States Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. Arnd Obert

    I Density of states with delta function

    Hello, I'm stuck with this exercise, so I hope anyone can help me. It is to prove, that the density of states of an unknown, quantum mechanical Hamiltonian ##\mathcal{H}##, which is defined by $$\Omega(E)=\mathrm{Tr}\left[\delta(E1\!\!1-\boldsymbol{H})\right]$$ is also representable as...
  2. Xico Sim

    I Obtaining the decuplet of baryon states from one state

    Hi, guys. If you are given one state of the baryon decuplet (the upper-right state ##\Deltaˆ{++}=uuu##, for instance), you can use the ladder operators to get the other states of the decuplet. When I apply ##T_-## to uuu and normalizing, I get ##\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}(duu+udu+uud)##. However, in...
  3. M

    I Density of states from 3D to 2D

    Hi, I know how to calculate density of states for both cases, but it is not clearly to me how I can go from 3D case to 2D. I have energy from infinite potential well for 3D $$E=\frac{\hbar \pi^2}{2m}(\frac{n_x^2}{l_x}+\frac{n_y^2}{l_y}+\frac{n_z^2}{l_z})$$ let make one dimension very small...
  4. E

    I Fermi sphere and density of states

    Hello! When computing the density of states of electrons in a lattice, a material with dimensions L_x, L_y, L_z can be considered. The allowed \mathbf{k} vectors will have components k_x = \displaystyle \frac{\pi}{L_x}p k_y = \displaystyle \frac{\pi}{L_y}q k_z = \displaystyle \frac{\pi}{L_z}r...
  5. Muthumanimaran

    I Representing Mixed States in Hilbert Space

    Why cannot we represent mixed states with a ray in a Hilbert space like a Pure state. I know Mixed states corresponds to statistical mixture of pure states, If we are able to represent Pure state as a ray in Hilbert space, why we can't represent mixed states as ray or superposition of rays in...
  6. E

    Forces of Attraction in different states of matter.

    We are taught that the forces of attraction in a liquid are lesser than those in a solid. What is the reason? Is it because the intermolecular spaces are large or is it because the individual attractive force of the molecule is less?
  7. D

    I Spin 1/2 Particle in Isolated Box: Pure vs. Mixed States

    If I have a spin 1/2 particle eg electron in an isolated box can I state for definite that there is a 50% chance of it being spin up and 50% spin down ? If I know the probability of it being spin up and spin down how do I know if it exists as a pure state of a superposition of spin up and spin...
  8. P

    Predicting spin and parity of excited states from shell mode

    Homework Statement Consider the following example from a previous exam. We are to predict the spin and parity for F(A=17,Z=9), Florine, in the ground state and the first two excited states using the shell model. Ground state: Neutrons: (1s 1/2)^2 (1p 3/2)^4 (1p 1/2)^2 Protons: (1s 1/2)^2...
  9. S

    B Question about the states of matter

    I have a question, and it is this: why is it that your hand can go through a gas or liquid while the same can't be done with solids? Is it because of density?
  10. J

    What are S, L and J for the following states....?

    Homework Statement What are S, L and J for the following states: ##^1S_0, ^2D_{5/2} ^5F_1, ^3F_4## Homework Equations The superscript is defined as: 2S + 1 The subscript is defined as: J = L + S The letter denotes the angular momentum number (s, p, d, f...) starting at s = 0. The Attempt at a...
  11. icesalmon

    Question about the superposition of energy states

    Homework Statement The three lowest energy states of an infinitely deep square well (of width L, between x=0 and x=L) are: Ψ1(x,t) = N sin(πx/L) e-iω1t Ψ2(x,t) = N sin(2πx/L) e-iω2t Ψ3(x,t) = N sin(3πx/L) e-iω3t N = sqrt(2/L) is the normalization, to make the total probability = 1. Each wave...
  12. C

    I SU(3) quark model and singlet states

    'In the SU(3) quark model there are two singlet vector states $$|\omega_8 \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{6}} \left(|u \bar u \rangle + |d \bar d \rangle - 2 |s \bar s \rangle \right) $$ belonging to the octet and the pure singlet state $$|\omega_1 \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} \left(|u \bar u \rangle +...
  13. JustinHolmik

    B How does entanglement work for spin states?

    Hello, I am a 40 year old Computer Scientist by education and profession. Education in general is my hobby. I am currently listening to a lecture on quantum mechanics: The Teaching Company's Quantum Mechanics Physics of the Microscopic World. Very good. So please excuse my nievity and ignorance...
  14. B

    How do I find the energies of these states?

    Homework Statement Here is the problem: Homework Equations |psi_s_ms> = |s, ms> ⊗ Σ D_i_j |psi_i, psi_j>[/B]The Attempt at a Solution I know the singlet state in the |s, ms> basis is |0,0> = (1/sqrt(2))[ |up, down> - |down, up>] and that the hamiltonian for this...
  15. H

    B Mixed states V superposition V linear combinations?

    Can someone explain the difference using concrete examples. I will attempt to explain my current understanding by example; A H atom has different energy levels which can be exactly described by algebraic functions with quantum numbers n, l etc. An electron can be excited from say the ground...
  16. J

    I Localized and delocalized states, meaning? in Organics

    Looking (if possible for some of you) a concise but non mathematical explanation of the terms localization and delocalization? This questions is related to Quantum Molecular Physics. When reading a paper of Spectroscopy and allowed transitions, I encounter the following phrase " [Intersystem...
  17. entropy1

    B Question: Can State Only Be Formulated Relating to Observable?

    Can a state only be formulated with respect to an observable in consideration? That is to say, does the formulation of the state depend on the particular observable in consideration? Thanks.
  18. entropy1

    I Density matrices, pure states and mixed states

    I got (very) confused about the concept of states, pure states and mixed states. Is it correct that a linear combination of pure states is another pure state? Can pure (and mixed) states only be expressed in density matrices? Is a pure state expressed in a single density matrix, whereas mixed...
  19. P

    I Mathematics of tensor products in the Bell states

    I'm having trouble with the mathematics of tensor products as applied to Bell states. Say I have the state \begin{align*} \left|\psi\right> &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(\left|0\right>_A \otimes \left|0\right>_B + \left|1\right>_A \otimes \left|1\right>_B\right) \end{align*} How would the...
  20. S

    I Triplet States and Wave Functions

    Why is the triplet state space wave function ΨT1=[1σ*(r1)1σ(r2)-1σ(r1)1σ*(r2)] (ie. subtractive)? How does it relate to its antisymmetric nature? Also, why is this opposite for the spin wave function α(1)β(2)+β(1)α(2) (ie. additive)? And why is this one symmetric even though it describes the...
  21. B

    Orthogonality of Stationary States

    Homework Statement I'm going back through some homework as revision, and came across this problem. It was marked as correct, but now I'm thinking it's unconvincing... For a particle in an infinite square well, with ##V = 0 , 0 \leq x \leq L##, prove that the stationary eigenstates are...
  22. I

    I Describing Energy for Time-Dependent States

    Hi all! Sorry if this question is stupid. The the time-independent schrodinger equation describes energy for a time-independent system, and the time-dependent schrodinger equation describes the time evolution of the wavefunction. So, how would you describe the energy for a time-dependent system...
  23. J

    I Exploring Entangled States: Z-Dir & N-Dir Spins

    The first spin analyser is orientated on the z-axis and the second is in a arbitrary N-direction. My thought process I can't get past is below If I find particle 1 to have spin up in Z-direction, the state collapses and the second must be spin down in the Z-direction for the particle at the...
  24. S

    I Singlet and triplet spin states - the normalisation constant

    The triplet spin state with a normalisation constant of 1/√2 and the singlet spin state with the same normalisation constant... Where on Earth is this normalisation constant derived from? I've been scouring the Griffiths intro to quantum mechanics textbook and can't find info on it.
  25. amjad-sh

    I Schrodinger equation and stationary states

    Is the solution of the time-independent schrodinger equation always a stationary state? Can it be non-stationary?
  26. S

    I Spin up and Spin down states can be written as .... why?

    Spin up and spin down states in the x direction can be written as |Upx> = 1/ √2 ( |Upz> + |Downz> ) and |Downx> = 1/ √2 ( - |Upz> + |Downz> ) My textbook just stated the above facts without referencing why and I've been going through the spin chapter for a while now and I can't see it. Why...
  27. H

    I Confused about slater determinant for excited states

    Hi all, I have a question about Slater Determinant for excited states. Let's say we want to construct approximate (2 level) wavefunction of He in some certain state. Since we have two electrons in two level system with spin in consideration, we can construct total of 4 different wavefunctions...
  28. S

    I Spin states for two identical 1/2 particles - Confused :s

    Im having trouble with my thought process for spin states of a system of two electrons Using Total Spin 'S' and Total spin mag quantum numbers 'MS' as state ket |S MS> My textbook states... " Three Symmetric Spin states Triplet spin stats for twin identical spin -1/2 particles | Up Up> = |S...
  29. P

    Momentum density of states for pion decay.

    Homework Statement I am trying to calculate the ratio of the density of states factor, ##\rho(p)##, for the two decays: $$\pi^+\rightarrow e^++\nu_e~~$$ and $$\pi^+\rightarrow \mu^++\nu_{\mu}~~$$ Homework Equations ##\rho(p)~dp=\frac{V}{(2\pi\hbar)^3}p^2~dp~d\Omega## Which is the number...
  30. arupel

    I Exploring Mass-Energy Equivalence: What Causes Different States?

    I am not sure exactly what E = mc^2 means. 1. Does it simply means if we were able to convert mass into energy this is the amount of energy. 2. That mass and energy are different states of the same thing. An example would be water which can either be a solid (ice), a liquid (water) or a...
  31. S

    Question on spin 1/2 states in arbitrary direction

    Homework Statement The problem is given above. I am struggling on the first two parts, where I am tasked with finding gamma and beta. Homework Equations For spin one half states in arbitrary directions, I know that psi = a*|n;+> + b*|n;-> . |n;+> = cos(theta/2)|+> +sin(theta/2)*ei*phi|->...
  32. L

    How to change density of states to eV

    I know that if I multiply e^3/2 (e= 1.602x10^-19) to the unit below I can change it to eV Can somebody help me I don't know why
  33. T

    Why do transition metals have multiple oxidation states?

    I have googled it and cannot find anything. Apparently the rule that transition metals want full or half-full orbitals is false. I understand why the 4s orbital would be lost but I don't understand why some d electrons would be lost. For example in Mn6+, the electron configuration would be [Ar]...
  34. acdurbin953

    Difference between stationary/non-stationary quantum states

    Homework Statement I apologize, this is not really a homework problem. I have an exam coming up, and I need to be able to explain the difference between a stationary/non-stationary quantum state in a qualitative way, and in what cases these states have time dependent probabilities. I am hoping...
  35. Z

    Stat. States, Orthonorm. expansion coefficients etc qn?

    I'm reading through some lecture notes for QM in a subsection about stationary states where the definition of orthonormality involving a kronecker delta \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\psi_n(x) \ \psi_m^*(x)dx=\delta_{m,n}and the formula for some wavefunction that is a superposition of energy...
  36. O

    Renormalization of Bound States in QFT

    Hi, I am about to work on the problem of trying to find a renormalization program for bound states in QFT. Any suggestions/advice on where to start would be much appreciated.
  37. sciencejournalist00

    I Does the double-slit experiment create path-entangled states

    If I try to send a vertically polarized photon through one slit and a horizontally polarized photon through the other slit, they actually go through both slits. But when I measure and find out through which slit the horizontally polarized photon went, I automatically know that the vertically...
  38. Dadface

    Entangled states before observation.

    I think this is just a quickie. I'm interested in what is assumed about entangled photons/particles before they are observed. Is it correct to assume that the photons/particles exist in all possible states simultaneously? Thank you.
  39. Telemachus

    Density of states, and integral of the Sommerfeld type

    It is easy to show that when you have a quantum system, let's think for example in electrons in a metal, then there appears summation over electron states of the form, e.g. for the energy for a free electron gas at T=0K: ##E=2 \sum_{k\leq k_f} \frac{\hbar^2}{2m}k^2## Where ##k_f## denotes the...
  40. I

    How does doping affect the degeneracy of semiconductors?

    Hello, I am new to the forum, so I am directly stating my questions. 1)What determines the density of states of Phonons in a semiconductor? 2)Does degeneracy of semiconductors depend only on doping? Thanks
  41. N

    B If you raise the electron to other higher shell states, can it affect light transmission?

    If you raise the electron to other higher shell states, can light transmission throug -h a SOLID BLACK opaque object. Modified the original question because it was unclear. I won't repeat the same question over, and over, but what I have said in previous questions may get repeated in the...
  42. sciencejournalist00

    Any difference between BEC correlations and entangled states

    On Wikipedia, an article appear from which I quoted below. Here is something called Bose-Einstein correlation due to interference of wave character that I confuse with quantum entanglement. I want to know if these BEC correlations are entangled or separable states...
  43. DeldotB

    Construct States from Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients

    Homework Statement Hello all, Im asked to construct the state | \frac{5}{2} , \frac{3}{2} \rangle from the eigenfunctions | L, L_z\rangle and the electron states | \uparrow \rangle and | \downarrow \rangle . Homework Equations Clebsch Gordon Coefficient's table The Attempt at a...
  44. S

    Perturbation theory, Intermediate states, Virtual particles

    The following is taken from page 13 of Peskin and Schroeder. Any relativistic process cannot be assumed to be explained in terms of a single particle, since ##E=mc^{2}## allows for the creation of particle-antiparticle pairs. Even when there is not enough energy for pair creation, multiparticle...
  45. M

    Understanding superposition of states

    I am wondering if my understanding of superposition concept is correct. Forgive me for not using QM braket notation, I am new on this site and don't know how to embed it in the post. What confuses me about superposition concept is that people often say that some system can be in two (or more)...
  46. T

    Derivation of number of quantum states

    Hi, I recently saw a derivation that included: [1] #CS = V_spatial * V_momentum [2] #QS = #CS/h (where # indicates it's the total number of the variable) quantum states = QS; classical states = CS; h is Planck's constant If possible, do you mind explaining or directing me to references...
  47. T

    Matrix elements of non-normalizable states

    Although strictly quantum mechanics is defined in ##L_2## (square integrable function space), non normalizable states exists in literature. In this case, textbooks adopt an alternative normalization condition. for example, for ##\psi_p(x)=\frac{1}{2\pi\hbar}e^{ipx/\hbar}## ##...
  48. J

    Surface States within band gap STM/STS

    Hi there people! So my question is why you can see localized surface states within the band gap of the material with an STM. How is a tunneling circuit being established?
  49. A

    Understanding Two-Qubit States: The Bell States

    An example of a two-qubit state is one of the Bell states, for example: lB> = 1/√2 (l00> + l11>) In my book it is stated that the Bell states form an orthonormal basis for the set of two qubit states. But what exactly is the general form of a two-qubit state? Is it any vector of the form: lq>...
  50. ShayanJ

    Ehrenfest theorem and coherent states

    From the Ehrenfest theorem, we know that the equation below is correct for any state ## \psi ##. ##m\frac{d^2}{dt^2}\langle x \rangle_{\psi} =-\langle \frac{\partial V(x)}{\partial x} \rangle_{\psi} ## But then one of the definitions of coherent states is states for which the expected value of...