Studies Definition and 242 Threads

Latino studies is an academic discipline which studies the experience of people of Latin American ancestry in the United States. Closely related to other ethnic studies disciplines such as African-American studies, Asian American studies, and Native American studies, Latino studies critically examines the history, culture, politics, issues, sociology, spirituality (Indigenous) and experiences of Latino people. Drawing from numerous disciplines such as sociology, history, literature, political science, religious studies and gender studies, Latino studies scholars consider a variety of perspectives and employ diverse analytical tools in their work.

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  1. A

    Help in choosing Domain for performing PhD studies

    Hello All, I am Acharya, from INDIA . I need some career guidance. I have done my B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering, and my Master's in Nanoelectronics, duirng my Master's i have done my project on Lattice dynamics, I want to do Doctorate in Density functional theory...
  2. J

    Tips on Balancing Your Own Personal Studies and Full Time Work

    Anyone out there work in a profession not math-related that still enjoys studying pure mathematics on a pretty serious basis? What started out a casual side project for me has turn into something very serious. Armed with key texts in Algebra, Analysis, and Topology, I am ready to do battle. Can...
  3. M

    Help with undergraduate studies.

    I'll be entering college this fall and at this point I am undeclared in my studies. Throughout high school I took all the heavy math classes and some high science classes. In high school I realized that I enjoy doing math a lot more than science. Not that I don't enjoy science or anything. It's...
  4. A

    Engineering Higher Studies. US vs Germany.

    So there's a lot of speculation about which Universities are better for Engineering. Whether to go to the US or to Germany? I am faced with a similar scenario. I am planning to do my Masters in Engineering. One side says that US education system is better for it is more versatile, and...
  5. U

    Testing a drug's effect on survival across multiple distinct studies

    I have survival and other data for between ~1000 patients from different studies with indications varying from organ transplantation to cancer. Patients within this cohort will have been drawn from many different studies in which the objective - long-term graft survival, overall survival rate...
  6. H

    Maths for Engineering graduate studies

    My to-the-point question: If I were to pick between rigour-based real analysis, rigour-based complex analysis or linear programming/optimization, which one would be the most beneficial for pursuing graduate studies in communication systems? My mathematical background: - All the typical EE...
  7. K

    Greek student going for grad studies in USA

    Hi, I'm freshman studying physics in the University of Patras (an unknown but demanding unversity but in Greece). My grades are good (3.2-3.7/4.0) and I have excellent recommendations. I just want to know what are the odds of getting into a great university in the USA (MIT, Princeton, Berkeley...
  8. S

    Guidance for pursuing higher studies in physics

    HI all m Shivam Dhir from India. just completed my high school and abt to start college 3 months later in India. Ill be aplying to diff colleges next month. i wish to become a research physicist cum engineer. i want to have a firm ground in theoretical nature of physics as well as its...
  9. K

    What Are Some Tips for Aerospace Engineering Studies?

    Hi, I'm a first year aerospace engineering student in a moroccan university and i would like to pursue my studies in usa, Canada or europe (preferably a university that provides a scholarship).So which university would you recommend to me? And those who are studying aerospace engineering, what...
  10. R

    20-Year-Old Seeking Guidance on Math Grad Studies

    So here's the story. I am a 20 years old student about to finish his B.Sc in Physics in Leipzig (I will get my degree this very semester), and the situation which I am facing right now is a bit troublesome for my future. Even though I am getting my bachelor in physics, I want to do my master...
  11. D

    Mathematical studies before graduate school

    Dear fellows, my undergrad was not in maths, but I have quite a chance of getting into a master's program in pure maths, later this year. Long story, not particularly interesting. My question is due to the fact that I am quite prepared to the examination (basic real analysis and linear...
  12. Greg Bernhardt

    Move Over Sudoku; Studies Show Virtual Worlds Can Be Good for Your Health

    A recent story on reported on a new study about the effects of playing massively-multiplayer online games on one’s cognitive abilities. Conducted on a small sample group of 39 adults between the ages of 60 and 77, the study … Continue reading...
  13. B

    Next step in Linear Algebra studies?

    Hey folks, I just finished reading Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right, and Halmos' Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces, as well as doing pretty much all the problems in both of them. I really like linear algebra, and would like to keep learning more. I am interested in multilinear algebra and...
  14. S

    Search patterns in observational studies

    Hello Physics Forums! I've just read about the discovery of GJ 667Cc, and it made me ponder on how do astonomers develop the sequence of stars to be examined in search for exoplanets? I know that some telescopes, like Kepler mission, are just collecting raw data from a certain area of space...
  15. W

    What am I supposed to know to start my BSEE studies?

    What am I supposed to know to start my BSEE studies?? My studies Bachelor's of Electronics engineering begins from next september. What might be the things that can I do right now so that it will of much help when I begin my studies. I mean sth like the topics that I should be familiar with and...
  16. T

    Programs Master of Mathematics Studies or PhD in Physics?

    Hello everyone, I'm about to start my honours year in a science degree majoring in nanotechnology. I am pretty confident that I'm on track for first class honours and have had a few academics inviting me to come do a PhD with them once I graduate. However, in my studies I have only completed...
  17. N

    What to do after studies? Really don't want to teach.

    I have a question. Let's say i finish my MS, PhD, the whole package. Then what? What are my prospects?Also, while doing my PhD, do I get to choose what I work on or is it picked out for me from a list. My sister's doing a PhD in Biology, and that's what they do. They choose their doctoral topic...
  18. W

    Is there any research or studies into how to mass produce water to

    Is there any research or studies into how to mass produce water to meet our growing needs and to mitigate draughts? I am not asking about conservation or recycling water. Also, do not want to hear about it costs to much, it takes to much energy, etc.
  19. M

    Schools What is a good university for pursuing studies in mathematics?

    Well, I'm only a high school student in Morocco, but i just want to know if there any suggestions? I'm studying in a high school branch specified for only math and physics studies.
  20. D

    Exploring Math Studies: Pros and Cons

    First of all, this is not a single question, but I wasn't sure where I could post it, and it has to do with lots of doubts about differents exercies I've got. Let me explain: I'm starting a career in mathematics and I have a blog where I'm uploading the exercises I'm supposed to do in each...
  21. T

    Schools Should I apply to more reach schools for graduate studies?

    I have a question pretty specific towards my situation but I think its an interesting thing to think about anyways. I am in the process of applying for graduate programs for the fall, and from two professors I got slightly different advice. One said that I should apply to few top schools, few...
  22. V

    Numerical Studies: Research Ideas for Simulating Phenomena

    Hello guys, I have some experience with numerical methods and simulating various physical phenomena. Recently i was searching for a new research problem where i can do numerical studies and which can lead to a research paper. Do you guys have any suggestions?
  23. L

    The outline of engineering studies in US

    Hello I am new here so my name is Lucas (at least english equivalent), I am sophomore in high school, I am a student of IB Diploma curriculum and I live in Poland. I want to study aerospace engineering in US and I have some questions. 1. Curriculum division Is it true that freshman and...
  24. S

    Can I do grad studies in computational physics if my BSc is in chemistry?

    Hello everyone, Just wondering how different the two really are. I'm interested in developing functionals and was wondering if the two are really distinguishable. On an added note, by the time I graduate, I will have had two research terms in computational chemistry. One applications, and the...
  25. S

    Considering quitting job to pursue full time studies. Advice needed

    Right now I'm at a community college and I am a semester or two away from transferring to the local Uni in the Chemical Engineering program. I need some advice. So far in school I've been working part time and going to school part time. As many of you probably know, working while taking these...
  26. D

    What are some tips for understanding and applying higher level math concepts?

    Hello all, I'm a guy who's bad at maths. I intended to study something easy - like law, history and the like. But I made a last second decision and chose to study something more useful - applied maths in my case. What I'd like to know, is what math subjects should I improve at (if I don't want...
  27. M

    Programs Question about degrees and studies.

    Hi, I'm wondering if there is such a study field which has to do with optics. meaning I've always wanted to work with stuff that looks into space and brings back images. Is this astronomy? or is there another thing. I'm really confused about everything since for now I'm just going to a community...
  28. E

    Natural Selection and David Lack's starling studies

    Homework Statement Describe Lack's experiments with Swiss starlings, and state what these experiments tell us about the effect of natural selection Homework Equations Lack's studies / experiment was that he marked the nestlings of the starlings and then he recaptured them months later...
  29. T

    Does Poverty Stem from Laziness or Systemic Issues?

    Many right-wing people believe most poor people are poor because they're lazy, and most rich people worked for it and deserve being rich. Are there any studies about this? I searched on google but I only found information like Glenn Beck's opinion on this (lol) and other useless information.
  30. J

    Lists of Valid Studies Linking Nuclear Radiation to Cancer.

    Angela Merkel the Woman Iron Chancellor of Germany has called for the shutting down of Nuclear Power Plants throughout her country. I am a former Nuclear Reactor Plant Operator and for years I was a strong proponent of advancing the nuclear power industry. They could do no wrong in my eyes...
  31. A

    Should I stay in Australia or go to USA for my studies?

    I am currently studying undergrad at the University of Melbourne in Australia majoring in Physics but I have also been accepted into the freshman class at the University of California Santa Barbara majoring in Physics also. The cost of studying in Australia is about AU$4160 which is about...
  32. R

    Looking for 'Engineering Case Studies'

    I am looking for a very resourceful case study which would include changes the company has made in order to improve itself. I am trying to focus on Engineering Companies which design, manufacture and upgrade renewable energy related components such as turbines and solar panels. Websites of...
  33. A

    Navigating Career Changes and Post Grad Studies: My Story

    Its been almost 2 years since college & I am in my 3rd job(8 months each), or 5th(if i consider 5 days also), courtesy recession. It really messed up my career plans. First two were completely into project management & I had to get out of 'em. After more than a year, i got into what i wanted. I...
  34. J

    BS in space studies for MS. In engineering physics?

    I was thinking since alone it's a bit general I could fill my electives with physics 1 and 2 , diff equations, chem, etc and a ton of math. Would that be enough to get me into a grad engineering prog? It is the BS in space studies from APUS.
  35. S

    When did statistical studies become important for the study of physics?

    When did statistical studies become important for the study of physics? Could someone cite something for me to read which would put this question in a historical context? I’m doing research on Arpad Elo (1903-1992). He did a master’s degree in physics (I assume before 1926), and then...
  36. S

    Should I put off my studies until the child-raising years are over?

    Hello, I would appreciate advice, preferably from people with families. I am currently plodding through a degree in physics\math at a snail's pace, due to working part-time at unconventional hours (in informal education) and raising a 1.5 year old. I also observe the Jewish sabbath, so...
  37. M

    Undergraduate studies in Europe? (Germany)

    Has anyone had experience with studying there? Is English your first language? Did you have trouble in learning German? Did you learn it before or during your stay in Germany? Which university did you go to; which subject did you study; how did you find the program/course? More importantly; what...
  38. I_am_learning

    What is the probability of winning in a game of chance?

    I friend of mine wondered, why on Earth do we have to learn different probability theories, afterall no one can ever be sure on anything, its only talk about, 'it can probably happen this than that' and so on. Of course, I am sure, there is a lot of use of it particulartly when the no...
  39. K

    Need some advice about graduate studies in nonlinear dynamics

    First off, though I've been reading through these forums for a while now, this is my first post here, so let me briefly introduce myself. I'm finishing up my third year as an undergraduate in mathematics. Next year, I want to apply to grad school in math, specifically, I'd like to study...
  40. S

    Undergraduate studies for a career in renewable energy

    I'm right now twenty years old and in my second semester of a physics degree at a school which has a pretty wide variety of engineering and science degrees and an excellent reputation in those fields. I think I would be happy working in almost any science/engineering field, but I'm most...
  41. S

    Help In Studies: Overcome Shortcomings in Academics for Engineering Students

    Help in studies... I am pursuing engineering from India.I have always had problem in memorizing things.But it not only ends there.When I have finished one topic such as say Fourier series in mathematics and moved on to some other topic I realize that I have lost my hold on th previous topic...
  42. C

    Is the field of Consciousness Studies legitimate? Or is this a fraud?

    Is the field of "Consciousness Studies" legitimate? Or is this a fraud? Hi everyone! First of all, I wasn't entirely sure whether this should be posted here or in General Discussion. If this is the wrong forum,please accept my apologies. Now to topic: Recently, in our college's science...
  43. H

    Need advice on how to deal with stress related to studies

    Hello everybody out there! I've recently got a stroke of what is called 'brain fog' on other internet pages. The reason I take this up is that I need some help on my perspective conserning my studies. Besides I think there's many people out there that have the same problem as me. If you...
  44. Femme_physics

    Why We Need Calculus for Mechatronics Studies

    Mechatronics course..someone asked me "why do we need to study calculus".how to reply So we're mechatronics 1st year, we're about to start our second semester just having finished statics WITHOUT calculus. I presume this semester we're starting on Calculus. My classmate grudgingly asked me why...
  45. wasteofo2

    Genetic studies of modern Latin American populations?

    Hello, I'm currently living in Bogotá, Colombia. I'm from NY, and we have lots of diversity there, but having lived here for a while I can't help but be stunned at how much more intermixing there seems to be here, and the way the resulting people look so outstandingly unique. This makes me...
  46. M

    Postgraduate studies and previous studies

    Just a quick question. I'm in Australia and am currently studying Electrical Engineering. Prior to the university I am at now, I did a year at another university, and once I was accepted into the one that I am at now, I applied to receive credit/advanced standing for 4 subjects that I did at the...
  47. A

    Groups & Studies about Fusion via Colliding Beams

    Hi everyone, I am studying the feasibility of using the collision of two beams to obtain nuclear fusion energy. I would like you to recommend me some serious and intersting articles about this. Is there any experiment that does fusion by beam collitions already? Im open to hear about any...
  48. I

    Gibson Les Paul Wiring Diagrams

    HI, I am looking for some help in finding out the right way to wire a Les Paul,the thing is I don't know the way to find the capacitor that would work, as far getting the equation correct... I have a pickup dc resistance @17.3k. 2) the outher one is rated at 13.9k, the pots are 250w...
  49. M

    Studies: Belief in God relieves depression? how accurate is this? is it biased? if it is true then how strongly do you need to believe in god for this to apply?
  50. N

    Programs Best double major combo for graduate studies in nuclear/experimental physics

    If one were to go onto experimental/nuclear physics in graduate school, which double major do you all think would be the better/best option? Physics and Applied Mathematics or Physics and Nuclear Engineering The reason I ask is I recently talked to a graduate student in experimental...