Swing Definition and 184 Threads

Swing music is a form of jazz that developed in the United States in the 1930s and 1940s. The name came from the emphasis on the off–beat, or weaker pulse. Swing bands usually featured soloists who would improvise on the melody over the arrangement. The danceable swing style of big bands and bandleaders such as Benny Goodman was the dominant form of American popular music from 1935 to 1946, known as the swing era. The verb "to swing" is also used as a term of praise for playing that has a strong groove or drive. Notable musicians of the swing era include Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Count Basie, Cab Calloway, Jimmy Dorsey, Tommy Dorsey, Woody Herman, Harry James, Lionel Hampton, Glenn Miller and Artie Shaw.

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  1. M

    Average Acceleration of a golf swing

    Hello, I'm actually working on a project, which record the acceleration of a golf club via an accelerometer. And with the data of it i have manage to draw a graphic of a golf swing. My question is : how can i get the average speed of the recorded data. Indication, the time is in ms.
  2. V

    Find time taken by a pendulum to swing by 90degrees

    Homework Statement A small ball is attached to a massless rod at one end. The other end is hinged such that the rod can swing freely in the vertical plane. Find the time taken by this system to rotate from horizontal position to vertical position. Length of rod = L Acceleration due to...
  3. T

    Centripetal Force Ball Swing Question

    Homework Statement An athlete swings a ball, connected to the end of a chain, in a horizontal circle. The athlete is able to rotate the ball at the rate of 8.16 rev/s when the length of the chain is 0.600 m. When he increases the length to 0.900 m, he is able to rotate the ball only 6.32...
  4. F

    Constant, Horizontal Force on Swing

    1. Homework Statement This problem is connected to an example in the textbook. Here's some of the key info from the example, first of all: You are appointed to push your cousin Throckymorton in a swing. His weight is w, the length of the chains is R, and you push Throcky until the chains...
  5. R

    What is the mass's total acceleration at the bottom of its swing?

    The answer to this is up (d). But why? Is it because centripetal acceleration is pointing to the center of the pivot?
  6. P

    Solve Pendulum Swing Angle Problem - Physics Adorers

    Greetings Physics adorers! I was wondering if somebody could please check my work for the problem below. A pendulum with a length 2m has a velocity of 3 m/s at its lowest point. What is the largest angle it creates relative to the horizontal as it swings. Hint: use energy conservation...
  7. G

    Mechanical engineering Swing of Death

    Hi there, again maybe stupid question but I have no idea about this exercise. or maybe a little clue. i know that v=r? but with the given 40° when i convert it to a rmp it is very small value 0.111111 and the r is 3m or 7m.. Please if someone can help me.. also if someone can help me with...
  8. O

    Oscillator / Power Amp circuit voltage swing problem

    Hey guys, I'm designing a wireless cell phone charger that can be used inside a car for the senior design project. I'm feeding 12V DC into a colpitts oscillator which is fed into a B class power amplifier which will then be fed into the transmitting coil. Each one works great independently...
  9. R

    A test-tube filled with a liquid and was swing around

    Homework Statement A small cylindrical test-tube of inner radius R is initially filled with a liquid up to height ##h_0##. The tube is connected by a long rope of length ##L## (##L»h_0##) and swinging horizontally with a constant angular velocity ##ω##. There is a tiny round hole of radius...
  10. O

    Calculating Swing Angle for Equal Kinetic Energy: Man vs Car

    Homework Statement The rope of a swing is 2.9 m long. Calculate the angle from the vertical at which a 77-kg man must begin to swing in order to have the same kinetic energy at the bottom as a 1430-kg car moving at 1.13 m/s (2.53 mi/hr). Homework Equations ke=1/2 m v^2 w=f Δx cosθ...
  11. N

    What exactly is maximum symmetrical swing?

    I see this term quite a lot for BJT's and I can't quite figure out exactly what it is, although I have some idea based on a bit of reading from different sources. Is there such a thing as unsymmetrical swing, and what would that be?
  12. A

    Automating a 4.91mtr Swing Gate with 300kg Mass

    I need to automate a gate that is 4.91mtr in length, the motion should be swing type and the angle of rotation to be about less than 180 degree. and the mass of the gate is about 300kg, now should I use a dc motor and if so what should be rating of the same, the rpm required about 5-8...
  13. R

    What is the Relationship Between Angular Momentum and Swing Angle for a Rod?

    Homework Statement I need some help with the following problem: http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg62/scaled.php?server=62&filename=problem1p.jpg&res=landing The Attempt at a Solution (i) I used the conservation of angular momentum (since there is no external torque): L_{before} =...
  14. D

    Swing Physics: How Does It Work?

    As I'm swinging, I gradually increase the amplitude of my motion, and thereby increase my angular momentum (about the pivot). But where does the torque come from?
  15. C

    Trying to get back into the swing of circuits

    Hello, I realize this may appear as homework but I assure you that it is not for school. However i am new to the site so please let me know if i interpreted the rules wrong. I'm a mechanical EIT whose electrical engineering education ended in about second year when general studies were...
  16. P

    Derivation of Tail Swing large vehicle

    Homework Statement I am trying to derive a formula for figuring out the distance the rear of a large truck swings outward when turning a corner. Picture one of thos large moving trucks that you can rent, the back end over hangs the tires by a lot. Now picture it turning a corner and the rear...
  17. F

    Finding Potential Energy of a Swing When the Ropes Are Horizontal?

    Homework Statement A 45.0 kg child is in a swing that is attached to ropes 1.90 m long. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . Find the gravitational potential energy as- sociated with the child relative to the child’s lowest position under the following condi- tions: a) when the ropes are...
  18. G

    Calculating Average Force Exerted on Child Swing

    I was given this question in a practice assignment; A 31.0 kg child on a swing reaches a maximum height of 1.92 m above her rest position. Assuming no loss of energy: 1.At what point during the swing will she attain her maximum speed? 2.What will be her maximum speed through the...
  19. T

    What is the Tension Force of a Swing Set at the Bottom of its Path?

    Homework Statement At the playground, a girl gets on a swing. Her mother pulls her back so that the chain on the swing is at an angle θ from the vertical. She holds her daughter and then let's her go, without pushing. Show that the tension in the chain at the bottom of the swing’s path is...
  20. 1

    Calculating Swinger Mass with Limited Information

    A rope has a max tension of 800N. A swinger is pulled back so that the rope is 27 degrees from vertical. What's the max mass of the swinger? Ok... I have tried a few approaches. I can't relate potential to kinetic because I am not given height. And even if i could get to kinetic, i...
  21. J

    Dynamics: max horizontal swing of a pendulum

    Homework Statement In an ore-mixing operation, a bucket full of ore is suspended from a traveling crane which moves along a stationary bridge. The crane is traveling at a speed of 3 m/s when it is brought to a sudden stop. Determine the maximum horizontal distance through which the bucket...
  22. K

    Vine breaks during tarzan's swing at what angle?

    Homework Statement Tarzan, who weighs 618 N, swings from a cliff at the end of a convenient vine that is 18.0 m long (see the figure). From the top of the cliff to the bottom of the swing, he descends by 3.2 m. A. If the vine doesn't break, what is the maximum of the tension in the vine...
  23. R

    Find how much a wire stretched at the bottom of swing of pendulum

    1. A building is to be demolished by a 400kg shell ball swinging on the end of a 30.0 m steel wire of diameter 5.00 cm hanging from a tall crane. As the ball is swung though an arc from side to side, the wire makes an angle of 50° with the vertical at the top of the swing. find the amount by...
  24. S

    Weightlessness in a common swing

    Hi, Our sensation of weight is given by gravity together with normal forces. It is said that in a swing you'll feel weightless at the top of the ride (180 degrees), because there is no seat that gives you normal force. But from my experience there is something strange even before 180 degrees...
  25. N

    Swing Arm Velocity on Moving body

    1. Homework Statement What is the Average Velocity of the outer end of a 0.5m swing arm weighing 2.75 lbs (1.247 kg). with the weight evenly distributed the length of the arm. The arm extends horizontally at right angles to the moving body it is attached to, pivoting on a bearing at the...
  26. M

    Force on rope during a rope swing

    Well, its been about two years since I had to do a physics problem so I need some help. A person plans on swinging from a 30 meter long rope from a bridge. They will tie the rope on to the center of the bridge then stretch it out tight and jump off. They'll be at the same height that the rope...
  27. S

    Total Mechanical Energy Swing Problem

    A 30 kg child is playing on a swing. Another child is pushing. That second child does 75 J of work on the swing. Ignore friction. The swing has zero mass compared to the child on the swing. There is a diagram. So basically: Postion A Height = .6 m. Position B Height = .2 m and Postion Height C...
  28. D

    Period of swing of a rope with two fixed ends

    Friends: If you take a rope and fix the top end and allow the rope to swing, then it is just a pendulum and the period of swing is widely known (and on wikipedia) as approx. T = 2*pi*(L/g)^0.5 where L is the length of the pendulum and g is gravity. My question is: What if I take both ends...
  29. L

    Carrier Swing & Deviation Ratio: Clarifying the Definitions

    Can anyone help me to find out the definition of "carrier swing"&"deviation ratio"? The definitions which i found on surfing the net is too vague.Can someone help me with this?
  30. R

    Is it possible to pump a swing 360 degrees?

    Is it possible to "pump" a swing 360 degrees? Homework Statement Is it possible to "pump" a swing so that it turns in a complete circle? Assume if you wish that the seat of the swing is connected to its support by rigid rod rather than a rope or chain. Homework Equations Angular momentum...
  31. S

    Finding an angle of a rope swing involving Energy

    Homework Statement The rope of a swing is 3.00 m long. Calculate the angle from the vertical at which a 80.0 kg man must begin to swing in order to have the same KE at the bottom as a 1420 kg car moving at 1.51 m/s (3.38 mph). Homework Equations K= (1/2)mv^2 U= mgh ma=v^2/r=F The...
  32. O

    Find the Maximum Mass for Riding a Swing

    Homework Statement A swing is made from a rope that will tolerate a maximum tension of 800N without breaking. Initially, the swing hangs vertically. The swing is then pulled back at an angle of 60.0 degree with respect to the vertical and released from rest. What is the mass of the...
  33. N

    Acrobats trajectory with a swing

    Homework Statement Two acrobats, each of 72.0 kg, launch themselves together from a swing, holding hands. Their velocity at launch was 6.80 m/s and the angle of their initial velocity relative to the horizontal was 32.0 degrees upwards. At the top of their trajectory, their act calls for...
  34. G

    Is the velocity of a pendulum at the height of its swing 0?

    I would think that at a pendulum's highest point the velocity would be 0. Am I wrong in my assumption?
  35. T

    Real world problem - Swing gate actuator forces

    This is a very long argument between me and a supplier of a electric linear actuator for opening gates. In the image below you can see how I currently have the gates configured, and how they are suggesting I have them configured. My question is this... Would I be correct in saying...
  36. J

    Calculating Force on Albert in Lightweight Swing

    Homework Statement Your nephew Albert sits on a lightweight swing. Albert has a mass m. You pull horizontally on Albert so that the swing rope of length L maintains an angle \theta with the vertical Homework Equations A. Write a Newton's 2nd law equations for the horizontal force...
  37. D

    Swing of a hanging rope due to wind

    Hello Friends. I have a question that may have to do with wind lift and other effects. I have two wooden poles set into the ground. Both poles are upright and has a height of H feet. The horizontal separation of these poles is S feet. Let's say I attach a rope in between these poles so that...
  38. A

    Guy pushing girl on a swing models h.displacement with function

    1,2,3. Homework Statement , and work done. After Lee gives his little sister Kara a big push on a swing, her horizontal position as a function of time is given by the equation x(t) = 3cost(t)*e^{-0.05t} , where x(t) is her horizontal displacement, in metres, from the lowest point of her swing...
  39. F

    What Is the Greatest Length for the Pathway of the Swing?

    Experiments are being carried out on a new ‘high-tech’ swing in a playground, the motion of which follows the model of y=(e^(-ct))*cos(at) Where y is the distance in meters from the equilibrium point of the swing, t is the time in minutes from midday on Sunday, and a, c are real constants...
  40. F

    How Do Key Swings Maintain a Circular Path?

    Keys with a combined mass of 0.100 kg are attached to a 0.25m long string and swung in a circle in the vertical plane. a) What is the slowest speed that the keys can swing and still maintain a circular path? b) What is the tension in the string at the bottom of the circle?
  41. D

    Analyzing Soccer Ball Movement in Freekicks

    Hi Guys, I would like to analyze the movement of a soccer ball when taking a freekick.how can we predict the ball position at a time dt when ball have a particular velocity and swing? Please share your thoughts! Thanks in advance
  42. C

    Tensions in a swing problems using variables

    Homework Statement An adult exerts a horizontal force on a swing that is suspended by a rope of length L, holding it at an angle \Theta with the vertical. The child in the swing has a weight W and dimensions that are negligible compared to L. The wights of the rope and of the seat are...
  43. K

    Girl on a swing, stands up and becomes stationary?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Conservation of Energy The Attempt at a Solution The girl has potential energy of 400(1.2) J at A. At B, her total energy is 400(0.6) J plus her kinetic energy. But at this point, she's also doing work against gravity, which is 400(0.6) J...
  44. L

    Solving Clay Collision: Final Speed & Swing Height

    Homework Statement A 2kg. lump of clay traveling at a speed of 20m/s collides with and sticks to a 5kg. lump of clay initially at rest and hanging from a string. Find the final speed of the new lump of clay. How high will the clay swing after the collision? (initial) m1=2kg. v1=20m/s...
  45. G

    Is Swing Speed Analysis Possible with High Speed Golf Cameras?

    I'm new and not even sure is this is posted in the right category----but any help would be appreciated. I got one of those high speed golf cameras and thought I would try out a formula to measure “swing speed” using Logger Pro. I would like to start doing analysis on the swing speeds in...
  46. S

    Tarzan's Swing: What's the Tension in the Vine?

    Homework Statement tarzan swings through the jungle on a wine.at the lowest point of his swing, is the tension in the vine greater than,less then, or equal to the gravitational force Homework Equations its a conceptual question.. The Attempt at a Solution i say that the tension...
  47. M

    Swing mass overhead - forces involved

    I was considering the simple scenario: A mass is attached to a string, which is then twirled around by a scientist overhead. Assuming the scientist is spinning the mass fast enough, it will eventually be rotating in plane above the scientist. I'm having some trouble working out the dynamics...
  48. P

    What Is the Allowable Signal Swing in a BJT?

    I'm utterly confused about this concept and the textbook quite efficiently confuses me further. I'll just try to explain it with an example: The circuit has a V(cc) = 10 V and V(ee) = -10 V. V(c) = 2 V, V(e) = -1.7 V, V(b) = -1 V, I(c) = 1 mA, I(e) = 1 mA. It says that allowable signal...
  49. L

    When Does a Swing Rider Feel the Lightest?

    At which point does the person on the swing feel the lightest? I'm leaning towards #2 and I'm pretty sure it's #2, but I just need to make sure. I'm not sure if this is correct or not, but I believe the velocity acting on the person (upwards), cancels out the gravity or lowering the effects...