Synthesis Definition and 166 Threads

In chemistry, chemical synthesis (or combination) is the artificial execution of useful chemical reactions to obtain one or several products. This occurs by physical and chemical manipulations usually involving one or more reactions. In modern laboratory uses, the process is reproducible and reliable.
A chemical synthesis involves one or more compounds (known as reagents or reactants) that will undergo a transformation when subjected to certain conditions. Various reaction types can be applied to formulate a desired product. This requires mixing the compounds in a reaction vessel, such as a chemical reactor or a simple round-bottom flask. Many reactions require some form of work-up or purification procedure to isolate the final product.The amount produced in chemical synthesis is known as the reaction yield. Typically, yields are expressed as a mass in grams (in a laboratory setting) or as a percentage of the total theoretical quantity that could be produced based on the limiting reagent. A side reaction is an unwanted chemical reaction taking place which reduces the desired yield. The word synthesis was first used by the chemist Hermann Kolbe.

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  1. C

    In the synthesis of ester, how does conc. aqueos calcium chloride

    In the synthesis of ester, how does conc. aqueos calcium chloride remove excess ethanol? I tried google, and found out that a complex is formed. How is this possible? If then what exactly is the complex formed? Thanks. :smile:
  2. L

    Need help with understanding synthesis equations

    Homework Statement I have trouble with finding out the product or equations and i don't understand them could someone please help me with figuring it out Homework Equations copper + sulfur > copper(II) sulfide 8Cu + S8 > 8CuS The Attempt at a Solution How is the sulfur charge 8 ...
  3. K

    I Really Need Help Chemistry: Synthesis of a Coordination Compound

    Homework Statement Mass of Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate (limiting reagent) = 4.00 grams. Mass of K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O = 2.54 grams. QUESTIONS: 1. Using the above mass of ferrous ammonium sulfate calculate the theoretical yield of the K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O 2. What is the percent (%)...
  4. C

    Organic Chemistry Multistep Synthesis

    Homework Statement 2. The attempt at a solution I'm not quite sure how to start this one... I would assume organolithiation could get me started for the two combining, but I'm not quite sure how to get the 3' carbon to spout that ehtyl group or how to...
  5. T

    Reasons why % yield would be so low, synthesis of zinc iodide

    Homework Statement In my Chem lab we synthesized zinc iodide. To 1g granulated zinc, 2ml distilled water and 4 drops of 2 M acetic acid was added. Then 1g of iodide. The mixture was agitated and several minutes later the reaction completed. There was some excess zinc, so we set up a...
  6. S

    Medical Protein synthesis with learning

    It's been known for some time that synapses are strengthened during the brain's processing of new information. This includes passive activities such as listening to music. However, the linked article discusses new research that indicates the RNA linked protein synthesis that occurs with synapse...
  7. G

    Gravitation and Newton's Synthesis

    Homework Statement The asteroid Icarus, though only a few hundred meters across, orbits the Sun like the other planents. Its period is about 410 d. What is its mean distance from the Sun? Homework Equations Keplers Law T_1 ^2 / T_2 ^2 = S_1 ^3 / S_2 ^3 The Attempt at a Solution...
  8. G

    Gravitation and Newton's Synthesis

    Homework Statement 13) (II) At what distance from the Earth will a spacecraft on the way to the Moon experience zero net force due to these two bodies becasue the Earth and Moon pull with equal and opposite forces? Homework Equations NET F = ma G = 6.67 E-11 (Nm^2)/kg^2 Fg =...
  9. L

    Synthesis of Aspirin from Salicylic Acid & Acetic Anhydride

    Homework Statement Write the complete mechanism for the acid-catalyzed formation of aspirin from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I basically know the reaction but I'm not sure how to start the mechanism...Like i know that it is a...
  10. D

    Why is ATP synthesis reversible on the F1 subunit? What is the point of this?

    Why is ATP synthesis reversible on the F1 subunit? What is the point of this? Why is ATP synthesis reversible on the F1 subunit? What is the point of this? They did some experiment a long time ago where they took F1 subunit and mixed it with ATP and water, with the Oxygen radioisotope...
  11. H

    Diamond Synthesis HTHP Requirements

    I have a couple questions regarding the transformation of graphite to diamond. As I understand a common method of diamond synthesis involves applying high pressure and high temperature to a graphite sample for a few days and then removing the high temperature and finally the high pressure to...
  12. S

    What is the Theoretical and Percent Yield in Cholesterol Nonanoate Synthesis?

    Homework Statement A reaction of nonanoyl chloride with cholesterol to form cholesterol nonanoate, pyridine is also used in the reaction. 1.If a student starts with 0.2543 g of cholesterol, 1.4 mL of pyridine, and 0.14 g of nonanoyl chloride, what would be the theoretical yield of...
  13. D

    Unraveling the Secrets of Mitochondria and Protein Synthesis

    homework help... Homework Statement why mitochondria is called the power house of the cell? which is the site for protein syntesis in a cell?? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I found out that mitochondria is the site for protein synthesis but I think its kinda...
  14. P

    Gravitation and Newton's Synthesis

    Homework Statement At what distance from teh Earth will a spacecraft on the way to the Moon esperience zero net force due to these two bodies because the EArth and Mon pull with equal and opposite forces? Homework Equations net force = m a a radial = r^-1 v^2 Fg = r^-2 G M m...
  15. MathematicalPhysicist

    Synthesis between Quantum Chaos and QFT.

    Are there any attempts to synthesize between these two theories? I mean are there methods from QFT being used in QC and vice versa? I asked one professor from my univ if I were to research under his belt in QC, would I need some QFT knowledge and he said not. So I wonder are they really...
  16. X

    Organic Synthesis: Reduction of ketone to alcohol

    Hi. I was to plan and conduct the reduction of 4-t-butylcyclohexanone into 4-t-butylcyclohexanol using NaBH4 as reducing agent, MeOH as solvent, and NH4Cl. My question is about the use of NH4Cl. How does it act as a quenching agent? I've figured out that it acts as a quenching agent by removing...
  17. S

    Is transcription a subprocess of translation in protein synthesis?

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  18. D

    Organic Chemistry Synthesis Question

    Homework Statement I am trying to figure out what is produced from the reaction of sodium borohydride and methyl benzoate. How would you name it? I am really bad at nomenclature... Homework Equations NaBH4 + C6H5COOCH3The Attempt at a Solution My result is bascially methyl benzoate, but...
  19. Z

    Investigating K3Fe(C2O4)3.3H2O Synthesis

    Actually this is a part of homework. I've found the answer, but I have some problems. The lab I did in previous lesson is the preparation of K3Fe(C2O4)3.3H2O from Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.6H2O In the first step, Iron(II) ammonium sulphate was reacted with oxalic acid dihydrate to form Iron(II)...
  20. N

    Synthesis of oxalate complexes, post lab question

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  21. K

    Organic Chemistry Synthesis Question

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  22. B

    Gravitation and Newton's Synthesis Problem

    Homework Statement Our sun rotates about the cneter of the galaxy (m = 4*10^41kg) at a distance of about 3*10^4 light years ( 1ly=(3*10^8m/s)*(3.16*10^7 s/y) what is the period of our orbital motion about the center of the galaxy? Homework Equations Okay so I believe you would use...
  23. A

    How Do You Synthesize 1-Methyl-2-Bromo-Cyclohexane from Methylcyclohexane?

    I've been staring at these for a while now and I can't seem to get them. I would really appreciate anyone's help with these. 1. Methylcyclohexane -> 1-methyl,2-bromo-cyclohexane (bromine added to ortho carbon in respect to the methyl group). The main problem here is that I don't know where to...
  24. A

    How Can I Solve Organic Chemistry Synthesis Problems?

    I've been staring at these for a while now and I can't seem to get them. I would really appreciate anyone's help with these. 1. Methylcyclohexane -> 1-methyl,2-bromo-cyclohexane (bromine added to ortho carbon in respect to the methyl group). The main problem here is that I don't know where...
  25. C

    Synthesis and toxicity of hydrazine

    I have a few questions about the synthesis and toxicity of hydrazine (N2H4). First of all, is it possible to synthesize hydrazine under a fume hood by mixing concentrated ammonia, sodium hypochlorite (bleach), and a gellatinous material (gelatin?)? I have read that high temperatures and high...
  26. S

    Why is the dehydration synthesis also called a condensation reaction?

    Doesn't condensation imply a change from a gas to a liquid? Were the nucleotides gases when the phosphodiester bond formed? Were the amino acids gases when the peptide bond formed?
  27. ~christina~

    Luminol and synthesis (mechanism of the reaction)

    [SOLVED] Luminol and synthesis (mechanism of the reaction) In lab I synthesized luminol and I'm trying to figure out the mechanism of the reaction. 3-nitrophthalic acid + hydrazine => 5-nitrophthalhydrazide + Na2SO4=> Luminol...
  28. F

    Grignard Synthesis: Ph-Mg-X + tert-Butyl Alcohol

    Homework Statement Predict the product, along with the reaction mechanism,of the given reactants -: Ph-Mg-X + tert-butyl alcohol \longrightarrow \ ? My attempt This is a grignard synthesis, RMgX where R is phenyl carbanion . The general reaction with water gives alkanes,and X-Mg-OH ...
  29. T

    Solve VHDL Synthesis Questions: Learn to Write & Synthesize Code

    Hello, everyone!Now I'm studying VHDL, and our teacher gave us some questions as follows: 1. Complete the following code fragment and try to synthesize the VHDL: process begin wait until Clk = '1'; Phase <= "0" after 0 ns; Phase <= "1" after 10 ns; end process; What is the error message...
  30. S

    News IPCC Fourth Assessment Synthesis Report

    Here is the "[URL Synthesis Report Summary for Policy Makers. [/URL] Now just what is the debate? I seem to have missed it. What credible scientific institution is disputing the IPCC conclusions?
  31. berkeman

    Voice Synthesis with a uC - Audio File IP Available?

    Voice Synthesis with a uC -- Audio File IP Available? I'm working on a project that will involve voice synthesis and playing simple tones using a mid-range 8-bit microcontroller (uC). I've done my own proprietary tone synthesis many years ago (with an 8051), but for this present project, I'd...
  32. F

    Grignard Synthesis - naming product

    Homework Statement What is the solid that forms during the addition of phenyl magnesium bromide to methyl benzoate (step before triphenylmethanol)? Homework Equations See below. The Attempt at a Solution I know the structure of the product, but I don't know exactly how to name it. The...
  33. S

    Theoretical Yield in Multi-Step Synthesis

    Homework Statement Exactly how do you find the theoretical yield of methyl m-nitrobenzoate from 10.0 g of benzoic acid? Homework Equations 1) Ph-COOH + CH3OH + H2SO4 --> Ph-COOCH3 2) Ph-COOCH3 + HNO3 + H2SO4 --> methyl m-nitrobenzoate The Attempt at a Solution 10.0 g...
  34. X

    What does fatty acid synthesis imply?

    Sorry, I'm not much of a biology expert, but I was looking into the interactions between b5 and omega 3 fatty acids. I wanted some help clarifying this. Does that imply that it breaks down fatty acids and uses them as...
  35. P

    Organic Chem - Synthesis of alcohols

    After drawing the 8 alcohols with the formula C5H11OH, I'm asked to "Describe how they are formed and give two uses for this type of alcohol." The only example in my text for this is the hydration of an alkene which, at a glance, wouldn't make sense for 2,2-dimethyl 1 propanol. Is this one...
  36. A

    Synthesis of Allyl Hexanoate: Challenges and Strategies

    I am attempting to synthesize some allyl hexanoate and I am having a little bit of a hard time figuring out the procudure to go about it. I am going to start with n-hexanol, and using Na2Cr2O7 and H2SO4, create hexanoic acid through oxidation. Then I was going to run an ether synthesis...
  37. L

    Can you generate a carbanion of acetylene with hydroxide for organic synthesis?

    Hi, The problem was to propose a synthetic scheme for making maleic acid (cis-but-2-ene-1,4-dioic acid) from acetylene (as part of a larger synthesis where I would have to use the maleic anhydride in a Diels-Alders cycloaddition with 1,3-cyclopentadiene made from cyclopentanol to get a...
  38. K

    Is Converting a Secondary Amine to a Primary Amine Possible with This Route?

    I numbered each reagent and product so you can point and laugh accurately. Any tips would be awesome!
  39. O

    How to Convert 4-Methylpentanoic Acid to 4-Methyl-2-Bromopentanoic Acid?

    Hey, I'm trying to figure out how to convert 4-methylpentanoic acid into 4-methyl-2-bromopentanoic acid and I'm stuck. It's second semester O-chem for reference. Any ideas? Thanks.
  40. I

    Synthesis of Isopentyl Acetate question

    Hi, In the isopentyl acetate synthesis from acetic acid and isopentyl alcohol, what do you extract it with? All the things I've read online say to extract with water, then 2x sodium bicarbonate, then saturated NaCl. However, the procedure we are supposed to modify this from is different. In...
  41. Astronuc

    Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis and Catalysts

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  42. T

    Discovering the Synthesis Reactions: Tips and Examples for School Experiments"

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  43. D

    Organic Chemistry - Camphor Synthesis

    Hello guys and girls. I am writing to you all today in hopes that someone out there will be able to help me with my problem. I am asked to synthesize the molecule camphor starting merely from acetly-CoA and Acetic Acid. This must be done in a biological manner. Ie. The Co-A group will be...
  44. C

    Problematic Synthesis of Sodium Acetate

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  45. D

    How is benzyl alcohol synthesized?

    I try to find the synthesis of benzyl alcohol, but I can't get it. Can some one show me how to do the synthesis of benzyl alcohol, in detail. Can someone give me the website to find the synthesis of benzyl alcohol Thanks
  46. G

    How Do Insulin and Adrenaline Regulate Glycogen Metabolism in Muscles?

    How are signals form insulin integrated with those from adrealine and contraction to regulate the breakdown or synthesis of glycogen in muscle? I know that adrenaline stimulates the conversion of ATP to cyclic AMP by activating adenyl cyclase, and I think insulin does the opposite. But how are...
  47. Math Is Hard

    Ribosomes and protein synthesis

    I've been looking at some explanations and pictorial illustrations of ribosomes in my biology book. Now, they say that ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis, and I am confused because the ribosomes are situated on the outside of the rough ER, but the newly synthesized proteins seem to...
  48. chem_tr

    About Williamson ether synthesis

    I am planning to perform some Williamson synthesis. However, I have not been successful on obtaining a literature with described procedure. Will I need any procedures? I have looked at Organic Syntheses website (website url), but no procedures on the Williamson's technique. My plan is simple...
  49. S

    Protein Synthesis: mRNA Codon, tRNA Anticodon & DNA Codon

    In transcription, the mRNA, with the help of RNA polymerase, creates a code complementary to the sense strand on the DNA (i think). So does that mean that the mRNA's codon is opposite of the actual codon that codes for a protein? This would mean that the anticodon on the tRNA and the codon on...
  50. K

    Phenol-formaldehyde synthesis and solvent

    Dose anybody know a synthesis of phenol-formaldehyde witch will have a vary pure product and is there a solvent for this polymer that dose not destroy it