Tank Definition and 736 Threads

A tank is an armored fighting vehicle intended as a primary offensive weapon in front-line ground combat. Tank designs are a balance of heavy firepower, strong armor, and good battlefield mobility provided by tracks and a powerful engine; usually their main armament is mounted in a turret. They are a mainstay of modern 20th and 21st century ground forces and a key part of combined arms combat.
Modern tanks are versatile mobile land weapons platforms whose main armament is a large-caliber tank gun mounted in a rotating gun turret, supplemented by machine guns or other ranged weapons such as anti-tank guided missiles or rocket launchers. They have heavy vehicle armor which provides protection for the crew, the vehicle's munition storage, fuel tank and propulsion systems. The use of tracks rather than wheels provides improved operational mobility which allows the tank to overcome rugged terrain and adverse conditions such as mud and ice/snow better than wheeled vehicles, and thus be more flexibly positioned at advantageous locations on the battlefield. These features enable the tank to perform well in a variety of intense combat situations, simultaneously both offensively (with direct fire from their powerful main gun) and defensively (as fire support and defilade for friendly troops due to the near invulnerability to common infantry small arms and good resistance against most heavier weapons), all while maintaining the mobility needed to exploit changing tactical situations. Fully integrating tanks into modern military forces spawned a new era of combat: armored warfare.

Until the arrival of the main battle tank, tanks were typically categorized either by weight class (light, medium, heavy or superheavy tanks) or doctrinal purpose (breakthrough-, cavalry-, infantry- or reconnaissance tanks). Some being larger and very heavily armored and with large guns, while others are smaller, lightly armored, and equipped with a smaller caliber and lighter gun. These smaller tanks move over terrain with speed and agility and can perform a reconnaissance role in addition to engaging enemy targets. The smaller, faster tank would not normally engage in battle with a larger, heavily armored tank, except during a surprise flanking manoeuvre.

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  1. X

    Optimization Metal Tank Problem

    Ok, well the problem states: A metal storage tank with volume V is to be constructed in the shape of a right circular cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere. What dimensions will require the least amount of metal?The first step that I took was to draw a picture. I just drew a semicircle with a...
  2. B

    Find final speed of the astronaut after throwing the tank

    A 64.1 kg astronaut is on a space walk when the tether line to the shuttle breaks. The astronaut is able to throw a 11.0 kg oxygen tank in a direction away from the shuttle with a speed of 11.7 m/s propelling the astronaut back to the shuttle. Assuming the astronaut starts from rest, find final...
  3. S

    Solving a Problem: Calculating Molar Fraction of Freon in a Tank

    Hi, here's the problem : A 60 gal tank contain pure Azote at 36,2 psig and 24,2 °C. We add 908,25 g of freon (CF2Cl2) that evaporate completely. If the temperature of the tank is 8,2 °C : a) What is the molar fraction of the freon. I've made some calculation, but it always result...
  4. A

    Solving the Example Problem: Tank w/Salt & Brine

    there's an example problem in my textbook, but I'm stuck on how to make the first move~ "a tank contains 1000gal of water in which 200lb of salt are dissolved. Fifty gallonw of brine, each containing (1+cost)lb of dissolbed salt, run into the tank per minute. The mixture, kept uniform by...
  5. O

    What is the best way to find a liquid oxygen storage tank?

    Can you give me some advice on this: ------------ Are you in a position to supply us the below item: Please let me know the price as CFR Bandarabbas Iran. Subject : vertical liquid oxygen tank (lox tank) capacity: 18000_22000 lit working pressure : 17 bar Daily...
  6. C

    Proposal Modify Shuttle Fuel Tank

    [B] Unsolicited Proposal To Modify Shuttle External Fuel Tank Addressed Too: NASA HEADQUARTERS Attn: Sandy Russo Code 210.H Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 Sandra.R.Russo@nasa.gov Office of Space Flight Space Shuttle Abstract, Introduction Project Description...
  7. U

    How much work is required to empty the tank?

    need help, VERY CHALLENGING a hemispherical tank of radius 6 meters, is posiitoned so that its base is circular. how much work is required to empty the tank? liquid density is 100 kg/ m^3
  8. T

    News Is the Philippines About to Split into Three Countries?

    Has anyone noticed anything about the Philippines as a nation about to split into about three different countries: http://www.sunstar.com.ph/static/dav/2005/07/12/news/mindanao.leaders.meet.in.davao.city.tuesday.html...
  9. K

    Solving Concentration Problem in Tank

    Hi I'm a newbie and i have a problem here that i cannot solve, or i don't know how to solve. Hope you experts can help me out! Here it is: A tank contains 10 kg of sodium hydroxide in 1000 litres of water. Water is continuosly added to the tank at a rate of 5 litres/min so that the mixture is...
  10. E

    How Many Balloons Can a Helium Tank Fill?

    A tank having a volume of .100 m^3 contains helium gas at 150 atm. How many ballons can the tank blow up if each filled balloon is a sphere of .300 m in diameter at an absolute pressure of 1.2 atm? Here is what I have so far: Assuming no gas is lost to the atmosphere, n is constant. R is...
  11. T

    Spherical tank proportion question

    I need to know how to figure out "r" in this picture from "R" and "h". It is some kind of proportion or integral I'm guessing, but I can;t think of it. "R" is the radius of a spherical tank. "r" is the radius of the water level (not the same as "R") "h" is the height of the water level. Here...
  12. F

    How Does a Sphere Act as a Valve in Fluid Dynamics?

    Fluid mechanics problem. In the picture below we have a sphere (consider it massless) acting as a valve in a water tank. At the bottom, there's a hole (which magnitude is determined by the angle theta. I am asked to calculate the total vertical force acting on the sphere. And after that...
  13. G

    Related Rates: Finding the Rate of Change of Liquid Height in a Draining Tank

    am i doing this right? A cylindrical tank with a radius of 5 ft and a height of 20ft is filled with a certain liquid chemical. A hole is punched in the bottom. At that moment the chemical drains ut of the tank at the rate of 2ft^3/min. At what rate is the height of liquid in the tank changing...
  14. A

    Total Work (Pumping Oil from a Tank).

    "A fuel tank is an upright cylinder, buried so that its circular top is 10 feet beneath ground level. The tank has a radius of 5 feet and is 15 feet high, although the current oil level is only 6 feet deep. Calculate the work required to pump all of the oil to the surface. Oil weighs 50...
  15. H

    Wave Tank Refraction: Does Depth Affect Refraction?

    When using a wave tank to create waves that then pass through a gap in a barrier to create refraction that expands out the other side of the gap,, if the depth of the water is increased but the frequency is the same, will the amount of refraction increase or decrease? Basically, when depth in...
  16. N

    Propane Tank Problem: Will Any Propane Vent at 125 psi?

    I've been having some trouble with the following Question. { A rigid tank contains 90% by volume propane at -40 F. The tank is then heated to 80 F. A pressure relief valve in the tank is set at 125 psi. Will any propane be vented. If yes, how much? Tables for propane at...
  17. P

    How to Solve a Conical Tank Calculus Problem

    I have a calculus question and was wondering if some could help me see what I am doing wrong in this question. Thank you A conical tank with an altitude of 10m and whose base has a radius of 4m is mounted with its vertex down. The tank is full of water which is draining through the vertex...
  18. P

    Work Required to Empty Tank of Hot Chocolate

    A tank in the shape of an inverted right circular cone has height 8 meters and radius 6 meters. It is filled with 7 meters of hot chocolate. Find the work required to empty the tank by pumping the hot chocolate over the top of the tank. Note: the density of hot chocolate is 1510kg/m^3 m =...
  19. K

    Calculating Mass of Calcium in Saturated Water Tank

    I know this isn't a physics problem, but it's due tomorrow and I'm really stuck :( Calculate the mass, in grams, of calcium ion dissolved in the water of a 40.0 gallon hot-water tank saturated with calcium phosphate. (Ksp calcium phosphate = 2.0e-29, 1.00gal=3.80L). >> I'm really lost...
  20. A

    News Liberal Think Tank: Bush Admin Interference w/ Science

    http://www.americanprogress.org/site/c.biJRJ8OVF/b.8473/ Quite new and do not yet have much in-depth analyses compared to the conservative and libertarian think tanks. Still, articles like this are interesting http://www.americanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?c=biJRJ8OVF&b=116225
  21. K

    Average Oxygen Molecule Travel Distance in a Tank

    In a tank full of oxygen, how many molecular diameters d (on average) does an oxygen molecule travel (at 1.00 atm and 21.0°C) before colliding with another O2 molecule? (The diameter of the O2 molecule is approximately 3.60 10-10 m.) >> I don't know why webassign is telling me this is wrong...
  22. D

    Web Remote Pnuematic Tank (Linux Project)

    Hey, I have been working on a project for a few months now to use this cheapy Toshiba laptop my friend gave me for free (hard drive problems, fixed now) for a remote control vehicle. I have to 18VDC drill motors I will be using, ordered some relays and transistors to get this thing rolling, and...
  23. C

    Demonstrate diffraction in a ripple tank

    When we demonstrate diffraction in a ripple tank, why does shallower water slow the passage of the water wave down? Also, are there any other ways to demonstrate when refraction happens without light nor water waves? Thanks. :smile:
  24. A

    Tough Integration Problem involving flow from a tank

    Please help! This problem is really complex and i have no idea where to start (or finish for that matter!) A holding tank of 7000 litres is full of water which has been contaminated by a pollutant. The tank contains 0.01 percent contaminant by volume. Water with a contaminant concentration of...
  25. J

    What are the advantages of using an immersion heater at the top of a water tank?

    What are the advantages of using an immersion heater at the top of a water tank?
  26. V

    Could a Gas Tank Float at the Bottom of the Ocean?

    Hi Guys! First Post! I really like the Forums, although most of the topics are way over my head. I'm hoping you can help me solve a problem. If a Truck-Trailed Gas Tanker, the kind that refuel Gas Stations, was full, would it float? Assuming there isn't any air for boyancy. My pal thinks...
  27. D

    Calculating Kerosene Tank Height from Leak Rate

    Kerosene (sp. gr. .82) leaks out of a hole 0.5 in. in diameter at the bottom of a tank at a rate of 10 gal/min. How high is the kerosene in the tank?? (hint, 1gal = 0.1337 ft^3) So I used this formula: R = sqrt(2*g*h) * A and came up with 15004ft. which is completely off mark. any...
  28. R

    Designing a Car: Finding the Right Fuel Tank Size

    Dont know if this is the right forum for this question, let me know if its not! Im designing a car and i need a 50 litre fuel tank. Can anyone tell me what the dimensions of the fuel tank would need to be?
  29. J

    Measuring Depth of Water in a Tank: Course Help

    Course help! Could PLZ on help on one thing. I don't know wot the following are and how they incorperate into my work course which is about meauring the depth of water in a tank using sound waves and messuring the time delay ogf the reflected wave. Resolution response time systematic bias or...
  30. S

    Cylindrical Tank Height Calculation (1587kg, 3.2m)

    I have been stumped on this question for two days~!~ I am not even sure this is where to post this, but any answers or ideas or anything are greatly appreciated! the question is 'CALCULATE THE HEIGHT OF A CYLINDRICAL TANK FILLED WITH WATER HAVING A MASS OF 1587.0 KG. THE DIAMETER OF THE...
  31. tandoorichicken

    Speed of Water Emerging from Large Tank: [itex] \sqrt{2gh} [/tex]

    A large storage tank is filled with water. Neglecting viscosity, show that the speed of water emerging through a hole in the side a distance h below the surface is [itex] v = \sqrt{2gh} [/tex].
  32. E

    Solving a Complex Integration Problem: Finding the Work to Empty a Tank

    I apologize that I don't know how to make the math equations. Alright it's going to be kind of complicated trying to describe this in words, but I'll do my best. There is a tank shaped like a right cylinder on it's side. The length of the tank (or height of the cylinder) is 6m, and the radius...
  33. Another God

    Water Pressure in Conical Tank Question

    I was wondering if anyon could help me out. You have a conical tank with a top diameter of 1m, going down to an outlet of 150mm diameter, height of the tank = 3m, and it's full of water. Assuming an air pressure of 15psi, what is the pressure at the 150mm opening? (the bottom)? Does the...
  34. L

    What is the rate at which water flows out the tank in m^3/s?

    A tank of large area is filled with water to a depth of 0.6m. A hole of 6m^2 cross section in the bottom allows water to drain out in a continuous stream. What is the rate at which water flows out the tank in m^3/s? This is how I figure the problem should be solved: Q=...
  35. Jeebus

    How Do You Calculate the Volume of Liquid in a Horizontal Cylindrical Tank?

    I have to keep an inventory of how much is kept in a farm of tanks outside my school. The tanks are cylindrical, which would be no problem if they were standing on end, but they're not, they're lying on their sides. xx x x x----------x...
  36. S

    Mystery Substance in Fish Tank - What Could it Be?

    I noticed this brownish substance along the walls of the fish tank containing my Bala Shark, Schrodinger, and this substance is also in the gravel. The idea of purchasing an "algae-eater" to see whether it will feed off this substance crossed my mind but it could eat it without knowing what...