Symbols Definition and 294 Threads

  1. Simon = Mc2

    Symbols for physics, geometry, calculus ext

    Basically the symbols like force f and d/dt (mv) for these subjects. Physics Geometry Calculus Astronomy Cosmology Biology Algebra Trigonometry Chemistry Could you try to get as many symbols in or like a website. It is really hard to find a good list of symbols.
  2. K

    Coordinate free Christoffel symbols

    I've been trying to come up with a oordinate free formula of Christoffel symbols. For the Christoffel symbols of the first kind it's really easy. Since \Gamma_{\lambda\mu\nu} = \frac{1}{2}\left( g_{\mu\lambda,\nu}+g_{\nu\lambda,\mu} - g_{\mu\nu,\lambda}\right) we can easily generalize the...
  3. D

    LaTeX Latex Symbols | Forum Posting Guide

    How can I type in latex style symbols when I am adding new posts to my threads
  4. homer

    Christoffel symbols in flat spacetime

    Homework Statement Consider a particle moving through Minkowski space with worldline x^\mu(\lambda). Here \lambda is a continuous parameter which labels different points on the worldline and x^\mu = (t,x,y,z) denotes the usual Cartesian coordinates. We will denote \partial/\partial \lambda by a...
  5. S

    Contracted Christoffel Symbols

    I was looking up ways to solve the Einstein field equations when I came across a couple of sources. If you look at these sources...
  6. BrainMan

    Understanding Symbols in Physics Equations: What Do They Mean?

    Homework Statement I have been reading a lot about physics and equation that look like the photo I attached. What do the brackets and the EXP mean? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  7. F

    Covariant derivate problem (christoffel symbols)

    Homework Statement I need to calculate \square A_\mu + R_{\mu \nu} A^\nu if \square = \nabla_\alpha \nabla^\alpha , and is the covariant derivate SEE THIS PDF arXiv:0807.2528v1 i want to get the equation (5) from (3) Homework Equations A^{i}_{{;}{\alpha}} =...
  8. Mogarrr

    How to Insert Math Symbols in a Text Document Using Free Software?

    I'm not sure where else to put this thread. Does anybody know (and if you do, please tell) how to get math symbols, like those I can type in the forums, into a text document. I'm looking for free software for Notepad, Wordpad, Word2003 or LibreOfficeWriter.
  9. Z

    MHB Help with circuits and their different symbols

    I am currently working a problem just as practice for Physics 2 E&M and I came across a symbol in one of the circuits that looks like this - ---...
  10. Newtons Apple

    What do Greek symbols in math represent and how do you decipher them?

    Ok... if there's one thing that really rustles my when I look at an equation an it's chock filled of greek letters, in a big swirl of greek alphabet soup... I have a question, when you approach a new equation, do you automatically know what the symbols mean? Is it relative to...
  11. Demon117

    Geodesic equations and Christoffel symbols

    I've been thinking about this quite a bit. So it is clear that one can determine the Christoffel symbols from the first fundamental form. Is it possible to derive the geodesics of a surface from the Christoffel symbols?
  12. S

    LaTeX Discover Some Unusual LaTeX Symbols with [\text{tex}] and [\text{/tex}]

    Use between [\text{tex}] and [\text{/tex}]. \begin{array}{ccccc} between & \between \\ divideontimes & \divideontimes \\ gtrdot & \gtrdot \\ lessdot & \lessdot \\ circledast & \circledast \\ boxdot & \boxdot \\ boxplus & \boxplus \\ boxtimes & \boxtimes \\ checkmark & \checkmark \\ maltese &...
  13. paulmdrdo1

    MHB Converting Salt Concentration to Algebraic Symbols

    express in algebraic symbols The amount of salt in a tank holding x quarts of water if the concentration is 21lb of salt per gallon. please help! thanks!
  14. H

    Christofell Symbols: Derivation in Schutz & Wald

    In Schutz, the christofell symbols are dervied from applying the product rule to a vector in a curvillinear basis. In Wald, the christofell symbols are dervied by making an ansatz of the form a covariant derivative must take and then imposing conditions on it like the metric covariant...
  15. Lavid2002

    Scientific Workplace symbols not appearing properly

    Hello everyone! My teacher for quantum requires us to write up our homeworks using scientific workplace. We access the software through our schools website and login. I have downloaded the program and I can use it on my computer through the internet. When I type in symbols hbar for...
  16. paulmdrdo

    MHB Meaning of Symbols in Differential Equation

    just want to know what these symbols mean $\displaystyle M(x,y)\,dx+N(x,y)\,dy=0$ $\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx}=f(x,y)$ $\displaystyle F(x,y,y'...y^n)=0$ what's M and N and the ordered pair (x,y) mean here. I don't understand my book. please explain.
  17. K

    MHB Interpreting of another proposition full of symbols

    Could someone help me interpret the following proposition full of symbols? I've been struggling to comprehend it as well. Thanks in advance. Proposition: Suppose that $f:\mathbb{R^n} \rightarrow \mathbb{R^n}, g:\mathbb{R^n} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is a positive function, and $\phi$ is the flow...
  18. N

    How can I accurately read mathematical symbols to understand 3D space?

    I am not too used to reading mathematical text using symbols. I need some help confirming what I have in my textbook. The book is describing a point in 3D space using the definition R x R x R = {(x,y,z) | x,y,z \in R} and R is all real numbers Using this source describing the...
  19. L

    Calculating Christoffel Symbols for g=f(u,v)

    Homework Statement Find the Christoffel symbols of a surface in the form ##g=f(u,v).## Homework Equations ##f_{u_1u_1} = \Gamma^1_{11} f_{u_1} + \Gamma^2_{11}f_{u_2} + A \vec{N}## ##f_{u_1u_2} = f_{u_2u_1} = \Gamma^1_{12} f_{u_1} + \Gamma^2_{12}f_{u_2} + B \vec{N}## ##f_{u_2u_2} =...
  20. L

    Christoffel Symbols of f(u,v) Surface

    Homework Statement Find the Christoffel symbols of a surface in the form ##g= f(u,v).## Homework Equations ##f_{u_1u_1} = \Gamma^1_{11} f_{u_1} + \Gamma^2_{11}f_{u_2} + A \vec{N}## ##f_{u_1u_2} = f_{u_2u_1} = \Gamma^1_{12} f_{u_1} + \Gamma^2_{12}f_{u_2} + B \vec{N}## ##f_{u_2u_2} =...
  21. T

    Computing Christoffel Symbols for Parameterized Surface

    Homework Statement I am learning Christoffel symbols and I want to know how to compute a surface parameterized by ##g(u,v) = (u\cos v, u \sin v, u)## by using the definition. Homework Equations Christoffel symbols The Attempt at a Solution Is this website...
  22. H

    Lyx - creating new math symbols or combining symbols

    Greetings, Does anyone know of a way to define new math symbols in LyX, or define a command for putting symbols together in new ways? For instance, let's say I wanted to define a command \fivefour that I could enter while in math mode that would stack the number 5 directly on top of the...
  23. W

    MHB Write this statement using the logical symbols

    every integer is a product of two integers. My Solution: ∀ n,o,p E Z, n = o*p E Z Is this correct?
  24. D

    Christoffel Symbols Explained: Uses & Definition

    I'm having trouble understanding what Christoffel symbols are. In simple language, what are they? What are they used for?
  25. A

    LaTeX Posting Questions about LaTeX: Subscripts and Symbols

    Firstly, where do I have to post if i have a question on LaTeX? and here's the question, \vdash_{A} how do I make that subscript exactly below the line - on that simbol?
  26. R

    Symbols used to represent surface area Ratio in Refrigeration

    Dear all, Does anyone know common symbols used to represent the ratio of two surface areas? The ratio is the surface area of low temp. heat exchanger divided by the total surface area of low and high temp. heat exchanger: AL/AT = area ratio, i want to find or create a symbol for. I would...
  27. I

    LaTeX Wasysym Electrical Symbols in Latex

    Hi I was reading The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List which is available at On page 70 , in Table 215, they have given wasysym Electrical and Physical Symbols. I tried to insert one symbol here on this forum, but...
  28. R

    Calculate Christoffel Symbols of 2D Metric

    Homework Statement Consider metric ds2 = dx2 + x3 dy2 for 2D space. Calculate all non-zero christoffel symbols of metric. Homework Equations \Gammajik = \partialei / \partial xk \times ej The Attempt at a Solution Christoffel symbols, by definition, takes the partial of each...
  29. P

    Recovering Forces from Christoffel Symbols: A Derivation

    I don't think I've ever seen this discussed in a textbook, this is an attempt to throw some light on the connection between Christoffel symbols and forces. In particular I want to derive the later as an approximation of the former, with some limitations on choices of coordinate systems...
  30. Y

    Tensor coupling and 6j/9j symbols

    Hi everyone, I'm reading about the Wigner-Eckhart Theorem and the coupling of spherical tensor operators in Sakurai's Advanced Quantum Mechanics. I then came across this, which states these concepts in Theorem 1 and 3...
  31. Petrus

    LaTeX LaTeX help....larger bracketing symbols

    Hello MHB, I am curious how I can make these "[" "]" bigger in latex cause it does not look nice when I do it. Exemple: [3xy+\frac{3x}{3y}\ln(2)]_{\frac{x^2}{3}}^x Notice just I did just type some number but how can I make it a lot nicer in latex cause that does not really look good. Regards,
  32. Y

    9j symbol expansion in 6j symbols

    Hello everyone, I'm going through Edmond's Angular momentum in quantum mechanics and I found a particular expansion of the 9j symbol in terms of three 6j symbols which I didn't quite understand. The problem lies in equation 6.4.1 which I simply don't understand. On page 100/101...
  33. M

    Convention for italicizing particle symbols

    Hi, sorry if this is in the wrong place, not really sure whether it should be homework questions or here! I'm writing my final year paper and frequently mention mesons and quarks by their symbols and am unsure whether I should be italicizing them? My latex package for writing them easily...
  34. R

    LaTeX The web app that lets you find latex symbols by drawing them

    Does anyone know where I can find this? I'm having a heck of a time finding it on google. It was this little app where you could just draw a symbol and it would give the latex code for the symbol. I remember it saved my a lot of time when I was just learning latex and I would still have a use...
  35. P

    How do you read/approach symbols?

    When you're solving a problem or simply reading some text, what goes through your mind when you approach a symbol? Do you interpret it the symbolic name, something it looks similar to, or what it represents? Lately I'm starting to take notice to how weak my grasp of symbols is. I avoid...
  36. L

    Euler-Lagrange and Christoffel symbols

    I am pretty much confused with all the algebra of Christoffel symbols: I have an expression for infinitesimal length: F= g_{ij} \frac{dx^i dx^j}{du^2} and by using Euler-Lagrange equation (basically finding the shortest distance between two points) want to find the equation for geodesics...
  37. C

    Find Christoffel symbols from metric

    Homework Statement Find the non zero Christoffel symbols of the following metric ds^2 = -dt^2 + \frac{a(t)^2}{(1+\frac{k}{4}(x^2+y^2+z^2))^2} (dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2 ) and find the non zero Christoffel symbols and Ricci tensor coefficients when k = 0 Homework Equations The...
  38. H

    Meaning of symbols in given equation

    In my textbook, under the subtopic 1st law of of Thermodynamics, an equation is given as foll : W=JQ where W=work done ;Q=heat supplied but they have not mentioned what is J. please could someone tell me what exactly 'J' stands for in this equation
  39. T

    Confusion about Christoffel Symbols

    In the book Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by Riley, Hobson, and Bence, I came across an equation I just can't seem to understand. In the chapter on tensors, they derive the equation for a Christoffel symbol of the second kind, \Gamma^{m}_{ij}=\frac{1}{2}g^{mk}\left(\frac{...
  40. R

    Using symbols to rewrite the problem and then solve it.

    Homework Statement use symbols to write and evaluate this problem four squared divided by two to the fourth power Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 4^2 / 2^4 the answer I get is 1
  41. S

    Christoffel Symbols of Vectors and One-Forms in say Polar Coordinates

    Hello all, I've been going through Bernard Schutz's A First Course In General Relativity, On Chapter 5 questions atm. Should the Christoffel Symbols for a coordinate system (say polar) be the same for vectors and one-forms in that coordinate system? I would have thought yes, but If you...
  42. Q

    Solving equation in terms of symbols

    Hi friends I want to solve an equation which is function of x,y,z,m but i want to find answer like this m=... i want my answer(m) to be a function of x, y, z but when i solve it in MATLAB or mathematica none of them give me the answer I know that my equation must have 4...
  43. P

    MHB Is There a Connection Between Big 'O' Order Symbols and Limits?

    I have come across a number of examples in my textbook which seem to suggest that if f(x)-> L as x-> a, then O(f(x))->L as x->a. Can this be proven? to clarify, I mean O(f(x))=O(f(x)) as x-> a
  44. B

    Where can I find a list of electrical symbols for different sensors?

    Hi all, I have been looking the electrical symbols for a proximity sensor and a level sensor. A simple google search has not helped and I have also looked at various manufacturers websites, but still no joy. I was hoping somebody could point me in the right direction to a comprehensive list of...
  45. D

    Symbols in the equation relating work, force, and distance moved

    I have been taught that work = force x distance moved in direction of force, or W=Fd However, should this not be W=Fs, as what is really meant is displacement (s), not distance (d)? Thank you - I sense that this is something the real Dr Moriarty would have known...
  46. T

    How to lookup symbols at runtime?

    Is there a library with which I can lookup the value of a given symbol in Linux? Also, I've read that C++ name manglingboth unstandardized and difficult. Are there libraries for GCC or Clang? I want use these to build a GUI that uses HTML to design the interface and symbol lookup to allow...
  47. Roodles01

    Download Physics Symbols & Fonts: Free Resources

    Can anyone give a pointer as to where I can download a font which has a good selection of physics symbols & fonts. Things like Planck's constant h bar & the like. I'm getting fed up of trawling through previous questions & reports I've done, just to get a symbol. :cry:
  48. T

    Proper Acceleration and Christoffel Symbols

    I don't know exactly what I'm looking for in this question so I'll ask it in a vague way. What is the connection between a particle's proper acceleration and the christoffel symbol of the second kind (single contravariant and double covariant) ? Is this correct...
  49. W

    Standard optical component symbols?

    Of course we all know the standard symbols to use when drawing electrical circuits, but is there an analog for optical setups? I'm working of a poster and most of the symbols I'm using are just boxes with labels next to them, or just lines for mirrors and lenses.
  50. P

    GR: Gravitational Forces Represented by Christoffel Symbols

    To avoid hijacking an existing thread, I wanted to start a new one on how "gravitational forces" are represented in GR. There doesn't seem to be a lot on this in the intro textbooks, alas, which mostly deal with the issue by avoiding it. Which suggests there could be some non-obvious...