Spherical Definition and 1000 Threads

A sphere (from Greek σφαῖρα—sphaira, "globe, ball") is a geometrical object in three-dimensional space that is the surface of a ball (viz., analogous to the circular objects in two dimensions, where a "circle" circumscribes its "disk").
Like a circle in a two-dimensional space, a sphere is defined mathematically as the set of points that are all at the same distance r from a given point in a three-dimensional space. This distance r is the radius of the ball, which is made up from all points with a distance less than (or, for a closed ball, less than or equal to) r from the given point, which is the center of the mathematical ball. These are also referred to as the radius and center of the sphere, respectively. The longest straight line segment through the ball, connecting two points of the sphere, passes through the center and its length is thus twice the radius; it is a diameter of both the sphere and its ball.
While outside mathematics the terms "sphere" and "ball" are sometimes used interchangeably, in mathematics the above distinction is made between a sphere, which is a two-dimensional closed surface embedded in a three-dimensional Euclidean space, and a ball, which is a three-dimensional shape that includes the sphere and everything inside the sphere (a closed ball), or, more often, just the points inside, but not on the sphere (an open ball). The distinction between ball and sphere has not always been maintained and especially older mathematical references talk about a sphere as a solid. This is analogous to the situation in the plane, where the terms "circle" and "disk" can also be confounded.

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  1. A

    Spherical capacitor in a uniform magnetic field

    Homework Statement Two concentric spherical shells carrying uniformly distributed charges +Q and -Q at radii a and b, respectively (b>a). Now, they are immersed in a uniform magnetic field pointing along the z-axis. Find the angular momentum of the fields.Homework Equations No need. (I know...
  2. WannabeNewton

    Solving poisson's equation slowly rotating spherical shell of mass

    Solving "poisson's equation" slowly rotating spherical shell of mass Homework Statement We have that \partial ^{\alpha}\partial _{\alpha}\bar{\gamma _{0\mu}} = -16\pi T_{0\mu} which is very similar to Poisson's equation if we treat each component of the metric tensor as a scalar field (the...
  3. N

    Solve Spherical Astronomy Homework - Max Time & Side of World

    This homework is for someone who understands the spherical astronomy and physics. I do not understand subject matter. I can do the basics - I know some kinds of coordinates, but that's all. Please be very patient with me. Homework Statement Astronomer observing the sky with a small telescope...
  4. A

    Capacitance of three concentric spherical shells?

    Homework Statement I do not have a specific question, I am just wondering how one would go about finding the capacitance of three concentric spherical shells. Suppose the outer radius of the each shell is a, b, and c from the center outwards. Homework Equations E= -gradV C = Q/ V...
  5. B

    Calculating Copper Volume for Hollow Spherical Shell

    How many grams of copper are required to make a hollow spherical shell having an inner radius of 5.70 cm and an outer radius of 5.75 cm? The density of copper is 8.92 g/cm^3. Ok, so, how do I find the height? Or solve the problem without the height?
  6. Coelum

    Inverse Jacobi Matrix in Spherical Coordinates

    Dear all, I am reading R.A. Sharipov's Quick Introduction to Tensor Analysis, and I am stuck on the following issue, on pages 38-39. The text is freely available here: http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0403252. If my understanding is correct, then the Jacobi matrices for the direct and inverse...
  7. N

    Spherical conductor with point charge not in center

    Homework Statement How do the charges distribute when I have a spherical conductor centered cavity with a point charge not in center inside the cavity? See image: Homework Equations N/AThe Attempt at a Solution I would guess solution 1, but my tutor says it's 4, and I just can't believe him...
  8. WannabeNewton

    Book(s) to gain practice with green's functions, spherical harmonics

    Hi guys! I was wondering if anyone knew of a particularly nice book that taught one how to solve physics problems that need the use of green's functions and/or spherical harmonics. I can't seem to find a book that actually does this other than Jackson but I'd rather not tread there (I'm guessing...
  9. N

    Equilibrium solutions of a spherical pendulum

    Homework Statement A spherical pendulum consists of bob of mass m attached to a massless rod of fixed length R. The end of the rod opposite the bob pivots freely (in two directions) about some fixed point. For the conical pendulum (θ=constant) case, show that the conical angle is stable...
  10. A

    Rotation of Gridded Spherical Coordinates to the Same Grid

    I have a uniform grid of data in spherical coordinates. e.g. theta = 0, 1, 2, ... 180 and phi = 0, 1, 2, ... 359 which forms a 2D matrix. I wish to rotate these points around a cartesian axis (x, y, z-axis) by some angle alpha. To accomplish this I currently do the following: 1. Convert to...
  11. Pruddy

    Calculating Charge in a Concentric Spherical Region

    [b]1. Homework Statement -38.0 nC of charge is uniformly distributed throughout a spherical volume of radius 34.0 cm. How much charge is contained in a region of radius 23.0 cm concentric with the charge distribution? Homework Equations Charge density = λ/area The Attempt at a...
  12. lonewolf219

    Find La Placian of a function in cartesian and Spherical Coordinates

    Homework Statement Prove the La Placian of V(x,y,z)=(zx^{2})/(x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}) in Cartesian coordinates is equal to that in Spherical coordinatesHomework Equations \nabla^{2}V=0 The Attempt at a Solution I have attempted to calculate all the terms out, and there were A LOT. I was hoping...
  13. T

    The reaction of a spherical surface on an object

    Hello! I need to find the force exerted by a sphere on an object, with the height of the object on the sphere and the object of the mass konwn. I need to find the reaction of the spherical surface on the object. Thanks!
  14. R

    Calculate the charge in a hollow spherical conductor

    Homework Statement Consider a hollow spherical conductor with total charge +5e. The outer and inner radii are a and b, respectively. (a) Calculate the charge on the sphere's inner and outer surfaces if a charge of -3e is placed at the center of the sphere. (Use the following as...
  15. Saitama

    Optics, refraction at spherical surface

    Homework Statement (see attachment) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I don't quite understand the question. It asks the distance of the "unilluminated patch" from the cylinder. There will be only a single point where the rays will intersect. Rest everywhere, it is...
  16. S

    Electric Field of a Spherical Insulator

    Homework Statement A spherical insulator of radius R and charge density ρ = ρo/r2 where r is the distance from its centre. Find the electric field at a point inside and outside the insulator. Homework Equations EA = Qencl/εo The Attempt at a Solution What's throwing me off is...
  17. F

    Geodesic of Sphere in Spherical Polar Coordinates (Taylor's Classical Mechanics)

    Homework Statement "The shortest path between two point on a curved surface, such as the surface of a sphere is called a geodesic. To find a geodesic, one has to first set up an integral that gives the length of a path on the surface in question. This will always be similar to the integral...
  18. C

    What is the total flux flowing through a spherical Gaussian surface?

    Homework Statement Consider a uniformly charged sphere (an insulating sphere of radius R,) and a spherical Gaussian surface with radius R/2 concentric to the sphere. What is the total flux flowing through the Gaussian surface? Homework Equations Vsphere= (4∏R^3)/3 Asphere= 4∏R^2 Gauss' Law...
  19. N

    Spherical Capacitor, equation for voltage

    I am studying capacitors in an electromagnetism course and I am having trouble understanding/deriving the equation for voltage. We have a spherical capacitor with a positive charge on the surface on the center conductor (sphere radius R1), and negative charge on the outer conductor (sphere...
  20. O

    Exploring the Role of Spherical Unit Vectors in Coordinate Systems

    I'm not sure that I understand the vectors \hat{r}, \hat{\theta}, and \hat{\phi} in spherical coordinates correctly. I was looking through this link earlier. I understand that \hat{r} always points radially outward from the origin. That seems to imply to me that any position in space could be...
  21. M

    Volume of a cone using spherical coordinates with integration

    Find the volume of a cone with radius R and height H using spherical coordinates. so x^2 + y^2 = z^2 x = p cos theta sin phi y= p sin theta sin phi z= p cos phi I found theta to be between 0 and 2 pie and phi to be between 0 and pie / 4. i don't know how to find p though. how...
  22. dexterdev

    Derivation of Del Operator in Spherical & Cylindrical Coordinates

    Hi all, Del = i ∂/∂x + j ∂/∂y + k ∂/∂z in x y z cordinate similarly I require to see the derivation of del in other coordinates too. Please give me a link for the derivation.
  23. M

    Displacement current inside spherical capacitor

    You have a spherical capacitor with inner conductor radius a and outer conductor with radius b. The capacitor is filled with a perfect homogeneous dielectric of permittivity ε and is connected to a low-frequency time-harmonic voltage v(t)=V_{0}cos(ωt). Find the displacement current density...
  24. E

    Cylindrical / Spherical Coordinates

    I'm trying to convert the below Cartesian coordinate system into cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. For the cylindrical system, I had r,vector = er,hat + sint(e3,hat). While I do have a technically correct answer for the spherical coordinate system, I believe, I was wondering if there...
  25. heycoa

    Spherical waves, Optics, phase, homework help please

    The question is as follows: A point source emits a spherical wave with λ = 500 nm. If an observer is far away from the source and is only interacting with the light across a small area, one can approximate the local wave as a plane wave. How far from the source must the observer be so that...
  26. D

    MHB Vector equation of a spherical surface

    Let the position vector of an arbitrary point $P(x_1x_2x_3)$ be $\mathbf{x} =x_i\hat{\mathbf{e}}_i$, and let $\mathbf{b} = b_i\hat{\mathbf{e}}_i$ be a constant vector. Show that $(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{b})\cdot\mathbf{x} = 0$ is the vector equation of a spherical surface having its center at...
  27. S

    Finding E fields and potential given a hollow spherical conductor

    Hello, this is my first post here, so hopefully I do this in the right way... Homework Statement A hollow spherical conductor carries a net charge of 21.5 μC. The radius of the inner hollow is 5.2 cm and thee full radius of the sphere is 7.8 cm. At the center of the sphere, in the...
  28. C

    Spherical Aberration Explained - Chris' Experiments

    Hi there, I'm having a little confusion regarding spherical aberration from some experiments I've been doing with a concave mirror. I've been directing the mirror so that it faces the distance (ie. objects at infinity) and then positioning a flat piece of paper so that an image forms on it. The...
  29. Y

    How to find an angle in spherical geometry.

    Hi I am not familiar with spherical geometry. I am working with elliptical polarization that involves using poincare sphere that present the latitude and longitude angle in spherical geometry. I need to find the great circle angle if given two points that each specified by their longitude angle...
  30. T

    Differential Spherical Shells - Triple Integrals

    Homework Statement Despite the fact that this started as an extended AP Physics C problem, I turned it into a calc problem because I (sort of) can. If it needs to be moved please do so. There is a hollow solid sphere with inner radius b, outer radius a, and mass M. A particle of mass m...
  31. T

    Charge inside a spherical shell

    Homework Statement A thin ,metallic spherical shell contains a charge Q on it. A point charge q is placed at the center of the shell and another charge q1 is placed outside it as shown in the figure .All the three charges are positive. Q.1 The force on the charge at the center is a) towards...
  32. fluidistic

    Electric potential, getting coefficients, spherical harmonics

    Homework Statement Consider 2 conductor spherical shells of radii a and b (where a>b). The inner shell is at zero potential and the outer shell is at a potential given by ##V(\theta, \phi )=V_0 \sin \theta \cos \phi ## where ##V_0## is constant and theta and phi are the usual spherical...
  33. J

    Graphing Covariant Spherical Coordinates

    I am studying Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity and feel like I don't have enough practice with covariant vectors. I can convert vector components and basis vectors between contravariant and covariant but I can't do anything else with them in the covariant form. I thought converting the...
  34. P

    Spherical Pendulum Motion: Solve the Mystery

    I thought of this question the other day, and I was unable to solve it. A Google search has not helped, so I thought I might post it here. A point mass hangs from a rod of length "l" from the center of a pendulum. The only forces acting upon the point mass are the force of gravity and the...
  35. L

    Finding limits on spherical coordinates

    Homework Statement find the limits on spherical coordinates. where ε is the region between z²=y²+x² and z = 2(x²+y²) no matter what i try i can't seem to find the limits, especially for "ρ", so far i got 0<θ<2Pi and 0<φ<Pi.
  36. M

    Mathematical misconception in scattering: switching from cartesian to spherical

    If we were to consider a nucleon-nucleon interaction: We know that the incident wave (plane wave) is ψ= Ae^{ikz}, propagating in z direction But for some mathematical facilities, we tend to use spherical coordinates, the wave becomes = \frac{A}{2ik}[e^{ikr}/r - e^{-ikr}/r] How come...
  37. N

    Spherical, Cyndrical or Polar Coordinates

    Spherical, Cylindrical or Polar Coordinates Homework Statement I have attached an image of the problem. I know that the solution is number 1 but I'm having some difficulty understanding why. In solution one is it using cylindrical coordinates> My first response to this question had been to...
  38. B

    How to graph spherical coordinates

    Homework Statement given I=∫∫∫ρ^3 sin^2(∅) dρ d∅ dθ the bounds of the integrals: left most integral: from 0 to pi middle integral: from 0 to pi/2 right most integral: from 1 to 3 i have no idea how to graph this, i was hoping someone would be able to recommend some techniques.
  39. B

    Converting a triple integral from spherical to cartesian, cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Consider the interated integral I=∫∫∫ρ^3 sin^2(∅) dρ d∅ dθ -the bounds of the first integral (from left to right) are from 0 to pi -the bounds of the second integral are from 0 to pi/2 -the bounds of the third integral are from 1 to 3 a)express I as an interated...
  40. Z

    Vacuum solution with static, spherical symmetric spacetime

    Homework Statement I am trying to derive the line element for this geometry. But I am not sure how to show that ds can't contain any crossterms of d\theta and d\phi Homework Equations ds must be invariant under reflections \theta \rightarrow \theta'=\pi - \theta and \phi...
  41. T

    Solving Poisson-Boltzmann equation in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates

    Homework Statement I don't have a specific problem in mind, it's more that I forgot how to solve the particular equation from first principles. \nabla^{2} \Phi = k^{2}\Phi Places I've looked so far have just quoted the results but I would like the complete method or the appropriate...
  42. M

    Understanding Spherical Coordinates

    questioning what ρ does. What is the difference between the two equations? Let k be the angle from the positive z-axis and w be the angle from the pos x-axis parametric equation of a sphere with radius a paramet eq. 1: x = asin(k)cos(w) y = asin(k)sin(w) z= acos(k) 0≤w≤2pi 0≤k≤pi...
  43. D

    Area of square in spherical geometry

    Homework Statement Please see the attached. It is a badly drawn sphere :-p By common sense,the area of the shaded region in the sphere = area of square = r^2 But can anyone show me the mathematical proof? Moreover,does it apply to the reality? Imagine when you bend a square sheet with...
  44. M

    Stress Tensor in Spherical Coordinates

    Homework Statement Calculate the deformation of a sphere of radius R and density \rho under the influence of its own gravity. Assume Hooke's law holds for the material. Homework Equations Not applicable; my question is simply one of understanding. The Attempt at a Solution I want...
  45. F

    Evaluate integral by using spherical coordinates

    ∫03∫0sqrt(9-x2)∫sqrt(x2+y2)sqrt(18-x2-y2) (x2+y2+z2)dzdxdy x=\rhosin\varphicosθ y=\rhosin\varphisinθ z=\rhocos\varphi Change the integrand to \rho and integrate wrt d\rhodθd\varphi I don't know how to find the limits of integration. Normally I would draw a picture and reason it out...
  46. W

    Spherical Coordinates Question

    In spherical coordinates we have three axes namely r, θ, ∅ the ranges of these axes are 0≤r≤∞ 0≤θ≤∏ 0≤∅≤2∏ what will happen in a physical situation if we allow θ to change from zero to 2∏
  47. K

    Refraction at a spherical surface

    Homework Statement A speck of dust is 3cm from the center of a glass sphere with radius of 5cm. If the glass sphere is placed in a tank of glycerin with a refractive index of 1.47, find the image distance, as viewed along the diameter through the speck of dust from the far side. Refractive...
  48. V

    Basic doubt about the gradient in spherical polar cordinates.

    Let's say we have a scalar function U in terms of r,theta and phi. why cannot this be the gradient at any point P(r,theta,phi)- partial of U wrt. r in the direction of r+partial of U wrt. theta in direction of (theta)+partial of U wrt. phi in the direction of (phi)?
  49. R

    Reflection in spherical mirrors

    Hey everyone, I'm reading a chapter on reflection of Light and I had some doubts:- 1 Is a real, erect image possible? What about a virtual, inverted image? 2 How can you see a real image without a screen? Can you see it in the air or something? 3 When you move away from a plane mirror...
  50. L

    Solid hemisphere center of mass in spherical coordinates

    Hello, I am struggling with what was supposed to be the simplest calc problem in spherical coordinates. I am trying to fid the center of mass of a solid hemisphere with a constant density, and I get a weird result. First, I compute the mass, then apply the center of mass formula. I divide...