Tensile Definition and 168 Threads

In physics, tension is described as the pulling force transmitted axially by the means of a string, a cable, chain, or similar object, or by each end of a rod, truss member, or similar three-dimensional object; tension might also be described as the action-reaction pair of forces acting at each end of said elements. Tension could be the opposite of compression.
At the atomic level, when atoms or molecules are pulled apart from each other and gain potential energy with a restoring force still existing, the restoring force might create what is also called tension. Each end of a string or rod under such tension could pull on the object it is attached to, in order to restore the string/rod to its relaxed length.
In physics, tension, as a transmitted force, as an action-reaction pair of forces, or as a restoring force, may be a force and has the units of force measured in newtons (or sometimes pounds-force). The ends of a string or other object transmitting tension will exert forces on the objects to which the string or rod is connected, in the direction of the string at the point of attachment. These forces due to tension are also called "passive forces". There are two basic possibilities for systems of objects held by strings: either acceleration is zero and the system is therefore in equilibrium, or there is acceleration, and therefore a net force is present in the system.

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  1. R

    Internal thread tensile strength

    calculation of internal thread tensile strength Hi All! I've got a coupling device that has two internal threads of different pitch, length, diameter. The smaller thread takes a lifting bolt, the larger attaches to a piece of machinery. I've been asked to work out the safe working load (SWL)...
  2. P

    Why does necking occur during tensile testing of ductile materials?

    Why does necking occur during tensile testing of ductile materials?
  3. W

    Help : Determine shear modulus from tensile test

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  4. G

    Why do tensile testing graphs show a negative slope at these regions?

    Do tensile testing machines reduce the value of load in these regions? If yes, why? If no, what's happening in the graph?
  5. H

    Conducting a Tensile Test Assignment: Materials and Conclusions

    Hi all, I am doing a tensile test assignment and I've hit a brick wall with regards to research just wondered if anyone had any good pointers or books i could look up. I have 3 materials in the tensile test which i have plotted stress/strain graphs for which is all good and well and from...
  6. 1

    Compressive and Tensile Stresses of an 'I' Beam

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  7. P

    Finding flexural compressive stress and tensile stress

    How would I use a shear force diagram and a bending moment diagram to find the maximum flexural compressive stress and the maximum flexural tensile stress? I am assuming the peaks at the bending moment diagram is the maximum tensile and compressive stresses? Am I correct? Also, is it...
  8. S

    Tensile Testing (Determining Young's Modulus)

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  9. H

    Obtaining compressive and tensile stresses in beams

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  10. C

    Tensile Testing - Material Failure Prediction

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  11. M

    How Thick Should Spiderman's Silk Be to Support His Weight?

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  12. H

    Finding the tensile modulus E11

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  13. G

    Difference between Tensile Force and Tension

    What is the difference? If I recall someone telling me there's no sense thing as a force called tension and that the proper term is tensile force but it's all fuzzy at the moment. Does anyone know the difference between the two and can explain? Thanks, in advance
  14. R

    Calculate Cross Section Area of Steel Rod for 3 Tonne Tension

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  15. S

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  16. I

    Keel design, high tensile steel elongation

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  17. E

    Tensile Strength and Tensile Strain

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  18. P

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  19. A

    Tensile Tests Load-Extension into Stress-Strain

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  20. N

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  21. D

    Maximum tensile and compressive bending stresses in a beam

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  22. I

    Problem about tensile stress during thermal contraction

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  23. R

    Calculating Tensile Stress in a 40mm Rod with 200 KN Load | Formulas & Solutions

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  24. P

    Finding Normal Compressive & Tensile Stress: a Example

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  25. B

    Tensile fcorces, AHU suspended by 2 cables

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  26. T

    Ballistics, hydrodynamics - tensile cavitation in tissue and fluids

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  27. J

    Finding the new diameter of a metal rod after tensile loading

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  28. A

    How Do You Calculate Tensile Load from Stress and Strain?

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  29. GRB 080319B

    Clear Box Tape Tensile Strength

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  30. B

    Relation between tensile strenght and young's modulus

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  31. N

    Compression or Tensile on Fiberglass

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  32. A

    Where does the tensile strength locate?

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  33. H

    Tensile Test vs. Bending Test Stresses

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  34. A

    Stress strain and tensile strength diagram

    why does stress decrease after it reaches its maximum tensile strength after its plastic range ?
  35. T

    Calculating the Tensile Strain of a Glass Rod

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  36. T

    High tensile strength plastic pipes

    Hey all, I'm trying to make a cylindrical bonded magnet, but I need to compress it in a non magnetizable pipe capable up withstanding up to 10000 psi pressure, 1 cm or less in diameter. PVC only has a tensile rating of 7500 psi so it won't do. i would like to know what plastic(or any non...
  37. O

    Calculate Tensile Stress with Strain Gauge

    A strain gauge has a unstrained resistance of 120 ohms, gauge factor of 2.0 is connected to steel girder so it experieces tensile stress. If strained resistance of gauge is 120.13 ohm. How do i calculate the tensile stress value? I have looked all over the internet for equations relating but...
  38. O

    Calculating Tensile Stress Using a Strain Gauge

    A strain gauge has a unstrained resistance of 120 ohms, gauge factor of 2.0 is connected to steel girder so it experieces tensile stress. If strained resistance of gauge is 120.13 ohm. How do i calculate the tensile stress value?
  39. K

    Which Direction Does the Force of Tension Act in a Hanging Rope?

    Hello again PF, I have some questions I have been wondering about. First of all, if you have a situation like this where a weight is hanging from a taut rope, which direction would the force of tension be in? http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4074/tensionforce.jpg The way I understand...
  40. H

    Measuring Elastic Modulus of Materials in Tensile Testing

    What could you do to obtain a more precise measure of the elastic modulus of a material in tensile testing?
  41. J

    Converting some data from a tensile testing device

    ok the device used is called a “Instron” electromechanical testing machine. not sure if anyone is familiar with this, but that isn't the real point. ok, so an aluminum beam, dimensions: "ext. gauge length: 4in" "Spec. gauge length: 2in" "thickness: 0.037in" "width: 0.5in" now, the...
  42. R

    Testing Pine Needle Packaging Material: Methodology and Errors

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  43. R

    Finding Tensile Force in Pulley Problem

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  44. A

    Mechanics Problems: Tensile Forces and Pressure

    Homework Statement A uniform, horizontal beam of length 4 weighs 150 N. It is connected to a wall by a hinge and is held horizontal by a cable of length 5; it holds a 300 N weight at its end away from the wall. The cable and the beam form a 3:4:5 triangle with the wall. Homework Equations...
  45. G

    What Is the Ultimate Tensile Stress of Rubber?

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  46. C

    Optimizing Silk Strand Diameter for Maximum Tensile Strength

    Is there a way to turn this tensile strength into maximum tension which is in Newtons?
  47. V

    Yield Point and Temparature relationship of High Tensile Steel

    I have a steel material that has a yield strength of 515 mpa and a tensile strength of 615 mpa at zero degrees. What i need to know is will the tensile strength and yield strength be higher than 293 mpa at 80 degrees. The steel is ahigh tensile grade steel from china (Q390C).
  48. B

    Formula for the tensile stress on a spinning ring

    I'm having a problem finding and equation that will give me the tensile stress acting on a spinning ring, like the rim of a flywheel, that is trying to "pull itself apart". The ring has no spokes or disc, but is just a ring spinning on its axis. I need to know how fast the ring can spin...
  49. M

    How Can I Design a Micro-Tensile Tester for Human Hair?

    looking to design and hopefully build a micro-tensile tester to test the properties of human hair. as part of my uni class I need to design the grippers involved and have a look at non contact extensiometers. Could anyone point me in the right direction with some links or books? or even...