Strange Definition and 588 Threads

Baron Strange is a title that has been created several times in the Peerage of England. Two creations, one in 1295 and another in 1326, had only one holder each, upon the death of whom they became extinct. Two of the creations, that of 1299 and that of 1628, are extant. All four baronies of Strange have been created by writ, which means that they can pass through both male and female lines.
Following the passing of the Peerage Act 1963, Elizabeth Frances Philipps, 14th Baroness Strange of the 1299 creation, became the first woman to take her seat in the House of Lords by virtue of an hereditary peerage.

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  1. G

    Solving IVP w/ Finite Difference: Strange Oscillations

    Hallo, I tried to use 'finite difference' method to solve a Initial Value Problem(IVP). For the two boundaries I used periodical condtion and for the differential operators I used 4th degree center approximations. But as result, I got this thing. Where comes this strange oscillation What do you...
  2. Z

    Little strange material to find or build

    Well, the thing is that since one year or more I'm trying to find a non toxic compound that can be done mixing water with "something", I need that the result of that has "like gum" properties, or a high density foam (like a hard mattress). I don't know much about chemistry but I think there must...
  3. G

    When water freezes, strange shapes may appear

    do you see in that photo how that little stick of ice shoots out from the top? What do you think caused that?
  4. H

    Draw the Lewis Dot Diagram of a strange compound

    Homework Statement The following species has been discovered in interstellar space: HNC. Draw the Lewis Dot diagram. Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I tried several different configurations (see below), but they were all marked incorrect. Here is the basic method...
  5. D

    Strange real numbers requiring use of complex numbers to exist

    I couldn't really think of a good title for this question, lol. Is it possible that a real number exists that can only be expressed in exact form when that form must includes complex numbers? For example, the equation 2 \, x^{3} - 6 \, x^{2} + 2 = 0 has the following roots x_1 =...
  6. B

    Ti-84 strange derrivative problem

    Hey there, I'm using a Ti-84 calculator to calculate derrivatives. It goes like this: Y1={the actual function} Y2=nDeriv(Y1,X,X) This seems to work, except for functions with cos(x), sin(x),.. Example: Y1=X² Y2=nDeriv(Y1,X,X) Y3=2X As Y3 represents the actual derrivative of Y1, Y2 and Y3 are...
  7. I

    Need logical explanation for strange event

    I was making a sandwich at my kitchen counter, when my knife block fell over on its side with a loud bang. The block weighed 5 lbs and was 3' away from me with nothing near it and nothing connecting the knife block with anything I was touching. It was under cabinets in the "L" of the counter...
  8. E

    What Happens When a Function is Convolved with a Gaussian PDF?

    I've arrived at the following equation involving the convolution of two functions: f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t) g(t-x) dt = f(x) \ast g(x) Where: g(z) = e^{-z^2/2} In other words, a function convoluted with a Gaussian pdf results in the same function. I've tried taking Fourier...
  9. Anna Blanksch

    Why Do Dogs Roll in Stinky Things?

    So I've been hanging out with this adorable dog (small labradoodle) of the family that I nanny for and she has got me asking a lot of dog-related questions. Right now what's on my mind is this... Why do dogs (and other animals?) roll in stinky smelling things like dead animal residue? Are...
  10. ShayanJ

    How Do Velocity and Displacement Vectors Transform in Plane Polar Coordinates?

    Consider the velocity vector v^i=\dot{x}^i \hat{e}_i . We know that in the plane polar coordinates,it becomes \vec{v}=\dot{r}\hat{r}+r\dot{\theta}\hat{\theta} We also know that it is a contravariant vector so if we transform it covariantly from cartesian coordinates to plane polar...
  11. B

    Double Integral with Strange Limits of Integration

    Homework Statement For the double integral ∫[0,1]∫[0,x^3] e^(y/x) dxdy (a) sketch the region of integration (b) evaluate the integral and (c) re-express the integral with the order of integration reversedHomework Equations NoneThe Attempt at a Solution The problem is that I've never seen a...
  12. G

    Medical CTE, tau protein plaques, and strange behavior

    So how exactly do tau plaques resulting from CTE cause strange behavior? Jr. Seau was found dead due to suicide, several hockey enforcers have died violently or due to drug overdoses just recently, and Chris Benoit murdered himself and his whole family. What is the understood physiology behind...
  13. R

    What Is the Delta G for Creatine Phosphate Hydrolysis at 1 mM Concentration?

    Question: Which best describes the delta G for hydrolysis of creatine phosphate under cellular conditions in which the concentration of creatine phosphate, creatine, and phosphate all equal 1 mM at 25 degrees C. The delta G naught for the hydrolysis of creatine phosphate at 25 degrees C is...
  14. K

    Strange object in the sky blinking

    Hello. Last night i was stargazing with my skymaster 15x70 binoculars. everything went as usual - i observed star clusters, airplanes and sattelites passing by, etc. while watching a little group of stars almost right above my head (85-90 degrees declination) a little "star" suddenly...
  15. J

    Why such strange units of measure?

    Why do astronomers and cosmologists prefer to use the Distance Modulus instead of -- rather than in addition to -- Bly (billion light-years) or Mpc (mega parsecs)? Being a LOG10 it distorts relative distances. You can find Bly plotted on a graph (but not specified), and even in studies comparing...
  16. zoobyshoe

    The Strange Continuing Appeal of Charles Manson

    Charlie is up for parole again, fat chance, which reminds me that a couple years ago, one of my little drawing pals posted a quote from him on her MySpace profile: "Look up at me and you see a god, look down on me and you see the Devil, look straight at me, and you see yourselves." Which...
  17. A

    Strange parabolic calculations - need simplification help.

    I'm trying to find the equation of a parabola that goes through any three given points in the x-y plane denoted by (a,b), (c,d), and (e,f), which would be considered givens in these calculations. I need the form of the equation y = Ax^2 + Bx + C where A, B, and C are unknown. I have gotten as...
  18. S

    Optimizing Bi-Linear Objective Function for Vector Fitting in Flat Space

    I have two matrices, A and D, with same numbers of rows and different numbers of columns (A has many more columns than D), I want to find x and y such that ||Ax-Dy||_2 is minimized. I.e., I want to find the closest vectors in span{A} and span{D}. Seems like a simple problem, but couldn't figure...
  19. D

    Why do capacitor bushings have strange shapes?

    The leads on giant capacitors have always looked mysterious and complicated to me. They almost look like RF cavities to me. Why are the bushings the shape they are?
  20. P

    Strange behaviour of viscoelastic materials

    Dear Physics Forum, I posted this in the Mechanical Engineering Forum a while ago without any responses, but by looking at the other threads I suspect that it was the wrong place so I am posting it again here where it looks more at home (so apologies if i was wrong!). Can anyone explain...
  21. P

    Strange behaviour of viscoelastic materials

    Dear PF, Can anyone explain why viscoelastic materials behave differently at different strain rates? I understand the general explanation that the behaviour of viscoelastic materials is governed by a solid phase (elastic) and a fluid phase (viscous) and that at higher strain rates the...
  22. fluidistic

    Small oscillations, strange springs

    Homework Statement Consider 2 masses linked via 3 springs in this way |----m----m----| where the | denotes fixed walls and the ---- the springs. The length between the walls is 2L and the natural length of each spring is b=L/3. When we move a mass from its equilibrium position, each spring...
  23. Evo

    Silence Gun: Strange weapon of the future

    I wonder if this is for real? I can see it being a popular item for married couples, and teachers. continued...
  24. T

    Muons experiment, strange logic

    In the muons experiment the flow is measured at top of a mountain and at the base of the mountain. The velocity of the muons was calculated The velocity is 5 times the speed of light, which is of course against the relativity...
  25. A

    Strange Sounds Around the World: Opinion Wanted

    Hello, Idk if this has been posted on PF, I've tried to search it so I don't make a mistake on posting a repeated thread, nothing came up. Well anyway, weird sounds have begun to sound beginning of 2012? What do you guys think it could be? Opinion wise? here are the vids: Canada...
  26. J

    Strange question about an AWD hand car

    Hi all! I'm new here. I'm a mechanical engineering student at ODU and I'm designing a hand car. Yes, like the ones that ride on train tracks. This is being designed for the Santa Rosa California Hand Car Regatta and will be pedal powered. The HCR is part art show/part drag race and I'm...
  27. M

    Strange indexing in Fortran Code

    Hi all, I am totally new to fortran. I have to convert a code that is actually written in the fortran to matlab. There is only one subroutine that is totally mysterious for me. I am posting the part of code I have problem with, below: 1. subroutine...
  28. A

    Strange proof of Young's inequality

    I'm trying to absorb a perplexing proof of Young's inequality I've found. Young's inequality states that if A,B \geq 0 and 0 \leq \theta \leq 1, then A^\theta B^{1-\theta} \leq \theta A + (1-\theta)B. The first step they take is the following: We can assume B \neq 0. (I get that.) But then...
  29. M

    Strange power problem: when 110 + 110 ≠ 220

    My understanding of the way that power distribution worked in the US was that the pole pig or distribution transformer dropped down from the higher voltage to a 240 volt secondary winding, but that this winding had a center tap which was connected to and used as 'ground'. So if you ignore the...
  30. K

    What's Causing the Mysterious Rumbling Sounds in the Sky?

    Hi,I'm new here,so forgive me if I don't follow protocol correctly. I have been following reports across the world of strange rumbling sounds coming from the sky. Some last just minutes,others many hours. Most reports that I am looking into deal with a mechanical thumping,humming sound not...
  31. Z

    How Is the Strange Partition Function Derived in Superconductivity Theories?

    While reading an article about superconductivity I found out a strange partition function which I don't know how to re-obtain. The partition function is given by: Z=-\prod_{\omega,\mathbf{k}} (\omega^2 + E(\mathbf{k})^2) where the sum over \omega runs over Matsubara frequencies and...
  32. Twinflower

    Finding RMS value of strange column function

    Homework Statement This is the given function: Homework Equations The RMS equation goes like this: \sqrt(\frac{\int(f(t)^2 dt)}{b - a}) The Attempt at a Solution The first part of the exercise was to find the mean value. This is A/4. The RMS value should be higher...
  33. A

    Strange ODE from my final today?

    Homework Statement So I had my final exam today in ODE and I had an equation which appeared to be exact, but was not. I also tried to find a special integrating factor to make it exact, but no success. I then attempted to manipulate it into a linear eq, tried separable variables, even...
  34. K

    Can Up Quark Absorb Negative W Particle to Become Strange?

    Can an up quark absorb a negative W particle and become a strange quark? I know s can turn into u via the opposite process (emission of positive W), but can the interaction go the other way? This arises when trying to draw the Feynman diagram for the rather unlikely decay B^+\to...
  35. S

    What are strange , obscure , ignored fields of mathematics?

    Any Ideas? That are outside the mainstream?
  36. P

    What is the origin of the strange shadow in a laser beam?

    Hello! I have for you some questions about the lasers. When ordinary laser beam directed at a small ball (few millimeters) on the screen I saw a bright spot in the middle of the shadow. What it is due?
  37. C

    Need help finding a strange vector system expression.

    Homework Statement A toy cart of mass M1 moves on frictionless wheels as it is pulled by a string under tension T. A block of mass M2 rests on top of the cart. The coefficient of static friction between the block and cart is μ. The cart is moving up a ramp at angle θ. Find an expression for...
  38. A

    A strange thing my professor told me about expectation

    Suppose you know E[X] = 0 for a given (continuous) random variable. Does that mean E[|X|] < \infty? This is what my professor told me today, though it doesn't really make much sense...
  39. C

    Strange Energy/Reaction Question, Scumbag HRK

    Homework Statement Consider the reaction A + B -> C + D. Show that this can be an elastic collision if there is no change in the colliding bodies. Homework Equations Law of Conservation of Energy. The Attempt at a Solution No clue how to approach it, or what exactly they're asking...
  40. C

    Strange Particles May Travel Faster Than Light

    Oh my. <facepalm>
  41. H

    Strange impedance curve in LTSpice

    Hi I'm looking at an impedance curve of a non-ideal tantalum capacitor in LTSpice. The test circuit and impedance curve is seen in this screengrab:" The spice file is here". So, the imdpedance curve...
  42. B

    Strange glitches in my C sorting program

    Homework Statement I have to write a program that takes in a file that looks like this: 3424: 313 4334: 543 etc. and sorts the numbers on the write. Everything for getting the file into an array was done for me so I know it's correct. I'm having two strange problems. First, whenever I'm...
  43. J

    Is this op-amp configuration the solution for measuring haze at ambient?

    Im doing my thesis its about measure haze at ambient, so I found very little information about DIY schematics to work with photodiodes, at last my tutor found something, but when I was doing the circuit I found that this doesn't worked! well I made some mods and for a mistake I found a...
  44. W

    Mathematica Strange postfix quotes in mathematica output

    Hello. I am using the Smooth.m mathematica package on a large set of paired data points. Occasionally, instead of getting a number in my output array, I end up with something like this: 1. (0.861515 + (58 "")/2379) In the output window, the quotes are not visible, but when I copypasta it...
  45. B

    Strange: Earth's center of gravity

    Hi there, so I'm a bit confused...I'm 14 years old and I'm living in Croatia.I heard for Hallow Earth theory one year ago so I wanted to research it, but I had no material i needed until i needed is what is radius of Earth on poles and Equator and what g is there...
  46. I

    Monte Carlo Sims - Strange life insurance policy

    Homework Statement 5 people of ages (30M, 32M, 37F, 40M, 42F) enter into a life insurance contract where the one that outlives the others, receives a one time benefit of $1M, at the time of the penultimate death. What are the fair premiums (different), for each policy member?Homework Equations...
  47. M

    Can't read strange mixed format text file in Matlab

    Homework Statement I have to read a text file with fixed format as follows The first column is supposed to be year, 2nd is month and 3rd is day The file has following format: 4d 2d 2d f9.4 f9.4 f9.4 f9.4 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 2000 218 0.4546 0.2394 0.0761 0.1167 55 58 1 1...
  48. N

    How could strange shapes affect space-time?

    How could "strange shapes" affect space-time? To my understanding anything massive enouph to bend space and time noticeably would end up becoming a sphere due to how gravity works. But what if you could have diffrent shapes that were massive enouph to affect the universe? What if you made a...
  49. T

    Strange case in finding acceleration

    "Strange" case in finding acceleration Hello there, looks like a fantastic forum here. I got a problem popped up during my work, hope you can help me out. I have a car: - at a distance D away from destination - current velocity V0 - time to go t : the time period I want the car to...
  50. Femme_physics

    Strange Phenomenon in 3-Beam Structure Analysis

    Something strange happening here. I'm isolating the beams (which I'm allowed to do) and I get a different result for Dx with each different beam! Check out what happens when I section it at CE, and check out what happens when I section it at AD Homework Statement This structure is made...