State Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. G

    Bound state negative potentials into harmonic oscillator basis

    Hello readers, Given the potential V(x) = - 1/ sqrt(1+x^2) I have found numerically 12 negative energy solutions Now I want to try to solve for these using matrix mechanics I know the matrix form of the harmonic oscillator operators X_ho, P_ho. I believe I need to perform the...
  2. E

    The ground state of helium - showing that parhelium is ground state

    Homework Statement The Hamiltonian of helium can be expressed as the sum of two hydrogen Hamiltonians and that of the Coulomb interaction of two electrons. \hat H = \hat H_1 + \hat H_2 + \hat H_{1,2} The wave function for parahelium (spin = 0) is \psi(1,2) = \psi_S(r_1, r_2)\dot...
  3. M

    X-ray applications in solid state physics

    hello everyone, i am looking for a comprehensive link for the topic above as i want to do some research on various applications of x-rays in solid state physics. its a personal research but i have some materials but i still feel i need a whole lot more. Any form of help would be appreciated...
  4. D

    Is this the correct way to estimate the natural lifetime of an atomic state?

    Hi there, I've just been having a little trouble with this short question from a past exam paper... Homework Statement "An atomic state has a dominant decay mode which produces an emission line of wavelength 6 \times 10^{-7} m and natural width 10^{-13} m . Estimate it's natural lifetime...
  5. G

    Finite state machine (Digital) Sequence

    Hello, here is the problem that I have: Can you please tell me how to determine what is the sequence of the output. I can see it misses 101 and 010 and it repeats 000 and 100. I think both 101 and 010 are initial states. The answer I have for repeated sequence is 011, 111, 110, 100...
  6. Entanglement

    Physical state of acids when they are ionized

    HCl(l) + H2O → H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) or is it HCl(g)+ H2O → H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) If HCL is liquid is it dil. or conc. ??
  7. Q

    Work done by a gas during an adiabatic process involving a state chang

    Homework Statement The problem involves a container holding a gas at high pressure. The container is opened to the environment, where the gas will cool down, producing a liquid or solid, and I want to find the work done by the gas throughout this process. Homework Equations PV^γ = constant U...
  8. J

    State vector behaviour during coupling

    The Schrödinger equation rotates the state vector in Hilbert space continuously (i.e. without jumps). This makes sense for individual systems, but I'm finding this hard to reconcile with coupling or entanglement. For example, consider how Schrödinger's cat paradox is typically presented (in...
  9. A

    Steady state of diffusion current in semiconductors

    Consider a long semiconductor bar is doped uniformly with donor atoms so that the concentration is given by n = ND and is independent of position. Radiation falls upon the end of the bar at x=0, this light generates electron-hole pairs at x=0. light keeps on falling. Explanation...
  10. C

    Ground state energy of harmonic oscillator

    Homework Statement 2N fermions of mass m are confined by the potential U(x)=1/2(k)(x2) (harmonic oscillator) What is the ground state energy of the system? Homework Equations V(x)=1/2m(ω2)(x2) The Attempt at a Solution I know the ground state energy of a simple harmonic...
  11. B

    Regarding Kittel's solid state physics 167 page

    Homework Statement In Kittel's 'Introduction to solid state physics' (8th ed.), on page 167, it says "The wave functions at the Brillouin zone boundary ##k=\pi/a## are ##\sqrt{2} cos (\pi x/a)## and ##\sqrt{2} sin(\pi x/a)##, normalized over unit length of line." Here I cannot understand...
  12. R

    Orbitals while transitioning from free electron to ground state

    I was thinking of putting together a visualization of electron orbitals as it transitions from unbounded or weakly bounded state to the ground state. However, it occurred to me that orbitals are symmetric about the proton. At some point the probability distribution must become asymmetric...
  13. S

    Differential equations, zero state response

    Homework Statement Find the zero input and zero state response for the following system y''(t) + 3y'(t) + 2y(t) = 2 x'(t) - x(t-1) where x(t) = (2e^-t)*u(t) U(t) is the step function Homework Equations Y = Yh + Yp Y = Yzsr + Yzir The Attempt at a Solution I can't find...
  14. C

    Is there a law which prohibits measuring En of a non-stationary state

    Hey. Trying to wrap my head around this maths. And given that the wave function is a superposition of a bunch of stationary states, each with a different coefficient. The coefficients squared added add to one. And the probability of finding the particle in a given state is cn^2. I know all...
  15. A

    Steady State Circuit Analysis with Phasors

    Homework Statement Hello everyone! I have the following circuit to solve, and my result is a bit wrong... can you tell me please where's the mistake? E=10sin(1000t) Find the current delivered to the circuit. Find the equivalent impedance of the circuit. Find the equation of the current and...
  16. C

    Ground state splitting due to spin interaction

    Homework Statement The interaction between the spins of the two particles in a hydrogenic atom can be described by the interaction Hamiltonian $$\hat{H_I} = A \hat{S_1} \cdot \hat{S_2}.$$ Compute the splitting of the ground state due to ##\hat{H_I}##. Both particles have spin 1/2. Homework...
  17. D

    Diffraction condition - Kittel's Intro to Solid State Physics 8th ed.

    Homework Statement How to derive equation (22) on page 31 of Kittel's Intro to Solid State Physics 8th edition. The equation is: 2\vec{k}\cdot\vec{G}+G^2=0 Homework Equations The diffraction condition is given by \Delta\vec{k}=\vec{G} which from what I can surmise is the starting...
  18. D

    MHB Block diagrams from state matrices

    How does one construct a block diagram from the state space representation? Consider the state space: \begin{align} \dot{\mathbf{x}} &= \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix} \mathbf{x}(t) + \begin{pmatrix} 0\\ 1 \end{pmatrix}\mathbf{u}(t)\\ y(t) &= x_1(t) \end{align}
  19. D

    MHB RLC Series Circuit: State Equations

    Using the capacitor voltage \(v_c(t)\) and the inductor current \(i_L(t)\) as states, write the state equations for the RLC series circuit shown in the figure. We can write that \(e(t) = iR + \frac{di}{dt} + \frac{1}{C}\int i(t)dt\). I am not sure with what it wants when it says to write it...
  20. R

    Derive the State Machine from Input Sequence

    Homework Statement This is a 3 state machine with one input variable. The input given for x produces the output sequence for z. The machine starts in state A. I am asked to derive the state table. x=010001010010010011010 A z=001000000001001000001 Homework Equations The Attempt...
  21. A

    MHB State the differences between an expression and its simplified equivalent.

    State the differences between an expression and its simplified equivalent.
  22. C

    Permenance of Collapsed Wave Function Spin State

    Hello Everyone, General curiosity question. We start with a particle who is in superposition. We observe it and collapse its wave function. This is how the particle's spin is determined. Two states can exist, spin up or spin down. My question is, once we observe the spin state, is...
  23. U

    Flipping state: Metropolis in Ising model

    Homework Statement Hi everyone, I'm having some difficulties with my code: 1. Randomly Choose a lattice at position (x, y) within the NxN lattice 2. Why by writing "int x = int(drand48()*L);" and "int y = int(drand48()*L);" it doesn't extract the value stored at that location (x, y)? 3...
  24. E

    MHB Simplify and state any restrictions on the variables.

    Simplify 1) Simplify and state any restrictions on the variables: \frac{3a-6}{a+2} ÷ \frac{a-2}{a+2} This is what I did. Can someone tell me what I did wrong? Thanks. \frac{3a-6}{a+2} ⋅ \frac{a+2}{a-2} \frac{3a^2-12}{a^2-4} \frac{(3a+6)(a-2)}{(a+2)(a-2)} \frac{3a+6}{a+2} 3 +...
  25. E

    MHB Simplify and state any restrictions on the variables.

    Simplify and state any restrictions on the variables: \frac{2(x+1)}{3} ⋅ \frac{x-1}{6(x+1)} This is what I did, which is wrong (according to the textbook). \frac{2}{3} ⋅ \frac{x-1}{6} \frac{2x-2}{18} \frac{2(x-1)}{18} Can someone tell me what I've done wrong? Also, how would you find the...
  26. PsychonautQQ

    Ground State Energy of quantum oscillator

    My textbook says the ground state energy of the QSHO is given by 1/2*h_bar*w and that this is the minimum energy consistent with the uncertainty principle. However I am having trouble deriving this myself... ΔEΔt ≥ h_bar / 2.. so then ΔE/Δfrequency ≥ h_bar / 2... ΔE*2*pi / w ≥ h_bar / 2 ΔE ≥...
  27. A

    MHB Find the volume of the solid of revolution, or state that it does not exist. #2

    I'm having some trouble with this problem: Find the volume of the solid of revolution, or state that it does not exist. The region bounded by f(x)= 6(4-x)^(-1/3) and the x-axis on the interval [0,4) is revolved avout the y-axis. How would I be able to tell whether to use the shell, disk, or...
  28. A

    MHB Find the volume of the solid of revolution, or state that it does not exist.

    Find the volume of the solid of revolution, or state that it does not exist. The region bounded by f(x)= the square root of ((x+3)/(x^3)) and the x-axis on the interval [1,infinity) is revolved around the x-axis. I tried using the disk method: pi* (sqrt(((x+3)/(x^3)))^2 Then I think I have to...
  29. Y

    Introduction level Solid State - Mean free time/path & lattice spacing

    Homework Statement Silver has a density of 10.5E3 kg/m3 and a resistivity of 1.6E-8 Ω*m at room temperature. On the basis of the classical free electron gas model, and assuming that each silver atom contributes one electron to the electron gas, calculate the average time, Tau, between...
  30. P

    Zero dipole moment in stationary state?

    P.W. Anderson in his essay "more is different" said that: "no stationary state of a system has an electric dipole moment". He used an example of NH3 to illustrate that. I then checked online and found that, Chemists said there is dipole moment in NH3 molecule, but (nuclear) physicists claim...
  31. D

    Feedback and control steady state error

    Homework Statement Determine the system type for $$ G(s) = \frac{K}{(s + 1)(10s + 1)(20s + 1)} $$Homework Equations I am using a step, ramp, and parabolic inputs. That is, \begin{align} R(s) &= \frac{R}{s}\\ R(s) &= \frac{R}{s^2}\\ R(s) &= \frac{R}{s^3} \end{align} The Attempt at a Solution...
  32. M

    Defining Reference Entropy and Chemical Potential in Different Phases

    Supposing that some solid can exist at 2 different phases (had 2 different crystalline structure) at some temperature and pressure. Can we define the same reference entropy or chemical potential for these two states (knowing that we are talking about the same solid)?
  33. G

    Definition of a Gaussian wave packet for a Initial State

    Hi :) I'm reading a didactic paper and the author defined the initial state ket as |\Phi_{in}> = {\int}dq\phi_{in}(q)|q> where q is a coordinate and \phi_{in}(q) = <q|\Phi_{in}> = exp\left[\frac{-q^{2}}{4\Delta^{2}}\right] I don't know if I'm missing something but isn't this definition a...
  34. P

    MHB Find the zeros of the polynomial function and state the multiplicity of each

    f(x)= x (x+2)^2 (x-1)^4Zeros would be: 0, -2, 1 Multipicity of : 1 2 4Then for y- intercept: f(0)=0 And don't know how to graph it...
  35. G

    What state do we have if we don't know if a measurement was performed?

    Hi, My question is partially motivated by this discussion. Suppose we have a pure state that is in a superposition for a certain basis, e.g. ##\left|\psi\right\rangle=\alpha\left| 0\right\rangle+\beta\left| 1\right\rangle##. Now a colleague of ours measures the state with respect to that...
  36. P

    Can a State Diagram Repeat a State Twice in a Sequence?

    Hi, I am designing a system to run a certain sequence when the control input is off, and then run a different sequence when the control input is on. When drawing a state diagram, for the loop where the control input is on, can the system repeat the same state twice throughout its sequence and...
  37. N

    Understanding Steady State Coefficients in Adaptive Filters

    If I am trying to find the steady state coefficients of a filter, when do I know the coefficients went into the steady state? In another words, steady state means it converged to a single value or that it is bounded between values? If say it is bounded between values how would I go about...
  38. X

    Exploring Coherent States in Quantum Mechanics: From Lasers to Photons

    So a coherent state in quantum mechanics is "the most classical" quantum state (A Gaussian wave packet), which satisfies the Heisenberg uncertainty relation with an equality. This allows the wave packet to travel in space in a more localized fashion (like a classical particle) because its...
  39. C

    Normalizing a State Function for an Infinite Square Well

    Homework Statement Normalize: \Psi_1 (x,t) = N_1 \cos(\frac{\pi x}{L}) e^{-\frac{iE_1t}{\hbar}} Where N_1 and E_1 are the normalization constant and energy for the ground state of a particle in an infinite square well. Homework Equations Normalization Condition: \int_\infty^\infty P(x,t)...
  40. M

    Solution of Dirac Delta DOS Equation

    What is the solution of Dirac delta function of density of sate equation below: DOS(E)=2/N ∑ ∫(1/dEj(k)/dk).δ[Ej(k)-E]dE
  41. Jalo

    Cristaline structure: simple solid state physics problem

    Homework Statement The atomic mass of Niquel is 58.7 amu (atomic mass unit), and it's density (at 90ºC) is 8.86 g/cm³. (a) Find the distance from one atom to the closest one from him.Homework Equations 1 amu = 1.66053*19⁻²⁷ The Attempt at a Solution I started by finding the number of atoms...
  42. jegues

    State Transition Matrix, Determining States

    Homework Statement An LTI system is given in state-space form, \left( \begin{array}{cc} \dot{x_{1}} \\ \dot{x_{2}} \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} -1 & 0.5 \\ 1 & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} x_{1} \\ x_{2} \end{array} \right) + \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0.5 \\...
  43. D

    MHB State Matrix Derivation for Orbital Mechanics

    Has anyone seen the derivation of \(\ddot{\mathbf{r}} = -\frac{\mu}{r^3}\mathbf{r}\) into state matrix form? If so, can they provide a link?
  44. B

    Solid State: Diamond lattice and scattering

    I have the following homework question I am working on. I am given three scattering angles: 42.8, 73.2, 89. (in degrees) without the wavelength of the light used. I am to show that these are consistent with a diamond lattice. I started with Laue's Law: delta(k) = G and according to the...
  45. andrewkirk

    Is a state space with indistinguishable particles a quotient? Of what?

    I’ve been trying to understand how having indistinguishable particles in a system changes the nature of the state space. The QM texts I have gloss over this. A typical approach is to define the symmetric and anti-symmetric kets that serve as a basis for the eigenspace containing...
  46. M

    What is a Standard State or Reference State of an element?

    What is a Standard State or Reference State of an element? Can someone please give me a simple explanation of what a standard state or reference state is? I don't quite understand the way wiki describes it which is - The standard state, also known as reference state, of an element is...
  47. G

    Joint Number state switching operator?

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone know of an operator, which has some realistic analogue, that would perform the following action: A|N,0> = A|0,N> Where the ket's represent two joint fock states (i.e. two joint cavities) and A is the opeator I desire. I thought that the beam...
  48. C

    Exploring Plasma, Iron & Noble Gases: Temperature & Solid State

    The way I understand plasma is that is almost a gas except some of the electrons of separated from the nuclei entirely making positively charged. Is there a temperature in which Iron is by definition a gas, and not a plasma? Also, can something like a noble gas become a solid?
  49. U

    Biot number-does it tell us if a problem is transient or steady state?

    So in a lumped parameter system, we use the ln(Θ)=exp(-hAt/ρVc), where Θ is non-dimensional temperature. This expression has 't' i.e. time in it. So does this mean it is used only for transient problems? Also, does the Biot number Bi tell us anything about whether a problem is in...
  50. P

    Probability of an entanglement state

    given two system is entangled, |A>=(|0_{A}>+|1_{A}>)/√2, |B>=(|0_B{}>+|1_B{}>)/√2. entangle state |AB>what is the probability to find |0_A{}0_B{}> and |1_A{}1_B{}>. are there still 1/2 just like normal inner product formulation?