Homework Statement
A crystal contains N atoms which posses spin 1 and magnetic moment \mu. Placed in a uniform magnetic field B the atoms can orient themselves in three directions: parallel, perpendicular, and antiparallel to the field. If the crystal is in thermal equilibrium at temperature...
Hello everybody,
I am a graduate physics student.
I am trying to learn statistical physics and I have extreme difficulty in learning it. I do not find good books and don't get the ideas behind the concepts.
the books I consulted where the Greiner, Kittel and Fliessbach. Books used in German...
Homework Statement
Consider a free-electron gas at a temperature T such that kT << E_f Write down the expression for the electron number desnity N/V for electrons that have an energy in excess of of E_f. Show by making the change of variables (E-E_f)/kT = x. that the number desnity is...
Maybe this is the first post I enroll.(I wanted to change my id because I am not expert actually but I don't know how to change my id.)
Anyway the main points of this post are as follows:
Hello, I am an undergraduate student in Asia. Soon I have to apply for graduate, but I have no idea. I...
When we study a classical system of distinguishable particles, we use parameters \epsilon_{j} for the energy states and n_{j} for the number of particles in \epsilon_{j}. But clearly, the energy states are not discrete in classical systems. Surely, this is nonsensical. Why are we doing this then?
Homework Statement
rotational energy of diatomic gas (note : h = hbar)
Er = h2/2I * r(r+1) , r = 0,1,2 ...
it is (2r+1) fold degenerate
find the partition function and hence the heat capacity at low temperatures.
The Attempt at a Solution
Z = ∑ g(Er) e-BEr
= ∑ (2r+1) e-Bh2/2I *...
1. A gas molecules of mass m are in thermodynamic equilibrium at a temperature T.
If v_{x},v_{y},v_{z} are the components of velocity v, then the mean value of (v_{x}-{\alpha} {v_{y}}+{\beta} {v_{z}})^2 is:
Homework Statement
Consider a system of N non-interacting distinguishable particles spin half particles each of which has magnetic moment u and the system is at an equilibrium temperature T in a magnetic field B such that n particles have their magnetic moments aligned parallel to B.
Find the...
Homework Statement
Consider a system of N particles, with two available energy states, 0 and E. What is the ratio of particles occupying the first state, n0, to particles occupying the second state n1?Homework Equations
single particle partition function Z=\Sigmaexp(-ei/kt)
system partition...
Homework Statement
I'm having a little bit of trouble getting started with this problem. Can I get a little help?
Using: (number of states in the six-dimensional region d^{3}x d^{3}3p) = (d^{3}x d^{3}p)/h^{3}
Which provides a convenient route to the single-particle density of masses.
Hi! I am for the moment reading a course in statistical physics where the author has definied not less then three diffrent partitionfunctions.
W, Z an Z which are called the microcanonical partitionfunction, canonical partitionfunction (?) and the grand canonical partitionfunction.
Homework Statement
For an ideal gas PV = nRT, n is the number of moles. Show that the heat transfer in an infinitesimal quasistatic process of an ideal gas can be written as:
dQ = 1/nR ( C_v * V * dP + C_p * p * dV)
Homework Equations
First law of thermodynamics: dQ = dE + pdv
(dE /...
Homework Statement
A system of 32 spin-½ dipoles (each of moment μ) is held at a constant temperature in an external magnetic field, where on average, 20 dipoles are aligned with the magnetic field of strength B.
a) What is the temperature, in terms of given parameters?
b) What is the...
Please help me solve this problem:
Homework Statement
The attempt at a solution
This is my whole procedure...
Homework Statement
Consider a thermal system at temperature T where the probability of finding the system
in a microstate r with energy Er is given by an arbitrary probability distribution pr that is
normalised so that Sum(pr) = 1.
Let kB denote Boltzmann’s constant and consider the Boltzmann...
Hello there, I'm a second year physics student who like most, has exams around the start of the next year and as such, have started revising for my exams.
The term has introduced new physics I wasn't initially familiar with such as Quantum mechanics and advanced differential calculus.
Hi there,
I'm searching for a good book for statistical physics.
Professor as told us that the bibliography was Reif or Kittel (thermal physics)
However, both are a little bit old, and some not very formal. I'm wondering if something more formal, more recent, with more or less the same...
Does fact that QFT in imaginary time is equivalent to QSP represents the proof that many-particle quantum physics is equivalent to quantum theory of fields?
To elaborate a little, I had some discussion with some engineers, and when I was explaining them Standard Model I had to invoke concepts...
1. Homework Statement [/b]
There are N 3-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillators, so the energy for each one is:
E_i = \hbar \omega (\frac{1}{2} + n_x^i + n_y^i + n_z^i). What is the total number of states from energy E_0 to E, and what is the density of states for E?
The Attempt at a...
Homework Statement
Consider a system of 8 one-dimensionaly harmonic oscillators. Initially this system has 3 quanta of energy. Byhow much does the entropy change if you add one more quanta of energy?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution...
Homework Statement
A box is separated by a partition which divides its volume in the ratio 3:1. The larger portion of the box contains 1000 molecules of Neon gas, the smaller one contains 100 molecules of He gas. A small hole is made in the partition, and one waits until equilibrium is...
I am stuck on the first part of this question. There are several parts that follow that depend on this bit, and I know I can do them if I can just work this out. Any help would be gratefully received.
Homework Statement
Consider an isolated system of N identical spin-0 bosons...
Homework Statement
Hi all.
The partition function for fermions is (according to Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_function_(statistical_mechanics)#Relation_to_thermodynamic_variables_2) given by:
Z = \prod\limits_i {\left( {1 + \exp \left[ { - \beta \left( {\varepsilon _i -...
is there any video lectures source which is about statistical physics or quantum physics like MIT Lectures. I found some lectures about quantum physics but these are only related with it and it couldn't be considered as essential source.
Homework Statement
Flip N fair coins. The distribution for different numbers of heads and tails should be peaked at N/2. When N is very large, the peak will be very high. Let x = N(head)-N/2, required to find an expression for this distribution near the peak, i.e. x<<N.
Homework Equations...
I've recently gotten interested in statistical physics. Notions derived from this area are frequently applied in learning theory and other areas of biology which are of interest to me.
I'm wondering if anyone knows of a good book or web resource for learning about statistical physics that...
Almost no one has answered.To take some external help, i write all questions here, maybe someone have an answer.
1)An aluminium cube cooled down to 90 Kelvin.At this point there is too many microstates available.how much heat we need, to increase these microstates in factor of 10^{10} ...
[SOLVED] statistical physics
Homework Statement
I am working on number 3 part a.
I am trying to calculate C_P.
From the first law of thermodynamics: dQ = dU -dW = dU +PdV (does anyone...
[SOLVED] statistical physics
Homework Statement
I am working on Problem 3.
So I want to calculate the integral of dW along each of those paths. But how can I relate dW to dV? dW is equal...
Homework Statement
A spaceship that is cylindrical of area A and Length L decelerates at a constant rate a. The air treated. What is the difference in pressure due to the motion from the front to the back of the ship. The acceleration is parallel to L and air was in thermal...
I have a paramagnatic solid, where the atoms have a spin S=1 , and a magnetic momentum
We have a magnetic field:
Under the influence of B the atoms can take 3 value of energy e,-e,0
The solid is maintained at a Temperature T and N number of atoms.
The question are...
Homework Statement
The result
n_{0 \gamma} = \left( \frac{k_BT_{0r}}{hc} \right)^3 \int_0^{\infty} \frac{8 \pi x^2 dx}{e^x-1} = 2 \frac{\zeta(3)}{\pi^2} \left( \frac{k_BT_{0r}}{hc} \right)^3
is obtained for photons by integrating over the Planck distribution appropriate for bosons. In...
Hi there.
In my homework, I had to calculate the variation of the pressure with the altitude for a classical gas. I know that I should calculate the density of particles per volume element.
I found this pdf on the net (http://cannoli.mps.ohio-state.edu/phy847/phy847-p2.pdf) .
If you see...
I'm having a bit of trouble with 2 homework questions.
Firstly, I need to show that (Heat Capacity/Specific Heat) = 1+2f
using the fact that Cp= (1+f/2)Nk
and Cv= (f/2)Nk
I've tried to work this out by cross multiplying these, but I don't think I'm doing the maths right...
Can anyone explain the meaning of this formula from statistical physics to me:
S = -k\sum_r{p_r\ln p_r}
Ok, I know that S is the entropy, the p's are probabilities of some sort - but somehow this is not satisfactory :-)
I'm having trouble with this statistical physics thing again. I am given this exercise:
Problem 9 – A spin model
In a solid at temperature T the atoms have spin 1 so that the m quantum number takes on the values m = 0, ±1. Due to an interaction with the electrostatic field in the...
I need some useful and conceptual book in advanced statistical physics.
I can understand the mathematics in some famous book such as Pathria, but I have trouble understanding some concepts in that area.
Any suggestion?!
Thanks in advance.
Hi. I've just started a course on statistical physics and the first assignment is this:
A system possesses 3 energy levels, E_1 = \epsilon, E_2 = 2\epsilon and E_3 = 3\epsilon. The degeneracy of the levels are g(E1) = g(E3) = 1, g(E2) = 2. Find the heat capacity of the system.
Let be an statistical system of N particles with their Hamiltonian..
then you could obtain their equations of motion in the form:
dp_{i}/dt=-dH/dp_{i} and dq_{i}/dt=p_{i}/m
but of course if N is big you could take years and...
I am mixed up about thermal equilibrium in statistical physics. And I hope you excuse me if I use unconventional words, I am from Sweden, my book is in german and I try to express myself in english.
In my book (Noltings "Grundkurs theoretische Physik, Band 6") thermal equilibrium is defined...
Hi all,
I have a question about the chemical potential \mu from statistical physics:
Why is the chemical potential \mu for a photon gas (or phonon gas) zero?
Thanks in advance
Hi all.
So something's bothering me;
Given the def. S=-k(sum on r: pr*ln(pr)) for the entropy, find the entropy of N>>1 free particles moving in a 2d box with energy E.
Now, don't I have a continuum of states here? How do I do that?
Thanks :smile:
According to QM, a diatomic gas molecule possesses rotational energy levels given by En = (1/2I)(h^2)n(n + 1). h is meant to be h-bar, Planck's constant over 2π here and I = moment of inertia. Energy level n has a degeneracy of 2n + 1.
Find the partition function of the rotational motion of a...
Consider 2 systems of spin 1/2 paramagnets, which may point either up or down wrt a magnetic field. The first system contains 8 paramagnets and the second contains 6 paramagnets.
Suppose the energy of the combined system is constrained such that the total number of spins pointing up in the 2...
Hi everyone, I have two questions from my latest homework set that are driving me nuts, so here goes:
1) "Recalling that the Fermi-Dirac distribution function applies to all fermions, including protons and neutrons, each of which have spin 1/2, consider a nucleus of 22Ne consisting of 10...
Lately I've been reading a lot of statistical physics and I really enjoy it. I was curious what sorts of physics more study in this area would lead me to. Condensded matter? Solid state?