string theorists, will the LHC see SUSY and if not, will this be a huge blow?
NIMA ARKANI-HAMED “My hunch is that...
Greene in "The Fabric of the Cosmos" discusses supersymmetry. On pages 264-5, he states:"...before the Higgs ocean formed, not only did all force particles have identical masses - zero - but the photons and W and Z particles were identical in essentially every other way also as well...At high...
Is there a nice, cute way to see what R symmetry is? I mean, N=1 SUSY has a global U(1)_R symmetry, which is a charge carried by the supercharges, right? And a spontnaeously broken U(1)_R is a sufficient (but not necessary) condition for broken global SUSY. (Counter-example is O'Raifeartaigh...
I have read in a susy introduction paper that if we call Q the charge which links fermions and bosons, then we have the following anticommutation relation :
{Q_a, Q_b} = 2 sigma_ab P
where P is 4-momentum.
So, is this relation only due to Coleman-Mandula theorem which force the...
To date, the little higgs implied by some SUSY models requires higgs of energies less than 130 GEV, which Fermilab's Tevatron has not yet seen.
These models do help explain EW breaking, however,
If SUSY explains E-w scale breaking, does it require a little Higgs at Tevatron energies?
New paper out today about supersymmetry in spin foam QG
Spin foam is the leading non-string approach to quantum gravity in the Loop community---in the sense of currently having the most people working on it and the most papers. Maybe quantum cosmology is on par--I didnt make a careful count...
This is page 4 of the whole article:
On this page, it says that D0 is able to find SUSY particle, but till now, to no avail. Is it true that Fermilab is capable of finding some SUSY? I thought we have to wait for...
If LHC does not see SUSY-partners, of course, this null result would not falsify all SUSY theories, as some SUSY theories could still be realized in nature at a breaking scale some point above 1 TEV, but would a null result falsify SUSY theories that serve as an explanation for hierarchy of the...
Hi folks,
A while ago I started a thread on N=2 SUSY QM, but unfortunately (fortunately?) the progress in my research is outpacing the progress in that discussion. :-p So I'm leaving that one on the back burner to skip ahead to shape-invariant potentials. I'm working from Chapter 5 of...
necessarily appear in the semiclassical limit? Since LQG starts with the field equations of Einstein-Cartan, and quantizes canonically, but is unable to recover the semi-classical limit to date, would quantizing SUGRA or adding unbroken SUSY to spinfoam necessarily imply SUSY (broken or...
Would you still have a doubling of the SM, with all its SUSY-Partners, or would unbroken SUSY be at the preon level only, so that you have a preon and its SUSY-partner preon with 1/2 difference in spin, to compose the SM? (maybe with dark matter candidate)
Since non-SUSY GUT's are in danger of falsification by proton decay experiments, SUSY pushes up the half-lives of protons but even so,
GUT-SUSY SU(5) is falsified by proton decay experiments,
does SO(10) SUSY predict superpartner masses for LHC to see or observe (or alternatively, if LHC does...
From Trees to Loops and Back
Andreas Brandhuber, Bill Spence, Gabriele Travaglini
49 pages, 17 figures
We argue that generic one-loop scattering amplitudes in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories can be computed equivalently with MHV diagrams or with...
With SUSY space-time shift and with infinite color potential I tried to explain the initial energy density of Big Bang; need to discuss.
1.Quark confinement
We can’t see free quark, because it forbid the antiscreening and quark confinement.
just out
the tone is fresh, frank, one could even say it has charm
Michael Dine
Supersymmetry, Naturalness, and the Landscape
I don't happen to be a fan of the Landscape and this doesn't make me become one, but I appreciate what Dine has to say and...