Teleportation Definition and 115 Threads

  1. Pyter

    I What happens when twins synchronize clocks and one teleports?

    Hello all. Recently this twin paradox variant occurred to me, and I can't wrap my head around it: Alice and Bob are in the same (roughly inertial, for our purposes) reference frame, separated by a sideral distance. Let's say Alice is on Earth and Bob on Pluto. They synchronize their clocks at...
  2. L

    What would teleportation sound like?

    I have a friend who has a film with teleportation in it, and when the people teleport, it makes no sound and doesn't have any effect on the area the teleporter left or arrived at. Since a teleporter leaving a location would create a vacuum the size of their body, and the air would quickly...
  3. T

    A First Chip-to-Chip Quantum Teleportation

    ...researchers at the University of Bristol's Quantum Engineering Technology Labs (QET Labs) demonstrate the quantum teleportation of information between two programmable chip for the first time, which they remark is a cornerstone of quantum communications and quantum computing. Seems they did...
  4. A

    A Exploring Time Travel Teleportation: Computer Bytes & Radio Signals

    Time travel teleportation can be achieved in small scale experiment in millisecond. Using a computer byte in radio signals. I look forward for comments.
  5. How to Teleport Schrödinger's Cat using entangled flees - minutephysics

    How to Teleport Schrödinger's Cat using entangled flees - minutephysics

    How to teleport Schrödinger’s cat: this video presents the full quantum teleportation procedure, in which an arbitrary qubit (spin, etc) is teleported from Alice to Bob by way of a pair of particles entangled in a bell (EPR) state and the transmission of information via a classical channel.
  6. M

    Quantum Teleportation Homework: Deriving EPR Pair & Measuring Spin 1/2 Particles

    Homework Statement This isn't exactly a problem but rather a problem in understanding the derivation of the phenomenon, or more precisely, one step in the derivation. In the following we will consider the EPR pair of two spin ##1/2## particles, where the state can be written as $$ \vert...
  7. TheQuestionGuy14

    Will Star Trek Teleportation ever be possible?

    Will teleportation, like in Star Trek or many sci-fi movies, where people disappear with a puff of smoke, ever be possible in the real world. Will we ever be able to build something that can do this, and what would it be like?
  8. Jacques Marrot

    B Quantum teleportation from a Curious 10 year Old

    My brother and I are thinking about the problem that NASA has with sending signals to Mars rovers, and quantum teleportation, is in an instant, therefor we thought you could use that, so we just have a few questions for you. We know this is not possible, since particles can’t teleport for...
  9. Jacques Marrot

    B Quantum Teleportation Question from a Curious 10 year old

    I am doing a GT project for elementary school. The questions I have to ask are not too complicated, and I only have 2 questions. I know that during the teleportation of a particle the scientists are using quantum entanglement, but how do the scientists actually entangle the particles, and how...
  10. S

    B How did Caltech's photon teleportation work?

    This page doesn't explain it well imo. How does quantum entanglement convey info?
  11. T

    I Quantum Teleportation: Exploiting Entanglement & No Cloning Theorem

    Quantum teleportation exploits entanglement but I don't really know how it works. And I heard that the no cloning theorem says that the original state must be destroyed. Wouldn't it violate the principle of conservation of energy mass?
  12. N

    B The Chinese have proposed teleportation of a bacteria

    Is there any physical reason why the teleportation of a microorganism would be absolute fantasy ? The wikipedia page for quantum teleportation says nothing bigger than an atom has been teleported. "Here we propose a straightforward method to create quantum superposition states of a living...
  13. N

    B Local teleportation using classical entanglement " has been implicitly assumed that this scheme is of inherently nonlocal nature, and therefore exclusive to quantum systems. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that the concept of...
  14. E

    B Teleportation of large objects?

    Has teleportation ever been able to teleport the information of an entire atom? I feel like I've only seen electrons being teleported (with changes in spin being measured) and it makes me wonder how the teleportation of something like an apple would work. It seems like you would need to have all...
  15. F

    B Particle antiparticle collide, teleportation?

    Hi physicists! When a particle and antiparticle collide, (annihilation) as i understand, it in some cases transform and radiate light, which I can buy. But what happen in the teleportation part, where the particle antiparticle pair accurs in an other part in the universe? Do someone have some...
  16. A

    B How does Quantum Teleportation Work?

    I am in high school trying to create a video about Quantum Teleportation. Can someone please verify this is what happens during Quantum Teleportation? 1. An entangled pair of qubits are generated. Qubit A is is sent to one location, Qubit B to another. 2. The qubit to be teleported interacts...
  17. Liam C

    B What are the potential alternatives to traditional teleportation and portals?

    Sorry, this might be a question you can only answer with speculation, but if anyone has any idea of how close we are to teleportation of inanimate objects or creating portals, I would love to know. I have always found teleportation and portals to be super cool. From what I've heard, in order...
  18. A

    I Question about Quantum teleportation

    Hi there I interested to new topic what is Quantum teleportation and I little bit wathched videos about no cloning theorem.My question is:Are there more importent theorems or equations about Quantum teleportation it would be better If you put with link of lecture about it.Thank you!
  19. L

    A Performing Bell State Measurement in Teleportation

    Most protocols on Quantum Teleportation (using Alice and Bob as performers) include a crucial step where Alice performs a Bell State Measurement. Usually the applicable math is given in the protocol, but many protocols make the following kind of statement with no explanation: "Alice must...
  20. D

    I Teleportation isn't exclusively quantum....?

    "Teleportation describes the transmission of information without transport of neither matter nor energy. For many years, however, it has been implicitly assumed that this scheme is of inherently nonlocal nature, and therefore exclusive to quantum systems. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that...
  21. Q

    Quantum Teleportation of $n$ Qudits - Ideas?

    Homework Statement Do a quantum teleportation protocol which teleports a state of n qudits given by: \begin{equation}|\psi >_A := \sum_{p \in Z^n_D} \alpha_p |p>, \quad \quad \sum_{p \in Z^n_D} |\alpha_p|^2 = 1, \end{equation} from Alice to Bob. It is supposed that in order to do it...
  22. N

    I Why teleportation, time travel, virtual reality haven't happened yet?

    (I apologize beforehand if I'm asking such an 'amateur' question , I admit that I'm not a physics student / physicist nor scientist / science student ,.. but , as just a 'normal ordinary' person, at least I am very interested in these things ,. and how I deeply wish Humanity / Mankind can 'leap...
  23. D

    Is quantum entanglement a form of time travel?

    I can never understand why students of QM speak about "simultaneous measurement" or "collapse of the wave function". We all know that you can pick any relativistic reference frame from which to observe an experiment, so what's "simultaneous" to one observer may not be "simultaneous" to another...
  24. J

    Can Electron Teleportation Occur in Small Time Intervals?

    If we measure the location of an electron in atom once and then again instantly, we would cause the collapse of the wave-function twice in some time interval and the object has a probability of being in a distanced location in regard to the location of previous measure (for example, we measure...
  25. ryanuser

    Is Quantum Teleportation Possible Through Electron-Positron Annihilation?

    Hi Would it be possible to force an electron and a positron to meat each other and annihilate, then the gamma beam created is to be directed some distance away and passed next to an atom for pair production to occur. ( I dismissed complications related to the vacuums and the magnetic fields)...
  26. A

    Quantum teleportation in the news

    just read this: I'm curious: how does a pair of entangled particle possibly exist no matter how farther they're apart? does this mean they're connected through hyper-space or something like that?
  27. Y

    Quantum Teleportation: Nucleus and Standard Model

    Like the quantum teleportation of atomic and quantum states of atoms through photons,do u think that the nucleus would be teleported on day and would the standard model ever support it?
  28. G

    Quantum Teleportation - Misconceptions and QM fundamentals

    I'd like to go over what Quantum Teleportation is, how it works, and the absolute basic fundamentals of quantum mechanics. This thread may contain some relatively advanced concepts, but this is what I've learned over only a couple months. This only scratches the surface of the tip of the iceberg...
  29. Thinkor

    Article on Hanson quantum teleportation

    It is available for free from this source. If someone can explain what has really been done here in simple English, please do so. Don't just quote popular news sources, which are almost worthless.
  30. Thinkor

    Can information truly be teleported using quantum entanglement?

    I have seen numerous articles referencing the teleportation of information over a distance of 3 meters using quantum entanglement. I don't believe it. That would contradict special relativity, would it not? You could, for example, decide which of two observers moving relatively to one...
  31. A

    Quantum Teleportation Explained: Simple Terms for 13 Y/O

    Hey, i hear about quantum teleportation on the news today. They said that they successfully teleported information. Can someone please explain it to me in a simple way so that a 13 y/o can understand it?
  32. Strilanc

    What are some potential applications of quantum teleportation?

    Quantum teleportation let's you send quantum information over a classical communication channel by using previously-shared bell pairs (you can send 1 qubit by "consuming" 1 bell pair and sending 2 classical bits). I was wondering what sorts of hypothetical applications this would have...
  33. K

    Quantum Teleportation: Confusion on Bell-State Measurement Step

    I have some confusion on the Bell-state measurement step of quantum teleportation, it's following: Let particle B and C be entangled, created by the EPR source, my understanding is, they are created with certain known superposition state, like this |ψBC>=√1/2 (|0A>|1B>+|1A>|0B>) which in...
  34. Superposed_Cat

    Teleportation violates conservation of energy?

    Hi, GR permits wormholes hypothetically right? But surely they should violate conservation of energy because if one were to put one mouth in the ground an the other in the sky then you could enerate infinite energy by continually falling through them. Am I wrong? any help appreciated.
  35. C

    Could Teleportation Be Achieved Through Matter-Photon Conversion?

    Okay, so I'm just looking at this from a limited nuclear engineering scope: We know that as far as gamma interactions go, in pair production, a photon is converted into a postitron and a electron. So it goes from being light, and having no mass, to suddenly having mass! Mass appears almost 'out...
  36. P

    String Theory Instantaneous Teleportation

    Hi As far as I understand, that teleportation using quantum entanglement is only partially instantaneous, because a classical channel has to be used to send the two qbits from Point A to B. So the speed of light is the boundary as how fast teleportation can happen one day using this...
  37. V

    Quantum teleportation and the density matrix

    I'm re-reading some course notes on quantum teleportation, and something isn't making sense. In the description my instructor gave, we used the Bell state ##|\Phi^+\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|00\rangle + |11\rangle)## for the entangled pair. So, suppose the state we want to teleport is...
  38. F

    Can Teleportation and 3D Printing Change Civilization and Trade?

    1st question: Am I correct in thinking that civilization that mastered teleportation can also 3D-print ... well basically anything? Because it is based on the same principal? And that as result even if FTL space travel/wormholes/something is available - they will be practically no trading...
  39. M

    Is speed of light a teleportation?

    I thought about an idea that keeps spinning my head around. It's proven that the faster you move the slower the time passes for you and let's assume that speed of light is the limit. So if you had a spaceship that can travel at let's say 99.9% of speed of light wouldn't that be the same thing as...
  40. B

    State callback in photon teleportation

    Is there any way in Physics to send a photon and receive it's state of impact and informations about the sampled point after impact? Like a tripple integer hit state on quantum teleporting a photon? I know there are tangled photons but over a distance of 140+ km? And I am talking about a real...
  41. I

    Some questions on quantum teleportation

    Hello I just have some questions about quantum teleportation. So generally you see the Alice and Bob explanation for it with the entangled particles a, b and the c which is being teleported. Firstly in regards to entanglement let's say polarization of a photon, some places say both entangled...
  42. G

    Have i been mislead by b greene? quantum teleportation

    I'm starting to think I've been misinformed by Brian Greene. Some people have complained about him on this website. I was wondering if someone would watch a two minute segment from this video and tell me how accurate it is. The part in question begins at about minute 40, it's the part where...
  43. G

    First quantum teleportation of macroscopic objects Does anyone know how big that ensemble of rubidium atoms is? Let me make sure I understand quantum teleportation correctly, I probably don't. Some scientists entangle two rubidium...
  44. S

    Quantum teleportation question

    Hi everyone. I had a question to ask about quantum teleportation and quantum entanglement. I read that recently, some scientists managed to make an altercation to one quantum particle (a photon, i think) and the same change occurred to the other particle that was 143 km away. but there were...
  45. M

    Is teleportation really possible or just a sci-fi fantasy?

    Okay just a thought... I've read that it was 'possible' one day for teleportation... but what I've realized was all they do destroy the 'original' and 'reconstruct' it in another place.. Firstly, that wouldn't really be called teleporation now would it? and also that would mean, a...
  46. J

    Why is it impossible to teleport quantum states?

    Wikipedia simply says that it is impossible to transform a quantum state to classical info and then back to the same state but doesn't really give a reason why. Can anybody explain in simple terms the reasoning behind this.
  47. C

    Michio Kaku's teleportation device

    So this guy proposed a teleportation device which might one day be feasible, using technology similar to MRI scanners. Since such scanners can create high resolution, 3D models of the human anatomy, Kaku figures that at some point in the future, the resolution would be so high that each pixel in...
  48. M

    What does a Bell measurement mean in quantum teleportation?

    Hi, I have a question regarding quantum teleportation. I understand that Alice starts of with a photon A whose state she wants to teleport. Alice and Bob share an entangled pair of photons, B and C. Then Alice does something called a Bell measurement which entangles A and B and the result...
  49. G

    Is the Polarisation of a Teleported Photon Definite Prior to Teleportation?

    Thought this link may be of interest.
  50. StevieTNZ

    Quantum Teleportation / Beam Splitters

    In regards to this image - (a) when K is 45 degrees, when K reflects and E1 reflects, or K transmits and E1 transmits - the state of K gets teleported to E2. Photons E1 and E2 are entangled as |HV>-|VH>. Therefore if E2 is 45, then...