Stats Definition and 248 Threads

Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. In applying statistics to a scientific, industrial, or social problem, it is conventional to begin with a statistical population or a statistical model to be studied. Populations can be diverse groups of people or objects such as "all people living in a country" or "every atom composing a crystal". Statistics deals with every aspect of data, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments.When census data cannot be collected, statisticians collect data by developing specific experiment designs and survey samples. Representative sampling assures that inferences and conclusions can reasonably extend from the sample to the population as a whole. An experimental study involves taking measurements of the system under study, manipulating the system, and then taking additional measurements using the same procedure to determine if the manipulation has modified the values of the measurements. In contrast, an observational study does not involve experimental manipulation.
Two main statistical methods are used in data analysis: descriptive statistics, which summarize data from a sample using indexes such as the mean or standard deviation, and inferential statistics, which draw conclusions from data that are subject to random variation (e.g., observational errors, sampling variation). Descriptive statistics are most often concerned with two sets of properties of a distribution (sample or population): central tendency (or location) seeks to characterize the distribution's central or typical value, while dispersion (or variability) characterizes the extent to which members of the distribution depart from its center and each other. Inferences on mathematical statistics are made under the framework of probability theory, which deals with the analysis of random phenomena.
A standard statistical procedure involves the collection of data leading to test of the relationship between two statistical data sets, or a data set and synthetic data drawn from an idealized model. A hypothesis is proposed for the statistical relationship between the two data sets, and this is compared as an alternative to an idealized null hypothesis of no relationship between two data sets. Rejecting or disproving the null hypothesis is done using statistical tests that quantify the sense in which the null can be proven false, given the data that are used in the test. Working from a null hypothesis, two basic forms of error are recognized: Type I errors (null hypothesis is falsely rejected giving a "false positive") and Type II errors (null hypothesis fails to be rejected and an actual relationship between populations is missed giving a "false negative"). Multiple problems have come to be associated with this framework, ranging from obtaining a sufficient sample size to specifying an adequate null hypothesis. Measurement processes that generate statistical data are also subject to error. Many of these errors are classified as random (noise) or systematic (bias), but other types of errors (e.g., blunder, such as when an analyst reports incorrect units) can also occur. The presence of missing data or censoring may result in biased estimates and specific techniques have been developed to address these problems.

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  1. D

    Exploring my Path to Grad School: Math, Stats & Engineering

    In May I graduated from a small liberal arts college with a Bachelors in Math (3.6/4) and in Economics (3.8/4). In July I shipped off to Vietnam where I am currently teaching HS Math at a large private school in Hanoi. I took a last minute GRE before I left and scored reasonably well IMO (V 159...
  2. S

    Math Stats: Preparing for Grad School?

    I was wondering what a introductory (1 year sequence) mathematical statistics would be like in terms of mathematical rigor and usages of calculus 1 - 3. The course I'm thinking about taking requires calc 3. I've heard that graduate level mathematical stats courses can be just as rigerous as a...
  3. W

    Is probability branch of maths or stats?

    Hi all, I was wondering if someone can tell me that is probability branch of mathematics or statistics. Wikipedia says that Probability Theory is branch of mathematics but in University Statistics department offers probability modules. Also, is Statistics branch of mathematics, after all it...
  4. B

    Basic stats question involving borel sets

    Homework Statement (the actual problem is the third part down) Homework Equations the first two parts are the definition of borel sets,and the second part is a relevant theorem. The Attempt at a Solution so I'm new to Borel sets. And I feel like I'm...
  5. J

    Analyzing Data with Limited Sampling Rate: Techniques and Approaches

    Hey, I have never taken any stats course but I desperately need the answers to my questions checked out. We have a dataset with 5 independent and dozens of observational dependent variables, including location. The independent and dependent variables are sampled asynchronously! (the...
  6. B

    What is the relationship between fuel economy and engine type in Europe?

    Homework Statement I am analyzing fuel economy of vehicles in Europe. Since there are gasoline (lower MPG) and diesel (higher MPG) I assumed the distribution to be bimodal. I am trying to deconstruct the data into a gasoline MPG and a diesel MPG. I have attached an image to explain my...
  7. J

    Math Grad School Choices: MSc Math or Stats?

    Hi, all. This is my first post. Although my question isn't directly physics related, I hope I will be able to get some feedback, as I haven't had much luck finding career advice forums for math & stats. I recently obtained a BSc with a major in Mathematics. This is not an honours or...
  8. J

    Should I Take Pre-Calc and AP-Stats?

    Hey everyone, Next year (sophomore year in high school) I will be taking pre-calc as of now. I was just dropping into ask if anyone thinks that it's a good idea to take AP-Stats along with pre-calc. I can't imagine myself having all that much trouble with it, as I do love math. Thanks for...
  9. H

    Huge Multi Part Prob + Stats question from past paper

    A university department has 2 secretaries (labelled A and B) who do all the word processing required by the department. The number of misprints on a randomly sampled page typed by secretary i (i=A,B) has a Poisson distribution with Mean Ui independent of the number of misprints on any other...
  10. H

    Huge Multi Part Prob + Stats question from past paper

    A university department has 2 secretaries (labelled A and B) who do all the word processing required by the department. The number of misprints on a randomly sampled page typed by secretary i (i=A,B) has a Poisson distribution with Mean Ui independent of the number of misprints on any other...
  11. H

    MHB Huge Multi Part Prob + Stats question from past paper

    A university department has 2 secretaries (labelled A and B) who do all the word processing required by the department. The number of misprints on a randomly sampled page typed by secretary i (i=A,B) has a Poisson distribution with Mean Ui independent of the number of misprints on any other...
  12. E

    Firmi-Dirac Stats. - Calculate number of microstates.

    Homework Statement Determine the number of microstates where two particles have have energy 2eV, three have 3eV, three have energy 4eV, and two have 5eV. 10 indistinguishable Particles 1 particle allowed per state. ε1 = 1eV ε2 = 2eV ε3 = 3eV ε4 = 4eV ε5 = 5eV ε6 = 6eV g1...
  13. A

    Calc-Based Stats, Prove a Conditional Distribution is Gamma Distributed

    Homework Statement An image of the assigned problem is here: Homework Equations The formula for being exponential, gamma, and probably Bayes's Law. They'd take a while to type out, and presumably anyone who can help me with this already knows the formulas or...
  14. W

    Stats question, how to get expected values

    Homework Statement I have taken a random sample such that X~N(8,2). I want to use the samples that I have generated to estimate E(xbar), E(s2), E(α21) and E(α22) for the population. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am not entirely sure how to do these. I know that for a...
  15. R

    Solving Stats Problem: Find Probability of X ≥ 2 after 15 Tries

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I've tried putting this into a poisson distribution, binomial, negative binomial. I've tried to get the interval from 0-1 and subtracting that from 1 to find out what the probability is that the Random variable is X...
  16. B

    Stats proof - unbiasedness of b1

    We are to prove sum(n)(I=1)(k(I))*(x(I)) = 1 Where (k(I))= (x(I)-x(bar))/(sum(n)(j=1)(x(j)-x(bar))^2 Attempt at solution: I rearranged it to equal: (1/(sum(n)(j=1)(x(j)-x(bar))^2))*(sum(n)(I=1)(x(I)-x(bar))*x(I)) I don't really know how to proceed. Sorry for the formatting...
  17. 8

    Stats question regarding negative binomial

    Homework Statement The problem is attached in the pdf Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have the solution, I just don't really understand it. In the solution, the author takes the expected value of the negative binomial ( n(1-pi)/pi ) and plugs it into the g'(x)...
  18. Z

    Stats question- likelihood function for a ratio

    Homework Statement According to genetic linkage theory, observed frequencies of four phenotypes resulting from crossing tomato plants are in the ratio 9/16 + a : 3/16 - a : 3/16 - a : 1/16 + a. In 1931, J.W. MacArthur reported the following frequencies: Observed...
  19. M

    Stats - Probability of redrawing a ball (draw, replace)

    Homework Statement There are balls numbered 1 through n in a box. Suppose that a boy successively draws a ball from the box, each time replacing the one drawn before drawing another. This continues until the boy draws a ball that he has previously drawn before. Let X denote the number of...
  20. D

    Stats - find the distribution function of an infinite sample space.

    Homework Statement A die is rolled until the first time that a six turns up. We shall see that the probability that this occurs on the nth roll is (5/6)n−1 · (1/6). Using this fact, describe the appropriate infinite sample space and distribution function for the experiment of rolling a die...
  21. N

    Stats Text Error? Solve Mystery w/ Mood's Introduction

    ...or more likely, I'm just being retarded. So here's the offending statement: Let X be our random variable with a countable range of {x_1, x_2, ... , x_n, ...}. Let f(x) be a discrete density function and F(x) the corresponding cumulative distribution function. Then, f(x_j) = F(x_j) -...
  22. W

    Stats 1 question: standard deviation

    I missed the lesson on this and i can't figure out how to do this question with the data given. Homework Statement A class of 20 students takes a test. The score, x , for each student was recorded by the teacher. The results of summarised by: ∑(x-10) = 208 and ∑(x-10)² = 2716 i) calculate...
  23. C

    Simple stats problem: number of tests to be significant?

    Hey guys, Basically I have a component that I want to test multiple times. The outcome of each test is simply a Pass/Fail. What I want to know is how many tests do I have to do to be (say) 95% sure that I have the right result? My stats knowledge is a bit hazy but I know that for these...
  24. R

    Multiple variable correlation - drowning in stats formulas,

    Hello everyone, My boss has asked me to find if there is any correlation between various sample parameters in a water quality study. We took around 150 samples, and for each one measured around 50 parameters e.g. iron content, free residual chlorine, level of coliforms, pH, etc etc. I...
  25. T

    Tricky stats question from assignment

    Homework Statement 265 students hire a tutor to help them improve their scores on the SAT test. The results are summarized in Math and Verbal score changes. Math: Mean change in score = 19, Standard Deviation of score changes = 65 Verbal: Mean change in score = 7, Standard Deviation of...
  26. R

    Solving Probability w/in 1 STD: Stats Problem Homework

    Homework Statement I am given a table of x and Probability of x an I have calculated the standard deviation and the variance. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution from here how do I calculate the probability that a value is within one standard deviation
  27. N

    Clarification of stats question

    Homework Statement 4 temperature measuring instruments were compared. readings were taken at 10 points (as temp was increased) 2. The attempt at a solution the wording of the question is what's confusing me. Is each instrument going to have one value for deviation? Or is it asking for a...
  28. B

    Stats: figuring out ranges of transformed variables

    Homework Statement so in general, i am having difficulty in figuring out the range of a transformed variable. sometimes it's easy, i just plug in values and get the other values out, but sometimes I'm not seeing it. for example: f(x)=4x3, for 0<x<1 and let U = (X-.5)2. Finding the pdf of U...
  29. E

    Programs Stats vs Math minor :confused:

    I'm a computer engineering major and I would like to work designing hardware and systems. I believe I'm a great inventor and think in a very abstract fashion. My grades on non math classes stink, but my math and physics grades are well above the "A" curve. Scoring from 85-100 on exams. points of...
  30. B

    Programs Do I Have a Better Shot at PhD Programs in Statistics or Mathematics?

    For the key stuff, just glance at the bold statements and my program choices. So; I tend to think that my stats are pretty iffy, but I'd like to see if I can get any input. I'm applying to a variety of programs (though I'm only putting up the math and stats choices here) because I've got a...
  31. S

    Simulation scripts for a Stats question.

    Just wondering how I can manipulate this script to give an estimate for (b). For reading purposes, here's the whole question. 3. Suppose there are 50 memory chips in a box, of which 40 are "good" and 10 are "bad." We withdraw four of the 50 chips at random to upgrade a computer. (a) What is...
  32. S

    Need guidance on types of stats or stat tests that can be done for simulation

    I will try to be brief, so please bear with me! I have a Matlab program which simulates a particle's movement over time in a certain ocean. The details of this implementation aren't really important, but basically I create about ~300 particles near each other and place them at a certain...
  33. D

    Stats: How to combine the results of several binary tests

    (I asked this question in the Stack Exchange" , but didn't get anything that was helpful to me.) I'm a programmer (former EE) working on a medical application. My last stats course was in...
  34. W

    Software Learning Opportunities for Summer: CAD, Stats Anal. & PSpice

    I am home for the summer and trying to learn a decent amount of software. I already know about AutoCAD, Inventor, etc. but I can't find anything from them that lasts more than a month and has features removed maybe someone could point me out to a special offer? Also, what are the more popular...
  35. M

    Weighing Options: Should I Take AP Stats?

    Hi, I'm deciding whether or not to take AP Stats. I will be taking Honors Physics and AP Calculus AB and AP Latin. I've read that only Calculus-based stats is useful for Engineering. I don't want to take all three courses because I don't want to kill myself. Is AP Stats absolutely...
  36. F

    Continuous random variable (stats)

    The probability density function of the time customers arrive at a terminal (in minutes after 8:00 A.M) is f(x)= (e^(-x/10))/10 for 0 < x c) Determine the probability that: two or more customers arrive before 8:40 A.M among five that arrive at the terminal. Assume arrivals are...
  37. J

    How Many US Households Have Over $1 Million in Assets? Are these numbers correct? One in every 400 US households make more than $1 million a year? One out of every 15 U.S. households has at least $1 million in assets?
  38. icystrike

    Can a T-Test Justify Retaining an Outlier in Small Sample Sizes?

    Reject Value (Stats) (URGENT) Homework Statement Hi PF! I've gotten a few values from an experiment for (QA): 7233, 8064, 8202, 8277 The instruction manual told keep the coeff of variance within 2.00% and that force for to reject the value 7233. But I'm wondering if i can use t test to...
  39. V

    What Are the Chances of Water Rationing Over a Decade in Southland?

    Water shortages require water rationing policies. From past records, we know that the probability that water needs to be rationed in a southland water district in any given year is 0.15. Assume that water rationing in consecutive years are independent events. Let X be the number of years with...
  40. B

    Stats: mle with two parameters

    Homework Statement in a genetics situation, we have two variables, x1 and x2, such that both x1 and x2 >0, and x1+x2<1. we have: p1 = x12 p2 = x22 p3 = (1-x1-x2)2 p4 = 2x1x2 p5 = 2x1(1-x1-x2) p6 = 2x2(1-x1-x2) find the mles for x1 and x2. Homework Equations the answer (from the...
  41. B

    Significance Test Cutoff: Is .05 Result Significant?

    In any significance test, if the result is greater than the cutoff it is not significant, if the result is less than the cutoff it is significant. What if it is exactly equal to the cutoff (.05) is it significant or not?
  42. B

    Probability and Stats permutation problem

    Homework Statement So here's the problem. There is an elevator w/ 5 people equally likely to get off at any of the 7 floor. What is the probability that no two passengers will get off the same floor. Homework Equations The probability of event should be P(E)= number of event...
  43. S

    Does Surgical Implantation Affect Hummingbird Weight Loss?

    Hello, I am faced with a perplexing challenge in analyzing my results for an ecology experiment. All help is immensely appreciated. The situation: I have 6-month longitudinal mass data for 8 hummingbirds. From eye-balling the data, time definitely has an effect: masses tend to decrease...
  44. T

    Stats: Simple Linear Regression

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] The Attempt at a Solution Done parts (a) and (b). How do I do parts (c) and (d)? Is the simple linear regression model just Y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1 X_i + \varepsilon_i where \varepsilon_i \stackrel...
  45. C

    Probability of B Given A: Solving a Simple Stats Question

    Homework Statement The problem goes like this. I have two parameters A and B, both which can only be true or false ( booleans ). Then, the only information I have is that for x events for which A is true, B is also true y times. My question then is, what is the most I can get out of these two...
  46. S

    Is My Lack of Posting Stats a Big Deal Down Here?

    (nod'n'smile to all) Not a terribly important question, but i feel piqued curiosity without question is against forum rules.. i am a <week old member, just noticed my post count still shows zero. I don't have an accountancy OCD but i don't want to be the "new kid" forever..:rolleyes: ...
  47. L

    Probability of Picking an Ace from 47 Cards

    Pick one card from a deck, then throw it away. Now pick another card from the remaining 51 cards. What is the probability that card is an Ace? Pick 5 cards from a deck and throw them away without looking at them. Now pick another card from the remaining 47 cards. What is the probability that...
  48. R

    Exploring F@H Stats with My Friend: The Hidden Insights

    My friend and I have begun work on a folding at home statistics site. I'm going to break F@H down for you all real quick. Every 3 hours a Team submits more points and "Units" to their total points and Unit count. (The unit is where the points come from). So every 3 hours Point and Unit...
  49. K

    Math or Stats: Which Major Offers More Rigor and Career Opportunities?

    I'm not sure what to major in but stats is appealing to me more all of a sudden. Probably because I'm scared i can't get a job with a math degree. Which is harder though? Which one has more rigor? Which one will earn me more money?
  50. T

    Stats: Joint Density/Independence - Method of transformation (please check)

    Homework Statement Let X_1 and X_2 be independent \text{Exp}(\lambda) random variables. (i) Find the joint density of Y_1 = X_1 + X_2 and \displaystyle Y_2 = \frac{X_1}{X_2} (ii) Show that Y_1 and Y_2 are independent. The Attempt at a Solution (i) By independence of X_1 and X_2...