Teleportation Definition and 115 Threads

  1. B

    Other means of quantum teleportation.

    I've be looking up research on Quantum Teleportation and after reading a discussion about it, it had me wondering. If it might be impossible, in some eyes, to have the information scanned from a human being and then send it to the desired location, would it be possible instead to step away from...
  2. A

    Question about the Unitary Operation in Teleportation

    Question about the "Unitary Operation" in Teleportation How is the unitary operation actually performed in quantum teleportation(by Bob)? I can never seem to find a thorough explanation of this when I look up teleportation in the literature or on the internet. I understand that Bob's particle...
  3. K

    Photon Teleportation: Can it Really Happen?

    Can photons really be teleported? and how so, what is the procedure that allows them to go from point a to point b, what materials are used, could someone give an example and provide a link with pictures?
  4. R

    Quantum Teleportation of 3D objects

    Multivese Travel. Is the theory traveling between Multiverses by striping us into electrons then transmiting them through worm holes then reconstructing them on the other side like a fax! Is it possible?
  5. H

    Quantum teleportation of macroscopic objects

    I've started a couple of threads about this topic before, but those were a while ago, and I still have some nagging questions. 1.) If we wanted to quantum teleport something macroscopic, would scanning come into play? I thought that the whole point of QT was that you don't have to scan...
  6. G

    Exploring DNA Teleportation: Luc Montagnier's Study

    Hi there. First of all sory for possible grammar errors. I have searched this forum and haven't find this topic. I would like to know what do you think of it. " Nobel Prize...
  7. K

    Spinning at the North Pole: Equator to Arctic Teleportation

    If You are suddenly teleported from the equator to the north pole. How fast and which way will you be spinning relative to your surroundings?
  8. A

    Can macro quantum entanglement make teleportation possible? i had a

    Can macro quantum entanglement make teleportation possible?? i had a Can macro quantum entanglement make teleportation possible?? i had a kind of hypothesis...that if we entangle each and every particle of a human body with other particles which are at the destination then can't we make the...
  9. A

    Is Teleportation Possible? A Hypothesis

    Hello. I have thought up some hypothesis about teleportation, I'd like you to read it, give your opinion and tell me if there is anything I should add or rephrase. I just wrote it, so I haven't really had much time to "polish" it. Document is attached.
  10. N

    Entanglement and Teleportation

    Ok, so I'm merely a high school student but I have a fair amount of physics and (non-mathematical) quantum physics down. My question has to do with entanglement and teleportation. I have a fairly low understanding of entanglement however I have heard news of teleporting being done (on a small...
  11. T

    Can Teleportation Become a Reality?

    Hi, I hear a few years ago about an experiment in which some scientists had succeeded to teleport a photon a short distance. Is this really possible? In that case, how does it work, and what theory do you have to use to make teleportation possible? In which speed does the teleported object...
  12. N

    Quantum Teleportation: What Is It?

    OK, so I was intrigued by the name quantum teleportation and wanted to know what it was. So, I study QM and linear algebra for 6 months up to the point where I can understand entaglement very well. Then, I go back to study quantum teleportation with the proper tools. If I understand correctly...
  13. H

    A few more questions about quantum teleportation

    The argument is often made that quantum teleportation is completely unrelated to Star-Trek style teleportation, but isn't the main issue just a matter of scaling? Is there something that fundamentally prevents us from scaling the process up to a macroscopic object, like the Heisenberg...
  14. A

    Spacetime Physics: teleportation to Andromeda

    Homework Statement Paraphrase: A Transporter can reduce a person to data and transmits the data by light or radio signal to another location. A person is beamed from Earth to the planet Zircon orbiting a star in the Andromeda Nebula, two million light-years from Earth. Neglect any relative...
  15. ShayanJ

    What part of physics teleportation involves

    I'm not sure what part of physics teleportation involves so I ask my question here. I want to know about the last successful teleportation experiment and a little about its scientific details.I've read some things about information teleport.what do they mean by information? thanks
  16. W

    Is Quantum Teleportation possible without a classical channel?

    (This was first posted to a newsgroup but there were no replies; so I am trying to post it here). I understand quantum teleportation works on qubits, but i can also work on regular bits. Suppose Alice has a message bit S. S is repeatable, because it is a regular bit. Now Alice wants to...
  17. W

    Two Universities in China succeeded in quantum teleportation

    Recently ,it is reported that University of science and technology of China and Tsinghua University together have succeeded in conducting quantum teleportation between the distance of 16km.Are quantum information prospectinve? And how long it will be applied as commonly as the present one ...
  18. G

    Teleportation: Scientific research

    Hello. Further to :- Are there any scientific teams / Researchers actively trying to achieve a) teleportation b) creating things via atoms - without an existing item (Ie Star Trek Food producer machines) I've googled - But...
  19. H

    Could quantum teleportation be used to teleport humans?

    Scientists have recently been able to use quantum teleportation to transmit the quantum state of one atom to another atom as far as 90 miles away. From a quantum mechanical standpoint, this is the same as sending the atom itself, since two atoms with the same quantum state are indistinguishable...
  20. G

    Quantum teleportation implications

    Now that quantum teleportation of atoms has been achived via quantum entanglement, what are its implications for our world(reality)? Is information the fundamental building block of the universe and not matter?
  21. H

    Does the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle make human teleportation impossible?

    Scientists have reportedly been able to transport atoms and molecules as much as 1800 feet. Could the same be done for humans, or would the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle ultimately make it impossible?
  22. S

    Quantum Teleportation of Energy

    As you know a Prof Hotta of Japan has come up with a theory on how there can be quantum teleportation of energy, and not just of information states. What are the greater implications of this? What practical applications might become possible? Could we one day power "nanobots" using the...
  23. R

    Is Quantum Energy Teleportation Experimentally Viable?

    I'm looking for more information about quantum energy teleportation, though I know some references in the preprint arXiv. (Phys. Rev. A 80, 042323 (2009)). Do experimentalists have plans to verify the energy teleportation ...
  24. C

    Quantum Energy Teleportation and Decoherence

    I am currently trying to resolve a question in my head that I am sure is covered in basic quantum mechanics but have been unable to find a clear definitive answer. Hope the forum can provide insight or direct me to a reference that would help? Recently mechanical vibration of entangled atomic...
  25. W

    Quantum Teleportation Research: Particles & Distances

    Hi everyone I am doing a research project on Quantum Teleportation. Part of the project involves an investigation into:- 1. what are the most massive and complex particles that have been the subject of successful teleportation experiments, and 2. what are the largest distances over...
  26. M

    Is there any way to use quantum teleportation

    is there any way to use quantum teleportation in future process ? which Particles we can use in quantum teleportation and how far we can send it ?
  27. M

    Quantum Teleportation and Fusion

    So it seems real obvious to me at the moment that if quantum teleportation becomes common day, then one huge benefit is fusing two hydrogen nuclei by teleporting them at the same location, or very close to each other. Is this a correct assumption, or is this question completely lacking...
  28. M

    Partial Measurement / Teleportation

    What is meant by a "partial measurement" or "partial measurement in the Bell basis?" More specifically, I'm trying to read the Wikipedia article on quantum teleportation, but I don't know what is meant when they say Alice performs a partial measurement on her qubits.
  29. S

    Is Teleportation Mathematically or Theroretically Possible

    I read an article on the internet about an experiment that took place pertaining to teleportation. I just wanted to know if anybody knows if this is science fiction or is it Mathematically possible.
  30. CJames

    Charles Stross and Quantum Teleportation

    I'm reading Singularity Sky and came across something that didn't sound right. Charles Stross is supposed to be known for accuracy in his sci-fi. But in this novel he claims quantum entanglement can be used for instantaneous communication. Here's the claim: "A slower-than-light freighter had...
  31. D

    Quantum Teleportation: Explaining Quantum State, Opposite Phase & Entanglement

    I'm doing a report about quantum teleportation and I am in need of a few terms to be explained to me from an article that I have read about it. Can anyone explain a quantum state to me more thoroughly than any published website? In the article it also says that the laser had an opposite...
  32. S

    Formalisms (in fidelity calculation for quantum teleportation)

    Hi, I am trying to read a paper about quantum teleportation and got stuck with calculating the fidelity of the mixed(noisy) channel. Fidelity F := < \Phi^{(-)}_{12} | \rho_{1} \otimes \rho_{23} | \Phi^{(-)}_{12} > where \rho_{1} = | \phi_{1} > < \phi_{1} | and \rho_{23} = t |...
  33. K

    Is teleportation just advanced cloning?

    I was just watching a documentary and in it they talk about the recent success in teleportation by some Austrian scientist... What they said was that basically the information is copied to somewhere else and the original is destroyed... the new one, in a new location, is perfectly identical to...
  34. S

    Teleportation & EPR: Learn Basics & Get Readings on Paradox

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to study the topic of teleportation, and thus want to understand the EPR paradox. could you reffer me to some readings? (I have only basic background with quantum mechanics, so I would appreciate some basic explanations on reality, locallity, the paradox itself...
  35. D

    Which laws of physics are violated with teleportation?

    Which laws of physics are violated if an object simply instantaneously appear somewhere else?
  36. A

    Invasive surgery avoided through teleportation or matter-to-energy conversion?

    Let me begin by saying that I know very little about physics. Here is what I would like to know. Imagine a scenario where medical procedures were once "invasive" due to cutting, specifically the retrieval of something from the body. But in the future, these retrievals would be rendered...
  37. L

    Quantum Teleportation: Is it the Biggest Rip-Off Since Miss Cleo?

    Hello, this is my very first post on this forum and I think it is very cool. Anyway, I recently learned about how quantum teleportation works, and personally, I think it's the biggest rip off since Miss Cleo. For those of you who do not know how it works, here's how I understand it to work...
  38. maverick280857

    Quantum Computing problem [Quantum Teleportation] (Nelson and Chuang)

    Hello I am reading Nelson and Chuang's book on Quantum Computation. On pages 26-7 they describe quantum teleportation. I am facing essentially a math problem in going from the expression \left|\psi_{2}\right> = \frac{1}{2}\left[\alpha(\left|0\right> + \left|1\right>)(\left|00\right> +...
  39. marcus

    Teleportation (new Danish experiment with light and cesium atoms) ===sample=== 5 October 2006 Danish physicists have managed to light-up a cloud of atoms using light teleported from a source half a metre away. Since Charles Bennett and his team first proposed quantum teleportation in 1993, science...
  40. G

    Is teleportation the key to overcoming the Uncertainty Principle? Wow! :bugeye: What does everyone think about this one?
  41. B

    Best Teleportation Fidelity to date

    Hello all, I am looking for references to experimentally measured quantum teleporation fidelities. In particular, I am trying to find what is the best fidelity to date. So far I have: Bouwmeester et al., Nature v390, p575 (1997), 0.70±0.3 (with polarization-encoded qubits, before subtracting...
  42. C

    Teleportation of single atoms

    "Teleportation" of single atoms I've recently heard a lecture that dealt with semiconductors and using them to create pairs of entangled photons on-demand. As a side note the Professor noted that this might open a possibility of "teleportation" in the future, and that it's actually been done...
  43. I

    Teleportation for Energy Extraction

    If one day we make Teleportation possible and practical could we use Teleportation Repeater Satellites in space to Teleport little Globs of our Sun to our Planet for harnessing Fusion Energy directly from the Sun into a Fusion Plant on Earth? Any Merit? :bugeye:
  44. T

    Quantum Teleportation: Future Human Transportation?

    Will quantum teleportation be the future transportation mode for humans?
  45. S

    Can Slow Glass or Optical Black Holes Be Used for Storing Photons?

    In general teleportation protocol, an entagled pair is used as a source for teleporting an unknown quantum state and the fidelity, which depends on the source characteristics, is defined as the resemblance of final state to the teleportated state . Suppose we have given a density matrix for an...
  46. U

    Status of Teleportation Research?

    A few years ago I read an interesting article about a group of physicists who managed to teleport a photon across their labratory using quantum entanglement. Does anyone know if this is an ongoing field of research, and, if so, do you know the status of it or where I may find some useful...
  47. N

    How Quantum Teleportation work ?

    I recently read about the quantum teleportation but I don't understand how it work and what theory is is using to explain this phenomenon . Can anyone explain to me what theory it use and how its work ?:smile:
  48. ZapperZ

    Debunking the Myths of Teleportation: The Truth Behind Quantum State Transfer

    Teleportation... AGAIN! OK, so am I the only one who gets annoyed after reading an article like this? It is of no wonder that most people do not understand that a "teleportation" of a quantum state is NOT...
  49. G

    Is Teleportation Really Possible?

    It is, according to this article on I don't think this is possible, either that or we are light years away from it.
  50. D

    Entanglement and teleportation

    I read up on about entanglement and teleportation but it left me with a few questions. If you go to This Link. You'll see that they give the analogy "Bob has created two atoms called I and II which are maximally entangled". Now obviously, bob can't create two atoms at will so how...