Statistics Definition and 998 Threads

Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. In applying statistics to a scientific, industrial, or social problem, it is conventional to begin with a statistical population or a statistical model to be studied. Populations can be diverse groups of people or objects such as "all people living in a country" or "every atom composing a crystal". Statistics deals with every aspect of data, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments.When census data cannot be collected, statisticians collect data by developing specific experiment designs and survey samples. Representative sampling assures that inferences and conclusions can reasonably extend from the sample to the population as a whole. An experimental study involves taking measurements of the system under study, manipulating the system, and then taking additional measurements using the same procedure to determine if the manipulation has modified the values of the measurements. In contrast, an observational study does not involve experimental manipulation.
Two main statistical methods are used in data analysis: descriptive statistics, which summarize data from a sample using indexes such as the mean or standard deviation, and inferential statistics, which draw conclusions from data that are subject to random variation (e.g., observational errors, sampling variation). Descriptive statistics are most often concerned with two sets of properties of a distribution (sample or population): central tendency (or location) seeks to characterize the distribution's central or typical value, while dispersion (or variability) characterizes the extent to which members of the distribution depart from its center and each other. Inferences on mathematical statistics are made under the framework of probability theory, which deals with the analysis of random phenomena.
A standard statistical procedure involves the collection of data leading to test of the relationship between two statistical data sets, or a data set and synthetic data drawn from an idealized model. A hypothesis is proposed for the statistical relationship between the two data sets, and this is compared as an alternative to an idealized null hypothesis of no relationship between two data sets. Rejecting or disproving the null hypothesis is done using statistical tests that quantify the sense in which the null can be proven false, given the data that are used in the test. Working from a null hypothesis, two basic forms of error are recognized: Type I errors (null hypothesis is falsely rejected giving a "false positive") and Type II errors (null hypothesis fails to be rejected and an actual relationship between populations is missed giving a "false negative"). Multiple problems have come to be associated with this framework, ranging from obtaining a sufficient sample size to specifying an adequate null hypothesis. Measurement processes that generate statistical data are also subject to error. Many of these errors are classified as random (noise) or systematic (bias), but other types of errors (e.g., blunder, such as when an analyst reports incorrect units) can also occur. The presence of missing data or censoring may result in biased estimates and specific techniques have been developed to address these problems.

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  1. K

    What are some good graduate level statistics textbooks?

    Did a search on statistical textbooks on the forum but did not find much except introductory statistical textbooks. Just curious as to what are some of the better intermediate to advanced level statistics textbooks on the market?
  2. Z

    What can you do with Probability and Statistics?

    I'm a high-school/dual-enrolled CC student, and in the fall, I plan to take a Prob/Stat class that has multivariable calculus as a co-requisite (I'll probably do its sequel class in the spring as well). What exactly can you do in Physics or Chemistry with knowledge of Prob/Stat?
  3. E

    Comparing different sized samples, statistics help needed.

    It has been a long time since I've done any statistics, so apologies in advance if I'm asking elementary questions. I wanted to do some nice statistics for a charity event that was held. The data I have is: Group A, 20 volunteers (total people in group 100 people.) Group B, 15 volunteers...
  4. G

    Please help with probability and statistics problem

    These questions are from a textbook. I attempted them, but couldn't get the answer. Please try which ever ones you can and provide a brief explanation if necessary of how to get the answer. 1. What are the odds against your rolling doubles in fewer than four rolls of dice? Attempt: First, I...
  5. I

    Mathematical Quantum Statistics: Why is A*rho of trace class?

    Hi, as we know a density operator \rho is defined to be a non-negative definite operator of trace class (with trace 1). We also know that for a given observable A, which is a (possibly unbounded) self-adjoint operator, the expectation value can be calculated as \operatorname{tr}(A \cdot...
  6. K

    What Should I Study to Prepare for Mathematical Statistics?

    I'm making the jump from math ed to pure math. I've done a bit more than the usual math-for-teachers stuff and my advisor is convinced I can pull it off, but if I sound nervous, this is why. I know what to review and study up on before fall semester for two of my classes but I'm at a loss...
  7. L

    Statistics - Standard Deviation, Standard Error and Mean

    Hello, Just had a question regarding statistical analysis. I'm trying to calculate the average of 4 numbers from a data set of 6 numbers in excel without manually choosing to average only the 4 numbers. e.g. 85 20 32 45 27 3 (total mean = 35.3 desired mean = 31) 100 30 27 40 21 1...
  8. chisigma

    MHB Unsolved statistics questions from other sites, part II

    Like a previous thread also this is opened with the purpose to answer to statistic questions proposed in other sites that didn't receive answer for not less than three days. Let’s start with an interesting problem about ‘Random walking’… Posted on 11 26 2011 on by...
  9. Shackleford

    Looking for Good Textbooks on Statistics and PDE?

    I just graduated with a B.S. Math and Physics Minor. I took Probability but not Statistics. I also didn't get a chance to take PDE. I'm looking for some good textbooks on the subjects.
  10. S

    Statistics question: error of slope in linear regression from r

    A text says that if you calculate the linear regression of data points and you get the equation y=mx+b with an r2 value, the error in the slope is given by: δm/m=2(1-r) No explanation was given. Could someone please explain this formula? Thanks!
  11. C

    Statistics and independent variables

    Homework Statement Let's say the independent variable (in statistical terms) A depends on variables B, C and D. We perform tests, and find out that the variable A causes "something" with the values of B, C and D equal to B2, C2 and D2. Let's also say that A with variables B, C and D of B1...
  12. O

    [Statistics] Obtaining test statistic in short problem

    Hey everyone! Exam practice, that time of year. In this problem 13 with correct answer C, I'm not sure how they get the test statistic: think they want you to use a F-test, that tests the entire model, which is calculated by: F= ((R^2)/ K)/ ((1 - R^2)/(n-K-1))...
  13. S

    Quantum statistics: density of states problem

    When you consider a electron L×L×L box, I think I understand how to derive the DOS-spectrum. Unfortunately, when a small change is made to the problem, I really don't understand what to do, so I probably don't understand the theory at all.. This is the question: Homework Statement Consider a...
  14. R

    Whats the best statistics software?

    I need a software for statistics, so it should make plots, fitting curves on points, calculate the uncertainty of measurement etc. Which software do you recommend?
  15. P

    Need Advice on Spatial Statistics for a Lattice

    My professor gave me data points representing living cells on a rectangular plane and was told to analyze their spatial pattern, i.e., do the date points on the finite plane have a tendency to be clustered, random, or dispersed. I successfully accomplished this for points on a continuous plane...
  16. A

    Math General Mathematics vs Applied Mathematics vs Statistics degree. Differences?

    What are the differences between these three undergraduate degrees? I am contemplating on being an Applied Mathematician. I have a natural desire to solve statistics and probability questions. If I were to come across a real life problem I would try to involve these concepts in solving them...
  17. E

    CDF and PDF of order statistics

    Hi, I have K i.i.d. exponentially distributed random variables with mean unity. I need to find the CDF and PDF of the summation of the largest two random variables. How can I do that? The problem in this case is that the combinations are not independent. Thanks in advance
  18. P

    Statistics of random processes passed through an LTI system

    Hello, I apologize in advance if I have missed the right place to ask. I'd be grateful if you could forward me to the right place, if that is the case. Google didn't help, so maybe someone here can point me in the right direction: 1) "If the input to a LTI system is a Gaussian random...
  19. R

    Programs What would you think of a statistics major?

    Hi there, I enjoy mathematics, programming, and chemistry. However, I don't enjoy physics at all and I'm not good at it (if it's okay to say that on PhysicsForums haha). I think that makes engineering an unlikely path for me. Degrees in math or computer science at my university require...
  20. L

    Looking for a statistics course

    Hi everyone, I'm doing a research subject about the correlation between the lunar tides and earthquakes, but I've never study the statistics. Could some one suggest me a online course or something like that to give me some ideas of how to study the correlation between events? Thank you in...
  21. T

    How can I learn R for statistics software without prior knowledge?

    Hi all, I've been asked to learn how to use the R for statistics software at work. I know "basic" stats theory such as linear/multiple regression, t-tests, ANOVA etc, and have used other software packages such as Excel, SPSS, but never R. Can anyone recommend any good books/websites to get me...
  22. P

    The difference between analysis and statistics as they relate to physics

    I'm going to try for a triple major in physics, math, and computer science. I already have a CS related associates, so many of those courses as well as electives are knocked out already. The plan is to master in astrophysics/cosmology, and the end goal is to work for NASA. I read in another...
  23. C

    Measurement Scales (Statistics)

    Homework Statement In class we have to determine whether something is nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio and with the last 2 (ratio/interval) you have to state if they are discrete or continuous. Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a Solution Height of Mt Everst above Sea level=...
  24. B

    Good Books on Intro Statistics with Proofs and Theory?

    After having read the first half of Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis by Peck and Olsen, I must say that the book is complete garbage. Does anyone know any good books on intro statistics that provides proofs for its theorems and the axioms of probability? It should be focused more...
  25. M

    Will someone please explain Bayesian statistics?

    I don't know much algebra (I kind of skipped it and went to geometry), but I do sort of understand statistics. I can certainly perform a z-test or a t-test and know when they should or shouldn't be used.
  26. X

    Statistics: Using a PDF function

    Homework Statement I am doing a practice final exam in preparation of my actual final exam next week. Here is the link. I am doing problem number 2. The Attempt at a Solution So this seems...
  27. chisigma

    MHB Unsolved statistics questions from other sites....

    This thread is opened by me with the purpose to answer to statistic questions proposed in other sites that didn't receive answer for not less that three days. Let's start from that question posted on by Frida on 04 22 2012... A variable of two populations has a mean of 7.9...
  28. M

    Order Statistics Probabilities

    Homework Statement Let Xi ~ iid f(x) = (2x)I[0,1](x), i = 1,...,n. Find the distribution of X(1). What is the probability that the smallest one exceeds .2?
  29. X

    Statistics - ANOVA table calculation

    Homework Statement #5Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution How did they get the MSTr and MSE form that table? I'm aware of the formulas such as MSE= SSE/(N-k) and so on, but usually you have some values given. Do I first...
  30. L

    Statistical Definitions and Statement: X, S^2, μ, σ^2, True or False

    Homework Statement Let X1,…,Xn denote a random sample from a population with mean μ and variance σ^2. Assume that both μ and σ^2 are finite but unknown. Let X denote the sample mean and S^2 denote the sample variance. Are the following statements true or false? A-There is no difference...
  31. S

    Test Statistics for List of Person Heights (n=100)

    So i have a list of different person height (n=100) between 5 and 8 foot. 1) Test H0: mu = 5.9 vs Ha: mu (not) = 5.9ft with alpha = 0.05? 2) Test H0: Student height has a normal distribution vs H1: Student doesn't have a normal distribution alpha = 0.05 using X^2 distribution What does it...
  32. mishima

    Educational vs. Physics Statistics

    I was curious how much overlap there was between educational statistics used in educational research and physics or scientific statistics used in physics research. As a high school physics teacher, I would like to master both. The former for the purposes of student analysis, and the latter...
  33. S

    Is real analysis necessary for success in statistics?

    Hello there, Is real analysis really important in the process of learning statistics? The reason is, I suck at real analysis(actually, I failed it) and do really good at stats(I am in my third yr. at uni.). Should I continue studying stats or switch to another major? I am looking...
  34. L

    Normal Distribution: Basic statistics help needed

    Homework Statement In math 334 one semester, the average student made 1200 computations per month with a standard deviation of 150 computations. Assume that the number of computations is approximated by a normal curve. Find the percent of students making between 1200 and 1600 computations a...
  35. Monique

    How to deal with averaging before calculating statistics

    I have the following data set: condition A and condition B, with 4 replicates recorded over 3 time periods. Hypothetically you can think of it as measuring the height of the sun in the sky in winter (A) compared to the summer (B), in 4 nearby villages (independent observations) over 3 days...
  36. B

    Programs Where would I find statistics on gpa by major?

    I never really thought that I had a poor gpa until an interviewer said they won't even look at someone with less than a 3.5 gpa. I thought that was a little extreme and it has me wondering where I stack up. Does anyone know of a place that I could find some statistics on the matter?
  37. L

    What Is the Steady-State Distribution in a Bernoulli Queuing Process?

    Homework Statement Consider Bernoulli single-server queuing process with an arrival rate of 2 jobs per minute, a service rate of 4 jobs per minute, frames of 0.2 minutes, and a capacity limited by 2 jobs. Compute the steady-state distribution of the number of jobs in the system. Homework...
  38. S

    Calculus in Statistics: Get Expert Insight

    Hi, I know the title of this thread is very vague, so I apologize. How much calculus is actually used in statistics? I've heard Linear Algebra is one of the most used fields of math in statistics, but am interested in other opinions.
  39. A

    Calc-Based Statistics: Transformation of Two R.V.s, Change-of-Variables

    So I have thoughts about how to solve this problem, but more than anything I want a bit of a sanity check on what I've done so far, so that I don't spend the rest of tonight down a wrong path. The problem: Let the joint pdf of X,Y be \frac{1}{x^{2}y^{2}}, \quad x \geq 1, \quad y \geq 1...
  40. L

    Random vibrations/engineering probability & statistics

    Homework Statement Stress : S(t) = a0 + a1X(t) + a2X2(t) where X(t) is the random displacement, a Gaussian random process, and stationary. 1) determine the PDF of S(t) 2) determine the joint PDF of stress and stress velocity, S(t) and S'(t). 3) how would you determine the PDF of...
  41. L

    What Are the Markov Chain Probabilities for a Taxicab's Moves?

    Homework Statement A taxicab moves between the airport, Hotel A, and Hotel B according to a Markov chain with transition probabilities: P(airport → A) = 0.7, P(airport → B) = 0.3, P(A → airport) = 0.9, P(A → B) = 0.1, P(B → airport) = 0.8, P(B → A) = 0.2. A-If the taxicab starts...
  42. M

    Wick's theorem for other statistics

    Hi all! I've got a question concerning Wick's theorem. I followed the proof in the book by Fetter and Walecka and it works well for particles with "normal" statistic, that means for bosons and fermons (commuting or anticommuting). But what about anyons, particles which don't commute just with a...
  43. A

    Can Geomagnetic Field Statistics Explain Colony Collapse Disorder?

    I am trying to find a correlation between colony collapse disorder and the change in Earth's magnetic field. I don't understand the whole physics of measuring Earth's magnetic field but I am guessing that there is some sort of measurement that has been recorded every year? I have been...
  44. S

    Math Which Major Is Better for an Aspiring Academic: Pure Mathematics or Statistics?

    Should i choose pure mathematics or statistics as a major for my degree? I intend to do my masters n PhD to become a lecturer. which is d better path if i want to be an academician? i also heard dat pure maths esp math proof is vry rigorous but I'm nt sure if i'll like stats.. any advice?
  45. 9

    Testing for Difference in Means with Independent Samples

    Homework Statement Independent random samples selected. One has 15 points, one has 16. It asks "is there evidence μ2 - μ1 > 10? Test at 0.01 level of significance. 2. The attempt at a solution There are 29 degrees of freedom. The t-score at 0.01 for 29 is 2.462. I just don't get how I...
  46. X

    Statistics - Tests of Hypotheses

    Homework Statement Consider N(μ, σ2=40) distribution. To test H0:=32 against H1:μ>32, we reject H0if the sample mean \overline{X}≥c. Find the sample size n and the constant c such that OC(μ=32)=0.90 AND OC(μ=35)=0.15. Homework Equations What I don't know The Attempt at a Solution...
  47. 1

    Questionable statistics formula?

    Ok so I started this debate with my teacher. It is about this formula for finding the Quartiles of grouped data. Let's take a look at this data: With ungrouped data, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12, for example, we solve for Q1 as (at least that's what she taught us): Q1 = 1(12) / 4 Q1 = 3...
  48. S

    Estimate of noise statistics within some error

    This question concerns estimating the PDF of noise, based upon observations of a data stream consisting of noise embedded with transient signals. I would like to know if my Proposed Solution is a correct approach. Suppose I have "long" stream of seismic data, consisting of noise, and with...
  49. 9

    How Do Standard Deviations Affect Probability in Statistics Problems?

    Homework Statement My mean is 5.80 My standard deviation is 0.64 The largest number does not exceed 7 1) What is the probablity the probability of randomly selecting a number, and the number being over 2 σ from the mean. 2) For a sample of 30, what is the probablity the mean will be over 2...
  50. 9

    Sample statistics vs population statistics

    Homework Statement My task is to explain why the sample statistics I have obtained differ from the population statistics I have obtained from some data - using "concepts taught in class, if they exist". I have calculated x̄ and s, as well as σ and µ. Homework Equations First of all, the...