Homework Statement
Find sup{\epsilon| N\epsilon(X0 \subset S} for
X0 = (1,2,-1,3); S = open 4-ball of radius 7 about (0,3,-2,2).Homework Equations
If X1 is in Sr(X0) and
|X - X1| < \epsilon = r - |X - X0|
then X is in Sr(X0)
The Attempt at a Solution
This is my first foray into...
KG Binmore talks about Zeno's paradox of Achilles and the tortoise to motivate the idea of suprema for sets of real numbers:
i.e. on what he calls the continuum property.
But can't Achilles can catch the tortoise even without the continuum property, e.g. on a race track of rational...
Homework Statement
We just started learning about supremums and infimums in my math proofs class. I am having trouble with the following question:
Let x, y be real numbers with y - x > 1. Prove that there exists an integer n such that x < n < y. Hint--use the well ordering principle...
i proved that sin (1/x)<1/x
prove that sup{xsin (1/x)|x>0}=1
if we say that A={xsin (1/x)|x>0}
xsin (1/x)<x(1/x)=1
so one is upper bound
now i need to prove that there is no smaller upper bound so that 1 is the supremum
suppose that "t" is our smaller upper bound t<1 and...
Analysis , sequences, limits, supremum explanation needed :(
So i have a question and the answer as well, but i will need some explanation.
here is the Question
Let S be a bounded nonempty subset of R and suppose supS ∉S . Prove that there is a
nondecreasing sequence (Sn) of points in S such...
I have analysis quiz tomorrow and i am really poor at sequences.
I don't know where to begin
Let (sn) and (tn) be sequences in R. Assume that (sn) is bounded.
Prove that liminf(sn +tn)≥liminfsn +liminftn,
where we define −∞ + s = −∞ and +∞ + s = +∞ for any s ∈ R.
I have this analysis homework due tomorrow.
This is one of my problems.Let (sn) and (tn) be sequences in R. Assume that lim sn = s ∈ R. Then lim sup(sn +tn) = s+limsup(tn).I don't even know how to approach it. Even though it seems very straight forward.
Prove the supremum exists :)
Homework Statement
Let A = {x:x in Q, x^3 < 2}.
Prove that sup A exists. Guess the value of sup A.
The Attempt at a Solution
First we show that it is non-empty. We see that there is an element, 1 in the set, thus A is non-empty.
Now we show that A is...
Find the supremum and infimum of S, where S is the set
S = {√n − [√n] : n belongs to N} .
Justify your claims. (Recall that if x belongs to R, then [x] := n where n is the largest integer less than or equal to x. For example, [7.6] = 7 and [8] = 8)
----I found my infimum to be 0 and...
Homework Statement
Find the supremum and infimum of S, where S is the set
S = {√n − [√n] : n belongs to N} .
Justify your claims. (Recall that if x belongs to R, then [x] := n where n is the largest integer less than or equal to x. For example, [7.6] = 7 and [8] = 8)
The Attempt at a...
If you're given a sequence \{x_n\}, do you have
\sup_n x_n = \lim_{n\to \infty} \left( \max\limits_{1 \leq k \leq n} x_k \right)
I've never seen this definition before, but it makes sense.
...and if it's NOT the same as the supremum...what *is* it?
Could anyone tell me where to find a proof of the fact that the supremumnorm is a norm?
The supremum norm is also known as the uniform, Chebychev or the infinity norm.
Homework Statement
Find two functions f, g \in C[0,1] (i.e. continuous functions on [0,1]) which do not satisfy
2 ||f||^2_{sup} + 2 ||g||^2_{sup} = ||f+g||^2_{sup} + ||f-g||^2_{sup}
(where || \cdot ||_{sup} is the supremum or infinity norm)
Homework Equations
Parallelogram identity...
Homework Statement
Find the infimum and supremum of each of the following sets; state whether the infimum and supremum belong to the set E.
\item 1. ~~~~E={p/q \in \mathbf{Q} | p^2 < 5q^2 \mbox{ and } p,q >0}. \mbox{ Prove your result. }
\item 2. ~~~~E={2-(-1)^n/n^2|n \in \mathbf{N}...
Homework Statement
E1 = {pn(t) = nt(1-t)n:n in N};
E2 = {pn(t) = t + (1/2)t2 +...+(1/n)tn: n in N};
where N is set of natural numbers
is the polynomial bounded w.r.t the supremum norm on P[0,1]?
Homework Equations
supremum norm = ||*|| = sup{|pn(t)|: t in [0,1]}
The Attempt...
f_n(x)=1,1\leq x\leq n\\
f_n(x)=0,1< n< \infty
f_n converges to f which is 1
at the beggining f_n is 0 but when n goes to infinity its 1
so why sup(f_n(x)-f(x))=1 ?
f is allways 1
but f_n is 0 and going to one
in one case its 1-1
in the other its 0-1
the supremum is 0...
Homework Statement
f(a) > c > f(b)
A = { x : b > x > y > a implies f(a) > f(y) }
let u = sup(A)
show that f(u) = c
Homework Equations
I have no idea in particular, save for the definition of the supremum:
\forall x \in A x \le u
if v is an upper bound of A, then u \le v...
According to supremum and infimum principle,
nonempty set A={x|x\inQ,x2<2} is upper bounded, so it should have a least upper bound. In fact, it dose not have least upper bound. Why?
When the principle is valid?
Homework Statement
Prove that if
(i) \forall n\in N, u - (1/n) is not an upper bound of s
(ii) \forall n\in N, u + (1/n) is an upper bound of S
then, u = supS
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
It (i) and (ii) are true, then
\exists s\in S s.t. u - (1/n) < s
Homework Statement
Consider the open interval (a,b). Prove that \mathrm{sup}{(a,b)} = b.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I'm terrible at these proofs so I would appreciate it if someone could verify (or correct) my solution.
Proof: Clearly b is an upper bound...
I found the definition. If S is supremum of set A, then
a) \forall x\in A:x\leq S
b) \forall\varepsilon>0\;\exists x_0\in A:S-\varepsilon<x_0
Now let define set A=\{1,2,3,4,5\}. Is number 5 supremum of set A? Condition a) is satisfied, but b) is problem. If \varepsilon=0.1, there...
I'm trying to prove that b^{r+s}=b^r*b^s for any real r,s where b^r = sup{b^t:t \leq r} and t is rational. (This is prob 1.6f in Rudin)
My question. Can one show that for two sets X and Y:
sup(XY)=(supX)(supY) where XY = {x*y: x\in X, y\in Y}
Homework Statement
Prove that the supremum is the least upper bound
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Proof: let x be an upper bound of a set S then x>=supS (by definition). If there exists an upper bound y and y<=SupS then y is not an upper bound (contradiction)...
Homework Statement
Let S be a set of positive real numbers with an infimum c > 0 and let the set T = {\frac{1}{t} : t \in S}.
Show that T has a supremum and what is it's value.
The attempt at a solution
Ok, so the value must be \frac{1}{c}.
But I'm unsure how to start proving...
Homework Statement
let Ai be a subset of the reals and i is element of I = (1,...,n)
now let A = UNION i is element of I Ai
show that sup(A) = supiEI(sup(A))
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
My idea of solving was taking the limits of both sides but I'm...
Statement to prove:
(Note: Q is the set of all rational numbers)
Let B = {r in Q: r > 0 and r² < 2} and α = sup B. Prove that α² = 2.
My work on the proof:
Let B = {r in Q: r > 0 and r² < 2} and α = sup B. Note 1 is in B so B is not empty. By definition of B, 0 is an upper bound of B...
Homework Statement
Let a_1,a_2,\ldots and b_1,b_2,\ldots be bounded sequences of real numbers. Define the sets X, Y and Z as follows:
X &=\{x \in \mathbb{R} : a_n > x \text{ for infinitely many } n \} \\
Y &=\{y \in \mathbb{R} : b_n > y \text{ for infinitely many } n \} \\
Find the supremum and infimum of the following sets:
A = Q \cap (\sqrt 2 ,\infty ) \\
B = \{ n + \sin n|n \in Z^ + \} \\
C = \{ 0.1,0.01,0.001...\} \\
From the definition of supremum, it is obvious that sup A does not exist, because for any...
Suppose that A,B \subseteq \Re^+ are non empty and bounded sets. Define + and . as the following set opetations:
A + B = \{ a + b|a \in A,b \in B\} \\
A.B = \{ ab|a \in A,b \in B\} \\
Prove that \sup (A + B) \le \sup A + \sup B
I started by letting a \in...
Problem: Show an example of a sequence of measurable positive functions on (0,1) so that
\left\|\underline{lim} f_{n}\right\| < \underline{lim}\left\|f_{n}\right\| for n\rightarrow\infty
My work: I think its just the indicator function I_{[n,n+1]}
Since \left\|\underline{lim}...
Let 0 < r < 1. Then \sup_{x\in[-r,r]}f(x)=f(r)}, right? However, the text I'm reading says it's f(-r). How could this be? For example, say r = 0.5, then the least upper bound of [-0.5, 0.5] is 0.5, or r, right? I don't see how it could be -r. Thanks for any help.
I am trying to prove the following. I have a solution below. Can you tell if I am on the right track. P.S. I am doing calculus after 14 yrs so I am very rusty and probably sound stupid
1- Let T be a non-empty subset of R. Assume T is bounded below. Consider the set S = -T = {-t|t is an...
let A,B be nonempty sets of real numbers, prove that:
if A,B are bounded and they are disjoint, then supA doesn't equal supB.
here's my proof:
assume that supA=supB=c
then for every a in A a<=c and for every b in B b<=c.
bacuse A.B are bounded then: for every e>0 there exists x in A such...
i need to show that when A is a subset of B and B is a subset of R (A B are non empty sets) then: infB<=infA<=supA<=SupB
here's what i did:
if infA is in A then infA is in B, and by defintion of inf, infB<=infA.
if infA isn't in A then for every e>0 we choose, infA+e is in A and so infA is...
I am trying to prove some things for a HW problem. Can you guys tell me if the following logic looks ok.
Let Un and Vn be bounded sequences of real numbers. If Un<=Vn for every n , show that lim sup n--->infinity Un <= lim sup n--->infinity Vn.
Here is what I wrote:
Let E1 and E2 be...
let B = \{x\in\mathbb{R} : sinx \geq 0 \}
find the supremum and infimum of this set.
Ok well, since it is periodic I guess the point would be to note that the set will repeat ever 2\pi
So then if we consider just between 0 and 2\pi
supremum = \pi
infimum = 0
if we consider all...
Can somebody please check my work, its this dumb proof in the textbook which is the most obvious thing.
Let S and T be nonempty bounded subsets of R with S \subseteq T.
Prove that inf T \leq inf S \leq sup S \leq sup T.
I first broke it up into parts and tried to prove each part...
"Let A and B be bounded nontempty sets of real numbers. Let C={ab:a in A, b in B}. Prove that sup(C)=sup(A)sup(B)."
Here's what I've done so far:
By the completeness axiom/theorem A and B have suprema. Let sup(A)=z and sup(B)=y. For all e>0, there exists a in A and b in B such that z-e<a...
I've got a question in analysis:
How to calculate the supremum of sin n for positive integers n?
I have tried hard but still cannot figure out it.
Thanks very much to answer my question in advance! :smile:
It has been awhile since I have taken calculus, and now I am in analysis. I need to know what is the difference between the infimum and minimum and what is the difference between supremum and maximum?
I know there is a difference, I just don't understand how they could be.