Steady Definition and 255 Threads

  1. D

    MHB Bifurcations, steady states, model analysis

    $N_{t + 1} =\begin{cases}rN_t^{1 - b}, & N_t > K\\ rN_t, & N_t < K \end{cases}$The steady states are when $N_{t + 1} = N_t = N_*$. $$ N_{*} =\begin{cases}rN_*^{1 - b}, & N_* > K\\ rN_*, & N_* < K \end{cases} $$ So the steady states are $N_* = \sqrt[b]{r}$ and $N_* = 0$. I am not sure how to...
  2. D

    MHB How can steady states be found for discrete models?

    So the book is showing an example about discrete steady states but neglected to show how the steady states were found. Here is what it has $u_{t+1}=ru_{t}(1-u_t), \quad r>0$ where we assume $0<r<1$ and we are interested in solutions $u_t>0$ Then it list the steady states $u^*=0, \quad...
  3. N

    Steady State Heat Equation in a One-Dimensional Rod

    Homework Statement Determine the equilibrium temperature distribution for a one-dimensional rod composed of two different materials in perfect thermal contact at x=1. For 0<x<1, there is one material (cp=1, K0=1) with a constant source (Q=1), whereas for the other 1<x<2 there are no sources...
  4. V

    Solving Transport Phenomena in a Steady State System

    I am facing a problem on transport phenomena. Can anyone help me to solve this problem. I would really appreciate it. Its little urgent. I know that i have to use shell mass balance to start the problem but how to proceed further is what making me confused. In a beaker, a solid sphere of...
  5. F

    Understanding hysteresis and steady states in a model with a nose at R=0.638

    I am trying to show that there are 3 nonzero steady states of \frac{du}{dt}=ru\left(1-\frac{u}{q}\right)-\left(1-\exp\left(-\frac{u^2}{\varepsilon}\right)\right)=0 I have tried using Mathematica and Mathematica couldn't solve it. I tried some algebra and that wasn't going anywhere so I am at a...
  6. D

    MHB What Are the Steady States of the Nondimensionalized DE System?

    Steady states for a system of nondimensionalized DEs $$ \begin{array}{lcl} \frac{du_1}{d\tau} & = & u_1(1 - u_1 - a_{12}u_2)\\ \frac{du_2}{d\tau} & = & \rho u_2(a - a_{21}u_1) \end{array} $$ So $(0,0)$ and $(1,0)$. Are there any more? If so, how did you find them?
  7. D

    MHB Could this nondimensionalized ODE reveal hysteresis through its steady states?

    I need to demonstrate that there are 3 possible nonzero steady states if r and q lie in a domain in r,q space given approximately by rq>4. Could this model exhibit hysteresis? The below ODE is nondimensionalized. $0<\varepsilon\ll 1$ $\displaystyle \frac{du}{d\tau} = ru\left(1 -...
  8. C

    Steady State Temperature in Semi-Infinite Plate with Discontinuity

    Homework Statement This is problem 13.2.2 in Mathematical Methods in Physical Sciences by Mary Boa. Find the steady state temperature distribution using the Laplace Equation on a semi-infinite plate extending in the y direction with the following boundary conditions: On the lines y =...
  9. K

    What fundamental force keeps a tilted top steady?

    A tilted top that would otherwise topple over can somehow not do so if it spins on an axis fast enough, but only if that axis also pivots fast enough circumferentially with respect to a "principal axis". Often conservation of angular momentum is used to predict this. But the rotational pull away...
  10. M

    Help with Power Curves for Steady Level Flight

    Hello all, first time poster here so please go easy :) I have to create a set of Power curves (Power Required and Power Available vs. Velocity) for a propeller-driven Ryan Navion A aircraft at intervals of 1000m. My question to you is this, due to the fact that the aircraft is in steady...
  11. M

    Does this PDE admit steady state solutions?

    Hello to everyone. I am new with this forum and I am asking help with PDE. I have a linear PDE: L f(x,y,t) = 0 where L is a second order linear operator depending on x, y, their partial derivatives, and t, but not on derivatives with respect to t. The question...
  12. A

    Steady state solution of a differential equation

    Homework Statement Hey. I am taking a MATLAB class and my instructor is absolutely horrendous. he does not teach us anything, but asks questions on everything. I'm having a problem with the following question: What is a...
  13. G

    Engineering How Do You Build an RLC Circuit with Specific Phase and Amplitude Requirements?

    I have been given the task of building an RLC circuit that is driven at 10kHz, has an output amplitude of 1/sqrt(2) and is 45 degrees out of phase from the input voltage. I am not really even sure where to get started. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.
  14. T

    Voltage through a steady state capacitor.

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution According to my notes when a circuit is in DC steady state inductors are short circuited and capacitors are open circuited. This leads me to believe that the voltage across the capacitor is basically the voltage looking in through...
  15. M

    What is the Steady State Temperature of a Brick Wall in a Fire?

    Homework Statement A fire in a room rapidly raises the temperature of the surface of the wall to a steady value of 1000°C. on the other side of the wall is a large warehouse, whose ambient air temperature is 20°C. If the wall is solid brick, 200 mm thick, with thermal conductivity of 0.72...
  16. M

    2d steady state conduction matlab help

    Homework Statement Hey guys, I am doing a steady state 2d heat conduction problem which is a 1mx1m cavity with three different wall temperatures on the 4 different walls. I am using the principle of superposition to work this out. What I want to do is plot a heat map on matlab. I...
  17. A

    How to solve steady state excess hole density

    Homework Statement A hole current of 10^(-5) A/cm2 is injected into the side (x=0) of a long N-silicon. Assuming the holes flow only by diffusion and that at very large values of x, the distribution of excess holes decays to zero, Determine a)The steady-state excess hole density at x=0...
  18. N

    Laser Physics: Steady state gain

    Hi In almost every book on photonics I've seen, the following expression for the steady state gain is derived 1 + flux/fluxsaturation = gsmall signal/g, where I by flux mean intracavity flux and g is the gain. When talking about lasers, then in the very same books (e.g. Saleh/Teich) the...
  19. T

    Comparing Carnot & Ranking Cycles + Steady Flow Energy Equation

    Please i need answer for this questions A- compare the Carnot cycle with the Ranking Cycle B- State The Steady Flow Energy equation and discuss the Origin and definition of each of the terms c- A vapour compression refrigeration using ammonia works at a condenser temperature of 40C and...
  20. D

    A man of mass 70kg rides a bicycle of mass 15kg at a steady speed of 4

    Homework Statement a man of mass 70kg rides a bicycle of mass 15kg at a steady speed of 4 ms-1 up a road which rises 1.0 m for every 20m of its length. what power is the cyclist developing if there is a constant resistance to motion of 20N Homework Equations (P= F*V) , ( p= W/t) The...
  21. E

    Steady state behavior for a particle undergoing damped forced oscillations

    Homework Statement consider a system with a damping force undergoing forced oscillations at an angular frequency ω a) what is the instantaneous kinetic energy of the system? b) what is the instantaneous potential energy of the system? c) what is the ratio of the average kinetic energy to the...
  22. M

    Engineering Sinusoidal steady state circuit

    I am trying to find the indicated currents for the following circuit, given v1 = 2sin(2t + 45): I attempted to solve it in the following way: v1 = 2sin(2t+45) // given = 2[sin(2t)cos(45) + cos(2t)sin(45)] = √2[sin(2t) + cos(2t)] I use a matrix for the loops: A = [2 -1 -1 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 3]...
  23. D

    Force exerted on U-shaped pipe by steady air-flow help please

    Force exerted on U-shaped pipe by steady air-flow... help please! :) Hello! I have attempted this problem, and my result makes sense in my twisted mind. However, it seems like it came too easy! Homework Statement Consider a length of pipe bent into a U-shape. The inside diameter of...
  24. J

    Steady state state model consistent with Big Bang

    The model I have is very simple it is: a(t) = A * (exp(H t) - 1) where H^2 = (8 Pi G /3 ) rho_min and A is just a factor to make a = 1 at the present time t_0: A = 1 / exp(H t_0 - 1) and rho_min is the limiting density of matter in the Universe for large t. The model...
  25. S

    Steady State Error of a PI Controlled System (parabolic input)

    Hey guys/gals, The block diagram attached is a PI controlled robotic joint system where: G(s)=Kp+(Ki/s) P(s)=48500/(s^2+2.89s) R(s)= joint’s desired angular position C(s)= joint’s angular position D(s)= external disturbance G(s)= PI controller ess= Steady State Error My...
  26. J

    What happen if everything in earth becomes steady?

    as atoms are doing motion and due to any reason if this motion stops and they becomes steady than what happens?
  27. S

    Heat loss whilst in steady state

    Hi all, I have a system which involves a ventilated box with a heat source located inside, if the heat source inside is say 1KW and I know it eventually reaches a steady state, in an ideal world it would reach this steady state by effectively ventilating 1KW of heat through the opening and...
  28. R

    Use of Thevenin's theorem in Steady State Analysis

    Homework Statement R1 = 29 ohm R2 = 23 ohm f = 60hz L = 20mH C = .1uF Is = 27A K = 12 See picture for circuit.Homework Equations KCL, KVL, is = Is cos (wt), V = IZ The Attempt at a Solution I first did a source conversion to volts then tried to love using KCL and the nodal method. When I...
  29. G

    Time to reach thermal equilibrium and/or a steady state

    I want to calculate the time it takes for a spherical sample (radius, r) to reach thermal equilibrium in an oven where the temperature is held constant. I don’t need a super accurate answer, within 5-10 seconds is sufficient. Is it reasonable to simply say that when the Fourier Number (Fo) is...
  30. B

    Neumann BVP steady state solution

    Homework Statement U_t = u_{xx} - 4U u_x (0, t) = 0, u_x (\pi, t) = 1 u(x, 0) = 4cos(4x) Find a steady state solution to the boundary value problem. Homework Equations n/a The Attempt at a Solution Well I'm quite comfortable solving dirichlet/ mixed boundary value...
  31. C

    Steady state heat equation in concentric spherical shells

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm trying to find the steady state solution to the heat equation for a system of spherical shells (looks like" ) where heat generation Q occurs in...
  32. D

    Modified heat equation steady state

    Homework Statement determine the steady state equation for the given heat equation and boundary conditions Homework Equations Ut=Uxx-4(U-T) U(0,T)=T U(4,T)=0 U(x,0)=f(x) The Attempt at a Solution I put Ut=0 so 0=UInf''-4(Uinf-T) then once I tried to integrate I ended up with a...
  33. M

    Steady state model for a pressurized vessle

    I am trying to figure out the relationship between the air pressure inside of an inflated bladder and the diameter of the outlet with a fixed inlet flow rate. The inlet is fed by a blower which is delivering 600 scfm to the system through a 4" diameter inlet. The bladder is large, it is...
  34. Greg Bernhardt

    What is the evidence on Big Bang versus steady state cosmologies?

    FAQ: What is the evidence on Big Bang versus steady state cosmologies? Let's consider this question first under the assumption that general relativity and standard quantum mechanics are valid. (Both QM and GR have been verified to high precision by a wide variety of empirical tests.[Will])...
  35. J

    1 D steady state diffusion equation in the atmosphere

    Hello, I have a 1-D steady state (dc/dt=0) differential equation in the atmosphere. It looks like follows, K*C'' + (K'+K/H)*C' + (1/H*K'- (K/H^2)*H'- (L+Si))C + S = 0 where, C = concentration of the contaminant in the atmosphere at different heights z K = vertical diffusion...
  36. G

    Calculate Force to Move Crate at Steady Speed

    1. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between a 30 kg crate and the floor is 0.26, what horizontal force is required to move the crate at a steady speed across the floor?Fp is the pushing force. 2. Homework Equations ΣFx=max ΣFy=0 Ff=μkFn solving for Fp I get... Fp=max+Ff The Attempt at...
  37. J

    Steady state Vertical diffusion equation

    Hallo everyone, I am trying to find the way to solve the vertical diffusion equation for a spicies X in the atmosphere for steady state conditions (dc/dt=0). The equation has the form, dJ/dz -P+S=0 where J =(vs*C(z)) + rho*kz*d/dz(C(z)/rho(z)) is the flux of spicies X at height z...
  38. D

    How to find the steady state solution

    consider and determine the steady state solution of the differential equation below. dy/dx = y(y-1)(y+1) We can separate the variables, break the integrand into partial fractions, and integrate the fractions easily. Solving gives y = the square root of 1 / (1 - e^(2t)). as t goes to...
  39. C

    Calculating the Steady State Value of Vc After Opening a Switch in a RC Circuit

    Please Help me with this problem or with understanding it. Thank you! Homework Statement What is the stead-state value of Vc after the switch opens? Determine how long it takes after the switch opens before Vc is within 1 percent of its stead-state value. Homework Equations Vc = Vie-t/RC...
  40. L

    Magnetization current is a steady current?

    In developing Mazwell's equations in media, we considered the total charge as consisting of free and bound charges and currents, so that ρtot = ρf + ρb and Jtot = Jf + Jb The bound current maybe furhter divided into magnetization and polarization currents Jb = JM + JP ,expressed in terms...
  41. J

    Forces on a clyinder in a steady fluid flow

    For my project been given the task of finding the fluid flow round a cylinder. My task for the weekend is to find the forces in work here. All of our work is numerical so no analytical solutions will really help although they might help push me in the right direction. As such we have the...
  42. L

    What made Einstein think the universe was steady?

    I have two questions. Why did Einstein think the Universe was steady (unchanging)? What were his motives? And two: To make his universe steady (static) Einstein added the cosmological constant to his Theory of Relativity. Later he said that adding the cosmological constant was his...
  43. S

    2nd order System steady state error

    Homework Statement The system's closed loop transfer function is given below, find K and \alpha such that the input R(s) = 1/s^2 has no steady state error. (Hint: the system is not a unit feedback system) Homework Equations not sure...
  44. M

    Steady State Temperature Distribution inside a plate of infinite length

    Homework Statement Consider a rectangular metal plate 20 cm wide along y-axis and infinitely long in x as shown in the Figure below. The two long sides and the far end are held at 0ºC and the short side along y-axis has the temperature distribution T (y) = y, that is at a point y in cm...
  45. N

    Steady State 2-D Heat Equation with Mixed Boundary Conditions

    Homework Statement I am trying to solve the Laplacian Equation with mixed boundary conditions on a rectangular square that is 1m x 1m. Homework Equations \nabla2T=0 .....T=500K ....________ ....|@@@@| T=500K...|@@@@|...T=500K ....|@@@@| ....|______.| ....Convection ....dT...
  46. S

    Is Steady State Achieved in Actual Bearing Operation?

    Steady state is defined as the state at which at the temperature attained becomes constant. To say, there is no decrease or increase in temperature. It can also be defined as the state where the heat generated is equal to the heat dissipated. I have been capturing thermal images of a bearing in...
  47. J

    Understanding Steady State of Electric/Electronic Systems

    Hi, Can anyone explain what the steady state of a electric/electronic system is? as well as its significance and importance? is it the same as a dc steady state?
  48. V

    Steady State Torque for a Quadcopter

    My partner and I are working on a quadcopter, but we can't seem to find the correct equation we need for the counteracting steady state torque that is applied by the chassis to the motor. Obviously it would have the same magnitude of the state state torque of the propeller, but in the opposite...
  49. A

    A battery drives an electric motor which raises a 20 kg mass at a steady speed.

    1. A battery drives an electric motor which raises a 20 kg mass at a steady speed of 3m/s vertically upwards. If 90% of the electrical energy supplied is converted to mechanical energy and the current flowing is 5 A, find the emf of the battery. 2. W=QV p=mv P=IV K.E=.5mv^2 3...
  50. B

    Energy Analysis of Control Volumes at Steady State

    Homework Statement Steam enters a well insulated nozzle at... Pressure1 =300lbf/in^2 Temp1 =600 degrees F Velocity1 =100 ft/s The steam exits the nozzle at... Pressure2 =40lbf/in^2 Temp2 =? Velocity2 =1800ft/s For steady-state operation, and neglecting potential energy effects...