What is System: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A system is a group of interacting or interrelated elements that act according to a set of rules to form a unified whole. A system, surrounded and influenced by its environment, is described by its boundaries, structure and purpose and expressed in its functioning. Systems are the subjects of study of systems theory.

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  1. Z

    I When is a system coherent or decoherent?

    Hi Michael, Is it fair to say that whether system A is coherent or decoherent, it is always with respect to another system B? Of course the environment is another system (E), and an observer yet another system (O). So when we specify coherence or decoherence of system A, it is in respect to...
  2. E

    Mechanical advantage of a pulley system

    I don't know how the bottom two pulleys affect the top one. From what I know, the three ropes should have the same tension, the force of the body, divided between them. So if we take top one, it should have that tension on both sides, but also should support the other two pulleys below it. That...
  3. K

    I Find Practical Resonance Frequencies in Linear Differential Equations

    Hi all, I would like to know what is the equation upon which I can use to determine the practical resonance frequencies in a system of second order, linear differential equations. First some definitions: What I mean by practical resonance frequencies, is the frequencies that a second order...
  4. torito_verdejo

    Advantages of Polar Coordinate System & Rotating Unit Vectors

    What is the advantage of using a polar coordinate system with rotating unit vectors? Kleppner's and Kolenkow's An Introduction to Mechanics states that base vectors ##\mathbf{ \hat{r}}## and ##\mathbf{\hat{\theta}}## have a variable direction, such that for a Cartesian coordinates system's base...
  5. S

    Gibbs Free Energy Equation: why is the entropy change of the system not q/T ?

    What is the entropy change of the system in the Gibbs Free Energy Equation? The general expression for entropy change is ΔS=q/T The only exchange between the system and the surroundings is ΔH done reversibly, with no PV work and no matter transfer, therefore q(syst) = ΔH(syst) therefore surely...
  6. T

    I Can we consider this system as an Einstein model of a Solid?

    Hello Everyone! I am interested in examining the case of an isolated Einstein Solid (ES) with a decreasing number of oscillators. The total amount of energy of the ES is considered fixed. Whenever an oscillator abandons our model, it "leaves behind" the amount of energy it contained, so that the...
  7. Don Bori

    Water Tank Refilling via Hydraulic Water Pumping System

    Based on my understanding, Top Tank Refilling Advantage: Atmospheric Pressure Disadvantage: High Head (Requires more distance, thus more Work since W = f x d) Bottom Tank Refilling Advantage: Low Head Disadvantage: High Static Pressure (Requires more Force, thus more Work since W = f x d)...
  8. Kaushik

    Determine the acceleration of block m1 in this wedge-pulley system

    The equations i got are attached below. Is it right? If yes what should we do after this. I tried solving the equations, but i did not arrive at the solution.
  9. alaspina

    Representing a complex oscillating system

    Hello, I have an equation relating the angular acceleration (d2Θ/dt2) of an undamped system to a forcing function and the an angular term (Θ). The system in question is an inverted pendulum. I know that such an oscillating system can be represented by the following function: The problem is...
  10. dRic2

    MATLAB Ltiview and negative step response of a linear system

    Hi, my professor gave me I code where he used to evaluate the answer of a linear system to a step increase in the input variables like this: MySystem = ss(A, B, C, D); ltiveiw('step', MySystem, 'r-', 300); My problem is that with this code I get the response only for a positive step. I'd...
  11. karush

    MHB -29.1 Find a general solution to the system of DE

    Find a general solution to the system of differential equations \begin{align*}\displaystyle y'_1&=2y_1+3y_2+5x\\ y'_2&=y_1+4y_2+10 \end{align*} rewrite as $$Y'=\left[\begin{array}{c}2 & 3 \\ 1 & 4 \end{array}\right]Y +\left[\begin{array}{c}5x\\...
  12. e2m2a

    Center of mass momentum of a photon and electron system

    Suppose there is a photon with momtum p=h/lambda moving in the positive x-direction. Suppose it collides with an electron at rest and is completely absorbed by the electron, and that after the collision, the electron moves to the right with the same momentum of the photon. This seems...
  13. orris

    Determining the required properties of a submersion cooler system

    Summary: I require assistance in selecting a suitable radiator for a submersion cooing system Hello, I am designing a series of chassis's and cooling rigs that will house ant miner s-9 units along side their apw3 power supplies flooded with mineral oil within the housing. Each unit...
  14. W

    Work of a system: Tipler vs Halliday

    A strategy I use when learning is to consult multiple books. It is great most of the time, but occasionally I find that there seems to be a contradiction between different books. For example, when proving the conservation of mechanical energy theorem, Tipler & Mosca claim that the total work of...
  15. J

    Choosing a heater band for vacuum system bakeout

    Hello, I'm trying to find the right wattage heater band for a cylindrical vacuum chamber that is stainless steel (304), ~2ft in length, ~0.5ft in diameter, and ~0.5 in thick. From a quick google search, I was able to calculate the required wattage for bring the chamber up to and constant at...
  16. Physics lover

    Work done by friction on a two-block system

    I calculated friction = 1N.But since force is more than maximum friction,therefore lower block will not move and a force of 0.5N will be applied to upper block. Therefore its work done by friction will be W=0.5×6=3 J. But answer given is 1 J. Can anyone help.
  17. V

    Connected system of a bullet and a block

    This is task from my textbook and it does not provide us with an answer. So I cannot verify if I did mistake. Can someone double check, please? My solution: ##E_{k_{0}} = \frac{(m+M)v_{0}^2}{2} \quad \land \quad U = \frac{kx^2}{2}## ##E_{k_{0}} = U## ##\Longrightarrow (m+M)v_{0}^2 = kx^2##...
  18. kunalvanjare

    Designing an Automatic Coolant Monitoring System for CNC Machines

    Hey guys, I am designing a system that would monitor the coolant tanks of about 10 CNC machines through a centralized system consisting of valves, a pump & a refractometer. The system would be connected to the tanks through fixed piping in the plant. A pump would draw small amount of liquid...
  19. TytoAlba95

    Ames test excision repair system question

    Hi there. I have some questions from the Ames test. I am following Wikipedia and a book to understand this concept. My understanding : Ames test is a fast and convenient test that uses auxotrophic bacteria (those that cannot grow in histidine lacking medium) to find out if some chemical is...
  20. T

    Finding the induced EMF in a solenoid-wire system

    I know that ##B = \mu n I## and ##\phi = B \pi R^2##. So with have ##d\phi / dt = \mu n \alpha \pi R^2##. But I don't know what to do with this? is this the answer? I don't think so but I don't know what to do after this.
  21. K

    MATLAB Spring mass impact system in Matlab - How to correct it?

    I am new to Simulink and I wanted to start practicing using a spring mass damper system. My first tutorial was this: Later, I wanted to model a spring system where a mass moving at a known velocity hits the spring. The governing equation and a similar modeling method given in the previous...
  22. M

    Energy interactions of a stationary closed system

    A stationary closed system such as an air in a room or a water in tank can exchange energy with its surroundings, such as receiving heat, fan work, electrical work, shaft work. These energy interactions cause a change in the total energy E of a system. This total energy can be comprised of...
  23. Foppe Hoekstra

    I Is it possible to have synchronized clocks in a rotating system?

    Consider a wagon with length L and constant speed v on the straight part of a rail. The wagon has clocks on both ends that are sync in the co-moving frame (of the wagon and the clocks). Then there is a curve in the rail with radius r. The speed of the wagon in the curve is still constant v, but...
  24. H

    Finding the correct change of momentum in this system,

    I tried out the F=Δp/Δt equation and i came up with a change of momentum of the box-bullet fusion (M+m)V-0, but the textbook says otherwise (using a change of momentum of JUST the box itself, excluding the bullet). According to the textbook, the correct change is MV-0, without the added mass of...
  25. L

    I Optimal Copper Pipe Size for Misting System

    I am attaching a standard 5/8" garden hose with approximately 70psi pressure to a copper pipe that is capped on the opposite end with mist nozzles mounted periodically along its length. I want the pressure at each mister to be as similar as possible. The hose attaches at the base, a solid line...
  26. karush

    MHB 14.1 find a vector v that will satisfy the system

    https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/9050 ok I think I got (a) and (b) on just observation but (c) doesn't look like x,y,z will be intergers so ?
  27. B

    Astrophysics question about a binary star system (AQA exam)

    https://pmt.physicsandmathstutor.com/download/Physics/A-level/Past-Papers/AQA-Old/Unit-5/June%202015%20MS%20-%20Unit%205-2A%20AQA%20Physics%20A-level.pdf mark scheme question 2 very simple question why is the change in wavlength not 656.05 - 656.52? instead. The difference being in the mark...
  28. F

    Use of a Water-Cooled Diesel Generator as an Off-Grid CHP System

    I am looking at options I have available for providing Power Heat and Light to a collection of houses and barns I am planning to convert into a small holiday complex in rural France. I plan to run this complex as an agricultural small holding with holiday let's in 4 x renovated French farm...
  29. Moara

    Max Elongation of Mass-Spring System

    For the maximum elongation the velocities of the blocks should be equal. With that i used two conservation of energy for m1 and m2, for m1 the work of the elastic force is integral of kx(dx1) and for m2 kx(dx2), where X1+x2=x. I got three equation and four variables since i don't know the final...
  30. Ralph Rotten

    B Juno -- Coolest space ship in the solar system?

    So Juno is on her downhill run towards Jupiter. Only doing about 8k right now, but by the time she rounds Jupiter she'll be doing 100k or more. We are going to get so much science from Juno. Personally I am eagerly awaiting the results of what Jupiter looks like under all those clouds.
  31. waqar

    What's Wrong with Energy Argument in Vertical Spring-Mass System?

    The spring is first relaxed at its lower end h_1, that's when we attached mass m to itand let it fall freely and come to rest. Now by Force analysis we can show that in final position of mass the forces of gravity and restoring force from spring are balanced. i.e. F_g=F_s which yields x=-mg/k...
  32. karush

    MHB -307.28.1 Find the general solution to the system of DE

    $\tiny{28.1}$ 2000 Find the general solution to the system of differential equations \begin{align*}\displaystyle y'_1&=y_1+5y_2\\ y'_2&=-2y_1+-y_2 \end{align*} why is there a $+-y_2$ in the given ok going to take this a step at a time...
  33. karush

    MHB -a.3.2.96 Convert a 2nd order homogeneous ODE into a system of first order ODEs

    given the differential equation $\quad y''+5y'+6y=0$ (a)convert into a system of first order (homogeneous) differential equation (b)solve the system. ok just look at an example the first step would be $\quad u=y'$ then $\quad u'+5u+6=0$ so far perhaps?
  34. W

    I Number of Solutions of a Nonlinear System

    I developed a program to solve the nonlinear system below through the method of successive approximations and was only able to find one solution, namely ##x_1 = 0.93377## and ##x_2 =0.88417##, even though I tried many different starting points. I was wondering if there's a way to determine if...
  35. F

    Computer Algebra System: Physics Self-Study Suggestions

    I am stuying physics by myself and I would like to get a Computer Algebra System. Does anybody has any suggestions?
  36. KatrineRav

    Acceleration in a pulley system

    SOLUTION ATTEMPT Newtons 2nd law states that F=ma (eq. 1). When a force is applied to a mass m it results in an acceleration a=F/m (eq. 2). If a vertical force is applied to one of the objects in this system, acceleration of both objects will occur. Assuming the length of the rope is constant...
  37. R

    What's the "Control System Tank" in RBMK

    In the HBO TV show Chernobyl, deputy chief engineer Anatoly Dyatlov said Control System Tank, Hydrogen... What's the control system tank in RBMK?
  38. Haorong Wu

    Trace of a subsystem of a two qubit system

    Consider the first qubit (subsystem A): First, the density operator for the system AB is ## \rho ^{AB} =\frac { \left |00 \right > \left <00 \right |+ \left |01 \right > \left < 01\right |+\left | 11\right > \left < 11\right | } 3 ##. Then, the reduced density operator of subsystem A is ##...
  39. DeclanKerr

    RLC Circuit Analysis with system of ODEs

    Summary: Looking for guidance on how to model an RLC circuit with a system of ODES, where the variables are the resistor and inductor voltages. This is a maths problem I have to complete for homework. The problem is trying to prove that the attached circuit diagram can be modeled using the...
  40. Engineer47

    Frequency Response of a Damped Car-Suspension System

    The quarter car system is represented by the above picture and I currently have all of the equations of motion and constants for each spring, mass, damper, distance, and moment of inertia. How can I find the frequency response with this information and knowing both tires hit a pothole of height...
  41. G

    HVAC How to know if a blower will be able to overcome system resistance?

    The rectangular chamber contains inclined perforated plates through which the air passes. At the top there is a blower and at the front as well as back bottom there are openings for air inlet. How do I calculate system resistance and know if a certain blower will be able to overcome it?
  42. Miles123K

    Normal mode of an infinite spring pendulum system

    First I worked out the dispersion relations, which is pretty easy: ##M \ddot x_j = K x_{j-1} + K x_{j+1} - 2K x_j -mg \frac {x_j} {l} ## (All t-derivatives) We know ##x_j## will be in the form ##Ae^{ijka}e^{-i\omega t}## so the above becomes: ## -\omega^2M = K (e^{-ika}+e^{ika}-2)-\frac {g}...
  43. vsarnaud

    4 Linkage system: velocity calculation

    For the attempt at a solution view the Excel screenshots (1). A screenshot with all the lengths is provided (2). The 4-linkage system is shown in screenshot (3). The problem is shown in screenshot (4). A screenshot from the whole assembly is also provided to add some insights (5). Thanks...
  44. BillTre

    New System Generates Speech from Brain Physiology

    Scientists described using information from brain recordings to generate understandable speech in a proof of principle study. Invasive recordings of brain activity normally involved in the production of speech sounds, at the level of controlling muscle movement, have been associated with the...
  45. karush

    MHB -pe.7 write a system in the matrix form Y'=AY+G

    nmh{896} mnt{347.21} consider th non-homogeneous first order differential system where $x,y,z$ are all functions of the variable t \begin{align*}\displaystyle x'&=-4x-3y+3z\\ y'&=3x+2y-3z+e^t\\ z´&=-3x-3y+2z \end{align*} write a system in the matrix form $Y'=AY+G$
  46. Selveste

    How Does Coulomb Repulsion Affect a Fermionic Two-Level System?

    Problem statement: Consider a fermionic system with two states 1,2 with energy levels \epsilon_i, i=1,2 . Moreover, the number of particles in state i is n_i = 0,1 . Let the Hamiltonian of the system be H = \sum_{i=1}^2 \epsilon_i n_i + \sum_{i \neq j} U n_i n_j Here, U > 0 is a...
  47. S

    The Eigenfunction of a 2-electron system

    Hello! I am stuck at the following question: Show that the wave function is an eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian if the two electrons do not interact, where the Hamiltonian is given as; the wave function and given as; and the energy and Born radius are given as: and I used this for ∇...
  48. C

    Understanding Negative Feedback Systems: Equations, Dynamics, and Activation

    We express such equations by $$\frac{dx}{dt} = \beta - \gamma \cdot x$$, t denotes the time. In this case, γ depends on x, thus the dynamic equation should probably be: $$\frac{dx}{dt} = \beta - \gamma(x) \cdot x$$ 1. Setting the equation to 0 leads to two different cases: If x < K: xST = γlow...
  49. S

    Schools What is the educative system like at German universities? Should I study there?

    I am a 21-year-old from Mexico that recently dropped out of engineering. I was dissatisfied by the mayor and the education system here in Mexico. I am looking forward to studying Physics in Germany because it is free and life is not so expensive. But I have my doubts. Is education at top...