String theory Definition and 831 Threads

In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. String theory describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other. On distance scales larger than the string scale, a string looks just like an ordinary particle, with its mass, charge, and other properties determined by the vibrational state of the string. In string theory, one of the many vibrational states of the string corresponds to the graviton, a quantum mechanical particle that carries gravitational force. Thus string theory is a theory of quantum gravity.
String theory is a broad and varied subject that attempts to address a number of deep questions of fundamental physics. String theory has contributed a number of advances to mathematical physics, which have been applied to a variety of problems in black hole physics, early universe cosmology, nuclear physics, and condensed matter physics, and it has stimulated a number of major developments in pure mathematics. Because string theory potentially provides a unified description of gravity and particle physics, it is a candidate for a theory of everything, a self-contained mathematical model that describes all fundamental forces and forms of matter. Despite much work on these problems, it is not known to what extent string theory describes the real world or how much freedom the theory allows in the choice of its details.
String theory was first studied in the late 1960s as a theory of the strong nuclear force, before being abandoned in favor of quantum chromodynamics. Subsequently, it was realized that the very properties that made string theory unsuitable as a theory of nuclear physics made it a promising candidate for a quantum theory of gravity. The earliest version of string theory, bosonic string theory, incorporated only the class of particles known as bosons. It later developed into superstring theory, which posits a connection called supersymmetry between bosons and the class of particles called fermions. Five consistent versions of superstring theory were developed before it was conjectured in the mid-1990s that they were all different limiting cases of a single theory in 11 dimensions known as M-theory. In late 1997, theorists discovered an important relationship called the AdS/CFT correspondence, which relates string theory to another type of physical theory called a quantum field theory.
One of the challenges of string theory is that the full theory does not have a satisfactory definition in all circumstances. Another issue is that the theory is thought to describe an enormous landscape of possible universes, which has complicated efforts to develop theories of particle physics based on string theory. These issues have led some in the community to criticize these approaches to physics, and to question the value of continued research on string theory unification.

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  1. W

    Finding a Textbook for General Relativity and String Theory

    Hi All, I know virtually nothing about General Relativity except that which is shown on the usual PBS channels and would like to delve into it in more depth. My level of understanding physics is at the upper undergraduate to lower graduate level. Could someone recommend a textbook for me...
  2. A

    String theory and Bell's theorem

    How can string theory explain the results of Bell inequality experiments and experiments of similar inequalities?
  3. C

    How is string theory related to MWI?

    Are other worlds in the MWI existing in adjacent branes? If one could bend the rules as currently defined, and one wanted to journey to another world under the MWI idea, how would you accomplish it? Is this ever discussed? Would it require fabulous amounts of power? Creation of a worm hole...
  4. L

    Could string theory be the answer to the mystery of inertia?

    Inertia explains some different aspects of motion with great accuracy, but as far as I know, there isn't really underlying explanation of why inertia works. Could the answer to this question lie in string theory?
  5. X

    Are fractals related to string theory?

    I have just seen some pretty pictures of flame fractals with reference to string theory. I was just wondering if or where they fit in. thanks :smile:
  6. R

    Sectors in String theory and the N-S N-S sector

    Hey folks, Can somone explain what is meant by a 'sector' in string theory, or provide links/refs. I've tried a search on google and but nothing very useful turns up. Also, what is the N-S N-S sector (I know it stands for Neveu Schwarz). I think its a description of fermions...
  7. wolram

    Testing String Theory: Proposal for 21cm Absorption Measurements

    Test for string theory?? Contact: James E. Kloeppel 217-244-1073 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Scientists propose test of string theory based on neutral hydrogen absorption CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Ancient light absorbed by neutral hydrogen atoms could be used to...
  8. H

    Is String Theory Consistent with MOND and TeVeS?

    First of all, I don't know anything about mathematical physics whatsoever. I am not well aquainted with it. So please forgive me if I am misinterpretating something. My question has to do with MOND and TeVeS. If this theory happen to be true and Gravity is different or incosistant in huge...
  9. E

    String theory topoogy can change lead to experimentally testable predictions?

    Witten argues one of string theories great achievements is that it shows that topology can change. Which is fine, but is there any observational evidence (i.e from astronomy or HEP) or any experimentally testable predictions on topology changing? Is there any physical evidence for topology...
  10. L

    Has Recent Research Challenged the Validity of String Theory?

    I've been hearing a lot of talk lately regarding the validity of String Theory. There have been a lot of people that I have met that seem to think that the entire theory is completely wrong. Is there something I've been missing out on? I've always been under the impression that string theory is...
  11. E

    Kenneth Lane string theory is not physics

    Kenneth Lane "string theory is not physics" Who is Kenneth Lane? wikipedia states "Kenneth D. Lane is an American physicist and professor of physics at Boston University. Lane is best known for his role in the development of extended technicolor models of physics beyond the Standard Model...
  12. Z

    Ridiculous explanation of 'string theory'

    This isn't so much a question specifically as a point that came up in my mechanics class... so sorry if I'm posting it in the wrong place! In a basic mechanics class; we were finding the frictional force on a box by thinking about someone moving it by pulling an attached string. Someone in...
  13. T

    What Is String Theory? Exploring the Theory of Parallel Universes

    I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he mentioned string theory to me..I had no clue what it was so I looked it up but didnt exactly understand it. My friend tells me it's a theory of parallel universes? He said something like there are different dimensions with different time...
  14. P

    2007 the big year for string theory?

    I've always heard that 2007 was the year that may falsify string theory at a large collider in CERN or somewhere. 2007 is nearly over. I haven't heard anything about it. What has happened over there?
  15. arivero

    String Theory Plots: Hans' 3D Modeling & Interacting Strings

    Envy of the 3D modeling abilities of Hans, I have tried mine. So, new thread for string related plots. In this post, you can see interacting strings. Really you can not guess if each vertex is a fermion or a boson in a superstring theory; I can not see how to tell it in pictorial way. So even...
  16. D

    Can gravity be explained by the concentration of energy rather than mass?

    So after watching the tv show titles "Elegant Universe" narrated by Brian green. and after reading his book with the same name among other books of similar interest, I've had a brain storm. According to M-theory strings are opened ended strings that are connected to the universe at each end as...
  17. P

    Integrable models in string theory?

    In the official string site, why didn't they recommend studying integrable models in the mathematics section? String theory itself is an integrable model, no?
  18. E

    Peter Woit comments on technicolor models (and my take on string theory) "Comment on Technicolor/Extended Technicolor Models October 26th, 2007" very brief excerpt "I would like to respond to Eric’s recent comment on Oct. 23 in which he said that “technicolor models were..eventually rejected due to some serious...
  19. P

    How to tough to publish string theory topics?

    String theory seems to be an over popularised topic with many talented people working on it already. How tough is it these days to publish in this field (on the mathematics/theory side rather than applying string theory to experiments or what not).
  20. E

    Does string theory gravitons have 4D GR as its low energy limit?

    Lisa Randall said "string theory reproduces GR in 10 dimensions" Does string theory gravitons have 4D GR as its low energy limit? I know that its lowest mode vibrations corresponds to a massless spin-2 particle, the graviton. I know GR in 4D can be extended with susy. Does it reproduce...
  21. P

    Is String Theory Mathematically Rich and Diverse?

    How is this field looking? What topics does it have? Who are the experts in this field?
  22. E

    Quantizing a string in string theory

    Homework Statement Can someone define the phrase "quantize a string" as seen at,M1 ? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  23. J

    Little question about string theory

    If a particle is point like, then point x\in\mathbb{R}^3 specifies the particle's spatial configuration, and the quantum mechanical wave function for the particle is \Psi:\mathbb{R}^3\to\mathbb{C} The spatial configuration of a closed string with fixed length L can be specified with a...
  24. L

    Something I don't understand about String Theory

    Hello, I have read a few books on the subject of String theory, including The Elegant Universe and Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene (that guy is AWESOME!). Anyway, Mr. Greene may have answered my questions somewhere in his books, but the other day, I heard someone say that strings are tiny...
  25. P

    Has string theory been totally written off?

    How likely is it that string theory will be the final complete theory? I've heard lots of negative things about it. Has it been totally written off? Has it been reduced to a maths theory only? By string theory I mean all the versions of it like superstrings etc.
  26. E

    Why Do Zwiebach's Light-Cone Gauge Equations for X^+ and X^- Differ?

    Homework Statement One thing that has been bothering me about the light-cone gauge that Zwiebach uses is that we have equations such as 9.63 and 9.71 in which X^+ and X^- are given by completely different expressions. I am not sure why this makes sense physically since we can interchange...
  27. K

    Proving String Theory: Insights and Possibilities from New Scientist Articles"

    Hello-- Does anyone know if there is any tests to prove string theory, or a part of string theory I have seen many articles in New Scientist about possible ways to prove string theory but i don't have access to them because I am not a subscriber Has anyone seen them, does it seam genuine
  28. arivero

    Stalemate, or a victory for string theory?

    As some PF followers are aware, last year I have been wondering, against my own preferences, if there was a possibility of using string theory straightforwardly (no AdS/CFT) in the QCD word. Today I have abstracted my comments into sections 3 and 4 of
  29. K

    Zwiebach's A First Course in String Theory

    What mathematics and physics do you need to know to work out of Zwiebach's A First Course in String Theory? This is what i think i need to know; 1st year calculus 1st year linear algebra 1st year physics (Mechanics, Electromag, Vibrations..) 2nd year "Advanced engineering mathematics" 2nd...
  30. S

    Can MWI and String Theory Coexist?

    Do MWI and String theory conflict? (sorry--I'm a layman) Hey, Well basically I've been skimming over lots of different multiverse theories and as I don't have a science background (total layman) my question is basically can these two theories co-exist or do they not leave room for each other...
  31. E

    Solve String Theory Problem 6.5: Why Do Endpoints Move at Light Speed?

    Homework Statement,M1 For problem 6.5 I did a lot of manipulation and I get that the following holds at the endpoints of an...
  32. E

    Solve String Theory Problem: dX/dx=∂X/∂x?

    Homework Statement,M1 In the solution to problem 6.3 shown in the attachment, can someone explain to me why d\vec{X}/dx was...
  33. E

    Where Does the Last Equality in Equation 6.79 Come From?

    Homework Statement Sorry this page is not part of the free preview but I would recommend that everyone buy their own Zwiebach (or download it illegally if ethics don't stop you). Anyway, on page 109, can someone help me figure out where the last equality in equation 6.79 comes from...
  34. E

    Static Gauges in String Theory - Zwiebach Ch. 6

    Homework Statement I am learning about static gauges in string theory from Zwiebach chapter 6. Is it true that a static gauge is simply a parametrization where time is the parameter? That seems much too simple. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  35. E

    QC 6.4 Zwiebach: Deriving the Relativistic Dot Product

    Homework Statement Zwiebach QC 6.4 Why is \frac{\partial}{\partial{X^{\mu}}} \left( \frac{\partial X}{\partial{\tau}} \cdot \frac{\partial X}{\partial{\sigma}} \right) ^2 = \left( \frac{\partial X}{\partial{\tau}} \cdot \frac{\partial X}{\partial{\sigma}} \right) \cdot...
  36. E

    Understanding Variational Calculus: A String Theory Question

    Homework Statement I saw the following equation in my (Zwiebach page 83). 2 ds \delta (ds) = \delta (ds) ^2 where delta is the variation from variational calculus and ds is the Lorentz invariant spacetime distance. It seems like they took a derivative from the right to the left but I am...
  37. K

    How does string theory explain the dynamics of the early universe?

    Does string theory make a connection between elementary particles (quarks) and black holes? The only way to tell one black hole from another is mass, force charges, and rate of spin and these are exactly the three characteristics that distinguish one elementary particle from another. What does...
  38. K

    String theory recent revolations

    In string theory, what is "Mirror Symmetry"? Does string theory make a connection between elementary particles (quarks) and black holes? The only way to tell one black hole from another is mass, force charges, and rate of spin and these are exactly the three characteristics that distinguish one...
  39. K

    Unification of String theory and the Standard Model

    I was looking at a page in wikipedia about well-known theoretical physicists, i stumbled across the physicists Dimitri Nanopoulos and John Ellis. It mentioned that they both worked together to unify string theory and the standard model and quote Does anyone know if they were successful in...
  40. E

    QC 5.2: Show Derivative of p w/ Respect to Tau' is 0 for Arbitrary Parameter

    Homework Statement Zwiebach QC 5.2 Tau is the parametrization of a worldline. p is the relativistic momentum Show that \frac{ dp_{\mu}}{d \tau'}} = 0 implies that \frac{ dp_{\mu}}{d \tau'}} = 0 holds for an arbitrary paramter \tau'(\tau)) What needs to be true about the derivative of tau'...
  41. G

    Laymans question: 2 Why is string theory

    Laymans question: 2 Why is string theory... ...a theory if thereis no empirical evidence for it ? The only way I can understand there is a difference between String theory and say "inteligent" design is that string theory works out mathematically. ie That we can become aware of things...
  42. C

    Is Super Symmetry Real: String Theory Predictions

    is super symmetry real or has been predicted by string theory?
  43. Q

    String Theory in Only 4-Dimensions

    Apparently Sylvester James Gates Jr. has formulated a variation on string theory that does not require extra spatial dimensions (or temporal dimensions for that matter). He indicated in his lecture at the 2005 Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College that this model has not received nearly...
  44. Schrodinger's Dog

    The impenetrable mysterys of String theory

    I once got into a very heated debate with some string theorists, about string theory, saying that I doubted it would ever pan out, not that it may never have any use, but questioning why it gets so much attention and yet has nothing to show for itself? now it is impossible to say never but that...
  45. C

    How Do Curled Up Dimensions in String Theory Affect Matter and Space?

    i was recently reading "the elegant universe" by bryan greene and i found a problem. first, how can there be, as i understand it, a curled up dimention at every point in space? the curled up dimentions don't touch, i presume, so there must be some space in between them, which i don't think is...
  46. S

    Loop Quantum Gravity and String Theory

    I'm having a little bit of trouble distinguishing between the two. Basically LQG states that the quantum structure of spacetime is composed of spin-networks which are composed of strings just with their ends tied, I guess you could say. LQG is also background independent. It says that these...
  47. M

    What is lacking in QM that String theory wishes to fill up?

    Hi I have heard that String Theory tries to connect QM with Einstein's world of gravitation. String theory adopts an entirely different approach to explain nature. Does this theory contradict with QM? For example, all matter is composed of "Strings" instead of particles/waves. Is there...
  48. S

    Will studying fourier analysis prepare one for string theory and QP?

    hey does anyone know if studying Fourier analysis is going to aid in physics, particularly in string theory or quantum physics?
  49. P

    String Theory: 6 extra dimensions

    I'm confused about the 6 extra curled up dimensions in that they are always portrayed like this:" But according to that picture it seems there are multiple "extra" dimensions, and that if you move to a different location...
  50. S

    About D-branes in type-II string theory

    I am trying to understand the best I can the d-brane theory. I have tried many sources and there is a thing which I don´t see totally clear, how the d-brane concept fit into type II superstring (no matter A or B). I mean, I can understand the argument that type II theories have in their...