Subsets Definition and 221 Threads

  1. G

    Orthonormal basis for subsets of C^3

    We want to find a basis for W and W_perpendicular for W=span({(i,0,1)}) =Span({w1}) in C^3 a vector x =(a,b,c) in W_perp satisfies <w1,x> = 0 => ai + c = 0 => c=-ai Thus a vector x in W_perp is x = (a,b,-ai) So an orthonormal basis in W would be simply w1/norm(w1) ...but the norm(w1)=0 (i^2 +...
  2. R

    Subsets of the set of primes - uncountable or countable?

    Subsets of the set of primes -- uncountable or countable?? Cantor proved that the sub-sets of the natural numbers are uncountable. assuming that the the set of primes can be put in a 1-to-1 matching with the natural numbers (which I believe they can...) then it would follow that the sub...
  3. X

    How many even subsets are there?

    Given a finite set S of cardinality m: Decide how many even or odd subsets there are of S (finding one should give you the other). Here is what I've done so far. First, I looked to a multiplication out by hand. (m * (m-1)) + (m * (m-1) * (m-2) * (m-3)) + (m * (m-1) * (m-2) * (m-3) * (m-4) *...
  4. K

    Linear Algebra - Polynomial Subsets of Subspaces

    Homework Statement Which one of the following subsets of P_{2} (degree of 2 or below) are subspaces? a) a_{2}t^{2} + a_{1}t + a_{0}, where a_{1} = 0 and a_{0} = 0 b) a_{2}t^{2} + a_{1}t + a_{0}, where a_{1} = 2a_{0} c) a_{2}t^{2} + a_{1}t + a_{0}, where a_{2} + a_{1} + a_{0} = 2 Homework...
  5. M

    Connectedness of subsets of connected closures

    Can anyone help? Given a set E in Rn is connected and E is a subset of A and A is a subset of E closure, and E closure is also connected, prove that A is connected. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. E

    Union of Two Subsets: Definition & Example

    Homework Statement What does it mean to have a union of two subsets? Could someone provide me with an example. Thank you.
  7. F

    Analysis of Subsets: Is Re (Real Numbers) Open, Closed, or Neither?

    Homework Statement I need to find out whether the subset Re(real no's) of complex no's is open, closed or neither. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Im not really sure how to begin this...any help please?
  8. C

    Proper Subsets in Discrete Math

    Discrete Math "Proper Subsets" Hey everyone, I am confused on part of this. Any input would be much appreciated! X has ten members. How many members does ~P(X) have? (~P is the set of all subsets) How many proper subsets does X have? Well the number of members of ~P is 2^10 or 1024...
  9. M

    Visualizing Subspaces and Subsets (in R3)

    I have trouble visualizing what exactly these are. Vector Space, Subset, Sub Space... What's the difference and how can I "see" it. I'm a very visual person.
  10. R

    Open subsets are a union of disjoint open intervals

    Homework Statement Prove that any open subset of \Real can be written as an at most countable union of disjoint open intervals. Homework Equations An at most countable set is either finite or infinitely countable. The Attempt at a Solution It seems very intuitive but I am at lost...
  11. G

    Subsets and subspaces of vector spaces

    Homework Statement T = {(1,1,1),(0,0,1)} is a subset of R^{3} but not a subspace sol i have to prove it holds for addition and scalar multiplication so let x=(1,1,1) and y =(0,0,1) so x+y = (1,1,2) so it holds let \alpha = a scalar then \alphax = (\alpha,\alpha,\alpha)...
  12. S

    Show Borel Subsets of R2 for Horizontal & Vertical Sections

    Let E in R2 be a Borel Set. Show that all horizontal and vertical sections { x : (x, y) in E }, { y : (x, y) in E } of E are Borel subsets of R. ------------------------------------ I think I'm missing something out. My argument is that E is Borel, so E is formed of finitely many...
  13. P

    Proving Invariance of Subsets under Group Actions

    Homework Statement Let G be a group acting on a set X, and let g in G. Show that a subset Y of X is invariant under the action of the subgroup <g> of G iff gY=Y. When Y is finite, show that assuming gY is a subset of Y is enough. Homework Equations If Y is a subset of X, we write GY for...
  14. F

    Prove or disprove that subsets a and b of x and f:x->y f(f-1(a))=a

    Homework Statement Prove or disprove that for any non empty sets X and Y, any subset A of X, and f:X->Y, f(f^-1(A))=A Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know that for x element of A f(x) = f(A) so x is an element of f^-1(f(A)). If I can assume f is injective then I can go from...
  15. P

    Determine whether the following subsets are subspaces

    Homework Statement H = {(x,y,z) \in R^3 | x + y^2 + z = 0} \subseteq R^3 T = {A \in M2,2 | AT = A} \subseteq M2,2 The Attempt at a Solution Our lecturer wasn't quite clear about how to go about this. He talked out closed under addition and multiplication but that's about it...
  16. Z

    Functions, one to one, subsets, intersections

    Homework Statement General Case: Let f:A \rightarrow B be a function. Show that f( \bigcap_{\alpha\in\Lambda} T_{\alpha}) = \bigcap_{\alpha\in\Lambda} f(T_{\alpha}) for all choices of \{T_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha\in\Lambda if and only if f is one-to-one. Simpler Case: Let f:A \rightarrow B...
  17. M

    The intersection of an empty collection of subsets of X is equal to X?

    Hi, I'm reading HL Royden's real analysis, though my question pertains more to set theory. Let X be a set. Then the intersection of an empty collection of subsets of X is equal to X. I understand this is not an intersection of empty subsets but it is still very counter-intuitive. Can...
  18. Saladsamurai

    Determine whether Subsets are Subspaces

    Here we go...wheeeee Homework Statement For each of the following subsets of F3, determine whether it is a subspace of F3 (a) {(x_1, x_2, x_3) \in \mathbf{F}^3: x_1+2x_2+3x_3=0} (b) {(x_1, x_2, x_3) \in \mathbf{F}^3: x_1+2x_2+3x_3=4} (c) {(x_1, x_2, x_3) \in \mathbf{F}^3: x_1x_2x_3=0} (d)...
  19. S

    How Does the Openness of A Affect A∩B' in a Metric Space?

    Let (X,d) be a metric space A and B nonempty subsets of X and A is open. Show: A\capB = \oslash Iff A\capB(closure)= empty Only B closure it is easy to show rigth to left but how can i use A's open property I try to solve with contradiction s.t. there exist r>0 Br(p)\subseteqA\capB(closure) but...
  20. D

    Exploring Empty Family of Subsets of \mathbb{R}

    I am beginning to study set theory and came across the following example: Let \mathcal{A} be the empty family of subsets of \mathbb{R}. Since \mathcal{A} is empty, every member of \mathcal{A} contains all real numbers. That is, ((\forall A)(A\in\mathcal{A}\Rightarrow x\in A)) is true for...
  21. B

    Evaluating similarity between two subsets

    i have the following problem that i can't figure out. i have a set ID's which i pseudo-randomly split into 2 subsets A and B. let's say for the sake of simplicity i did it twice only, so i have subsets A&B and A`&B`. the sizes in the different splittings are the same - not sizes of A and B...
  22. R

    Prove that if s1 and s2 are subsets of a vectorspaceV such that

    Prove that if s1 and s2 are subsets of a vectorspaceV such that... Homework Statement Prove that if s1 and s2 are subsets of a vector space V such that S1 is a subset of S2,then span(S1) is a subset of span(s2). In particular, if s1 is a subset of s2 and span(s1)=V, deduce that span(s2)=V...
  23. J

    Linear Algebra (Vector spaces, linear independent subsets, transformations)

    Assignment question: Let V = P (R) and for j >= 1 define T_j(f(x)) = f^j (x) where f^j(x) is the jth derivative of f(x). Prove that the set {T_1, T_2,..., T_n } is a linearly independent subset of L(V) for any positive integer n. I have no idea how...
  24. A

    Subsets & Subspace Homework: Proofs & Counterexamples

    Homework Statement Which of the following subsets of the vector space R^R of all functions from R to R are subspaces? (proofs or counterexamples required) U:= f R^R, f is differentiable and f'(0) = 0 V:= fR^R, f is polynomial of the form f=at^2 for some aR = There exists a of the set...
  25. H

    Groups, monoids and nonempty subsets

    Homework Statement A) If M is any monois, let M' denote the set of all nonempty subsets of M and define an operation on M' by XY = {xy | x in X, y in Y}. show that M' is a monoid, commutative if M is, and find the units. B) If ab=ba in a monoid M, prove that (ab)^n = a^nb^n for all n >=...
  26. E

    Convex Subsets of Topological Vector Spaces

    I had a quick question: Is the following proof of the theorem below correct? Theorem: If C is a convex subset of a Topological vector space X, and the origin 0 in X is contained in C, then the set tC is a subset of C for each 0<=t<=1. Proof: Since C is convex, then t*x + (1-t)*y...
  27. A

    A question about dense subsets of the real line

    Consider the closed interval A = [a,b]\subset \mathbb{R}. Are the only dense subsets of A the set of all rational numbers in A and the set of all irrational numbers in A? Something tells me that there's got to be more than that, but I can't think of any examples. Thanks in advance for your help.
  28. H

    Subsets of Uncountable Infinite Sets

    Homework Statement Let A be an infinite set which is not countable and let B \subset A be a countably infinite set. (1) Show that A - B is also infinite and not countable (2) Show that A and A - B have the same cardinality Homework Equations Hints written directly: "Show that...
  29. I

    Binary operations, subsets and closure

    Homework Statement 1) Let S be a set and p: SxS->S be a binary operation. If T is a subset of S, then T is closed under p if p: TxT->T. As an example let S = integers and T be even Integers, and p be ordinary addition. Under which operations +,-,*,/ is the set Q closed? Under which...
  30. M

    Hereditarily normal, mutually separated subsets

    Show that the following statements are equivalent for any topological space (X, \tau). (a) Whenever A, B are mutually separated subsets of X, there exist open disjoint U, V such that A \subseteq U and B \subseteq V. (b) (X, \tau) is hereditarily normal. Background: Definition- Sets H...
  31. D

    Subsets of two-dimensional space

    Homework Statement a) construct a subset of two-dimensional space closed under vector addition and even subtraction, but not under scalar multiplication. b) construct a subset of two-dimensional space (other than two opposite quadrants) closed under scalar multiplication but not under...
  32. E

    Proving Function Properties with Subsets

    Alright, 2+1/2 problems here: First: 36. Let F be a function from the set A to the set B. Let S and T be subsets of A. Show that: a) f(S\cupT)=f(S)\cupf(T) b)f(S\capT)\subseteq f(S)\capf(T) Note: This must be done using a membership proof. i.e. prove that...
  33. P

    Ideals with subsets and divides

    Homework Statement Let I = <f(x)>, J =<g(x)> be ideals in F[x]. prove that I\subsetJ \leftrightarrow g(x)|f(x) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If I is a subset of J then does that mean that f is in J also and by definition of an ideal g*some b in J must equal something...
  34. V

    Is Every Subset of a Compact Set Compact?

    This may be a stupid question, but I just confused myself on compactness. For some reason I can't convince myself that ANY subset of a compact set isn't compact in general; just closed subsets. Suppose K is a compact set and F \subset K. Then if (V_{\alpha}) is an open cover of K, K \subset...
  35. J

    What is an Example of a Closed Set with an Empty Interior in Euclidean Space?

    Give an example of a closed set S in R^2 such that the closure of the interior of S does not equal to S (in set notation). I have no idea where to start...any help would be nice! Thanks!
  36. S

    Finding Combinatorial Solutions for 3 Subsets of [n]

    The question: How many ways are there to choose three subsets, A, B, and C of [n] that satisfy A\subseteqB\subseteqC? My attempt: Since C is the primary subset of [n] (the set upon which A and B are built) then the maximum number of ways to choose that set is based upon both n and |C| so...
  37. P

    What is the Indexed Family of Subsets?

    Homework Statement Let f: A \rightarrow B be given and let {X_{\alpha}} for \alpha \in I be an indexed family of subsets of A. Prove: a) f(U_{\alpha\inI} X_{\alpha}) = U_{\alpha\inI}f(X_{\alpha}) The Attempt at a Solution To prove these two things are equal I must show...
  38. E

    The cardinality of the set of all finite subsets of an infinite set

    How do I prove that the set of all finite subsets of an infinite set has the same cardinality as that infinite set?
  39. M

    Splitting an infinite set into two equal infinite subsets.

    So if A is an infinite set, we know that |A|+|A|=|A|. But are we allowed to go backwards, i.e. divide A into two disjoint subsets B and C such that A = B U C, and |B|=|C|=|A|. For the integers and for the reals, this is clear, e.g. R = (-infinity,0) U [0, infinity), each with cardinality c...
  40. L

    Proving Subsets: A Venn Diagram Approach

    Proof subset? Given three sets A, B, and C, set X = (A-B) U (B-C) U (C-A) and Y = (A∩B∩C) complement C. Prove that X is subset of Y. Is Y necessarily a subset of X? If yes, prove it. If no, why? ---When I draw the two venn diagrams X and Y, they are the same, but I don't know how to prove...
  41. G

    How Many Subsets of 100 Elements Have More Than One Element?

    Homework Statement How many subsets of a set with 100 elements have more than one element? The thing throwing me off here is the zero-set, and whether it counts as an element or that. Can someone start me off?
  42. K

    Vector spaces, subspaces, subsets, intersections

    Homework Statement Let V be a vector space over a field F and let X, Y and Z be a subspaces of V such that X\subseteqY. Show that Y\cap(X+Z) = X + (Y\capZ). (Hint. Show that every element of the LHS is contained on the RHS and vice versa.) Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  43. K

    Are These Subsets of R^R Subspaces?

    Homework Statement Which of the following subsets of the vector space R^R of all functions from R to R are subspaces? (proofs or counterexamples required) U:= f \inR^R, f is differentiable and f'(0) = 0 V:= f\inR^R, f is polynomial of the form f=at^2 for some a\inR = There exists a...
  44. S

    What is the Homeomorphism Proof for Non-Empty Convex Open Subsets of R^2?

    Homework Statement Let U be a non-empty, convex, open subset of R^2. Prove that U is homeomorphic to R^2. Hint: First prove that the intersection of a line in R^2 with U (if non-empty) is homeomorphic to an open interval in R^1. Then use radial projections.Homework Equations We just have the...
  45. P

    Open Subsets of a Union: A Conjecture

    Homework Statement Conjecture: If K=a union of subsets of G with K open then each subset in the union is open The Attempt at a Solution Can't really see the proof. In fact it's false as any non discrete topology have open sets which are a union of subsets whch may not be open.
  46. P

    Set of all Subsets of Natural Numbers

    Homework Statement Prove that the set of all subsets of the natural numbers is uncountable. Homework Equations All of the countability stuff - including Cantor's diagonal argument The Attempt at a Solution I think I have this one figured out, but I was wondering if somebody would...
  47. M

    Proving R^n & Ø are the Only Subsets of R^n Open & Closed

    Homework Statement The Premise: Here One must prove that that R^n and Ø are the two subsets of R^n, which is both open and closed. You must that these are the only subsets of R^n which has this property! Let X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n be a subset, which is both open and close, and here...
  48. M

    Infinite Hausdorff Spaces: Mutually Disjoint Open Subsets

    Prove that an infinite Hausdorff space has an infinite collection of mutually disjoint open subsets.
  49. M

    Vector Spaces, Subsets, and Subspaces

    Homework Statement What is an example of a subset of R^2 which is closed under vector addition and taking additive inverses which is not a subspace of R^2? R, in this question, is the real numbers. Homework Equations I know that, for example, V={(0,0)} is a subset for R^2 that...
  50. S

    Statistics - combinations of subsets

    Springfield Football Club plan to field a team of 3 forwards, 4 mid-fielders and 3 defenders and a goalkeeper. Assuming they have 8 forwards, 6 mid-fielders, 5 defenders and 2 goal- keepers on their books how many teams can they make? i tried doing: (8C3) x (6C4) x (5C3) x (2C1) but...