1. Homework Statement
I have a class in grade nine geography and as our final assignment we have to pick a topic on things that effect Canada. I picked stem cell research, got my info, but I have no idea of what to make the model. I tried thinking of everything, I'm in academic and for me to...
There are seven Mice.
For every Mouse, there are seven Hippos. For every Hippo, there are seven Bats. For every Hippo, there are seven Hawks. For every Hawk, there are seventeen Kites. For every Kite, there are seven apples. Every thing has six bugs. Every Bug has seven Fleas.
How many...
my project involves doing something that involves community service work...
I wanted to do a project on middle school girls to encourage them to pursue engineering, because the number of women engineers in US (or any other place in general I think) does not look very promising. Now, I...
Good news but I am afraid it will not help the political debate
Now I'm sure everyone has heard of George w. Bush's veto of the stem cell bill; because killing stem cells is like killing people, even though Bush is pro-death penalty.
MY thought. Is it plausable to have a drug, radiation, or whatever. Which stops the meiosis transformation of the diploid...
Did anyone happen to catch the 60mins TV spot of Hans S. Keirstead last night?
His research showing reversing spinal cord damage in rats using human embryo stem cells is compelling. Brings this approach to humans paralyzed by spinal cord damage, closer to reality. Human clinical trials may...
As I'm watching the PBS presentation about stem cells ( http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3209/04.html ) and the debate on whether we should use the stem cells for research or not, I wonder what is the chemical make up of those stem cells. It is obvious that it is a DNA molecule, so it is...
I heard the news and an article is published in Science, but what exactly is the major breakthrough? To me it seems that they have improved on their technique of nuclear transfer (cloning) for extracting stem cells, not that they have created a new way of creating stem cells (the news seems to...
I've read several articles in newspapers and on several sites ( such as cnn.com) concerning US and its serious lack of professionals with scientific, mathematical and engineering skills. Is it really true? Thanks.
This is something that I have been thinking about lately. :rolleyes: I wanted to address it from a biological view, not a political one. Stem cell research is very contraversial, not only in the political world, but the biological one as well. I was curious as to what everyone here had to say...
I need some generous person to help me! I am having problems figuring out how to analyze my recorded sounds in Matlab. I would like to plot a stem graph where my x-axis is the frequencies present in the sound and my y-axis to be the magnitude of these frequencies in dB.
If there is...
I'm doing a persuasive speech on stem cell research for my English class. I am defending stem cell research; I'm for it.
But some people aren't, and of course, I have had to address that in my speech. But the main argument (against stem cell research) is that it is immoral.
It is not moral...
I found this article rather interesting. I don't know how wise extending the reproductive age of humans would be though. There are other health risks to older women.
Once Thought Impossible, Study Shows Adult Mice May Generate New Eggs
"A half-century of conventional wisdom in biology...
found an interesting article on new stem cell research:
"La Jolla, CA. December 22, 2003—A group of researchers from The Scripps Research Institute has identified a small synthetic molecule that can induce a cell to undergo dedifferentiation—to move backwards developmentally from its current...