Supremum Definition and 144 Threads

  1. B

    Finding the supremum of a 4D epsilon neighborhood

    Homework Statement Find sup{\epsilon| N\epsilon(X0 \subset S} for X0 = (1,2,-1,3); S = open 4-ball of radius 7 about (0,3,-2,2).Homework Equations If X1 is in Sr(X0) and |X - X1| < \epsilon = r - |X - X0| then X is in Sr(X0) The Attempt at a Solution This is my first foray into...
  2. Rasalhague

    Can Achilles Catch the Tortoise Without the Continuum Property?

    KG Binmore talks about Zeno's paradox of Achilles and the tortoise to motivate the idea of suprema for sets of real numbers: i.e. on what he calls the continuum property. But can't Achilles can catch the tortoise even without the continuum property, e.g. on a race track of rational...
  3. M

    Proof with Supremum, Infimum, and Well ordering principle

    Homework Statement We just started learning about supremums and infimums in my math proofs class. I am having trouble with the following question: Let x, y be real numbers with y - x > 1. Prove that there exists an integer n such that x < n < y. Hint--use the well ordering principle...
  4. N

    Upper bound turning into supremum

    i proved that sin (1/x)<1/x prove that sup{xsin (1/x)|x>0}=1 if we say that A={xsin (1/x)|x>0} xsin (1/x)<x(1/x)=1 so one is upper bound now i need to prove that there is no smaller upper bound so that 1 is the supremum suppose that "t" is our smaller upper bound t<1 and...
  5. R

    Analysis , sequences, limits, supremum explaination needed

    Analysis , sequences, limits, supremum explanation needed :( So i have a question and the answer as well, but i will need some explanation. here is the Question Let S be a bounded nonempty subset of R and suppose supS ∉S . Prove that there is a nondecreasing sequence (Sn) of points in S such...
  6. R

    Analysis Problem, limits & supremum, infimum and sequences

    I have analysis quiz tomorrow and i am really poor at sequences. I don't know where to begin Let (sn) and (tn) be sequences in R. Assume that (sn) is bounded. Prove that liminf(sn +tn)≥liminfsn +liminftn, where we define −∞ + s = −∞ and +∞ + s = +∞ for any s ∈ R. -thanks
  7. R

    Analysis Problem for homework, infimum and supremum

    I have this analysis homework due tomorrow. This is one of my problems.Let (sn) and (tn) be sequences in R. Assume that lim sn = s ∈ R. Then lim sup(sn +tn) = s+limsup(tn).I don't even know how to approach it. Even though it seems very straight forward.
  8. silvermane

    Does the Supremum of the Set A Exist?

    Prove the supremum exists :) Homework Statement Let A = {x:x in Q, x^3 < 2}. Prove that sup A exists. Guess the value of sup A. The Attempt at a Solution First we show that it is non-empty. We see that there is an element, 1 in the set, thus A is non-empty. Now we show that A is...
  9. S

    Find Infimum & Supremum of S: Justify Your Claims

    Find the supremum and infimum of S, where S is the set S = {√n − [√n] : n belongs to N} . Justify your claims. (Recall that if x belongs to R, then [x] := n where n is the largest integer less than or equal to x. For example, [7.6] = 7 and [8] = 8) ----I found my infimum to be 0 and...
  10. C

    Find the supremum and infimum of S, where S is the set S = {√n − [√n]}

    Homework Statement Find the supremum and infimum of S, where S is the set S = {√n − [√n] : n belongs to N} . Justify your claims. (Recall that if x belongs to R, then [x] := n where n is the largest integer less than or equal to x. For example, [7.6] = 7 and [8] = 8) The Attempt at a...
  11. A

    What is the definition of supremum for a sequence of real numbers?

    If you're given a sequence \{x_n\}, do you have \sup_n x_n = \lim_{n\to \infty} \left( \max\limits_{1 \leq k \leq n} x_k \right) I've never seen this definition before, but it makes sense. ...and if it's NOT the same as the supremum...what *is* it?
  12. E

    Where can I find a proof of the supremum norm as a norm?

    Could anyone tell me where to find a proof of the fact that the supremumnorm is a norm? The supremum norm is also known as the uniform, Chebychev or the infinity norm.
  13. J

    Functions not satisfying parallelogram identity with supremum norm

    Homework Statement Find two functions f, g \in C[0,1] (i.e. continuous functions on [0,1]) which do not satisfy 2 ||f||^2_{sup} + 2 ||g||^2_{sup} = ||f+g||^2_{sup} + ||f-g||^2_{sup} (where || \cdot ||_{sup} is the supremum or infinity norm) Homework Equations Parallelogram identity...
  14. H

    How Do You Determine the Infimum and Supremum of Rational and Sequence Sets?

    Homework Statement Find the infimum and supremum of each of the following sets; state whether the infimum and supremum belong to the set E. \item 1. ~~~~E={p/q \in \mathbf{Q} | p^2 < 5q^2 \mbox{ and } p,q >0}. \mbox{ Prove your result. } \item 2. ~~~~E={2-(-1)^n/n^2|n \in \mathbf{N}...
  15. Somefantastik

    Polynomial bounded w.r.t supremum norm

    Homework Statement E1 = {pn(t) = nt(1-t)n:n in N}; E2 = {pn(t) = t + (1/2)t2 +...+(1/n)tn: n in N}; where N is set of natural numbers is the polynomial bounded w.r.t the supremum norm on P[0,1]? Homework Equations supremum norm = ||*|| = sup{|pn(t)|: t in [0,1]} The Attempt...
  16. L

    Supremum of series difference question

    f_n(x)=1,1\leq x\leq n\\ f_n(x)=0,1< n< \infty f_n converges to f which is 1 at the beggining f_n is 0 but when n goes to infinity its 1 so why sup(f_n(x)-f(x))=1 ? f is allways 1 but f_n is 0 and going to one in one case its 1-1 in the other its 0-1 the supremum is 0...
  17. A

    Difficult analysis problem involve supremum and function concepts

    Homework Statement f(a) > c > f(b) A = { x : b > x > y > a implies f(a) > f(y) } let u = sup(A) show that f(u) = c Homework Equations I have no idea in particular, save for the definition of the supremum: \forall x \in A x \le u if v is an upper bound of A, then u \le v...
  18. A

    Supremum Principle: Nonempty Set A & Upper Bound

    According to supremum and infimum principle, nonempty set A={x|x\inQ,x2<2} is upper bounded, so it should have a least upper bound. In fact, it dose not have least upper bound. Why? When the principle is valid?
  19. G

    How to prove a number is a supremum of a set

    Homework Statement Prove that if (i) \forall n\in N, u - (1/n) is not an upper bound of s (ii) \forall n\in N, u + (1/n) is an upper bound of S then, u = supS Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution It (i) and (ii) are true, then \exists s\in S s.t. u - (1/n) < s and...
  20. A

    Definition of supremum and infimum using epsilons ?

    Is this what it is: "For every \epsilon > 0 there exists x\in A such that x \leq \inf A + \epsilon." ...and similarly for the supremum?
  21. J

    Proving that Supremum of (a,b) is Equal to b

    Homework Statement Consider the open interval (a,b). Prove that \mathrm{sup}{(a,b)} = b. Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I'm terrible at these proofs so I would appreciate it if someone could verify (or correct) my solution. Proof: Clearly b is an upper bound...
  22. E

    Infimun and supremum of empty set

    Why do we define(by convention) that infimum of an empty set as \infty and supremum as -\infty?
  23. T

    Why the the other supremum sum is bigger

    i can't understand this part of the solution.. its seems like the same thing
  24. L

    What is the definition of supremum and how does it relate to set A?

    Hello, I found the definition. If S is supremum of set A, then a) \forall x\in A:x\leq S b) \forall\varepsilon>0\;\exists x_0\in A:S-\varepsilon<x_0 Now let define set A=\{1,2,3,4,5\}. Is number 5 supremum of set A? Condition a) is satisfied, but b) is problem. If \varepsilon=0.1, there...
  25. E

    Can Two Sets' Supremum Equal the Product of Their Individual Supremums?

    Hi, I'm trying to prove that b^{r+s}=b^r*b^s for any real r,s where b^r = sup{b^t:t \leq r} and t is rational. (This is prob 1.6f in Rudin) My question. Can one show that for two sets X and Y: sup(XY)=(supX)(supY) where XY = {x*y: x\in X, y\in Y} Thanks, E
  26. S

    Supremum is the least upper bound

    Homework Statement Prove that the supremum is the least upper bound Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Proof: let x be an upper bound of a set S then x>=supS (by definition). If there exists an upper bound y and y<=SupS then y is not an upper bound (contradiction)...
  27. D

    Proving That T Has a Supremum: A Mathematical Exercise

    Homework Statement Let S be a set of positive real numbers with an infimum c > 0 and let the set T = {\frac{1}{t} : t \in S}. Show that T has a supremum and what is it's value. The attempt at a solution Ok, so the value must be \frac{1}{c}. But I'm unsure how to start proving...
  28. C

    Supremum of Union: Proving Sup(A)=SupiEI(Sup(A))

    Homework Statement let Ai be a subset of the reals and i is element of I = (1,...,n) now let A = UNION i is element of I Ai show that sup(A) = supiEI(sup(A)) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution My idea of solving was taking the limits of both sides but I'm...
  29. P

    Prove α² = 2: Supremum Proof Help

    Statement to prove: (Note: Q is the set of all rational numbers) Let B = {r in Q: r > 0 and r² < 2} and α = sup B. Prove that α² = 2. My work on the proof: Let B = {r in Q: r > 0 and r² < 2} and α = sup B. Note 1 is in B so B is not empty. By definition of B, 0 is an upper bound of B...
  30. E

    Solve Supremum Problem: X, Y and Z Sets

    Homework Statement Let a_1,a_2,\ldots and b_1,b_2,\ldots be bounded sequences of real numbers. Define the sets X, Y and Z as follows: \begin{align*} X &=\{x \in \mathbb{R} : a_n > x \text{ for infinitely many } n \} \\ Y &=\{y \in \mathbb{R} : b_n > y \text{ for infinitely many } n \} \\ Z...
  31. D

    Find the supremum and infimum of the following sets

    Find the supremum and infimum of the following sets: \begin{array}{l} A = Q \cap (\sqrt 2 ,\infty ) \\ B = \{ n + \sin n|n \in Z^ + \} \\ C = \{ 0.1,0.01,0.001...\} \\ \end{array} From the definition of supremum, it is obvious that sup A does not exist, because for any...
  32. D

    Can the Sum of Supremums be Greater than the Supremum of the Sum?

    Suppose that A,B \subseteq \Re^+ are non empty and bounded sets. Define + and . as the following set opetations: \begin{array}{l} A + B = \{ a + b|a \in A,b \in B\} \\ A.B = \{ ab|a \in A,b \in B\} \\ \end{array} Prove that \sup (A + B) \le \sup A + \sup B I started by letting a \in...
  33. E

    Is the Empty Set Bounded? Proof and Contradiction

    Does the empty set have a supremum ( least upper bound)? if yes, can anybody give me a proof please? if no, again a proof please?
  34. J

    Essential Supremum Problem: Measurable Positive Functions

    Problem: Show an example of a sequence of measurable positive functions on (0,1) so that \left\|\underline{lim} f_{n}\right\| < \underline{lim}\left\|f_{n}\right\| for n\rightarrow\infty My work: I think its just the indicator function I_{[n,n+1]} Since \left\|\underline{lim}...
  35. A

    Is the supremum of [-r,r] always equal to r or -r?

    Let 0 < r < 1. Then \sup_{x\in[-r,r]}f(x)=f(r)}, right? However, the text I'm reading says it's f(-r). How could this be? For example, say r = 0.5, then the least upper bound of [-0.5, 0.5] is 0.5, or r, right? I don't see how it could be -r. Thanks for any help.
  36. A

    Proving S Is Bounded Above: Supremum & Infimum | Asif

    I am trying to prove the following. I have a solution below. Can you tell if I am on the right track. P.S. I am doing calculus after 14 yrs so I am very rusty and probably sound stupid 1- Let T be a non-empty subset of R. Assume T is bounded below. Consider the set S = -T = {-t|t is an...
  37. MathematicalPhysicist

    Find the proof with supremum for bounded and disjoint sets

    let A,B be nonempty sets of real numbers, prove that: if A,B are bounded and they are disjoint, then supA doesn't equal supB. here's my proof: assume that supA=supB=c then for every a in A a<=c and for every b in B b<=c. bacuse A.B are bounded then: for every e>0 there exists x in A such...
  38. MathematicalPhysicist

    Proving Inequalities Between Infimum and Supremum in Subset Relations

    i need to show that when A is a subset of B and B is a subset of R (A B are non empty sets) then: infB<=infA<=supA<=SupB here's what i did: if infA is in A then infA is in B, and by defintion of inf, infB<=infA. if infA isn't in A then for every e>0 we choose, infA+e is in A and so infA is...
  39. B

    Proving Lim Sup Property for Bounded Sequences | Real Numbers HW

    I am trying to prove some things for a HW problem. Can you guys tell me if the following logic looks ok. Let Un and Vn be bounded sequences of real numbers. If Un<=Vn for every n , show that lim sup n--->infinity Un <= lim sup n--->infinity Vn. Here is what I wrote: Let E1 and E2 be...
  40. V

    What is the supremum and infimum of the set B = {x\in\mathbb{R} : sinx \geq 0}?

    let B = \{x\in\mathbb{R} : sinx \geq 0 \} find the supremum and infimum of this set. Ok well, since it is periodic I guess the point would be to note that the set will repeat ever 2\pi So then if we consider just between 0 and 2\pi supremum = \pi infimum = 0 if we consider all...
  41. P

    Is Proofing Supremum and Infimum as Easy as It Seems?

    Hi. Can somebody please check my work, its this dumb proof in the textbook which is the most obvious thing. Let S and T be nonempty bounded subsets of R with S \subseteq T. Prove that inf T \leq inf S \leq sup S \leq sup T. I first broke it up into parts and tried to prove each part...
  42. T

    Completeness axiom/theorem and supremum

    "Let A and B be bounded nontempty sets of real numbers. Let C={ab:a in A, b in B}. Prove that sup(C)=sup(A)sup(B)." Here's what I've done so far: By the completeness axiom/theorem A and B have suprema. Let sup(A)=z and sup(B)=y. For all e>0, there exists a in A and b in B such that z-e<a...
  43. V

    Calculating Supremum of sin n for Positive Integers

    I've got a question in analysis: How to calculate the supremum of sin n for positive integers n? I have tried hard but still cannot figure out it. Thanks very much to answer my question in advance! :smile:
  44. C

    Infimum & Supremum: Learn the Difference!

    Hi, It has been awhile since I have taken calculus, and now I am in analysis. I need to know what is the difference between the infimum and minimum and what is the difference between supremum and maximum? I know there is a difference, I just don't understand how they could be. Thanks...