Sun Definition and 1000 Threads

The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its core, radiating the energy mainly as visible light and infrared radiation. It is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth. Its diameter is about 1.39 million kilometres (864,000 miles), or 109 times that of Earth. Its mass is about 330,000 times that of Earth; it accounts for about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.
Roughly three quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen (~73%); the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements, including oxygen, carbon, neon and iron.The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star (G2V) based on its spectral class. As such, it is informally and not completely accurately referred to as a yellow dwarf (its light is closer to white than yellow). It formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of matter within a region of a large molecular cloud. Most of this matter gathered in the center, whereas the rest flattened into an orbiting disk that became the Solar System. The central mass became so hot and dense that it eventually initiated nuclear fusion in its core. It is thought that almost all stars form by this process.
The Sun's core fuses about 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium every second, converting 4 million tons of matter into energy every second as a result. This energy, which can take between 10,000 and 170,000 years to escape the core, is the source of the Sun's light and heat. When hydrogen fusion in its core has diminished to the point at which the Sun is no longer in hydrostatic equilibrium, its core will undergo a marked increase in density and temperature while its outer layers expand, eventually transforming the Sun into a red giant. It is calculated that the Sun will become sufficiently large to engulf the current orbits of Mercury and Venus, and render Earth uninhabitable – but not for about five billion years. After this, it will shed its outer layers and become a dense type of cooling star known as a white dwarf, and no longer produce energy by fusion, but still glow and give off heat from its previous fusion.
The enormous effect of the Sun on Earth has been recognized since prehistoric times. The Sun was thought of by some cultures as a deity. The synodic rotation of Earth and its orbit around the Sun are the basis of solar calendars, one of which is the Gregorian calendar, the predominant calendar in use today.

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  1. M

    Help with Strange Photos of the Sun

    Hi all, I was hoping for a little advice and some insight on these pictures I took. Here is the first (orig_small1.jpg): And the Second after I realized and waited for a break in the traffic (orig_small2.jpg): I was on the Skyway Bridge in the passenger seat driving from St. Pete...
  2. B

    How long the sun would shine if it converts all it's Hydrogen to Helium

    Hello, I've got this problem: The sun converts 1.91exp19 kg of Hydrogen to Helium per year, given that the sun started out with 75% Hydrogen by mass, computer how long the sun would shine if it converts all it's Hydrogen to Helium. I computed the total energy of the sun as 3.81exp41...
  3. K

    WHY is the sun red during rise and set

    during the sunrise and sunset, we find the sun reddish in color...why is it view is that as the distance to Earth during these times is longer than mid-day, and applying doppler effect, as the sun nears the apparent wavelength decreases and so is the perceived this approach...
  4. O

    Effect of Sun movement on Planetary orbits?

    What is the effect (if any) of the sun's movement around the galactic center in relation to planetary orbits?
  5. D

    All Energy on Earth can be traced back to the Sun

    We are studying Energy at school The book said that "All Energy on Earth can be traced back to the Sun" I know there is mechanical energy chemical energy electrical energy Are they talking about everything? I mean cars, fireplaces, ect...
  6. C

    Modeling Planetary Motion with Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

    I'm trying to make a program which makes use of Newton's law of universal gravitation to model planetary motion. I've set up a system very similar to the earth-sun system (i.e., masses and distances are similar to the actual earth-sun system). When I run the simulation, the "earth" orbits the...
  7. T

    Sun energy transfer into a mousetrap car spring

    Homework Statement In six steps, explain how energy was transferred from the sun to your moving mousetrap car. Homework Equations None, I think. The Attempt at a Solution For the most part, I don't have the slightest idea. I do know how the energy transfers to the spring and powers...
  8. V

    Charged particles from our Sun travelling too fast?

    I read somewhere (Wikipedia I think) that charges particles are leaving our Sun and heading for Earth faster than can be explained by current solar models.Is it possible that there is some Hawking radiation inside the Sun imparting extra energy to these particles? Or does Hawking radiation only...
  9. Q

    Can anyone here please tell me about the sun dying?

    helloooo new to this forum...and a total science noob who comes to you seeking knowledge... :rolleyes: Anyway - i recently saw the new danny boyle movie 'sunshine' - the story is about the sun dying and a rescue team who's on a mission to save the sun by reigniting it. My question...
  10. O

    Black holes, the sun and wormholes.

    I've been reading Kip Thorne's book "Black Holes and Time Warps" and was wondering about a couple of things. They're really basic questions that have been floating around in my head, but I can't ask any of my friends because none of them know anything about these topics, so...I came here...
  11. V

    No big planets close to the Sun?

    No big rocky planets? Why are there no big rocky planets - all the big planets are gaseous. Did big rocky planets get smashed up and end up in the Kuiper belt?
  12. W

    Gravity of Sun at the Earth's Orbit

    Homework Statement What is the acceleration due to gravity of the sun at the distance of the Earth's orbit? Homework Equations Confused on which one to use The Attempt at a Solution
  13. J

    Combined velcoities of earth's rotation and revolution + sun + galaxy

    hey since the Earth turns around itself , turns around sun, sun turns around galaxy, galaxy is in movement (or maybe orbiting something bigger, who really knows ?) Well with all these movements, our velocity must be close to c ? thus , what is galaxy turns around ..., which turns around...
  14. V

    Can Doubly Ionized Helium on the Sun's Surface Explain Recent Climate Changes?

    Photons born deep inside the sun take millions of years to reach the surface. This makes it unlikely that the warming of the Earth's atmosphere today(greenhouse effect) can be attributed to increased solar output from a "deep sun" process - the timing would be too unlikely.Could a surface...
  15. R

    The force of gravity from the sun will be weaker

    Nature decides that instead of inverse square law for gravitational forces the law will be inverse cube law. In that case what among the following will be true? a) The force of gravity from the sun will be weaker b) The period of the planet will be proportional to the square of the distance...
  16. R

    In optics experiments we assume that the sun rays are parallel

    Even though in optics experiments we assume that the sun rays are parallel, we can clearly see that the sunlight seems to diverge from the sun when coming through the clouds. Whats the reason of this discrepancy?
  17. C

    Gravity waves and a disapprearing sun.

    I was thinking of a scenario where the sun suddenly disappeared into thin space as if it were blinked out of existence. Aside from this being an absurd possibility, the more interesting question is how space around the sun would react to the giant loss of mass. Would it be correct in thinking...
  18. O

    Why Symmetry of Tides on Earth (influenced by moon, sun)

    I have been trying to understand how our ocean tides work and read about the effect of our moon's and sun's gravitation. I have learned there are diurnal, semi-durnal and mixed semi-diurnal tidal patterns When the moon is directly overhead equatorially (near side), I've seen illustrations...
  19. ranger

    How do we know how much hydrogen the sun has?

    I've been hearing these talks that the sun will run out of hydrogen in 4.5 to 5 billion years from now. My question is, how did we arrive at this estimate. Is it based on the mass or something? It would be good if you can show me the mathematical calculations. --thanks.
  20. O

    Finding the Exact Time of Alignment of Earth, Sun and Center Sun

    Ok so if the center sun of our gallaxy is in sagattarius then what degree is it in sagattarius. If the Earth and the sun and the center sun were in aline once a year then would I have to see the oppisite consalation of sagattarius at the oppisite degree of the center sun in the center of the...
  21. chemisttree

    Relativistic effects on interior of our sun?

    Last night I watched a program on TV that made the statement that in the interior of our sun the gravity is so intense that a photon of light can travel only several thousandths of an inch per minute. It takes hundreds of thousands of years for a photon of light to travel from the interior of...
  22. W

    How Strong Is the Sun's Gravitational Pull on Earth?

    The Earth is subject not only to the gravitational force of the moon but also to the gravitational pull of the sun. However, the earth is much farther away from the sun than it is from the moon. In fact, the center of the Earth is at an average distance of 1.5 x 10^11 m from the center of the...
  23. 8

    Calculating the Mass of the Sun Using Orbital Data and Gravitational Constant G

    a)calculate the mass of the sun from the radiuos of the Earth's orbit (1.5 x 10^11m), the Earth's period in its orbit, and the gravitational constant of G. Sohere we are given the speedof light, 3x10^8, and G as 6.673x10^-11 so i get that v=2pi x r / T and that r= ct how do i continue...
  24. R

    Far Side of Sun: Can Satellites View Opposite Side?

    Whenever something interesting happens on the side of the sun that faces earth, is there any orbiting satellite that can simultaneously view the opposite side?
  25. K

    What is the absolute magnitude of the sun

    Astronomy Help Please! :) I am having a problem figuring out this question. On all my other work the questions have been different. Could anyone help me with this Astronomy problem and show me how to work it out? Thank you! Anything would be greatly appreciated. What is the absolute...
  26. B

    Gravitational pull on probe between the Sun and the Earth

    How far from Earth must a space probe be along a line toward the Sun so that the Sun's gravitational pull on the probe balances the Earth's pull? I'm actually just confused as to how to set this up. I know that I need to consider d being the distance from the Earth to the sun and r being the...
  27. A

    Question about the sun and the earth

    The sun exerts a force of 4.0 X 10^28 N on the earth, and the Earth travels 9.4 X 10^11 m in its annual orbit around the sun. How much work is done by the sun on the Earth in the course of a year? Explain.
  28. N

    How Do You Calculate the Radius of the Sun Using Its Angular Size?

    The Sun subtends an angle of about 0.5 degrees to us on the Earth, 150 million km away. What is the radius of the Sun? theta=l/R (2pi rad/360 degrees)0.5 degrees=2pi(150,000,000 km) This should be simple, but the answer I get seems to not sound right at all Have i set this up correctly?
  29. D

    Conveyor Belt on Sun: What is it & How Does it Link to Solar Storms?

    Can anyone kindly describe to me in simple words what is sun’ conveyor belt all about and how it is link to solar storm? Thanks
  30. turbo

    Hungarian first man to land on the Sun

    Don't know how long they keep these linked, but it's a great shot!;_ylt=Atn756jNDFDUJDaq4wjpvw.s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Y3J1dWFkBHNlYwNwaA--
  31. C

    Why does the sun have a black point and is it an optical effect?

    Why? It's a optic effect? It's taken with digital camera. :bugeye:
  32. M

    Evaluate the pic : got a black spot in sun

    The picture was taken last Holy Week: April 13, 2006 while in a ferry ride from Samal to Davao (both in Philippines). I took the photo and noticed a black spot in both pictures. Can anyone explain the spot. Anyway, it was took about 4:50PM, the last ferry going to Davao.
  33. M

    Evaluate the pic : got a black spot in sun

    The picture was taken last Holy Week: April 13, 2006 while in a ferry ride from Samal to Davao (both in Philippines). I took the photo and noticed a black spot in both pictures. Can anyone explain the spot. Anyway, it was took about 4:50PM, the last ferry going to Davao.
  34. N

    See Sunset from Space: Orange Clouds?

    I was wondering if anyone knew if you look at the Earth and see a sunset from space would you see the orange clouds from space? I think it would be cool to get a picture of the orange clouds from space... or something to that affect. I don't even know why I just thought of that lol. I am...
  35. E

    Momentum of photon close the sun or black hole

    We know, that photon change direction for 1.75'', when it flies close to the sun. This angle is proportional to radius of the sun. If we calculate clasically the angle is 0.82'' (arc second). Which is momentum, which is given to sun (or black hole) by the photon change of direction. Is the...
  36. JamesU

    How Big is Earth Compared to the Sun?

    Does anyone else find this scary yet cool at the same time?:rolleyes:
  37. L

    Speed of light; distance from earth to sun

    Ok, I got this problem and I don't know where to start... "The average distance from the Earth to the sun is 9.30 x 10^7 miles. Light travels at a speed of 3.00 x 10^8 meters per second. If the sun were to be suddenly extinguished, how many minutes would it take for the effect to be visible...
  38. B

    Exploring the Sun: How Deeply Can We See?

    How deeply into the Sun can we see? What are we actually seeing? Is wavelength related to how much we can see into the sun?
  39. V

    Age of the sun in galactic years

    The Solar System is traveling around 155 miles a Second around the Milky way Galaxy. There are 31,556,926 seconds in a year. We will round off the Age of our sun from 4.76 Billion to 5 Billion Years for easier figuring. If we Multiply 31,556,926 seconds by 5 Billion Years we get...
  40. B

    STAR: Comparing Ionization and Thermal Energy in the Sun

    Question says: Approximately how much energy would be required to ionize all the hydrogen in the Sun? How does this ionization energy compare with the thermal energy of the Sun? (Assume the uniform density approximation. The ionization energy of a single hydrogen atom is 2.18e−18 J.) Am...
  41. F

    Sunshine and Science: Singing About the Sun
  42. S

    Stoping the desturaction of the sun?

    In about 5 billion years the sun will become a red giant. Would it be possible to stop with furtristic (super extrme) technology. Like by putting more hydorgen in the sun or somthing. It might be possible assuming that if were still alive that we could have the technology to that five...
  43. S

    Chemical asorb sun energy?high CO2 in atmosphere

    good day to everyone, i wish to ask what chemical in our environment asorb some energy from sun? and what it has to do with high C02 level in the atmosphere? thanks in advance
  44. J

    Calculating apparent positions of sun and moon

    I would like to calculate with high-accuracy the apparent geocentric positions of this three: Spica, the sun and moon. I will apply the following corrections for Spica: 1. proper motion 2. precession 3. rotation of ecliptic 4. stellar aberration 5. annual parallax 6. gravitational...
  45. C

    Energy in EM Waves problem (finding sun power output from EM wave intensity)

    Hi, if someone could help me figure this out I'd really appreciate it. Estimate the average power output of the Sun, given that about 1350 W/m^2 reaches the upper atmosphere of the Earth. I know the answer is 3.8 X 10^26 W but I don't know how to get there. I've tried different equations...
  46. Astronuc

    A Place in the Sun: Cornell Solar House Auction April 7

    Cornell's award-winning solar house to be auctioned April 7 By Susan S. Lang
  47. Z

    Light from Sun to Earth in seconds

    Hi, I'm a middle school student who enjoys astronomy and I volunteer at a local science center. At that science center I have no trouble answering questions about the visual aspect of astronomy, but I do run into some trouble when I am asked about the "techy" or mathmatical side of the science...
  48. E

    Why sun looks bigger in the evening?

    why sun looks bigger in the evening? although it's closer to the Earth during noon?
  49. R

    Real time effects of light, light speed, and the sun?

    If I am to understand correctly, light speed is the speed at which light travels through space. As I also am led to believe, our sun is some four lightyears away. I recall hearing that since it takes roughly four years for light to travel from the sun to us, the light we see during the day...
  50. U

    Sun ejects its outer layers as it becomes a white dwarf

    In the future when the sun ejects its outer layers as it becomes a white dwarf would there be enough ejected matter flying around the solar system to allow Jupiter to gain the required mass to become a star.