Taylor Definition and 878 Threads

  1. N

    Taylor series with plus inside

    i can't understand how the got this variation of taylor series formula f(x+h)=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{f^{(k)}(x)}{k!}(h)^k http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TaylorSeries.html when around some point there is no x-x_0
  2. T

    Calculating errors in Functions of two variables Taylor Series

    Homework Statement From the taylor series we can replace x =x_{0} + h but how does \delta f = f(x_{0} + h, y_{0} + k) - f(x_{0},y_{0}) become \delta f = hf(x_{0}, y_{0}) + kf(x_{0}, y_{0}) I can see the first step, but how do you get it to the second?Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  3. estro

    Understanding Taylor Polynomials for Calc-2

    Hi, I'm doing calc-2, and I have hard time understanding and visualizing the idea of Taylor approximation in my head. By the same time I have no problems solving homework on this topic. Can someone please explain how I should visualize and think about approximations using Taylor Polynomials...
  4. N

    Taylor Series for sin(x) Centered at π/2 with Infinite Radius of Convergence

    f(x)=sinx taylor series centered at pi/2 sum((-1)^n (x-pi/2)^(2n)/(2n)! , n=0,infty ) with radius of convergence infty
  5. N

    Is this a correct taylor series representation centered at 1

    f(x)=1/(1-x^2)^(1/2) 1/x^(1/2)=1+ sum(( (-1)^n 1*3*5*7...(2n-1)(x-1)^n )/(2^n n! ) , n=1, infty ) thus 1/(1-x^2)^(1/2) = 1+ sum(( 1*3*5*7...(2n-1)(x^2)^n )/(2^n n! ) , n=1, infty ) is this a correct taylor series representation centered at 1
  6. J

    Kinematic equation looks like a Taylor series

    I was just pondering today how the kinematic equation for position looks like a taylor expansion. x = x0 + dx/dt *t + (1/2)*d2x/dt2*t2 I believe it continues like that, exactly like a taylor expansion does, so the next term would be (1/6)*d3x/dt3*t3 If it is indeed a taylor expansion, what...
  7. T

    Proving Existence of a Point c for Taylor Expansion | Homework Statement

    Homework Statement Let f be differentiable on [a,b] and f'(a)=f'(b)=0. Prove that if f'' exists then there exists a point c in (a,b) such that test |f''(c)| \geq \frac{4}{(b-a)^2}|f(b)-f(a)| Homework Equations All of the equations are supposed to be in absolute value but I had...
  8. S

    Finding the Maximum Remainder in a Taylor Series: Explained

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could explain to me the thought process behind how you find the maximum remainder of a Taylor series? I read the wiki article and didn't help me at all, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor's_theorem My book talks about something like this(image is...
  9. R

    Taylor series expansion for xln(x) with x = 1

    Homework Statement For f(x) = xln(x), find the taylor series expansion of f(x) about x = 1, and write the infinite series in compact form. 2. The attempt at a solution I can find the expansion itself fine, these are the first few terms: 0 + (x-1) + \frac{(x-1)^{2}}{2!} -...
  10. Q

    Finding Taylor Expansion of f(x) and ln(1+x^2)

    Homework Statement a) Using a geometric series, find the Taylor expansion of the function f(x) = x/(1+x^2) b) Use the series found in (a) to obtain the Taylor expansion of ln(1 + x^2) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I really don't know where to start; I can't find...
  11. N

    Taylor expansion of gaussian integral with respect to variance

    Hi everyone. The problem I have to face is to perform a taylor series expansion of the integral \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{e^{-\sum_{i}\frac{x_{i}^{2}}{2\epsilon}}}{\sqrt{2\pi\epsilon}^{N}}\cdot e^{f(\{x\})}dx_{i}\ldots dx_{N} with respect to variance \epsilon. I find some difficulties...
  12. A

    Using Taylor Series to Approximate Force in Gravitational Fields

    so F = mgR2/(R+h)2 where R is the radius of the earth. consider the situation where h is much smaller than R. a) show that F is approximately equal to mg b)express F as mg multiplied by a series in h/R so i need help on getting started. would showing that F is approximately equal...
  13. A

    Finding Taylor Series for f(x) = $\frac{x^2+1}{4x+5}$

    Homework Statement find the taylor series for the function f(x) = \frac{x^2+1}{4x+5} Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution how to do this? 1st attempt. i did turn it this term \frac{x}{4} + \frac{-5x+4}{16x+20} can i turn this to taylor series? maybe i know how to make...
  14. S

    Revelation about Taylor series and linear/quadratic approximations

    I don't have anyone else to ask. So I have to ask you guys. I learned about Taylor series, and then I went back and looked at linear and quadratic approximations, and they are Taylor series except only taken so far. I'm pretty much just looking for confirmation on my idea, it seems perfect.
  15. S

    Finding the Taylor Polynomial f4 for sin(2x) at x=pi/4.

    Homework Statement find the taylor polynomial f4 for f(x)=sin(2x) and a=pi/4 Homework Equations sin(x)=((-1)^n)(x^(2n+1))/((2n+1)!) The Attempt at a Solution so replace x with 2x? you get ((-1)^n)(2x)^(2n+1)/(2n+1)!) is this right?
  16. A

    Finding Taylor Series for (x-1)/(1+x) at x=1

    Homework Statement find taylor series for \frac{x-1}{1+x} at x=1 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution how to change this form \frac{x-1}{1+x} to something like this \frac{1}{1+a} or \frac{1}{1-a} help me please T_T or should i do like this \sum\frac{f^n(1)(x-1)^n}{n!} and find...
  17. J

    Taylor Series of 1/w: Proving Convergence

    Homework Statement Find the Taylor Series for f(w) = 1/w centered at w0 = 1 using 1/w = (1/1 + (w-1)). Show that the series converges when |w-1| < 1 Homework Equations use 1/w = (1/1 + (w-1)) The Attempt at a Solution
  18. L

    Taylor Expanding Two Equations: Analysis & Results

    I have two equations: \ddot{x}^\mu + \ddot{y}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu \lambda} (x+y)(\dot{x}^\nu+\dot{y}^\nu)(\dot{x}^\lambda+\dot{y}^\lambda)=0 and \ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\lambda}(x) \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\lambda=0 apparently if i taylor expand the first equation to first order...
  19. R

    Estimating (16.1)1/4 using Taylor's Expansion at x=16

    Homework Statement Use the taylor's expansion of f(x)= x1/4 about x= 16 to estimate (16.1)1/4 Homework Equations Taylors formula: f(a) + f'(a) (x-a) + (f''(a)/2!) (x-a)2+...The Attempt at a Solution Ok I have calculate the taylor expansion to be: 2 + (1/32) (x-16)-(3/320) (x-16)2+ (7/262144)...
  20. R

    How Can Taylor Polynomials Approximate Third Derivatives with Reduced Error?

    Homework Statement Derive a method for approximating f'''(x0) whose error term is of order h^{2} by expanding the function f in a fourth taylor polynomial about x0 and evaluating at x_{0} \pm h and x_{0} \pm 2h. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure where to...
  21. H

    Taylor Series question about error:

    Homework Statement This is a three part question: It is based off the first two sections. I'm pretty sure the first two answers are correct, but I have no idea how to do the third question. Write the First three nonzero terms and the general term of the Taylor series expansion about x=0...
  22. B

    Derivative of a Taylor Series f(x) is unknown

    Homework Statement If \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_{n}x^n is a Taylor series that converges to f(x) for all real x, then f'(1) = ? Homework Equations A Taylor series: \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac {f^{(n)}(c)}{n!}(x-c)^n and the dirv of a Taylor series: f'(x)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}...
  23. H

    Is My Taylor Polynomial for 1/(1-x^2) Correct?

    Homework Statement The question asks me to write out a taylor polynomial for 1/(1-x^2) of degree 2n+1 at 0. The Attempt at a Solution My answer was 1 + x^2 + x^4 + x^6 + ... + (x^4)/(1-x^2) which I just got from using hte geometric series formula. The textbook answer however...
  24. R

    Taylor Polynomial Approximation of log(2.25)

    Homework Statement Determine the order two Taylor polynomial, p2(x, y), for f(x, y) = log e (1 + x2 + y4) about point (0, 1) ANSWER: loge (2) + 2y - 2 + \frac{1}{2} [ x2 - 2y2 + 4y - 2 ] Managed that question and should be correct. If not, do let me know =) Part 2: Using...
  25. O

    Taylor Series of (\pi - x)^-2 around a = 0

    Homework Statement Write the Taylor series of the function f(x) = (\pi -x)^-2 around a = 0 Homework Equations (\pi - x)^-2 = f(a) + f'(a)(x-a) + [f''(a)(x-a)^2]/(2!) +...+ [f^n(a)(x-a)^n]/(n!) The Attempt at a Solution This is what i have and i am not sure i am showing it...
  26. S

    Improving Cosine Approximation Using Taylor Series in Matlab

    Homework Statement Write a user-defined function that determines cos(x) using Taylor Series expansion Stop adding terms when estimated error, E<=.000001 Homework Equations sum Sn = Sn-1 + an E = | (Sn - Sn-1)/Sn-1 | The Attempt at a Solution function y = cosTaylor(x) Sn=1...
  27. P

    Numerical Methods: Taylor Series for Diff Equation

    Homework Statement Solve the differential equation \frac{dy^2}{dx^2}=xy^2-2yy'+x^3+4 where y(1)=1 y'(1)=2 by means of the Taylor-series expansion to get the value of y at x=1.1. Use terms up to x^6 and \Delta x=0.1The Attempt at a Solution I'm unsure as to how I should go about...
  28. H

    Taylor Series Expansion for f(t) and G(x) with Convergence Analysis"

    Let f be the function given by f(t) = 4/ (1 + t^2) and G be the function given by G(x) = {Integral from 0 to x} f(t)dt . (a) Find the first four nonzero terms and the general term for the power series expansion of f(t) about t = 0. (b) Find the first four nonzero terms and the general term...
  29. M

    Very quick Taylor Approximation Question

    Homework Statement Let f(x) = sin x a) find p_6 (taylor polynomial 6th degree) for f at x = 0 b) How accurate is this on the interval [-1,1] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I got p_6 = x + (x^3)/6 + (x^5)/120, which was correct as per the solution manual. My...
  30. I

    Calculating Degree of Taylor Polynomial for Approximating sqrt(e)

    I just need help on how to start the problem, I'm not asking anyone to do it for me, I'm just slightly confused. What is the degree of the Taylor polynomial needed to approximate sqrt(e) with error < 0.001. Use ex as your function, with x = 0.5. I'm just honestly confused on where to even...
  31. M

    How Do You Calculate the nth Coefficient of a Taylor Series for sqrt(x) at a=1?

    Homework Statement I am trying to find the Tn(x) for sqrt[x] centered at a=1 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution right now i have f'(x)=1/2x^-1/2 f''(x)=-1/4x^-3/2 f'''(x)=3/8x^-5/2 f''''(x)=-15/16x^-7/2 f'(1)=1/2 f''(1)=-1/4 f'''(1)=3/8 f''''(1)=-15/16 how...
  32. K

    Taylor Expansion for rational function

    Homework Statement Find the taylor expansion of the following formula in the case where r > > d to the first order in \epsilon = \frac{d}{r} \frac{1}{r_{+}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{r^{2} + (\frac{d}{2})^{2} - rdcos\theta}} Homework Equations (1 + \epsilon)^{m} = 1+m\epsilon, where...
  33. S

    Rewriting Taylor Series in Sigma Notation

    Homework Statement I understand the whole concept of Taylor Series and Maclaurin series but I don't know how to rewrite them in sigma notation. I'll use this generic example. Find the Maclaurin series of the function \ f(x)=e^{x} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution \...
  34. S

    How Do You Correctly Apply Taylor Series Expansion for f(x-dx)?

    Hi, how would you find the taylor series for f(x-dx). i know that substituting x-dx in the series for f(x) is not correct.
  35. T

    MATLAB MATLAB Help for expansion of cos(x) using a Taylor Series

    I was hoping somebody would be able to help me as I am pretty new to Matlab. I am trying to create a for-loop to describe the taylor series expansion of cos(x)= (-1)^n*x^2n/(2n)! and to see how it converges towards cos(x). Below is the code that I have used to plot the different orders of n, but...
  36. L

    Taylor Series Expansion for the Relativistic Factor of Momentum

    Homework Statement Using the technique of Taylor expansion, find an approximate expression for the relativistic factor γ for small v (i.e., expanded around v = 0) that is correct to order v2. Homework Equations γ=1/SQRT(1+ V2/C2). But in class, my professor just substituted X=V/C, so...
  37. N

    Why Do Taylor Series Representations of Cosine Use Alternating Powers of -1?

    when i develop the series of a cosine i have a (-1) member i wanted to represent the series as a sum so i need to take only the odd members so the power of -1 is 2k+1 i got but the solution says that the power of -1 is equal (-1)^{k-1} is it the same?? why they have such an expression...
  38. J

    How Can I Find the Equation for a Functional Taylor Expansion?

    Hello, Is there any place I can find the equation for the Taylor expansion of a functional around a function ?? Particularly, I want something like: f[x(t)] = f[\hat{x}(t)] + (f[\hat{x}(t)] - f[x(t)] \frac{\delta f}{\delta x(t)}|_{x(t)=\hat{x}(t)} + \frac{(f[\hat{x}(t)] -...
  39. I

    Understanding the Remainder Term in Taylor Series: A Closer Look at the Formula

    I'm currently studying the Taylor series and I cannot figure out how the remainder term came to be. If anyone could clarify this for me, I would be really grateful ...! I understand that the Taylor series isn't always equal to f(x) for each x, so we put Rn at the end as the remainder term...
  40. S

    MATLAB Taylor Series without using the built-in MATLAB Taylor's Function

    [URGENT] Taylor Series without using the built-in MATLAB "Taylor's Function" I have a MATLAB Test Tomorrow Please teach me the MATLAB programming to solve Taylor & Maclaurin Series, without using the built-in MATLAB "Taylor's Function" Please explain the procedure to solve them using the...
  41. O

    Calc 2 - Taylor Expansion Series of x^(1/2)

    Homework Statement f(x) = \sqrt{x}, a = 4 Homework Equations f(x) = \sumf^{n}(a)/n! (x-a)^{n} The Attempt at a Solution f(x) = x^{1/2} f^{'}(x) = \frac{1}{2}x^{1/2} f^{2}(x) = -\frac{1}{2}*\frac{1}{2}x^{-3/2} f^{3}(x) = \frac{1}{2}*\frac{1}{2}*\frac{3}{2}x^{-5/2} f^{4}(x) =...
  42. C

    What is the Problem with the Taylor Series for f(x)=1/(x)^(1/2) at a=9?

    Homework Statement Find the taylor series of f(x)=1/(x)^(1/2) ; a=9 2. The attempt at a solution f(x) = (x)^(-1/2) f'(x) = -(1/2)*x^(-3/2) f''(x) = (1/2)*(3/2)*x^(-5/2) f'''(x) = -(1/2)*(3/2)*(5/2)*x^(-7/2) f''''(x) = (1/2)*(3/2)*(5/2)*(7/2)*x^(-11/2) f(9) =...
  43. B

    Discovering the Taylor Series for cos(x) at PI: Finding the Right Pattern

    Trying to find the Taylor Series for cos(x) where x0 is PI. I've gotten cos(x) -1 -sin(x) 0 -cos(x) 1 sin(x) 0 cos(x) -1 It's clearly 0 every other term so I need 2k or 2k-1. But the -1 term switches between -1 and 1 How in world do I deal with this? xD Thanks for any...
  44. V

    Calculating the Taylor Series for Arctan(x): Explained and Illustrated

    The series is: (33/5) - (34/7) + (35/9) - (36/11)+... Looking at this, I'm guessing I can use the Taylor Series for arctan(x) but I don't know how to apply it or where to begin. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  45. V

    Taylor Series Help: Solving sin(x) Equation

    The Taylor Series of sin(x)=x-(x3/3!)+(x5/5!)-... What function of sin gives the following: (\pi2/(22) - (\pi4/(24*3!)+ (\pi6/(26*5!) - (\pi8/(28*7!)+... Please help me. Thank you.
  46. V

    Can the Taylor Series Method Accurately Compute Integrals with 10-3 Precision?

    Use taylor series method to compute the integral from 1 to 2 of [sin(x2)] / (x2) with 10-3 precision.
  47. V

    Solving Taylor Series: Discover the Function Behind this Tricky Sequence

    Homework Statement What function produces the following: (\pi2/(22)) - (\pi4/(24*3!)) + (\pi6/(26*5!)) - (\pi8/(28*7!)) I'm sure this is a sin function. But I can't figure out what exactly is the function. Please help.
  48. V

    How Can Taylor Series Be Used to Compute Integrals with High Precision?

    Homework Statement Use taylor series method to compute the integral from 1 to 2 of [sin(x2)] / (x2) with 10 -3 precision Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure where to start. Someone please help me.
  49. C

    How Do You Find a Taylor Series for the Square Root of X About c=1?

    Homework Statement Find a taylor series for f(x)=sq. rt. of X about c=1 Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution I took the derivative of the sq rt of X, and then plugged in 1 for all the X's. I got: f(x)= 1 f'(x)=1/2 f''(x)=-1/4 f'''(x)=3/8 f^4(x)=-15/16 My teacher...
  50. U

    When a Taylor Series Converges

    Homework Statement For what values of x do you expect the following Taylor series to converge? sqrt(x^{2}-x-2) Homework Equations I'm not too sure The Attempt at a Solution Well quite frankly I have no idea what to do. If someone can push me in the right direction I'll get the rest done.