Tensors Definition and 385 Threads

In mathematics, a tensor is an algebraic object that describes a (multilinear) relationship between sets of algebraic objects related to a vector space. Objects that tensors may map between include vectors and scalars, and even other tensors. There are many types of tensors, including scalars and vectors (which are the simplest tensors), dual vectors, multilinear maps between vector spaces, and even some operations such as the dot product. Tensors are defined independent of any basis, although they are often referred to by their components in a basis related to a particular coordinate system.
Tensors have become important in physics because they provide a concise mathematical framework for formulating and solving physics problems in areas such as mechanics (stress, elasticity, fluid mechanics, moment of inertia, ...), electrodynamics (electromagnetic tensor, Maxwell tensor, permittivity, magnetic susceptibility, ...), or general relativity (stress–energy tensor, curvature tensor, ...) and others. In applications, it is common to study situations in which a different tensor can occur at each point of an object; for example the stress within an object may vary from one location to another. This leads to the concept of a tensor field. In some areas, tensor fields are so ubiquitous that they are often simply called "tensors".
Tullio Levi-Civita and Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro popularised tensors in 1900 - continuing the earlier work of Bernhard Riemann and Elwin Bruno Christoffel and others - as part of the absolute differential calculus. The concept enabled an alternative formulation of the intrinsic differential geometry of a manifold in the form of the Riemann curvature tensor.

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  1. S

    Question about Riemann and Ricci Curvature Tensors

    After my studies of metric tensors and Cristoffel symbols, I decided to move on to the Riemann tensor and the Ricci curvature tensor. Now I noticed that the Einstein Field Equations contain the Ricci curvature tensor (R\mu\nu). Some sources say that you can derive this tensor by simply...
  2. T

    What Does an Isotropic Cartesian Tensor Look Like in Higher Dimensions?

    Does anyone have a proof of what a isotropic cartesian tensor should look like in three or four dimensions?
  3. electricspit

    Tensors: switching between mixed and contravariant components

    I'm working on the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor and I've found this in a book by Landau-Lifshitz: T^{i}_{k} = -\frac{1}{4\pi} \frac{\partial A_{\ell}}{\partial x^{i}} F^{k\ell}+\frac{1}{16\pi}\delta^{k}_{i} F_{\ell m} F^{\ell m} Becomes: T^{ik} = -\frac{1}{4\pi}...
  4. G

    Can Tensor Products Define (M,N) Tensors?

    From my understanding, an arbitrary (0,N) tensor can be expressed in terms of its components and the tensor products of N basis one-forms. Similarly, an arbitrary (M,0) tensor can be expressed in terms of its components and tensor products of its M basis vectors. What about an (M,N) tensor...
  5. W

    Tensors of Free Groups and Abelian groups

    Hi, let S be any set and let ##Z\{S\}## be the free group on ##S##, i.e., ##Z\{S\}## is the collection of all functions of finite support on ##S##. I am trying to show that for an Abelian group ##G## , we have that : ## \mathbb Z\{S\}\otimes G \sim |S|G = \bigoplus_{ s \in S} G ##, i.e., the...
  6. G

    Dual Tensors in Lagrangian: Why are they not included in U(1) theory?

    Why is it the case that dual field tensors, e.g. \widetilde{F}^{\mu\nu}=\frac{1}{2}\epsilon^{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}F_{\rho \sigma}, aren't being included in the Lagrangian? For example, one doesn't encounter terms like -\frac{1}{4}\widetilde{F}^{\mu\nu}\widetilde{F}_{\mu\nu} in QED or...
  7. S

    How to Calculate Heat Flux Through a Quebracho Wood Stick?

    Homework Statement American hardwood quebracho has thermal conductivity ##14W/mK## in axial direction, ##10W/mK## in radial direction and ##11W/mK## in ##z## direction. From a large block of wood we cut out a 10 cm long stick with radius ##4mm## in direction that forms the same angles with all...
  8. A

    What is the Definition of a Tensor and How Does it Transform?

    Homework Statement I'm learning a bit about tensors on my own. I've been given a definition of a tensor as an object which transforms upon a change of coordinates in one of two ways (contravariantly or covariantly) with the usual partial derivatives of the new and old coordinates. (I...
  9. N

    Understanding Index Notation and Tensor Operations in Vector Calculus

    Homework Statement Hi I have a vector v. According to my book, the following is valid: \frac{1}{2}\nabla v^2-v\cdot \nabla v = v\times \nabla \times v I disagree with this, because the first term on the LHS I can write as (partial differentiation) \frac{1}{2}\partial_i v_jv_j =...
  10. Math Amateur

    MHB Why Do Tensor Products Seem So Challenging?

    I have recently begun the task of trying to understand tensor products, but I must admit, I have found the going difficult. I have been working (mainly) from Dummit and Foote, which I have previously found to be a fairly "friendly" text for the person engaged in self study ... but the treatment...
  11. C

    Expressing general rotation in terms of tensors

    Homework Statement A general rotation through angle ##a## about the axis ##\underline{n}##, where ##\underline{n}^2 = 1## is given by $$R(a,\underline{n}) = \exp(-ia\underline{n} \cdot \underline{T}),$$ where ##(T_k)_{ij} = -i\epsilon_{ijk}##. By expanding the exponential as a power series in...
  12. D

    Interpretation of Hodge Dual of Antisymmetric Tensors in GR

    Hiya, I am a grad student who has had a couple semesters of GR. I am currently perusing a book about Two Spinors in Spacetime by Penrose and Rindler, as background for an essay on Spinor Methods in GR. My question relates to the concept of taking the Hodge Dual of a antisymmetric tensor. I...
  13. TrickyDicky

    Are there non-perfect fluid stress-energy tensors in GR?

    I'm trying to find examples of stress-energy tensors from exact solutions of the EFE corresponding physically to matter-that leaves out all vacuum solutions(including electrovacuum and lambdavacuum) and pure radiation(null dust)-, I'm finding hard to find any other than the usual SET from...
  14. TrickyDicky

    Tensors in GR and in mechanics

    Besides the dimensionality (4 vs. 3), how would you go about explaining the difference between tensors in GR and in continuum mechanics? I was asked by an engineer friend that finds GR too "esoteric" and complex to get into.
  15. P

    Tensors and General Relativity

    Hello all, I will preface this post with an apology for not putting it in the math/science learning materials section. This would have been the best place to post my question, but for some reason I can't post there. My question is the following: what depth of understanding must I have of...
  16. M

    Differences in Presentation of Ordinary Partial Derivatives of Tensors

    Ok folks, I've taken a stab at the Latex thing (for the first time, so please bear with me). I've mentioned before that I'm teaching myself relativity and tensors, and I've come across a question. I have a few different books that I'm referencing, and I've seen them present the ordinary...
  17. C

    Are you ready to test my knowledge of tensors?

    I finally got my library fine paid off last week and I Picked up Schaum's Outlines Tensor Calculus by David C. Kay. I figured I really need to learn about tensors because every time I read a book or paper about certain subjects such as relativity, nonlinear optics, aerodynamics, etc., I see...
  18. binbagsss

    Index notation/ Tensors, basic algebra questions.

    Ok I have T_{ij}=μS_{ij} + λ δ_{ij}δS_{kk}. I am working in R^3. (I am after S in terms of T) . I multiply by δ_{ij} to attain: δ_{ij}T_{ij}=δ_{ij}μS_{ij} + δ_{ij} λ δ_{ij}δT_{kk} => T_{jj}=δ_{jj}λS_{kk}+μS_{jj} * My question is , for the LH term of * I choose T_{jj} rathen than T_{ii}. I...
  19. Student100

    A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors

    Has anyone actually gone through this book? I was looking for something that explained tensors a bit clearer and came to this book. It has pretty good reviews, but I was wondering if anyone here has anything to add or suggestions. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0521171903/?tag=pfamazon01-20
  20. J

    Can the Second Derivative of a Function be Compact?

    Given a function f(x(t, s) y(t, s)), if is possible to compact \frac{∂f}{∂t}=\frac{∂f}{∂x} \frac{∂x}{∂t}+\frac{∂f}{∂y} \frac{∂y}{∂t} by \frac{df}{dt}=\bigtriangledown f\cdot \frac{d\vec{r}}{dt} So, analogously, isn't possible to compact the sencond derivate \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial s...
  21. Sudharaka

    MHB How Do You Convert Expressions into Bilinear Form?

    Hi everyone, :) I don't quite get what this question means. How do we convert the expression into the bilinear form first? Hope you people can give me some insight. :) Question: Find the rank of the bilinear function \((e^1+e^3)\otimes (e^2+e^4) - (e^2-e^4)\otimes (e_1-e_3)\).
  22. Sudharaka

    MHB Solution: What is Decomposable Tensor?

    Hi everyone, :) Here's a question I am trying to solve at the moment. I want to know what is meant by decomposable in this context. Really appreciate any input. :) Problem: Let \(V\) be a vector space over a field \(F\), \(\{e_1,\,e_2,\,\cdots,\,e_n\}\) a basis in \(V\) and...
  23. X

    Need resources to learn Tensors quick

    Anyone have a good introduction to Tensor PDF I can read. I don't want to read a 100 pages on Tensors. I'm looking for a short but in depth introduction to tensors. Anyone have any suggestions.
  24. S

    Using tensors and indicial notation

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for books that provide an introduction or a detailed explanation on the whole 4 vectors, tensors and using indicial notation (in the context of General Relativity or Quantum Field) - basically anything that explains to me how to...
  25. TheFerruccio

    Show that the following tensors have the same principal values

    I apologize for the sheer volume of questions I am asking. I have never faced this with an assignment. I get 90% of the way then spent 8 hours on the last 10%. This is inefficient. Problem Statement If T is has a non-zero determinant and is second order, show that ##\textbf{T}^\top...
  26. fluidistic

    Infinitesimal Lorentz transform and its inverse, tensors

    Homework Statement The problem can be found in Jackson's book. An infinitesimal Lorentz transform and its inverse can be written under the form ##x^{'\alpha}=(\eta ^{\alpha \beta}+\epsilon ^{\alpha \beta})x_{\beta}## and ##x^\alpha = (\eta ^{\alpha \beta}+\epsilon ^{'\alpha \beta})...
  27. F

    Binomial formula for spherical tensors

    We know that the Newton binomial formula is valid for numbers in elementary algebra. Is there an equivalent formula for commuting spherical tensors? If so, how is it? To be specific let us suppose that A and B are two spherical tensors of rank 1 and I want to calculate (A + B)4 and I want...
  28. R

    Transformation relations tensors

    I'm trying to understand the transformation relations for 2d stress and the book doesn't show the derivation of the 2d stress transformation relations from the directional cosines. The 2d stress transformation relations are found by using the transformation equation and the 2d directional...
  29. P

    Conceptual question: invariant tensors, raising and lowering indices

    Homework Statement When we raise and lower indices of vectors and tensors (in representations of any groups) we always use tensors which are invariant under the corresponding transformations, e.g. we use the Minkoski metric in representations of the Lorentz group...
  30. C

    Where should I start with tensors and their applications?

    I'm not really sure where I should post this forum in particular so I guess I'll just put it here haha. My questions: What are tensors in general? What are they used for? What Mathematics do I need to understand well, before I begin to learn tensor mathematics? Also does anyone know a good...
  31. V

    How Do General Relativity Tensors and Their Indices Work?

    This is a question on the nitty-gritty bits of general relativity. Would anybody mind teaching me how to work these indices? **Definitions**: Throughout the following, repeated indices are to be summed over. Hodge dual of a p-form X: (*X)_{a_1...a_{n-p}}\equiv...
  32. L

    What is the Issue with Tensor Contraction Notation?

    Hi all! I've got a short question concerning a minor notational issue about tensor contraction I've run across recently. Let A be an antisymmetric (0,2)-tensor and S a symmetric (2,0)-tensor. Then their total contraction is zero: C_1^1C_2^2\,A \otimes S=0. As a proof one simply computes...
  33. P

    Is Aijxi/xk a Contravariant Tensor of Rank 3?

    Hi, Homework Statement Given that Aij is a contravariant tensor of rank 2, is the following a contravariant tensor of rank 3: Aijxi/xk?The Attempt at a Solution Using the chain rule, I have found xi/xk to be a contravariant tensor of rank 1: \bar{x}i/\bar{x}k = \bar{x}i/xl * xl/\bar{x}k Is that...
  34. B

    Operation to make an (m+n)th rank tensor of rank-m and rank-n tensors

    Homework Statement We know that c[ij] = a[i]b[j] is a way to make a rank-2 tensor from two rank-1 tensors. We also know that C[abcxyz]=A[abc]B[xyz] is a way to make a rank-6 tensor from two rank-3 tensors. However, is there a matrix representation of this? I know the idea of a 6-dimensional...
  35. P

    Tensors Questions: Seeking Guidance

    Hi, Homework Statement I recently started delving into tensor calculus and am quite the stuck with the following: Given the tensor Ai = (x+y, y-x, z)i in cartesian coordinates, what would be the second covariant coordinate in cylindrical coordinates? AND Given the tensor Aij = (-1 0, -1 1)ij...
  36. J

    Transformation matrixes and tensors

    Hi All, I have a question about transformation matrices (sorry about the typo in the title). The background is that I've spent some time learning differential geometry in the context of continuum mechanics and general relativity, but I'm unable to connect some of the concepts. So I have this...
  37. R

    True Algebraic Nature of Tensors

    I have been puzzling over a best point of view to comprehend the true algebraic nature of tensors for years now. With vector spaces, I similarly puzzled and concluded that vector spaces are basically sets of abstract members that satisfy a closure on linearity relationship (i.e., any linear...
  38. D

    Stress tensors on a horizontal bar

    Homework Statement A horizontal support bar has a downwards force F = 450 N applied near one end, as shown. The radius of the bar is c = 4 cm, and the length L = 1.2 m. The stress tensor σ at any point describes the components of stress in a particular coordinate system. For the coordinate...
  39. quasar987

    SR Vectors & Tensors: Transformations Explained

    By the question in the title, I mean, do the so-called 4-vectors and tensors of SR transform as tangent vectors and tensors (in the sense of differential geometry) with respect to any transformation (local diffeomorphism) of the space-time coordinates or only with respect to Lorentz...
  40. P

    Contracting Tensors: Multiply by g^αρgασ?

    When contracting R^{\sigma}_{ \mbox{ }\mu\nu\rho} to R_{\mu\nu} Should one multiply by g^{\alpha\rho}g_{\alpha\sigma}? I often get confused with ordering of indices and such like
  41. B

    Can You Correctly Lower Tensor Indices Using the Metric Tensor?

    Homework Statement I have a tensor X^{μ\nu} and I want to make this into X_{μ\nu}. Can I do this by simply saying X_{μ\nu}=\eta_{μ\nu}\eta_{μ\nu} X^{μ\nu} ??
  42. P

    Contracting R_{αβ} to R^ρ_αβσ: No 16 Multiplier

    Can anyone explain how to contract R_{\alpha \beta} to R^{\rho}_{\alpha\beta\sigma} without multiplying it by 16 i.e g^{\rho\xi}g_{\xi\sigma} It is in a sum with other tensor products and so I obviusly can't just multiply one term by anything ither than 1. Should \eta 's be used...
  43. P

    Contracting Tensors: Why G^αβ?

    Why would g^{\alpha \beta} \partial_{\beta} T_{\beta \rho} become \partial^{\alpha} T_{\beta \rho} and not \partial^{\alpha} T_{\rho}^{\alpha} or could it be either?
  44. E

    Use of tensors for dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability

    Hello! In the study of electric and magnetic fields, two equations are called the constitutive relations of the medium (the vacuum, for example): \mathbf{D} = \mathbf{\epsilon} \cdot \mathbf{E}\\ \mathbf{B} = \mathbf{\mu} \cdot \mathbf{H} But in a generic medium (non linear, non...
  45. P

    Contracting Tensors: g^{\mu\nu}g_{\mu\nu}=4 & T

    Am i right in thinking: g^{\mu\nu}g_{\mu\nu}=4 \mbox{ and } g^{\mu\nu}T_{\mu\nu}=T ?
  46. M

    Tensors Notation - Summation Convention - meaning of (a_ij)*(a_ij)

    The summation convention for Tensor Notation says, that we can omit the summation signs and simply understand a summation over any index that appears twice. So consider a 3X3 matrix A whose elements are denoted by aij, where i and j are indices running from 1 to 3. Now consider the...
  47. H

    Invariant Tensors and Lorentz Transformation

    It is often stated that the Kronecker delta and the Levi-Civita epsilon are the only (irreducible) invariant tensors under the Lorentz transformation. While it is fairly easy to prove that the two tensors are indeed invariant wrt Lorentz transformation, I have not seen a proof that there aren't...
  48. J

    Understanding Tensors & General Relativity

    I enjoyed this video about tensors very much. I would recommend it to anyone seeking to understand the concept in general and general relativity specifically. https://vimeo.com/32413024 You can fast forward through the repetitive parts and try to place yourself in the role of beginner as you...
  49. P

    Temperature , tensors, and the unruh effect

    Given that an unaccelerated detector detects no Unruh radiation, and an accelerated detector does, it seems to me that whatever the detector is measuring, it can't (by definition) be a tensor, as it doesn't transform properly. I was wondering if there were anything in the literature that went...
  50. D

    Can tensors be defined without using coordinates in a physics-friendly way?

    My class is starting to cover E&M in Lorentz covariant form, and obviously the subject of tensors came up. The problem is that my prof defines tensors in terms of coordinates, which is ugly and against the spirit of relativity. Is there a way of doing tensors coordinate-free in a physics...