Statistical mechanics Definition and 396 Threads

In physics, statistical mechanics is a mathematical framework that applies statistical methods and probability theory to large assemblies of microscopic entities. It does not assume or postulate any natural laws, but explains the macroscopic behavior of nature from the behavior of such ensembles.
Statistical mechanics arose out of the development of classical thermodynamics, a field for which it was successful in explaining macroscopic physical properties such as temperature, pressure, heat capacity, in terms of microscopic parameters that fluctuate about average values, characterized by probability distributions. This established the field of statistical thermodynamics and statistical physics.
The founding of the field of statistical mechanics is generally credited to Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann, who developed the fundamental interpretation of entropy in terms of a collection of microstates, to Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell, who developed models of probability distribution of such states, and to American Josiah Willard Gibbs, who coined the name of the field in 1884.
While classical thermodynamics is primarily concerned with thermodynamic equilibrium, statistical mechanics has been applied in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics to the issues of microscopically modeling the speed of irreversible processes that are driven by imbalances. Examples of such processes include chemical reactions or flows of particles and heat. The fluctuation–dissipation theorem is the basic knowledge obtained from applying non-equilibrium statistical mechanics to study the simplest non-equilibrium situation of a steady state current flow in a system of many particles.

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  1. C

    Paradox in isentropic expansion? (statistical mechanics)

    If I have a container containing a liquid mixed with some other substance that has much a higher boiling point (i.e. water and salt). This liquid will be in equilibrium with its vapor (the salt vapor pressure is negligible). Now I quasi-statically adiabatically expand this vapor. Isentropic...
  2. B

    What Is the Rough Estimate for Temperature in Statistical Mechanics Homework?

    Homework Statement Please see attached Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Ok so I've done the first part okay and got S = 17.38 times the Boltzmann constant. Just don't see how to make a rough estimate of the temp.. what is epsillon>?
  3. facenian

    Classical statistical mechanics question

    Hello. I read this assertion in a book: if we take at an initial time t_0 a constant density distribution \rho(p,q,t_0) in phase space, then this implies that \rho wil remain independent of time for all t>t_0 because by Liouville's theorem \frac{\partial\rho}{\partial...
  4. E

    H problem in statistical mechanics

    Is there some kind of resolution to the Hydrogen atom problem in statistical physics, that is the fact that canonical partition function diverges for E_n = - E_0/n^2 with degeneracy n^2 since Z = \sum n^2 exp(-\beta E_0/n^2) > \sum n^2 exp(-\beta E_0) , which makes the H atom problem seem...
  5. V

    Exam Preparation Question (Statistical Mechanics)

    Just FYI, this is not a homework question. I am working on a practice problem for my final exam and I decided to post it here since I think it would get more attention than in any other section. Homework Statement Given an unbranched polymer with N links (that can be oriented in any...
  6. T

    What Is the Temperature of Each Block Before They Are Brought into Contact?

    I'm kind of stuck on this problem, if someone could help me out that would be appreciated. Consider 2 blocks treated as collections of Einstein oscillators. The first block has N1 oscillators of frequency omega. The second block has N2 oscillators of frequency 2omega. Initially the first...
  7. L

    Statistical Mechanics preparedness ?

    Statistical Mechanics preparedness...? Hello, I am a third year physics major having trouble deciding wether to take Statistical Mechanics this Spring semester. The problem is that there are 2 pre-requisites, Quantum Mechanics 1 and Thermodynamics, and I am only taking Thermodynamics this...
  8. M

    Classical Thermodynamics for Statistical Mechanics

    Hi all, It's my first time to ask a question here I am now taking a Thermodynamics course and I have the authority to choose what topics to study in this course. My intention is to be able to study statistical mechanics afterward. So I need thermodynamics that will be useful when studying...
  9. S

    Statistical mechanics & the interaction energy

    hi everyone! I am so confused about interaction energy! as you know, in many statistical mechanics books we see there are equations which are taken in a non-interacting system. for example for a two particle system, you can see the total energy is: E = E1 +E2 +E12 while E12 is the...
  10. A

    Statistical mechanics - characteristics temperature of the HF molecule

    Homework Statement Spectroscopic data (rotational-vibrational lines) show that the hydrogen fluoride molecule has a vibrational frequency of 7.8x10^14 rad/sec and a moment of inertia of I=1.35x10^-47 kg.m^2. Find the relevant characteristic temperatures of the HF molecule. Homework...
  11. N

    Has Statistical Mechanics Produced Any Results on Self-Organization?

    So I'm not asking if thermodynamics has, but specifically statistical mechanics, because it seems so unlikely that by probabilistic and mechanical reasoning, the phenomenon of self-organization would arise -- and if it has happened, I'd love to find out. I'm not looking for specific papers, as I...
  12. E

    Statistical mechanics: Heat capacity

    I am trying to work out the heat capacity of a body-centered cubic iron lattice using stat.mech., but am having some trouble. Firstly, I assumed that the iron atoms behaved as harmonic occilators, not taking electronic or nuclear spin into account. Is this a good or bad approximation? Then...
  13. N

    Exploring Liouville's Theorem with Susskind's Lectures on Statistical Mechanics

    Hello, so I was watching Susskind's lectures on Statistical Mechanics: He explained Liouville's Theorem qualitatively in the following two ways: No Merging: Two trajectories in phase space will never merge; this seems obvious using the time-symmetry and determinism in classical mechanics...
  14. D

    A good statistical mechanics book.

    Hello, I've finished the topics about statistical mechanics in Feynman Lectures,and I'd like to study the topic in a deeper aspect. I've had a look at Berkeley Course vol 5(by Reif),I liked it,but I find it rather too introductory. I also had a look at Huang,but I think it is too advanced for...
  15. S

    Statistical mechanics question -

    We're covering probability of the distance for free electrons with parallel spin (long-range oscillations should go to zero) and using that to get a correlation energy. My teacher wants us to elaborate the following 1D case. \int e^{ik(x-X)}dk=\frac{e^{ik(x-X)}}{i(x-X)}\Rightarrow...
  16. W

    The Constraint Based Statistics - Beyond the Entropy Based Statistical Mechanics

    The Constraint Based Statistics --- Beyond the Entropy Based Statistical Mechanics The Constraint Based Statistics --- Beyond Tsallis Entropy and Boltzmann Entropy Based Statistical Mechanics This post is a summary about a brand new work in the field of Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics...
  17. S

    Non Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

    A simple websearch reveals many textbooks, lecture notes and articles about Non Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. Comments please?
  18. R

    Statistical mechanics of antiparticles

    I have some questions that my teacher was unable (and unwilling) to answer in class, so I thought I'd ask them here. The chemical potential \mu=\left(\frac{\partial U}{\partial N}\right)_{S,V} is given by the derivative of the energy with respect to particle number at constant volume and...
  19. T

    Statistical Mechanics question: calculate energy difference

    Homework Statement In a system of N weakly interacting particles each particle can be in one of M energy states: E_1 < E_2 < ... < E_M At T=300K there are 3 times as many particles in E_2 as in E_1. Calculate E_2 - E_1 Homework Equations This is not my homework, just a tutorial question, I'm...
  20. Z

    Need help in statistical mechanics' canonical ensemble

    In derivation of probability of system at energy E with canonical ensemble, one assumes that the probability of system in a microstate Ei is proportional to the multiplicity of reservoir. Is this probability the conditional probability by knowing that system is at energy Ei with knowing it is at...
  21. R

    Undergraduate Text Recommendations for Statistical Mechanics

    Does anyone have any recommendations of a good book(s) for a first undergraduate-level course in Statistical Mechanics?
  22. P

    Best statistical mechanics book?

    I took stat mech as an undergrad but the textbook we used (statistical and thermal physics by sturge) was over my head. Can someone provide a good and readable (as readable as stat mech can get) textbook for stat mech? I am switching to a different research group in grad school that deals with...
  23. D

    Frequentist statistical mechanics

    When I learned statistical mechanics, it followed the lines of the maximum entropy principle from information theory as laid out by Jaynes which can also be seen as a Bayesian statistical theory. I wonder whether there exist some orthodox frequentistic interpretation of statistical mechanics...
  24. N

    Best way to prepare for a graduate statistical mechanics class?

    I was thinking of taking the statistical mechanics course for PhD candidates that's being offered next term at my school. My background is pretty typical, I've had Calc 1-3, linear algebra, differential equations, classical mechanics, e&m, thermodynamics with statistical mechanics, all at the...
  25. B

    Statistical mechanics - microstates & entropy

    Homework Statement a) Derive an asymptotic expression for the number of ways in which a given energy E can be distributed among a set of N, one-dimensional harmonic oscillators, the energy eigenvalues of the oscillators being (N+\frac{1}{2})\hbar\omega, n=0, 1, 2, .... b)Find the corresponding...
  26. K

    Interpretation of the randomness in statistical mechanics?

    One postulate of sta mech is all accessible microstates are equally probable in thermal equilibrium, while according to classical mechanics this postulate is not true. But the postulate is still applicable in the real world. I remember that I read one interpretation before: 1. any particle in a...
  27. V

    Statistical Mechanics: Calculating Pressure on a 3D Box Wall

    Homework Statement Consider a particle confined within a box in the shape of a cube of edges Lx=Ly=Lz. The possible energy levels of this particle are then given by the quantized energy for a particle in a 3D box. Calculate explicitly the force per unit area (or pressure) on this wall...
  28. V

    Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

    Homework Statement Consider a particle confined within a box in the shape of a cube of edges Lx=Ly=Lz. (a) Suppose that the partice is in a given state specified by particular values of the principal quantum numbers nx, ny, nz. By considering how the energy of this state must change when...
  29. V

    Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

    I am currently enrolled in PHY4523 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics where we are currently using "Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics" by F. Reif and I was wondering if there were any good recommendations as far as supplemental texts that I could use in helping me...
  30. D

    How Is the Variance of a Quantity Derived in Statistical Mechanics?

    Homework Statement From Landau and Lifgarbagez: \langle (\Delta f)^{2} \rangle = \overline{f^{2}} - (\overline{f})^{2} This isn't derived, just stated, and I'd like to understand how it comes about. f is a generic quantity "relating to a macroscopic body or to a part of it."...
  31. D

    Statistical mechanics: energy variance of ensemble

    I posted this once already without seeing the rule that HW questions must go here--sorry :redface: So, the problem: I'm really lost on where to get started here. It's a two state system, one with energy 0 and the other with energy ε. I already have ensemble average, <E>, found to be: ε / (e^βε...
  32. D

    Statistical mechanics: energy variance of ensemble

    I'm really lost on where to get started here. It's a two state system, one with energy 0 and the other with energy ε. I already have ensemble average, <E>, found to be: ε / (e^βε + 1) , where β is thermodynamic beta, 1/KbT. How do I convert this to an expression for the variance of the...
  33. X

    Is it possible to take statistical mechanics without quantum mechanics?

    So I didn't start my physics major until my sophomore year which means I'm a year behind. Because of this I won't be able to take quantum mechanics until the first semester of my senior year which is also when statistical mechanics is offered. I'd really like to take statistical mechanics but...
  34. P

    Statistical Mechanics, Molecular Flux, Kinetic Theory

    Question 1: The mean speed for escaping molecules from a hole is 1.88*(k*T)/m)^1/2 (Eq.1) The mean speed for molecules in the Maxwell-Boltz Distribution is 1.596*((k*T)/m)^1/2 (Eq.2 If you were to calculate molecular flux for an ideal gas, which expression would you use? In my...
  35. A

    Statistical Mechanics: Ideal Gas of Oxygen Atoms in Equilibrium

    Consider an ideal gas of oxygen atoms in equilibrium with oxygen atoms absorbed on a planar surface. here are N_s sites per unit surface area at which the atoms can be absorbed, and the energy of an absorbed atom is -e compared to one in the free state. The system is under 1 atm and at 300K...
  36. W

    Exploring Brownian Motion: Books to Help Understand Statistical Mechanics

    I am quite well versed with the random walk problem and am interested in finding out more about Brownian motion. Does anyone have any suggestions for books that explain Brownian motion in detail? I suspect these will be books on statistical mechanics.
  37. E

    Better book on Statistical Mechanics

    Hi! I'm a graduate student in solid state physics and I have to follow a graduate course on equilibrium statistical physics, and we're using Plischke and Bergersen's book on "Equilibirum Statistical Physics". Presently, we're seeing Mean Field Theories and Ising model, but somehow, I'm not...
  38. M

    Ensemble Avg, Statistical Mechanics

    Given a macro-state M of a system, let S denote the potion of the phase space that has the macro-state M. A micro-canonical ensemble is one in which the probability of finding the micro-state in any part of S is equally likely (the density function is constant over S). In Pathria's...
  39. P

    Statistical Mechanics, Absolute Probability, and the Average Magnetic Moment

    I'm not sure if this is the proper location for this thread, but its for a math course and I think my issues concern the math portion of the problems. If it should be moved please do so. Note: I know the post is quite long, so I'll just pull out my few main issues from all the junk. 1)...
  40. K

    Annoying things in statistical mechanics

    I've been refreshing myself on some of the statistical mechanics I learned a couple years ago, using Kittel and Kroemer as a guide. However, I've come across a couple things that bother me: 1. When the Boltzmann distribution is derived, no real physics enters the picture. Essentially, the...
  41. S

    H theorem: equilibrium in statistical mechanics

    Hi guys, I am reading Reif's book on statistical mechanics and have a question on the H theorem. In section 2.3, Reif gives (on page 54) both the definition of equilibrium as well as a fundamental postulate. Definition: "An equilibrium situation is characterized by the fact that the...
  42. T

    Symmetry in Statistical Mechanics

    I have of late been reflecting on something. Generally as a rough approximation we may divide physics into classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, classical field theory (like E/M, fluid mechanics...), quantum field theory, and then statistical mechanics. All the classical and quantum...
  43. T

    Renormalisation group in statistical mechanics

    I am currently trying to get my head round RG in the context of statistical mechanics and am not succeeding! I would be grateful for any help. I have a specific question, but any clarification of RG in general would be useful. Here is my understanding of the main ideas: 1. Define...
  44. M

    Statistical Mechanics exam question

    I have my main UG exam on Sat & i dnt have answer to these questions . Help me out Q. Distinguish b/w degenerate energy level & a degenerate gas ? Ans : Degenrate level : A single energy level can be degenerate with another energy level , no difference b/w their energies . Degenerate...
  45. A

    Statistical mechanics- Stirling's Approximation and Particle Configurations

    Homework Statement N weakly interacting distinguishable particles are in a box of volume V. A particle can lie on one of the M possible locations on the surface of the box and the number of states available to each particle not on the surface (in the gas phase) is aV, for some constant a. 1...
  46. S

    Statistical Mechanics: Ideal Gas

    Homework Statement Using the microcanonical ensemble, find the entropy for the mixing of two ideal gases, but we need to compute all at once instead of separately for each gas and adding the two. Homework Equations \Omega(E)=\int_{H<E}d\overline{p}d\overline{q} S(E,V)= k_{B}...
  47. L

    Statistical Mechanics: Can't Find Source of Equation At the top of page 59 in the above link, I can't see where the first three bullet points that follow E(T=0)=\int_0^{\epsilon_f} g(\epsilon) d \epsilon come from? can anyone help?
  48. L

    Exploring System Energy in Statistical Mechanics

    In my notes, on page 1 we are told we're dealing with systems of fixed total E but in the expilicit example on page 3, do we not find 4 different values for the total energy. how is this possible?
  49. A

    What's the best self-study book for statistical mechanics?

    I have to take that next year and am nervous about it. I took it as an undergraduate, but most of it went right over my head. Now I have to take the graduate-level course. Can anyone recommend a good book for me to read in preparation for that class?