Symmetry Definition and 958 Threads

  1. M

    Why is there no symmetry in space vs. time dimensions?

    If there are three spatial dimensions, why is there only one time dimension? Why can't there be three temporal dimensions parallel to the spatial ones. If there are, perhaps this is what they would resemble. The fourth dimension could be temporal linear - the easiest way to view time...
  2. Loren Booda

    Physical asymmetry from symmetry

    I recall that in their most basic form, quantum mechanics and relativity do not distinguish between past and future. That is, they are each symmetric with respect to time. How then does a unified theory account for temporal assymetries in nature without introducing new physics? Can one...
  3. Loren Booda

    Does each superstring extradimension correspond to a gauge symmetry?

    Does each superstring extradimension represent a (gauge) symmetry?
  4. W

    Is symmetry the key to understanding our relativistic universe?

    Please, anyone who wants to rant about symmetry or relativity, please feel free. Here's my rant. In relativistic terms, whether or not something is moving at all through space or time depends upon your frame of reference. This includes not least of all the entire universe. To a photon...
  5. Z

    What Causes Symmetry Breaking in Vacuum?

    In Chapter 6 of the Antigravitation Engine Site, the symmetry breaking in vacuum is studied as follows. 11. The symmetry breaking in vacuum It can be known from Section 8 of this chapter that everywhere in vacuum there are non-present-time foggoids, whose gfm ball particles have a dominant...
  6. Loren Booda

    Radius of cosmological mass-energy symmetry?

    Starting at the microscopic entities we observe in our immediate neighborhood outward, then tracing mass-energy evolution from the universal horizon inward, can we determine where processes of both coincide in intermediate space? Our own Planck regions, quarks, protons, atoms, planets, stars...
  7. Loren Booda

    Black hole event horizon as surface of spacetime symmetry

    The spacetime geometry outside a black hole may be transformable through the event horizon as the black hole internal geometry, and conversely. Consider Hawking radiation with respect to black hole entropy. While one quantum escapes to universal infinity, the other approaches the...
  8. D

    Symmetry Breaking: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Universe

    Symmetry "breaking" Greetings ! I'd like to ask and possibly discuss questions about symmetry : 1. I heard that there is a 2% lacking symmetry in weak nuclear force reactions. Does this mean energy-conservation (and other physical laws) are violated ?! 2. Does the HUP possibly...