Stiffness Definition and 174 Threads

  1. P

    Bending Stiffness: Derive Analytical Formula

    Homework Statement Hi, can I please get some help with deriving the analytical formula for bending stiffness of a cantilevered tapered tube. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  2. J

    Increasing Cantilever Beam Stiffness

    Is it possible to create a cantilever beam with constant or increasing stiffness. I've been experimenting with several different shapes and profiles, and have not had any luck. I know that there are shapes with constant stress throughout, but I'm hoping to find a shape with constant or...
  3. upender singh

    What Is the Stiffness Constant k of the Spring?

    1:question A weight W is suspended from a rigid support by a hard spring with stiffness constant k . The spring is enclosed in a hard plastic sleeve, which prevents horizontal motion, but allows vertical oscillations. A simple pendulum of length l with a bob of mass m (mg<<W) is suspended from...
  4. Galbi

    Why need 4th order stiffness tensor expression?

    OK. First of all, I'm novice at Physics so this question may be weird. Above, there are 2 expressions for strain-stress relations. Let's assume that all components in the matrix are variables, not zero, not E, nor not G in the first picture. The first one is written in 2D matrix form, whereas...
  5. D

    Compute damping as a function of frequency

    Hi everyone, I'm french, so sorry for my bad english. I have a problem to compute the damping as a function of frequency. In fact, I plot the transfer function between the input (which is a force applied bu a hammer) and the output (which is an acceleration). Therefore, I can analyse the mode...
  6. B

    Rotary system stiffness/travel question How can I calculate k1,travel2 & k2,travel2 in this system? I know that k_series = k1*k2/(k1+k2) but that is the extend of my knowledge.
  7. M

    FEM, FEA, Frame, Moment, Shear, find Stiffness Matrixx

    Homework Statement Hi, I need some help analysing this frame. First of all i bellive its hard, if not impossible, to get as detailed results by hand calculations as my softwear CSI Sap2000. Becourse of shear and axial deformation. Is it possible to obtain the stiffness matrix of this frame at...
  8. K

    Clutch stiffness and hysteresis - Role in gearbox NVH

    Hi, There is a rattling noise in one of the automobile passenger car gearboxes that we designed. After few experiments and observations, it was found that the noise is because of incorrect clutch stiffness and hysteresis behavior. I have got some fundamental questions about both: 1. Clutch...
  9. S

    Analytical solution for bending stiffness of tapered tube

    How to derive the formula to find the bending stiffness of an isotropic tapered tube which is cantilevered with a point load applied at the free end?
  10. G

    Mastering Physics Assignments: Tips for Non-Physics Students

    I am a BSc product design student. This is one of my assignments and I have never done physics in my life. Can anyone help? I do not understand at all!
  11. G

    Calculating Stiffness & Displacement of Structure w/100kN Weight

    Homework Statement 1. A structure with weight of 100 kN and which has a natural period of 1 second. Compute the stiffness of the structure. The structure has 5% critical damping. The structure when at rest is subjected to a half sine wave loading having a magnitude of 10kN and lasting 2...
  12. J

    Closed Form Equations for Elasticity Properties for Anisotropic Materials

    Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to obtain elasticity properties (Ex, Ey, Ez, Gxy, Gxz, Gyz, vxy, vxz, vyz) from the terms of a 6x6 anisotropic stiffness or compliance matrix. I'm looking for a closed form solution, preferably. I would think that there should be a closed form...
  13. J

    Negative Poisson's Ratio in Rotated Orthotropic Material

    Hi all, I'm looking for physical and mathematical explanations for a phenomenon I've noticed when working with rotated material properties relative to an XYZ coordinate system. For certain rotations (~40 to ~50 degrees) about a single axis the S12, S13, or S23 components of the compliance...
  14. J

    FEM stiffness matrix for simple frame exploiting symmetry

    Hello. I need help with the following problem: I don't know where to start. I know that the frame can be split up into one symmetric part and one symmetric+assymetric part but i forgot the theory and rules on translation and axis etc. I hope someone can help as I have to hand in the...
  15. J

    Increasing bending stiffness of a steel tube

    Hello, Looking for some advice on increasing bending stiffness of a mild steel 1" x 0.065" round tube. This is for a motorcycle frame and clearance is an issue. There is a fuel tank above and the engine below this top tube (two running parallel) that I wanted to reinforce against bending...
  16. D

    Does Fastener Member Stiffness Need to be Multiplied by 2 in Calculations?

    I am going through Shigley's Mechanical Design book and have a quick question on fasteners. Sometimes when calculating the spring rate for a member, you have to multiply the rate by 2, why is this? For instance in this problem When the spring rate is calculated for...
  17. H

    Stiffness Matrix for Linear Tetrahedral Element

    Dear all, I am writing my finite element code for linear elasticity analysis with linear tetrahedral elements. I am not new to the finite element method and my code already works well with element types of triangles, quadrangles in 2D and hexahedrons in 3D but I don't get the correct result...
  18. M

    Constructing Bending Moment Diagram for Member 1-5 Using Stiffness Matrix Method

    This problem has a lot of calculations from the beginning so i have skipped to the part i am stuck with and tried to include relevant information, apologies if i have missed anything. Assume all working is correct as i was given the answers. After carrying out the stiffness matrix method I am...
  19. D

    Solving trusses with the Direct Stiffness Method

    I'm creating a computer implementation to solve planar trusses. And I'm not sure how to check if the truss is solvable or not. Can you help me with that? In my implementation, the trusses are created randomly (needs to be this way), so i get a lot of unstable or indeterminate trusses. I want...
  20. S

    Einstein Eq. & Stiffness of Spacetime

    Looking at the Einstein equation, stresses can cause a deformation of space time. This link here gives a value for the elastic modulus ("stiffness") of spacetime. I think that the value of 10^24GPa must be related to Einstein's...
  21. K

    Contact stiffness (Cɣ) in gear.

    Hi, When I discuss about gears NVH, the term contact stiffness(Cɣ) comes across very often. It is given with a nominal mean value with its upper and lower fluctuation. I can thus understand that the stiffness varies from the start of mesh till end of mesh reaching the mean value at it's pitch...
  22. M

    Ansys workbench-spring with variable stiffness

    Hello every body, I am simulating a 1 dof spring-mass model in ansys workbench. I need to change the stiffness of spring at every substep based on an "if condition". It means that, in every substep, if a specified condition is satisfied, the stiffness will be changed to a defined value. Also...
  23. J

    Fundamental frequency of an object with nonlinear stiffness.

    Hi all. It's been a few years since I've posted here, but it's remained a great go-to resource for me. Any time I have dealt with mechanical vibrations, the fundamental frequency was based on a constant stiffness. However, I have never encountered the subject of finding the fundamental...
  24. S

    Estimating stiffness spring represented by interatomic force.

    Question: Part 1: Below about 80 K the heat capacity at constant volume for hydrogen gas (H2) is 3/2k per molecule, but at higher temperatures the heat capacity increases to 5/2k per molecule due to contributions from rotational energy states. Use these observations to estimate the distance...
  25. J

    Proof of the stiffness of the horizontal component of a spring

    Homework Statement Suppose a spring with forces F=k*z. Find the equivalent stiffness of a horizontal spring, where the spring and its horizontal equivalent is separated by theta degrees. The horizontal equivalent presumably will have a force F(x)=k(x)*x Homework Equations F =...
  26. C

    Problem on stiffness matrix of beam and deflection of tapered beam

    1.How do i derive the stiffness matrix for a beam with nodal linkage? ie the shear force at the first node is 0 but the usual shear and moment resistance is present for the second node. I thouth about solving the problem by just putting the first row of the stiffness matrix as 0 . Am i...
  27. C

    Problem in finite element method using direct stiffness method

    Hi, This is a sample problem from logan finite element method. I have attached the problem and solution given in the book. As per the problem i first derived the stiffness matrix and den putting the boundary conditions started solving for the forces. I am stuck as three forces are unknown but...
  28. S

    Initial,post limit,secant stiffness

    Hello, My question is simple, but it does confuse me. I need to know the exact difference between Initial stiffness,post limit stiffness, and secant stiffness in details please Please clarify this on graph if possible Thank you
  29. S

    Stiffness of specimen under tension

    Hello, I am conducting FE modelling on specimen of steel surrounded by concrete, and i obtain curve which have stiffness similar to experiment(all assume linear behaviour for all materials) but the start of curve is not convenient displacement -0.0071033 0.0123265 0.0310888...
  30. A

    FEM:A simple stiffness matrix problem

    Homework Statement Homework Equations 1-Stiffness matrix? 2-When i am doing the deformation,should i consider stress stiffenning or just solve the problem as is The Attempt at a Solution I tried to form the necessary stiffness matrix but couldn't understand how should i...
  31. H

    Equivalent stiffness and damping

    Homework Statement A scheme of springs and dampers is given. What is equivalent stiffness and damping? Homework Equations For stiffness in series: keq=ka*kb/(ka+kb) For stiffness in parallel: keq=ka+kb For dampers similarly. The Attempt at a Solution To me it looks like k1 and k2 are in...
  32. S

    Shear stiffness for elevated water tank

    Hello, I just have simple question regarding shear stiffness for elevated water tank, this tank is elevated on a column and this column is fix in the base my question is which formula should i use to calculate k k=3EI/L3 OR 12EI/L3 i know the the first for fix pin case and the second...
  33. F

    Determine the Spring Design given Spring Stiffness of 400 N/m

    I am trying to design a spring given the following measurements: Spring Stiffness is 400N/m or 295 ft lbs Outer Diameter of spring is 0.25 in Free Length is 3 cm or 1.18 in Load is max: 5lbs I am having trouble with: Calculating the Spring Diamter so as the spring is not over damped...
  34. M

    Merely a question concerning elementary calculation of stiffness

    Merely a question concerning elementary calculation of stiffness: I have two rectangular and solid bars made of the same homogeneous material: Bar A is 0.85 cm high and 0.5 cm wide, whereas bar B is 1.0 cm high and 0.425 cm wide – and as both bars have the same cross-section area (of 0.425...
  35. T

    6 Nodes, 4 Elements, Size of Stiffness Matrix?

    Howdy, If I have the following configuration of nodes: 2---4--6 | \ | /| | \ | / | | \| / | | \/ | 1---3--5 What should the dimensions of my FEM stiffness be? Thanks
  36. C

    How to find the stiffness matrix for a beam element?

    I need to find the stiffness matrix of a beam element from the basic priciples. I am not allowed to use Lagrange's polynomial or other methods. Need to find the stiffness matrix from basic principles ie to find at each node k11 and so on.. I have attached a screenshot of the problem. When i...
  37. H

    What is a frusta in stiffness for fastened memebrs?

    HiAs I am reading through my textbook on the stiffness for two clamped members, As I am reading about the rotschers pressure cone , there is a sentence that say: "in this book we use alpha(half apex angle) = 30 deg except in cases in which the material is insufficient to allow the frusta to...
  38. A

    Does the magnetic field in relativity move at the same speed as the magnet?

    What led to relativity is the thought experiment where two people are attached, one to a coil and one to a magnet. It is described at the end of this page . My question is in the...
  39. L

    Stiffness of a single interatomic spring PLEASE HELP

    stiffness of a single interatomic "spring" PLEASE HELP One mole of tungsten (6 1023 atoms) has a mass of 184 grams, and its density is 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter, so the center-to-center distance between atoms is 2.51 10-10 m. You have a long thin bar of tungsten, 2.5 m long, with a square...
  40. H

    Bending and Torsional stiffness of Hat/Omega stringer

    Hallo Engineers, I am a little bit confused here and i need some guidance. Can any of you educate me on how to calculate the Bending and Torsional stiffness of a Hat/Omega stringer attached on a plate to form a fuselage panel?..You can also recommend to me a book where it is clearly described...
  41. E

    Finite Element Methods (global stiffness matrix)

    Homework Statement I have the following practice problem which is presented as follows: What is the size of the global stiffness matrix K (i.e., Kuu) for the 2-D problem? (Unsolved) (Solved) Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  42. S

    MAxwell reciprocal theorem and symmetric stiffness matrix

    As per Maxwell reciprocal theorem, it is valid only for elastic materials and structures indergoing small displacements.That is k12 = k21, kij = kji hence stiffness matrix is symmetric. Howbver, I just have been going through MY OWN written programs for geometric non linear problems and I...
  43. M

    Wood vs aluminium stiffness. What doesn't add up?

    AFAIK, the wood used for aircraft structures should have a specific stiffness, that is specific Young's modulus and bending strength, somewhat higher than aluminium (see attached image). If that is the case, why wood aircrafts are generally more subject to aeroelastic effects compared to...
  44. D

    What is elastic stiffness? What about 2nd and 3rd order elastic stiffness

    I'm researching CNTs and am currently describing Graphene as I lead from carbon atoms to nano-tubes. I've come across this: "The force-displacement behavior is interpreted within a framework of nonlinear elastic stress-strain response, and yields second- and third-order elastic stiffnesses...
  45. B

    How to find the stiffness? vibration

    Homework Statement a machine of mass 100 tonne generates a simple harmonic disturbing force when operating at a speed of 200rpm. to protect the floor and surrounding machinery it is proposed tp mount the machine on helical springs so that the transmissibility ratio is reduced to 0.1 Q1...
  46. B

    Vibration: find the stiffness of the spring

    Homework Statement a machine of mass 100 tonne generates a simple harmonic disturbing force when operating at a speed of 200rpm. to protect the floor and surrounding machinery it is proposed tp mount the machine on helical springs so that the transmissibility ratio is reduced to 0.1 Q1...
  47. S

    Stiffness in mass spring system

    Homework Statement What happens to the frequency of oscillation if stiffness increases and why? Homework Equations ? The Attempt at a Solution Frequency increases but trying to figure out why.
  48. C

    Automotive Stiffness and dumping coeficients of a VW Golf

    stiffness and damping coeficients of a VW Golf Hi! I need information about the VW Golf IV 1.6 16V(2003). I need to estimate and calculate the transfer function of the quarter model car so i need the coeficients of stiffness (K) (N/m) and damping (C) (Ns/m) of the front suspension, its...
  49. G

    How to optimise stiffness for a projector screen?

    I am thinking about building a projector screen out of MDF. Here Down Under the available sizes are: Building such a screen will be easier than the normal frame with stretched fabric type, but I am concerned about its long-term flatness. So I thought...