-studying a bit of quantum chemistry this summer. My introductory P.chem book (David Ball) doesn't specifically show the conversion of the laplacian operator from Cartesian to spherical coordinates. I don't really feel satisfied until I've actually derived it myself... So...
  8. D

    Spherical Coordinates to Rectangular Coordinates

    A particle of mass m moves in a "central potential," V(r), where r denotes teh radial displacement of the particle from a fixed origin. a) What is the (vector) force on the particle? Use spherical coordinates. We have F = -\nabla V = -\frac{\partial V}{\partial x} \hat{i} -...
  9. L

    Quantum mechanics: free partical in spherical coordinates

    Homework Statement My wavefunction is \psi (r, \theta, \phi )=N cos(\theta) e^{-(r/R_0)^2}. I need to calculate <p_r> and \Delta p_r where p_r is the radial momentum. Homework Equations I think i know p_r=\frac{\hbar}{i} \left( \frac{d}{dr}+\frac{1}{r} \right) . The Attempt at a...
  10. B

    What is the operator for velocity in spherical coordinates?

    *Before you say anything, this isn't homework. I'm not in school. This is just an independent study. Here's the problem statement: Calculate the velocity of an electron in the n = 1 state of a hydrogen atom. I know the wavefunction and I know HOW to set up and solve the problem, but I...
  11. J

    Unit Vectors and Spherical Coordinates

    Homework Statement \mathbf{r} = rsin(\theta)cos(\phi) \hat x + rsin(\theta)sin(\phi) \hat x + r cos(\theta) \hat z I am kind of following the description of the process given at http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalCoordinates.html I want to find \hat r and I understand everything except: Why...
  12. M

    Derivatives in spherical coordinates

    In quantum mechanics the momentum operator is a constant multiplied by the partial derivative d/dx. In spherical coordinates it's turning into something like that: constant*(1/r)(d^2/dr^2)r can anyone explain please how this result is obtained?
  13. T

    Going from Spherical coordinates to Cartesian

    Homework Statement Convert the point `(rho,theta,phi) = (6, (5pi)/4, pi/2)` to Cartesian coordinates. Give answers as positive values, either as expressions, or decimals to one decimal place. The Attempt at a Solution {x}=r*sintheta*cosphi {y}=r*sintheta*sinphi {z}=r*costheta So...
  14. G

    How Do You Calculate Muon Flux Through a Plate Using Spherical Coordinates?

    Homework Statement Calculate the rate at which muons pass through a flat plate of area A. Homework Equations J_{1}=\int_{\theta\leq\frac{\pi}{2}}j(\theta,\phi)cos\theta d\Omega d\Omega = sin\theta d\phi d\theta in spherical coordinates. j(\theta,\phi) is the angular distribution of...
  15. E

    Gradient in spherical coordinates

    Homework Statement Given the gradient del = x-hat d/dx + y-hat d/dy + z-hat d/dz in rectangular coordinates, how would you write that in spherical coordinates. I can transform the derivatives into spherical coordinates. But then I need to express the rectangular basis vectors in terms of...
  16. E

    Proof of Divergence Formula in Spherical Coordinates

    Hello - I'm supposed to derive the divergence formula for spherical coordinates by carrying out the surface integrals of the surface of the volume in the figure (the figure is a piece of a sphere similar to a box but with curves). The radial coord is r. The polar angle is \varphi and the...
  17. D

    Rotate in spherical coordinates

    Hello ! In electromagnetics, the electric field of a small dipole in a spherical(r,\theta,\phi) coordinate system is E(\theta)=A\cdot \frac{e^{-jkr}}{r}\sin(\phi)\hat\phi If the dipole is directed along the z-axis. (I used this geometry...
  18. M

    How Do You Integrate a Function Over a Complex Volume in Spherical Coordinates?

    Integrate the function f(x,y,z)=6*x+5*y over the solid given by the "slice" of an ice-cream cone in the first octant bounded by the planes x=0 and y=sqrt(43/5)*x and contained in a sphere centered at the origin with radius 13 and a cone opening upwards from the origin with top radius 12...
  19. N

    Hermitian operators in spherical coordinates

    Hi, I have a general question. How do I show that an operator expressed in spherical coordinates is Hermitian? e.g. suppose i have the operator i \partial /\partial \phi. If the operator was a function of x I know exactly what to do, just check \int_\mathbb{R} \psi_l^\ast \hat{A} \psi_m dx =...
  20. T

    Finding Vector Components of A and B in Spherical Coordinates

    Homework Statement I have a vector A and B in spherical coordinates, and I need to find: part a) The vector component of B in the direction of A. part b) The vector component of B perpendicular to A Homework Equations dot product cross product The Attempt at a Solution...
  21. N

    Help for heat equations in spherical coordinates

    please help me for this topic.where i can find data about this topic?
  22. J

    Derive expression for gradient operator in spherical coordinates

    I need to derive the expression for the gradient operator in spherical coordinates. I know the following R =sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) theta, call it %, = arctan sqrt(x^2+y^2)/z phi, arctan (y/x) Using dT/dx= dT/dR*dr/dx+dT/d%*d%/dx+dT/dphi*dphi/dx, do partial derivates... dR/dx =...
  23. N

    Shell balance in spherical coordinates

    I want to derive equation of continuity in spherical coordiantes based on shell balance,can anybody tell me where the hell this sin(theta) comes from? i don't want to transform from cartesian,
  24. M

    Tripple integrals, converting into spherical coordinates issue~

    Hello everyone, this is an example out of the book, but I'm confused on how they got the spheircal cordinates. Here is the problem: Evaluate tripple integral over B (x^2+y^2+z^2) dV and use spherical coordinates. Well the answer is the following: In spherical coordinates B is represented by...
  25. T

    Cross product in spherical coordinates

    Hi guyz, I have a small question, In spherical coordinates if we define 2 vectors such as magnetization of a shell M(r,phi,theta) and the magnetic field H(r,phi,theta) As we know the cross product between them is written in the determinant: (Capital means unit vectors) det[(R,r...
  26. Q

    Schrodinger equation in the spherical coordinates

    If using spherical coordinates (r, theta, phi) , what is the meaning of the canonical momentum of theta, phi? What are their definitions and mathematical form? In solving the Hydrogen problem, one has not take into consideration P_theta and P_phi at all. Quantum River
  27. R

    Calculating Volume Using Spherical Coordinates | Sphere & Paraboloid

    I need to use spherical coordinates to try and find the volume of the region bounded by x2 + y2 + z2 = 2 which converts to p=Sqrt.(2) a sphere and z = x2 + y2, a parabloid which I converted to cot(phi)csc(phi)=p I hope the greek letters for these are comonly used...
  28. M

    Deriving laplacian in spherical coordinates

    Hey... Could someone help me out with deriving the LaPlacian in spherical coordinates? I tried using the chain rule but it just isn't working out well.. any sort of hint would be appriciated. :) \nabla^2 = \frac{1}{r^2} [ \frac{\partial}{\partial r} ( r^2 \frac{\partial}{\partial r} ) +...
  29. Z

    Help Needed: Solving a Complex Math Integral in Spherical Coordinates

    Im new to this forum but not new to science and math at all. But i have a mathematical problems. I've been working with QM for a while and I am having problem with this specefic integral. This integral that is included in the word file is the integral I am having problems with. In my papers the...
  30. M

    Spherical Coordinates Question

    Hi, I am having trouble starting off this question. Could someone help me start off? Thanks in advance... Use spherical coordinates to evaluate ∫∫∫н (x² + y²) dV, where H is the hemispherical region that lies above the x-y plane and below the sphere x² + y² + z² = 1.
  31. K

    Why Does Squaring Angular Momentum Components in Spherical Coordinates Fail?

    Hi I am trying to calculate L^2 in spherical coordinates. L^2 is the square of L, the angular momentum operator. I know L in spherical coordinates. This L in spherical coordinates has only 2 components : one in the direction of the theta unit vector and one in the direction of the phi unit...
  32. M

    Spherical coordinates position vector

    can anyone help me with this question: A sphere of unit radius is centered at the origin. points U,V & W on the surface of the sphere have vectors u,v & w. find the position vector of points P&Q on a diameter perp to the plane containing points U,V & W? can anyone help
  33. S

    Converting rx in spherical coordinates to cartesian.

    I have no idea how to do this. I've tried a lot of things but I can never reduce it to solely cartesian coordinates. Is there any hard fast procedure to conversions like this? thanks.
  34. J

    Spherical Coordinates and Centre of Mass

    Wondering if someone could help me get this answer. I don't get spherical coordinates at all. The volume of the region given in spherical coordinates by the inequalities 3 less than or equal to rho less than or equal to 5 0 less than or equal to phi less than or equal to pi/6 -pi/6 less...
  35. P

    What is the Spherical Coordinate Equivalent of the Cartesian k Unit Vector?

    What is equivalent to the unit k (vector in cartesian coords) in spherical coordinates? And why? z=rcos(t)
  36. J

    Surface integrals in spherical coordinates

    Hi, I am studying for finals and I'm having trouble calculating flux over sections of spheres. I can do it using the divergence theorem, but I need to know how to do it without divergence thm also. The problem is, when calculating a vector field such as F(x, y, z) = <z, y, x>, say over...
  37. L

    Volume using spherical coordinates

    Hello. Here is the problem I am currently having difficulties with: "find the volume of the solid that lies inside the cone z^2 = 3x^2 + 3y^2 and between spheres x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1 and x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 9" I know that this integral needs to be setup in spherical coordinates... Here is the...
  38. A

    How do you express unit vectors in spherical coordinates?

    Hi, I am having trouble with spherical coordinates. For example, how do you express the unit vectors x hat, y hat, z hat in terms of the spherical unit vectors r hat, theta hat, phi hat. I was able to go from spherical in terms of cartesian (with the help of mathworld.wolfram.com) but I can't...
  39. B

    Solving Integral for Mass of D in Spherical Coordinates

    Hi, I'm having trouble setting up an integral for the following problem. Q. Let D be the region inside the sphere x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 4 in common with the region below the cone z = \frac{1}{{\sqrt 3 }}\sqrt {x^2 + y^2 }. Using spherical coordinates find the mass of D if the mass density...
  40. E

    Angular velocity - spherical coordinates

    how do you express angular velocity in spherical coordinates? like the Earth rotates with constant speed, so the direction of the angular velocity vector is out the north pole. if it was spherical coordinates , how do you specify that direction? i know that z = r cos theta so \hat{k} = r...
  41. B

    Line element in spherical coordinates

    Hi, I was just reading up on some astrophysics and I saw the line element (general relativity stuff) written in spherical coordinates as: ds^2 = dr^2 + r^2(d\theta^2 + \sin\theta\d\phi) I don't get this. dr is the distance from origo to the given point, so why isn't ds^2 = dr^2 without...
  42. B

    Spherical coordinates triple integral

    Hi, Please can someone help me with this problem: find the triple integral over T( using spherical coordinate) T: 0<=x<=1 0<= y<=sqrt(1-x^2) sqrt(x^2+y^2)<= z <= sqrt(2-(X^2+y^2)) please help me just to find the boundaries of the integrals. I tried but I did not find the...
  43. B

    Why Is \(\phi\) Defined Differently in Spherical Coordinates?

    Just curious, why is \phi calculated as the angle between the +z axis and a position vector of a point of a function, as projected onto the yz plane? Why this convention? In polar & cylindrical, \theta is calculated from the +x axis to the +y axis (counterclockwise) for position vectors...
  44. M

    Spherical coordinates angles of phi

    im having trouble determining the angles of phi in spherical coordinates when asked to convert a triple integral into spherical, and find the limits of the phi integral. can anybody point out any hints/tips/tricks how this may be done??Please...i have an exam tomorrow and I am tryn to prepare...
  45. E

    Finding Volume of Cone & Torus in Spherical Coordinates

    Hi, I need to find the volume of the solid that lies above the cone with equation (in spherical coordinates) \phi = \frac{\Pi}{3} and inside the torus with equation \rho = 4\sin\phi . I thought that the bounds are: 0\leq\rho\leq4\sin\phi, \frac{\Pi}{3}\leq\phi\leq\frac{\Pi}{2}, and...
  46. A

    Triple integrals in spherical coordinates

    i have a question concerning transforming triple integrals into spherical coordinates. the problem is, i do not know how to find the limits of phi. Can anyone help me? Thanks...
  47. V

    How to Find the Volume of a Region Enclosed by \(\rho = 2 \sin\theta\)?

    Here is the problem: Find the volume of the region enclosed by the spherical coordinate surface \rho = 2 \sin\theta, using spherical coodinates for the limits of the integral. Here is what I have: I don't know if this is right, but here it is...
  48. H

    Cylindrical and spherical coordinates

    How do I get the bounds for a function w/out drawing a graph?? Like, Volume of the solid bounded above by the sphere r^2+z^2=5 and below by the paraboloid r^2=4z. How would I get the bounds for these in cylindrical coordinate (r dz dr dtheta)? ***Mass of the solid inside the sphere p=b and...
  49. cepheid

    Triple Integral in Spherical Coordinates

    I have a hemispherical surface of radius R with it's base centred on the origin. We are using the convention: r is the radius i.e. the magnitude of the position vector of a point: its distance from the origin. theta is the polar angle phi is the azimuthal angle I am asked to...
  50. H

    Solving Line & Velocity Elements in Spherical Coordinates

    I'm trying to find the line element in spherical coordinates as well as a velocity element. I know that they are (ds)^2=(dr)^2+r^2(sin(theta))^2(dtheta)^2+r^2(dphi)^2 and sqrt[(dr/dt)^2+r^2(sin theta)^2(dtheta/dt)^2+r^2(dphi/dt)^2]. I know that this should be a quick and easy problem, but I...